Using Asyncio subprocess in a pyramid view - pyramid

I am trying to run a asyncio sub-process in a pyramid view but the view hangs and the async task appears to never complete. I can run this example outside of a pyramid view and it works.
With that said I have tested originally using loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() but this tells me RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'Dummy-2'
There are certainly things I don't fully understand here. Like maybe the view thread is different to the main thread so get_event_loop doesn't work.
So does anybody know why my async task might not yield its result in this scenario? This is a naive example.
def async_task(dir):
# This task can be of varying length for each handled directory
print("Async task start")
create = asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
proc = yield from create
# Wait for the subprocess exit
data = yield from
exitcode = yield from proc.wait()
return (exitcode, data)
def test_async(request):
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
dirs = ['/tmp/1/', '/tmp/2/', '/tmp/3/']
tasks = []
for dir in dirs:
tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(async_task(dir), loop=loop))

You are invoking loop.run_until_complete in your view so clearly it is going to block until complete!
If you want to use asyncio with a WSGI app then you need to do so in another thread. For example you could spin up a thread that contains the eventloop and executes your async code. WSGI code is all synchronous and so any async code must be done this way, with it's own issues, or you can just live with it blocking the request thread like you're doing now.


Using contextlib.redirect_stdout in an async function redirects output of other tasks

I want to redirect the output of a few lines in my code that I don't have control over, but the outputs are not relevant. I've been able to use contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) in a synchronous function to successfully redirect the lines I want, but I can't do it with an async function
This is what I have so far
import asyncio
import contextlib
import sys
async def long_function(val: int, semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore, file_out, old_stdout=sys.stdout):
# Only let two tasks start at a time
await semaphore.acquire()
print(f"{val}: Starting")
# Redirect stdout of ONLY the lines within this context manager
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(file_out):
await asyncio.sleep(3) # long-running task that prints output I can't control, but is not useful to me
print(f"{val}: Finished redirect")
print(f"{val}: Done")
async def main():
# I want to limit the number of concurrent tasks to 2
semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(2)
# Create a list of tasks to perform
file_out = open("file.txt", "w")
tasks = []
for i in range(0, 9):
tasks.append(long_function(i, semaphore, file_out))
# Gather/run the tasks
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
if __name__ == '__main__':
When running this, however, the output of other tasks is also placed into the "file.txt" file. I only want the "Finished redirect" to be placed into the file
I see the following in the Python docs
Note that the global side effect on sys.stdout means that this context manager is not suitable for use in library code and most threaded applications. It also has no effect on the output of subprocesses. However, it is still a useful approach for many utility scripts.
Is there any other way to go about this, or do I just have to live with the output as-is?
Thanks for any help!

Is it possible for two coroutines running in different threads can communicate with each other by asyncio.Queue?

