Write Quick Sort in Haskell and need help to resolve the issue - haskell

I try to write a quick sort in Haskell and I knew there are many versions out there.
This one is pretty simple for Int type
quickSort1 [] = []
quickSort1 (x:xs) = [l | l <- xs, l < x] ++ [x] ++ [ r | r <- xs, r > x]
I can print on Main as following
print $ quickSort1 [] -- output []
print $ quickSort1 [2, 1] -- output [1, 2]
I modified the above quickSort1 to "more general" type with (Ord a) instead of Int
quickSort2::(Ord a)=>[a]->Maybe [a]
quickSort2 [] = Nothing
quickSort2 (x:xs) = Just $ [ l | l <- xs, l < x] ++ [x] ++ [ r | r <- xs, r > x]
On my Main, I can run
it works
print $ quickSort2 [2, 1] -- output [1, 2]
I got compiler error when I run following
print $ quickSort2 [] -- got error
Can anyone explain to me what is going on with my new version of quickSort2

I assume you use a file foo.hs and in it
main = print $ quicksort []
quicksort = ... - as defined above in quickSort2
then you get two error messages when you runghc foo.hs
foo.hs:3:8: error:
• Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘print’
prevents the constraint ‘(Show a0)’ from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘a0’ should be.
These potential instances exist:
instance Show Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Show’
instance Show Integer -- Defined in ‘GHC.Show’
instance Show a => Show (Maybe a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Show’
...plus 22 others
...plus 11 instances involving out-of-scope types
(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
• In the expression: print $ quicksort []
In an equation for ‘main’: main = print $ quicksort []
one telling you that ghc cannot tell what Show instance to use and ghc 8 already tells you how to solve this:
add a type annotation (as #duplode already suggested)
main = print $ quicksort ([] :: [Int])
Quite similar but slightly different is the second error message
foo.hs:3:16: error:
• Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘quicksort’
prevents the constraint ‘(Ord a0)’ from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘a0’ should be.
These potential instances exist:
instance Ord Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Classes’
instance Ord Integer
-- Defined in ‘integer-gmp-’
instance Ord a => Ord (Maybe a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
...plus 22 others
...plus five instances involving out-of-scope types
(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
• In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘quicksort []’
In the expression: print $ quicksort []
In an equation for ‘main’: main = print $ quicksort []
Where in the first message the print function demanded a Show instance - here you promised the quicksort to supply a list of orderables - but did not say which to use, so GHC complains about what Ord to use.
Both messages are due to the fact that [] is too polymorphic it could be a list of anything - [Int] is good, but it could also be something like [Int -> Bool] which is neither Showable nor Orderable.
You could as well supply quicksort with something weird like a
newtype HiddenInt = HI Int deriving (Ord) --but not Show
which would work for the quicksort function but not for print.
Side Note
Your quicksort functions need to be recursive in order to really be correct - as I pointed out in my comments - there is a logical problem in your algorithm - be sure to test your functions properly e.g.
import Data.List (sort)
main :: IO ()
main = do print $ "quicksort [10,9..1] == Just (sort [10,9..1]) is: "
++ show $ quicksort ([10,9..1]::Int]) == Just (sort ([10,9..1]::Int]))
print $ "quicksort [5,5,5] == Just (sort [5,5,5]) is: "
++ show $ quicksort ([5,5,5] :: [Int]) == Just (sort ([5,5,5] :: [Int]))
quicksort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Maybe [a]
quicksort = ...
or if you are interested take a look at QuickCheck - which is a bit more advanced, but a step in the right direction for verifying your algorithms/functions work the way you expect them.


