Consistency level in cassandra issue - cassandra

Environment :
5 machines Cassandra 2.1.15 cluster.
1 machine goes down for more than 3 hours, without the possibility to bring it back
Decide to do noderemove and replace it :
The problem i saw is this :
Did heavy load over the node :
cassandra-stress write n=50000000 cl=QUORUM -rate threads=1000 -node,,,,
At one time gave me the error :
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.WriteTimeoutException: Cassandra timeout during write query at consistency QUORUM (3 replica were required but only 2 acknowledged the write)
According to my knowledge QUORUM = RF/2+1 rounded down => 2 replicas should be acquired.
Is this some kind of a bug!? Does it have some kind of negative impact?

Are you certain that cassandra-stress is using your keyspace? If you have not configured it to do so, it must be using default keyspace with replications as many as number of nodes. Try using -schema switch for cassandra-stress.


Cassandra : node become unavailable, while ingesting with Spark

After few successfully ingested data into Cassandra with Spark,
an error is now returned every time I try to ingest data with Spark (after few minutes or instantly) :
Caused by: com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.AllNodesFailedException: Could not reach any contact point, make sure you've provided valid addresses
I checked with simple CQLSH (not Spark), and similar error is indeed returned too (2 nodes of 4) :
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': error(111, "Tried connecting to [('', 9042)]. Last error: Connection refused")})
So basically, when I do ingestion into Cassandra with Spark, some nodes go down at some point. And I have to reboot the node, in order to access it again through cqlsh (and spark).
What is strange, is that it is still written "UP" for the given node when I run nodetool status, while cqlsh tells connection refused for that node.
I try to investigate logs, but I have a big problem : nothing in the logs, no single exception triggered server-side.
What to do in my case ? Why a node go down or become unresponsive in that case ? How to prevent it ?
!!! edit !!!
Some of the details asked for, bellow :
Cassandra infrastructure :
network : 10 gbps
two datacenters : datacenter1 and datacenter2
4 nodes in each datacenter
2 replicas per datacenter :
CREATE KEYSPACE my_keyspace WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': '2', 'datacenter2': '2'} AND durable_writes = true;
consistency used for input and output : LOCAL_QUORUM
total physical memory per node : 128GB.
memory repartition per node : 64GB dedicated for each Cassandra instance, and 64GB dedicated for each Spark worker (colocated on each Cassandra node)
storage : 4 TB NVME for each node
Spark application config :
total executors cores : 24 cores (4 instances * 6 cores each)
total executors ram : 48 GB (4 instances * 8 GB each)
cassandra config on spark :
spark.sql.catalog.cassandra.spark.cassandra.output.batch.size.rows 1
spark.sql.catalog.cassandra.spark.cassandra.output.concurrent.writes 100
spark.sql.catalog.cassandra.spark.cassandra.output.batch.grouping.key none
spark.sql.catalog.cassandra.spark.cassandra.output.throughputMBPerSec 80
spark.sql.catalog.cassandra.spark.cassandra.output.consistency.level LOCAL_QUORUM
spark.sql.catalog.cassandra.spark.cassandra.output.metrics false
spark.sql.catalog.cassandra.spark.cassandra.connection.timeoutMS 90000
spark.sql.catalog.cassandra.spark.cassandra.query.retry.count 10
spark.sql.catalog.cassandra com.datastax.spark.connector.datasource.CassandraCatalog
spark.sql.extensions com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraSparkExtensions
(2 nodes of 4)
Just curious, but what is the replication factor (RF) of the keyspace, and what consistency level is being used for the write operation?
I'll echo Alex, and say that usually this happens because Spark is writing faster than Cassandra can process. That leaves you with two options:
Increase the size of the cluster to handle the write load.
Throttle-back the write throughput of the Spark job.
One thing worth calling out:
2 replicas per datacenter
consistency used for input and output : LOCAL_QUORUM
So you'll probably get more throughput by dropping the write consistency to LOCAL_ONE.
Remember, quorum == RF / 2 + 1, which means LOCAL_QUORUM of 2 is 2.
So I do recommend dropping to LOCAL_ONE, because right now Spark is effectively operating # ALL consistency.
Which JMX indicators I need to care about ?
Can't remember the exact name of it, but if you can find the metric for disk IOPs or throughput, I wonder if it's hitting a threshold and plateauing.

