I'm just starting out with npm. I use visual studio and everything is working great. I've got my packages installed.
How do I go about publishing the website with the node modules? If I publish the site within visual studio 2015 right now, it is missing all the scripts installed via npm.
Do I need to include the npm_modules folder in my project? If so I've tried just to test, and it seems to freeze VS2015 on every attempt. I've failed to find information on how to do this. I'm guessing there is an easy fix that I'm just not aware of.
A brute force solution is to set the following project setting:
tab 'Package/Publish Web
Set 'Items to deploy ....' to 'All files in this project folder
See also this answer:
How to "Add Existing Item" an entire directory structure in Visual Studio?
When I am trying to run an ASP.Net Core project in Visual Studio 2015, a Microsoft Visual Studio dialog appears "The project doesn't know how to run the profile IIS Express".
Does anyone know anything about this message, or how to fix it? I've searched Google and the MSDN. There's nothing in the build logs, or the Windows event log.
This dialog showed up for me when I had migrated a project from dotnet RC1 to RC2.
Before the fix I could still run it using dotnet run and from Visual Studio choosing the profile other than "IIS Express".
I had misread this guide and forgot the .Web
\DNX\Microsoft.DNX.targets –> \DotNet.Web\Microsoft.DotNet.Web.targets
After fixing this and restarting Visual Studio(not sure if needed) I could run the project using the IIS Express profile.
Should also be noted that as per the comments, adding .Web in the top level node is required in the xproj. <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> should be <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">.
In my case the issue was solved after added the ASP.NET and web development tool extension to my VS instalation.
To clarify the answer from hultqvist, it is a problem with the xproj. To fix it, edit the xproj directly and change this
<Import Project="$(VSToolsPath)\DotNet\Microsoft.DotNet.targets"
Condition="'$(VSToolsPath)' != ''" />
to this
<Import Project="$(VSToolsPath)\DotNet.Web\Microsoft.DotNet.Web.targets"
Condition="'$(VSToolsPath)' != ''" />
That is, insert Web twice.
There is an associated issue in the aspnet tooling repo.
I had the same issue and found a very simple solution for Visual Studio 2017. In Visual Studio 2017 go to Solution Explorer then right click on your project file. In the menu you will see "Set as StartUp Project". If you can select it then select it. Now run your project again.
I had a similar issue but with "MyProjectName" instead of IIS Express.
In my case, I was trying to start as a standalone application, so I cleaned the launchSettings.json
I inadvertently changed the "commandName" parameter from "Project" to "MyProjectName" and that caused the popup to show up.
Resetting it back to "Project" solved my issue, silly me 😁
I had a similar issue, In my case ASP.NET and web development is enabled but Development time IIS support is not checked in the optional sections.
Once I enable the Development time IIS support solved my issue.
You can get this error with RTM if <BaseIntermediateOutputPath gets corrupted or is incorrect in your .xproj file.
I had this same issue and after digging around for a while I discovered that I had dotnet preview v1.0.0-preview2 installed under Programs Files (x86) and a non-preview version in x64. I think VS is launching the x86 (preview) version but expecting to see the full version. To fix this, I did the following.
from programs and feature uninstall every visible dotnet core. (note: this did not remove the x86 preview)
go to https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/core#/sdk and install BOTH x86 and x64 SDK packages
open command line and from the root directory check run: dotnet --version (at the time of writting it was 1.0.4
fire up .net core project in VS 2017 and run.
When I did all of the above, I was able to start up the site in IIS Express from VS.
This happened to me after a failed update of visual studio 2017 15.9.4
Setup completed with warnings and when I checked the problems saw that .NET core SDK 2.1 installation is failed.
I will try to install it manually.
Otherwise currently the only solution I found is to uninstall visual studio and re-install it.
In visual Studio 2017, i fixed this error by doing the following two steps.
I went to add or remove a program in windows, and deleted everything ending with ".net". I then reinstalled them in the visual studio installer. Then loading the project again produced a new error, which condiosluzverde provided the solution to here:
How Can I Fix the Microsoft Visual Studio Error: "Package Did Not Load Correctly"?
Same thing happened to me, my project was working fine. I didn't do any RC1 to RC2 update & this popup appeared from nowhere.
I fixed the problem by updating visual studio. You can also consider repairing VS.
Below is the error that I is displayed when in tried to run Orchard (1.10 and 1.10.1) source from Visual studio 2015 community version.
I know that it is somehow related with configuration settings, but I am unable to solve it.
The same files, when placed in the local IIS runs without any problems. Is there anything that I am missing in visual studio 2015?
How to resolve this error?
Is the displayed 'Config file' path corresponding to your folder?
Because it doesn't seem to be a folder coming from the source code.
Sometime, IIS Express messes up when you try to launch a site with the same port that a previously used one.
Try to read your applicationhost.config (see IIS Express in tasks bar to get the path).
You could also try to change the port in Orchard.Web properties.
I have a team working on a client-side node.js application. The sources are stored in a source control. I'd like to modify and debug this application in Visual Studio 2015. They use other IDEs, and I would not like to add additional VS-specific files such as .sln to source control.
I'm able to clone the repository, create a separate empty solution and add the repository as an "Existing Web Site". However, Visual Studio do not recognize package.json, and do not install dependencies as it would for MVC6 projects. Consequently gruntfile.js would not work either.
Is there any way to make Visual Studio see and process package.json, or I'm on a wrong track here?
Instead of using the "Existing Web Site" option, create a new solution and add items to it. Web Site Projects types are a different, legacy project type.
I have VS2012 Express Web installed on my machine and can create all different kinds of Projects with exception of MVC3/MVC4 apps. When I click OK on the New Project dialog I get the Select A Template dialog. I notice that the Create a Unit Test Project checkbox is Disabled. Selecting any of the choices (such as Internet Application) gives me this same error: The system cannot find the file specified (Exception from HRESULT 0x80070002).
I have uninstalled and deleted the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\VWDExpress\ProjectTemplatesCache and ItemsTemplateChache - and after removal deleted the entire VWDExpress directory so the fresh install would recreate all the templates. I've tried both the web-installer as well as the .iso installer. Has anyone seen this problem or have any idea why I can't create MVC3/MVC4 projects?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I have posted to the MSDN Newgroup and not had any luck there.
I had the same problem with a full installation of Visual Studio 2012. Uninstalling Visual Studio and everything it came with (SQL Server localDB, Silverlight SDKs etc), restarting, then reinstalling Visual Studio made it work.
Prior to re-installing, I ran ProcessMonitor during an attempt to create an MVC4 app and it kept trying to find an "extension.vsixmanifest" file but couldn't. I'm not sure which one, since I didn't try reinstalling all my extensions; maybe that will help.
I'm trying to move a solution I have over to Visual Studio 2012 and one of the project types is .vdproj.
According to this link this project type is not supported in Visual Studio 2012:
MSDN says they recommend that you use InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio.
The problem is, when I open up my solution in VS2012 and try to add a new "Enable InstallShield Limited Edition" project to my solution, I get an error message saying:
Creating project 'test'...project creation failed.
Why might I not be able to add a project of this type to my solution?
If I make a new empty solution I can't make an InstallShield project it in either.
I'm going to try to download InstallShield limited edition and see if it does anything.
I tried out that InstallShield download, and it added two extra project types, but I'm unable to create either of them. I'm able to add normal website projects to my solutions just fine, but not deployment projects.
The installer was named the same, but this one prompted me to re-start. After re-starting I was able to add an InstallShield project, but it gets created in its own solution. So, it looks like now I have to figure out how to use it, and I'll be good to go.
It's looking like the limited edition doesn't have support to install Windows services.
This will probably be long and boring because there's lots of steps, but I'd like to write up how to move from a Windows service installer .vdproj to the new InstallShield LE that's available in Visual Studio 2012.
Step 1: Create a merge module (.msm)
Follow the steps of this guide.
You will need to install WiX 3.6 and isWiX
The latest release of IsWiX doesn't enable the Tools menu item in Visual Studio 2012. Edit the file: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\AddIns\IsWiXAddin.Addin (XML) and clone the HostApplication element and update 10.0 to 11.0.
In step #8 of the guide, it references a code tab. This has been moved to the XML Editor item in the bottom of the left menu
I left the MergeRedirectFolder empty for my installation
Here is my isWix files view:
After you're done with the guide you should have an empty .wxs file that looks something like this:
Using the Component XML element pulled from here you should end up with a .wxs file that looks like this:
Hit build and you should now have a .msm file.
Step 2: Adding merge module to InstallShield
Go though the wizard to setup the basic install information like company and version information.
Find the redistributables view in ISLE. Right click the list and select browse for module. After your module is found and added, right click the modules and select properties. Set the destination folder drop down to INSTALLDIR. I had to set mine to the lowest level folder I created for my install path, so you might have to experiment a bit.
Build Project, and test on virtual machine
Redistributables Screen
If you're getting errors about the path being too long you might need to change the release location to something close to the root.
Here's a list of all the build errors for reference.
Now you should be able to run your installer and have it install/start a Windows service. A lot more work than .MSI files, we got it to generate in Visual Studio 2010, but overall it was not too bad.
While there is no easy or truly supported solution for Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio 2013 users can get an extension from Microsoft in the Visual Studio Gallery.
I found this post which says you must download InstallShield first. It's a very confusing way to work. I suggest to vote up the post on the connect site and give them comments letting know how poor that is. They could at least give a more descriptive error http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/732196/project-creation-failed-for-installshield-limited-edition#tabs