Two coroutintes in code below, running in different threads, cannot communicate with each other by asyncio.Queue. After the producer inserts a new item in asyncio.Queue, the consumer cannot get this item from that asyncio.Queue, it gets blocked in method await self.n_queue.get().
I try to print the ids of asyncio.Queue in both consumer and producer, and I find that they are same.
import asyncio
import threading
import time
class Consumer:
def __init__(self):
self.n_queue = None
self._event = None
def run(self, loop):
async def consume(self):
while True:
print("id of n_queue in consumer:", id(self.n_queue))
data = await self.n_queue.get()
print("get data ", data)
async def main(self):
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
self.n_queue = asyncio.Queue(loop=loop)
task = asyncio.create_task(self.consume())
await asyncio.gather(task)
async def produce(self):
print("id of queue in producer ", id(self.n_queue))
await self.n_queue.put("This is a notification from server")
class Producer:
def __init__(self, consumer, loop):
self._consumer = consumer
self._loop = loop
def start(self):
while True:
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
consumer = Consumer()
threading.Thread(, args=(loop,)).start()
producer = Producer(consumer, loop)
id of n_queue in consumer: 2255377743176
id of queue in producer 2255377743176
id of queue in producer 2255377743176
id of queue in producer 2255377743176
I try to debug step by step in asyncio.Queue, and I find after the method self._getters.append(getter) is invoked in asyncio.Queue, the item is inserted in queue self._getters. The following snippets are all from asyncio.Queue.
async def get(self):
"""Remove and return an item from the queue.
If queue is empty, wait until an item is available.
while self.empty():
getter = self._loop.create_future()
await getter
# ...
return self.get_nowait()
When a new item is inserted into asycio.Queue in producer, the methods below would be invoked. The variable self._getters has no items although it has same id in methods put() and set().
def put_nowait(self, item):
"""Put an item into the queue without blocking.
If no free slot is immediately available, raise QueueFull.
if self.full():
raise QueueFull
self._unfinished_tasks += 1
def _wakeup_next(self, waiters):
# Wake up the next waiter (if any) that isn't cancelled.
while waiters:
waiter = waiters.popleft()
if not waiter.done():
Does anyone know what's wrong with the demo code above? If the two coroutines are running in different threads, how could they communicate with each other by asyncio.Queue?
Short answer: no!
Because the asyncio.Queue needs to share the same event loop, but
An event loop runs in a thread (typically the main thread) and executes all callbacks and Tasks in its thread. While a Task is running in the event loop, no other Tasks can run in the same thread. When a Task executes an await expression, the running Task gets suspended, and the event loop executes the next Task.
Even though you can pass the event loop to threads, it might be dangerous to mix the different concurrency concepts. Still note, that passing the loop just means that you can add tasks to the loop from different threads, but they will still be executed in the main thread. However, adding tasks from threads can lead to race conditions in the event loop, because
Almost all asyncio objects are not thread safe, which is typically not a problem unless there is code that works with them from outside of a Task or a callback. If there’s a need for such code to call a low-level asyncio API, the loop.call_soon_threadsafe() method should be used
Typically, you should not need to run async functions in different threads, because they should be IO bound and therefore a single thread should be sufficient to handle the work load. If you still have some CPU bound tasks, you are able to dispatch them to different threads and make the result awaitable using asyncio.to_thread, see
There are many questions already about this topic, see e.g. Send asyncio tasks to loop running in other thread or How to combine python asyncio with threads?
If you want to learn more about the concurrency concepts, I recommend to read

running asyncio task concurrently and in background

So apologies because i've seen this question asked a bunch, but having looked through all of the questions none seem to fix my problem. My code looks like this
TDSession = TDClient()
q = queue.Queue(10), q))
while True:
message = q.get()
print('oh shoot!')
I have tried doing asyncio.create_task(listener.startStreaming(TDSession,q)), the problem is I get
RuntimeError: no running event loop
sys:1: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'startStreaming' was never awaited
which confused me because this seemed to work here Can an asyncio event loop run in the background without suspending the Python interpreter? which is what i'm trying to do.
with the listener.startStreaming func looking like this
async def startStreaming(TDSession, q):
streamingClient = TDSession.create_streaming_session()
await streamingClient.build_pipeline()
while True:
message = await streamingClient.start_pipeline()
message = parseMessage(message)
if message != None:
print('putting message into q')
print( dict(message) )
Is there a way to make this work where I can run the listener in the background?
EDIT: I've tried this as well, but it only runs the consumer function, instead of running both at the same time
q = queue.Queue(10)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.create_task(listener.startStreaming(TDSession, q))
loop.create_task(consumer(TDSession, q))
As you found out, the function runs the given coroutine until it is complete. In other words, it waits for the coroutine returned by listener.startStreaming to finish before proceeding to the next line.
Using asyncio.create_task, on the other hand, requires the caller to be already running inside an asyncio loop already. From the docs:
The task is executed in the loop returned by get_running_loop(), RuntimeError is raised if there is no running loop in current thread.
What you need is to combine the two, by creating a function that's async, and then call create_task inside that async function.
For example:
async def main():
TDSession = TDClient()
q = asyncio.Queue(10)
streaming_task = asyncio.create_task(listener.startStreaming(TDSession, q))
while True:
message = await q.get()
print('oh shoot!')
await streaming_task # If you want to wait for `startStreaming` to complete after the while loop
if __name__ == '__main__':
Edit: From your comment I realized you want to use the producer-consumer pattern, so I also updated the example above to use asyncio.Queue instead of a queue.Queue, in order for the thread to be able to jump between the producer (startStreaming) and the consumer (the while loop)