why does quickCheck create lists of units

I tried the following from the paper QuickCheck Testing for fun and profit.
prop_revApp xs ys = reverse (xs ++ ys) == reverse xs ++ reverse ys
and it passed even though it should not have.
I ran verboseCheck and I see that it is only checking lists of units, i.e.:
I was wondering why this was.
I am aware I can fix it by defining the type of the property but was wondering if this was necessary or I was missing something.
The prop_revApp function is quite generic:
*Main> :t prop_revApp
prop_revApp :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
If you're just loading the code in GHCi, and run it, yes, indeed, the property passes:
*Main> quickCheck prop_revApp
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
This is because GHCi comes with a set of preferred defaults. For convenience, it'll try to use the simplest type it can.
It doesn't get much simpler than (), and since () has an Eq instance, it picks that.
If, on the other hand, you actually try to write and compile some properties, the code doesn't compile:
import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
import Test.QuickCheck
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
prop_revApp xs ys = reverse (xs ++ ys) == reverse xs ++ reverse ys
tests = [
testGroup "Example" [
testProperty "prop_revApp" prop_revApp
If you try to run these tests with stack test, you'll get a compiler error:
test\Spec.hs:11:17: error:
* Ambiguous type variable `a0' arising from a use of `testProperty'
prevents the constraint `(Arbitrary a0)' from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `a0' should be.
These potential instances exist:
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Either a b)
-- Defined in `Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary'
instance Arbitrary Ordering
-- Defined in `Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary'
instance Arbitrary Integer
-- Defined in `Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary'
...plus 19 others
...plus 61 instances involving out-of-scope types
(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
* In the expression: testProperty "prop_revApp" prop_revApp
In the second argument of `testGroup', namely
`[testProperty "prop_revApp" prop_revApp]'
In the expression:
testGroup "Example" [testProperty "prop_revApp" prop_revApp]
11 | testProperty "prop_revApp" prop_revApp
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
You'll have to give the property a more specific type; e.g.
tests = [
testGroup "Example" [
testProperty "prop_revApp" (prop_revApp :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool)
Now the test compiles, but fails:
$ stack test
Q56101904- test (suite: Q56101904-test)
prop_revApp: [Failed]
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests and 3 shrinks):
(used seed -7398729956129639050)
Properties Total
Passed 0 0
Failed 1 1
Total 1 1
Q56101904- Test suite Q56101904-test failed
Test suite failure for package Q56101904-
Q56101904-test: exited with: ExitFailure 1
Logs printed to console

Haskell/HSpec: Understanding error message

I have the following function that is supposed to return the last but one element of a list:
myButLast :: [a] -> a
myButLast [] = error "List has less than one element!"
myButLast [x] = error "List has less than one element!"
myButLast [x,_] = x
myButLast (_:xs) = myButLast xs
It works for all special cases when I load it into ghci, but when I try to test it using HSpec, I get an error when running this spec:
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "myButLast" $ do
-- removed other specs --
it "throws an error when called with a singleton list" $
myButLast [1] `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
This is the error message:
No instance for (Num (IO a0)) arising from the literal `1'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num (IO a0))
In the expression: 1
In the first argument of `myButLast', namely `[1]'
In the first argument of `shouldThrow', namely `myButLast [1]'
Interestingly, the compiler does not complain when test myButLast [] instead of myButLast [1], although the results of both expressions are defined exactly the same.
As simon pointed out:
myButLast [1] simply has the wrong type, namely Num a => a, while shouldThrow expects a first argument of type IO a.
So, the more interesting question is:
Why doesn't the compiler complain about the type of myButLast []?
The reason for this is: As the literal [] can also be of type [IO a], the compiler infers the type of myButLast [] to be IO a, because this is the only thing that would be a valid first argument to shouldThrow.
To answer the question behind the question: to write the test, you want to use evaluate:
import Control.Exception.Base
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "myButLast" $ do
it "throws an error when called with a singleton list" $
evaluate (myButLast [1]) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall

Specify list type for input

I'm learning Haskell and I've decided to to the H-99 problem set. Naturally, I've become stuck on the first problem!
I have the following code:
module Main where
getLast [] = []
getLast x = x !! ((length x) - 1)
main = do
putStrLn "Enter a list:"
x <- readLn
print (getLast x)
Compiling this code gives the following error:
No instance for (Read a0) arising from a use of `readLn'
The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Read () -- Defined in `GHC.Read'
instance (Read a, Read b) => Read (a, b) -- Defined in `GHC.Read'
instance (Read a, Read b, Read c) => Read (a, b, c)
-- Defined in `GHC.Read'
...plus 25 others
In a stmt of a 'do' block: x <- readLn
In the expression:
do { putStrLn "Enter a list:";
x <- readLn;
print (getLast x) }
In an equation for `main':
= do { putStrLn "Enter a list:";
x <- readLn;
print (getLast x) }
No instance for (Show a0) arising from a use of `print'
The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Show Double -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance Show Float -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance (Integral a, Show a) => Show (GHC.Real.Ratio a)
-- Defined in `GHC.Real'
...plus 26 others
In a stmt of a 'do' block: print (getLast x)
In the expression:
do { putStrLn "Enter a list:";
x <- readLn;
print (getLast x) }
In an equation for `main':
= do { putStrLn "Enter a list:";
x <- readLn;
print (getLast x) }
That's a large error, but it seems to me that Haskell isn't sure what the input type will be. That's fine, and completely understandable. However, as this is supposed to work on a list of generics, I'm not sure how to specify that type. I tried this:
x :: [a] <- readLn
...as [a] is the type that Haskell returns for an empty list (found with :t []). This won't compile either.
As I'm a beginner, I know there's a lot I'm missing, but in a basic sense - how can I satisfy Haskell's type system with input code? I'm a Haskell beginner looking for a beginner answer, if that's at all possible. (Also, note that I know there's a better way to do this problem (reverse, head) but this is the way I came up with first, and I'd like to see if I can make it work.)
You can't hope to write something like this which will detect the type of x at run time -- what kind of thing you're reading must be known at compile time. That's why #Sibi's answer uses [Int]. If it can't be deduced, you get a compile time error.
If you want a polymorphic read, you have to construct your own parser which lists the readable types.
maybeDo :: (Monad m) => Maybe a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
maybeDo f Nothing = return ()
maybeDo f (Just x) = f x
main = do
str <- getLine
maybeDo (maybeRead str :: Maybe Int) $ \i ->
putStrLn $ "Got an Int: " ++ show i
maybeDo (maybeRead str :: Maybe String) $ \s ->
putStrLn $ "Got a String: " ++ show s
There are lots of ways to factor out this repetition, but at some point you'll have to list all the types you'll accept.
(An easy way to see the problem is to define a new type MyInt which has the same Read instance as Int -- then how do we know whether read "42" should return an Int or a MyInt?)
This should work:
getLast :: Num a => [a] -> a
getLast [] = 0
getLast x = x !! ((length x) - 1)
main = do
putStrLn "Enter a list:"
x <- readLn :: IO [Int]
print (getLast x)
why return 0 for an empty list, instead of an empty list?
Because it won't typecheck. Because you are returning [] for empty list and for other cases you are returning the element inside the list i.e a. Now since a type is not equal to list, it won't typecheck. A better design would be to catch this type of situation using the Maybe datatype.
Also, because of returning 0, the above function will work only for List of types which have Num instances created for them. You can alleviate that problem using error function.
However, this should work for a generic list, not just a list of Ints
or Numbers, right?
Yes, it should work for a polymorphic list. And you can create a function like getLast which will work for all type of List. But when you want to get input from the user, it should know what type of input you are giving. Because the typechecker won't be able to know whether you meant it as List of Int or List of Double or so on.

No instance for (Show a0) arising from a use of `print' The type variable `a0' is ambiguous

data NestedList a = Elem a | List [NestedList a]
flatten :: NestedList a -> [a]
flatten (Elem element) = [element]
flatten (List []) = []
flatten (List (first:rest)) = flatten first ++ flatten (List (rest))
main = print $ flatten $ List []
I wrote the above seen code in haskell. When I execute this with any other parameter, for example
main = print $ flatten $ List [Elem 1, Elem 2]
main = print $ flatten $ Elem 1
It gives
[1, 2]
It fails when I execute it with an empty List.
main = print $ flatten $ List []
Error message
No instance for (Show a0) arising from a use of `print'
The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Show Double -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance Show Float -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance (Integral a, Show a) => Show (GHC.Real.Ratio a)
-- Defined in `GHC.Real'
...plus 23 others
In the expression: print
In the expression: print $ flatten $ List []
In an equation for `main': main = print $ flatten $ List []
Why does it fail and how can I fix this?
Should I change my NestedList definition to accept an empty List? If so, how do I do that. Its quite confusing.
The list type is polymorphic. Since you don't supply an element, just the empty list constructor [], there's no way to infer what list type this is.
Is it: [] :: [Int]
or [] :: [Maybe (Either String Double)]. Who's to say?
You are. Supply a type annotation to resolve the polymorphism, then GHC can dispatch to the correct show instance.
main = print $ flatten $ List ([] :: [Int])
To add to the answers here already, you may object "but what does it matter what type of things my list contains? it doesn't have any of them in it!"
Well, first of all, it is easy to construct situations in which it's unclear whether or not the list is empty, and anyway type checking hates to look at values, it only wants to look at types. This keeps things simpler, because it means that when it comes to deal with values, you can be sure you already know all the types.
Second of all, it actually does matter what kind of list it is, even if it's empty:
ghci> print ([] :: [Int])
ghci> print ([] :: [Char])
The problem is the compiler can't know the type of flatten $ List []. Try to figure out the type yourself, you'll see it's [a] for some a, whilst print requires its argument to be an instance of Show, and [a] is an instance of Show if a is an instance of Show. Even though your list is empty, so there's no need for any constraint on a to represent [], there's no way for the compiler to know.
As such, putting an explicit type annotation (for any type for which an instance of Show exists) should work:
main = print $ flatten $ List ([] :: [NestedList Int])
main = print $ flatten $ List ([] :: [NestedList ()])
main = print fl
fl :: [()]
fl = flatten $ List []
[] can be a list of floats, strings, booleans or actually any type at all. Thus, print does not know which instance of show to use.
Do as the error message says and give an explicit type, as in ([] :: [Int]).

Explain monomorphism restriction to me please?

I started doing 99 haskell problems and I was on problem 7 and my unittests were blowing up.
Apparently, it's due to this: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Monomorphism_restriction
I just wanted to make sure I understood this correctly because I'm kinda confused.
situation 1: func a is defined with no type def or with a non-strict type def and then used once, the compiler has no issues infering the type at compile time.
situation 2: the same func a is used many times in the program, the compiler can't be 100% sure what the type is unless it recomputes the function for the given arguments.
To avoid the computation loss, ghc complains to the programmer that it needs a strict type def on a
to work correctly.
I think in my situation, assertEqual has the type def of
assertEqual :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> Assertion
I was getting an error when test3 was defined that I interpreted as saying that it had 2 possible types for the return of testcase3 (Show and Eq) and didn't know how to continue.
Does that sound correct or am I completely off?
-- # Problem 7
-- Flatten a nested list structure.
import Test.HUnit
-- Solution
data NestedList a = Elem a | List [NestedList a]
flatten :: NestedList a -> [a]
flatten (Elem x) = [x]
flatten (List x) = concatMap flatten x
-- Tests
testcase1 = flatten (Elem 5)
assertion1 = [5]
testcase2 = flatten (List [Elem 1, List [Elem 2, List [Elem 3, Elem 4], Elem 5]])
assertion2 = [1,2,3,4,5]
-- This explodes
-- testcase3 = flatten (List [])
-- so does this:
-- testcase3' = flatten (List []) :: Eq a => [a]
-- this does not
testcase3'' = flatten (List []) :: Num a => [a]
-- type def based off `:t assertEqual`
assertEmptyList :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> [a] -> Assertion
assertEmptyList str xs = assertEqual str xs []
test1 = TestCase $ assertEqual "" testcase1 assertion1
test2 = TestCase $ assertEqual "" testcase2 assertion2
test3 = TestCase $ assertEmptyList "" testcase3''
tests = TestList [test1, test2, test3]
-- Main
main = runTestTT tests
1st situation: testcase3 = flatten (List [])
GHCi, version 7.4.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( problem7.hs, interpreted )
Ambiguous type variable `a0' in the constraints:
(Eq a0)
arising from a use of `assertEmptyList' at problem7.hs:29:20-34
(Show a0)
arising from a use of `assertEmptyList' at problem7.hs:29:20-34
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`assertEmptyList "" testcase3'
In the expression: TestCase $ assertEmptyList "" testcase3
In an equation for `test3':
test3 = TestCase $ assertEmptyList "" testcase3
Failed, modules loaded: none.
2nd situation: testcase3 = flatten (List []) :: Eq a => [a]
GHCi, version 7.4.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( problem7.hs, interpreted )
Ambiguous type variable `a0' in the constraints:
(Eq a0)
arising from an expression type signature at problem7.hs:22:13-44
(Show a0)
arising from a use of `assertEmptyList' at problem7.hs:29:20-34
Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction applied to the following:
testcase3 :: [a0] (bound at problem7.hs:22:1)
Probable fix: give these definition(s) an explicit type signature
or use -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
In the expression: flatten (List []) :: Eq a => [a]
In an equation for `testcase3':
testcase3 = flatten (List []) :: Eq a => [a]
Failed, modules loaded: none.
It's not so much the monomorphism restriction, it's the resolution of ambiguous type variables by defaulting that causes the compilation failure.
-- This explodes
-- testcase3 = flatten (List [])
-- so does this:
-- testcase3' = flatten (List []) :: Eq a => [a]
-- this does not
testcase3'' = flatten (List []) :: Num a => [a]
flatten :: NestedList a -> [a]
flatten (Elem x) = [x]
flatten (List x) = concatMap flatten x
flatten imposes no constraints on the type variable a, so there's no problem with the definition of testcase3 as such, it would be polymorphic.
But when you use it in test3,
test3 = TestCase $ assertEmptyList "" testcase3 -- ''
you inherit the constraints of
assertEmptyList :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> [a] -> Assertion
Now the compiler has to find out at which type testcase3 should be used there. There is not enough context to determine the type, so the compiler tries to resolve the type variable by defaulting. According to the defaulting rules, a context (Eq a, Show a) cannot be resolved by defaulting, since only contexts involving at least one numeric class are eligible for defaulting. So compilation fails due to an ambiguous type variable.
testcase3' and testcase3'' however fall under the monomorphism restriction due to the expression type signature which imposes constraints on the right hand side of the definition that are inherited by the left.
testcase3' fails to compile due to that, regardless of whether it is used in an assertion.
testcase3'' gets defaulted to [Integer] since the expression type signature imposes a numeric constraint. Thus when the type is monomorphised for testcase'', the constrained type variable is defaulted to Integer. Then there is no question of the type at which it is used in test3.
If you had given type signatures to the bindings instead of to the right hand side,
testcase3' :: Eq a => [a]
testcase3' = flatten (List [])
testcase3'' :: Num a => [a]
testcase3'' = flatten (List [])
both values would have compiled on their own to polymorphic values, but still only testcase3'' would be usable in test3, since only that introduces the required numeric constraint to allow defaulting.