ResponseError: Not enough replicas available for query at consistency SERIAL (2 required but only 1 alive)

I am a newcomer for Cassandra, current I met an issue, my cassandra setup as following,
1 DC, 1 Cluster
3 Nodes.
durable write : true
Replication factor : 2 when creating keyspace.
Use IF NOT EXISTS to insert data into table.
Seed node: 2 of them
Then I bring down one seed node, and I got the following error:
ResponseError: Not enough replicas available for query at consistency SERIAL (2 required but only 1 alive)
That's normal, SERIAL requires a Paxos transaction with a quorum of replicas. For RF 2, the quorum is 2; iow, you cannot tolerate any node down to write at SERIAL to a keyspace with RF 2.
Rule of thumb: don't use RF 2, it's useless. Your quorum is: (2/2)+1 = 2, but for RF 3, it's the same quorum. So you should always prefer RF 3. If you change your keyspace to RF 3, your application would be able to write at SERIAL even if one replica is down.
Also see
As per understanding Consistency serial is equivalent to QUORUM.You have RF=2 in 3 node cluster so data in Cassandra inserted based on hash. so when you have inserted the data into the cluster, data may be inserted on both seed nodes.So when you are retrieving the data with one seed node down you can get this error as cluster is not achieving the desired consistency level.
Please refer link for more details.

Cassandra result from running query cqlsh from one of the node cluster

I am new to cassandra and haven't finished read the doc yet.
Just want to know if I run cqlsh from one node of a 3 nodes cluster and run query
cqlsh node1host -u username -p passwd -k my_cass_keyspace
> select ...
is the result come from all the 3 nodes or it is just result from the node that I run cqsh in?
Sorry for very noob question.
General answer : from all node.
Detailed answer :
Your node might be the coordinator, then depending on your replication factor, the node might fetch data from other nodes ( for example RF 1, then you query on a partition from another node).
This depends on your replication factor, and also your consistency level.
you can check your consistency when using cqlsh by (default is ONE) :
cqlsh> consistency;
Current consistency level is ONE.
You can change it by ( to QUORUM for example) :
If you want to know details about your request execution plan, try to activate tracing :
cqlsh> tracing on ;
I hope this helps !
The answer is Yes, it comes from all the nodes but it depends upon you cluster configurations, replication factor and consistency level.
For Example:- You have 3 nodes cluster and replication factor is 3 and consistency level is quorum for read and write both so whenever you will do insert query then your data will replicate to all 3 nodes but 2 nodes acknowledgement is sufficient to coordinator as quorum. same fill follow if you do a select query.
You may also refer Cassandra documentation as below:-

Cassandra clustering fail over-High Avialability

I have configured a cassandra clustter with 3 nodes
Node1( , Node2(, Node3(
Created a keyspace 'test' with replication factor as 2.
Create KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy',
'replication_factor' : 2}
When I stop either Node2 or Node3 (one at a time and both at one time) , I am able to do the CRUD operations on the keyspace.table.
When I stop Node1 and try to update/create a row from Node4 or Node3, getting following error although Node3 and Node4 are up and running-:
All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: /
(com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout while
trying to acquire available connection (you may want to increase the
driver number of per-host connections)))
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All
host(s) tried for query failed (tried: /
(com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout while
trying to acquire available connection (you may want to increase the
driver number of per-host connections)))
I am not sure how Cassandra elects a leader if a leader node dies.
So, you are using replication_factor 2, so only 2 nodes will have a replica of you keyspace (not all the 3 nodes).
My first advise is to change the RF to 3.
You have to pay attention to the consistency level you are using; If you have only 2 copies of you data (RF: 2), and you are using Consistency Level QUORUM, it will try to write the data on half of nodes + 1, in this case, all 2 nodes. So if 1 node is down, you will not be able to write/read data.
to verify where the data is replicated you could see how is the ring in you cluster. As you are using SimpleStrategy it will copy the data clockwise direction. And in your case its copied at nodes at and
Take a look at the concepts of replication factor:
And Consistency Level:
Great answer about RF vs CL:
You can use this calculator to find out if your setup have a decent consistency. In your case the result is You can survive the loss of no nodes without impacting the application
I think I wasn't clear at response. The replication factor is about how many copies of your data will exists. The consistency level is how many copies your client will wait to be made before get an response from server.
Ex: All your nodes are up. The client make a CQL with CL Quorum, the server will copy the data in 2 nodes (3/2 + 1) and reply to client, in background it will copy the data at the third node as well.
In your example, if you shutdown 2 nodes of a 3 node cluster you will never achieve an QUORUM to make requests (with CL QUORUM), so you have to use consistency level ONE, once the nodes are up again, cassandra will copy the data on them. One thing that can happen is: before cassandra copy the data on other 2 nodes, the client make a request for node1 or node2 and the data is not there yet.

Cassandra consistency Issue

We have our Cassandra cluster running on AWS EC2 with 4 nodes in the ring. We have face data inconsistency issue. We changed consistency level two while using "cqlsh" shell, the data inconsistency issue has been solved.
But we dont know "How to set consistency level on Cassandra cluster?"
Consistency level can be set at per session or per statement basis. You will need to check the consistency level of writes and reads, to get a strong consistency your R + W ( read consistency + write consistency ) should be greater than your replication factor.
If you are using Java Driver, you can set default consistency at cluster level using "Cluster.Builder.withQueryOptions()" method.