Call async function from sync function, while the synchronous function continues : Python

After perusing many docs on AsyncIO and articles I still could not find an answer to this : Run a function asynchronously (without using a thread) and also ensure the function calling this async function continues its execution.
Pseudo - code :
async def functionAsync(p):
#perform intensive calculations
print ("Async loop done")
def functionNormal():
p = ""
return ("Main loop ended")
print ("Start Code")
print functionNormal()
Expected Output :
Start code
Main loop ended
Async loop done
Searched examples where loop.run_until_complete is used, but that will not return the print value of functionNormal() as it is blocking in nature.
asyncio can't run arbitrary code "in background" without using threads. As user4815162342 noted is asyncio you run event loop that blocks main thread and manages execution of coroutines.
If you want to use asyncio and take advantage of using it, you should rewrite all your functions that uses coroutines to be coroutines either up to main function - entry point of your program. This main coroutine is usually passed to run_until_complete. This little post reveals this topic in more detail.
Since you're interested in Flask, take a look Quart: it's a web framework that tries to implement Flask API (as much as it's possible) in terms of asyncio. Reason this project exists is because pure Flask isn't compatible with asyncio. Quart is written to be compatible.
If you want to stay with pure Flask, but have asynchronous stuff, take a look at gevent. Through monkey-patching it can make your code asynchronous. Although this solution has its own problems (which why asyncio was created).
Maybe it's a bit late, but I'm running into a similar situation and I solved it in Flask by using run_in_executor:
def work(p):
# intensive work being done in the background
def endpoint():
p = ""
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_in_executor(None, work, p)
I'm not sure however how safe this is since the loop is not being closed.
Here is an implementation of a helper function which you can use like this:
result = synchronize_async_helper(some_async_function(parmater1,parameter2))
import asyncio
def synchronize_async_helper(to_await):
async_response = []
async def run_and_capture_result():
r = await to_await
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
coroutine = run_and_capture_result()
return async_response[0]
Assuming the synchronous function is inside an asynchronous function, you can solve it using exceptions.
Pseudo code:
class CustomError(Exception):
async def main():
def test_syn():
# Start Async
raise CustomError
except CustomError:
await asyncio.sleep(2)

Why is the asyncio is blocking with the processPool?

I have a following code:
import time
import asyncio
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
def blocking_func(x):
print("In blocking waiting")
time.sleep(x) # Pretend this is expensive calculations
print("after blocking waiting")
return x * 5
def main():
executor = ProcessPoolExecutor()
out = yield from loop.run_in_executor(executor, blocking_func, 2) # This does not
print("after process pool")
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
In blocking waiting
after blocking waiting
after process pool
But I was expecting the process pool will run the code in different process. So I was expecting the output to be:
Expecting output:
In blocking waiting
after process pool
after blocking waiting
I thought if we run the code on process pool it would not block the main loop.But in the output it came back to the main event loop after it is done with the blocking function.
What is blocking the event loop? Is it the blocking_function? If it is the blocking_function what is the use of having the process pool?
yield from here means "wait for coroutine to complete and return its result". Comparing to Python threading API, it is like calling join().
To get desired result, use something like this:
def main():
executor = ProcessPoolExecutor()
task = loop.run_in_executor(executor, blocking_func, 2)
# at this point your blocking func is already running
# in the executor process
print("after process pool")
out = yield from task
Coroutines arent' t separate processes. The difference is that coroutines need to give up control to the loop by themselves. This means if you have a blocking coroutine then it will block the whole loop.
The reason you use coroutines is mainly to handle I/O activities. If you are waiting for a message you can simply check a socket and if nothing happens you will return to the main loop. Then other coroutines can be handled before finally the control comes back to the IO function.
In your case it makes sense to use await asyncio.sleep(x) instead of time.sleep(x). This way control is suspended from blocking_func() for the sleep time. Afterwards control goes back there and the result should be as you expected it.
More infos:
