Spreadsheet IF Statements of multiple cells outputting string of text - excel

Hey Stackoverflow users,
I have a spreadsheet from a survey I conducted for one of my classes. A big chunk of my spreadsheet is columns of numbers; they represent "strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree" and it's for personalities. I want to pick out certain numbers and see IF they are larger than 3 (neutral) and then output in a cell what that personality would be. If the number is less than 3 than it'd be some opposite personality.
I can provide an example with a picture if needed. My main question is...is it possible for a cell to collect data from different cells (not in a range) and output text in a single cell.
I've accomplished one personality.
The only problem is that I am not doing M3=3 is "neutral."
Then I want to do that for 4 other columns and put them all in one cell.
This is the gist of the personality stuff
=IF(J3>3, "Creative", "Convential")
=IF(M3>3, "Disorganized", "Organized")
=IF(P3>3, "Introvert", "Extrovert")
=IF(T3>3, "Rude", "Nice")
=IF(V3>3, "Calm", "Insecure")
I want to get all 5 of them in one function in one cell and have a "both/neutral" output as well. So let's say one surveyee has 5,5,5,5 and 5, then the cell after all of them would say "Creative, Disorganized, Introvert, Rude, Calm." I hope this makes sense. Also, there are other columns between those specific columns.
Thanks for reading this far. Any help is appreciated.

= IF(J3=3,"Neutral", IF(J3>3, "Creative", "Convential")) & ", " &
IF(M3=3,"Neutral", IF(M3>3, "Disorganized","Organized")) & ", " &
...the rest of your formula here


Excel formula to allow me to retrieve the codes of the most valuables drinks

Good night,
I'm trying to think of a simple excel formula to allow me to get the codes of the most valuables drinks.
I don't wanna use PivotTable for this one.
I want to retrieve, for MALIBU, the code 8991
For JAMESON, the code 6113 etc
I'm stuck here since I woke up haha
Try below formula for dynamic spill result-
Using MAX function to consider the scenario where more than one code for a given drink can have the maximum value. In cell E2 use the following formula:
=LET(rng, A2:C13, codes, INDEX(rng,,1), values, INDEX(rng,,2),
drinks, INDEX(rng,,3), drinksUx, UNIQUE(drinks),
maxValues, BYROW(drinksUx, LAMBDA(ux,
TEXTJOIN(",",,FILTER(codes, (drinks = ux)
* (values = MAX(FILTER(values, drinks=ux))))))),
HSTACK(drinksUx, maxValues)
Here is the output:
Note: Another code for HEINEKEN was added for testing purpose of more than one code with maximum value.
XMATCH can be used for the same purpose too, but it is a more verbose formula:
=LET(rng, A2:C13, codes, INDEX(rng,,1), values, INDEX(rng,,2),
drinks, INDEX(rng,,3),drinksUx, UNIQUE(drinks),
maxValues, BYROW(drinksUx, LAMBDA(ux, TEXTJOIN(",",,
LET(maxValue, MAX(FILTER(values, drinks = ux)),
FILTER(codes, ISNUMBER(XMATCH(drinks & values, ux & maxValue))))))),
HSTACK(drinksUx, maxValues)

How to extract specific text from a sentence in Excel?

I have a database that exports data like this:
How can I get for instance, the Net Rentable Area with the values needed:
Net Rentable Area
I tried the TextSplit function but I got a spill.
Please let me know what can be done, thanks!
Also it would be nice to see it working in something such as the Asking Rate, which has a different format.
In cell C2 you can put the following formula:
Note: Multiplying by 1 ensures the result will be a number instead of a text.
and here is the output:
If all tokens to find are all words (not interpreted as numbers), then you can use the following without requiring to specify the token to find:
=LET(split, 1*TEXTSPLIT(A2," "), FILTER(split, ISNUMBER(split)))
Under this assumption you can even have the corresponding array version as follow:
=LET(rng, A2:A100, input, FILTER(rng, rng <>""), IFERROR(DROP(REDUCE(0, input,
LAMBDA(acc,text, LET(split, 1*TEXTSPLIT(text," "),
nums, FILTER(split, ISNUMBER(split),""), VSTACK(acc, nums)))),1),"")
Note: It uses the trick for creating multiple rows using VSTACK within REDUCE. An idea suggested by #JvdV from this answer. It assumes A1 has the title of the column, if not you can use A:A instead.

VLOOKUP with conditions

I have an issue at the moment which I'm not able to resolve even with multiple combinations of If and Vlookups. I'm not doing this right.
I have a sheet which has the names of the products and an empty column for the Sl Number. The Sl number needs to be retrieved from Sheet 2 if it matches the value in the adjacent cell of the formula (This I know can be possible with Vlookup). However, I am trying to display the value even if the match is not exact. By that I mean if the product name has all the values as on the sheet 1 but also has additional information in brackets, then the value should still be displayed.
Sheet 1
Formula in A2 - A7 = "=VLOOKUP(B2, Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0)"
Sheet 2
The complete data
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance.
Apologies, I'm new here and not sure how this works. So trying to do the right thing but may take some time.
Thanks Frank and Tim. I have another extended question to this.
Is there a way to retrieve the value by ignoring text in brackets on the lookup cell itself?
For example:
Sheet 1
Sl Number Name
123454 Cream SPF 30+ 50g
**NA** Bar Chocolate 70g X 6 (Sample)
234256 Hand Wash 150ml
26786 Toothpaste - Whitening 110g
Sheet 2
ID Name Sl number Manufacturer Quantity
8 Collagen Essence 10ml 456788 AL 87
9 Hand Wash 150ml 234256 AD 23
10 Bar Chocolate 70g X 6 835424 AU 234
Row 2 on Sheet 1 has the name that includes (Sample) and the same product on sheet 2 does not contain the (Sample) for that product. Is there a way I can use lookup in the above scenario?
Thank you
Tim's comment
=VLOOKUP(B2 & "*", Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0) as long as the "Extra" info is tagged onto the end of the name, and none of your product names is a
substring of another product name. – Tim Williams 53 mins ago
Will get what you are looking for, as for getting rid of text between "(...)" use
To create a new column that will cut out anything that has parentheses "(...)" this presumes that all of your entries has the "(...)" at the end, i.e. far right side.
As you are new, I presume you might be interested in an explanation. I'll explain what Tim and I did. If I am incorrect, anyone is free to edit.
Based on your question, it would appear that you are familiar with Excel but not the site. This said, my understanding of the key difference between your attempt and Tim's was =VLOOKUP(B2 & "*", Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0) or specifically & "*". This introduces a Wildcard to the search parameter. So if you typed "Bob" but the actual reference was "Bob's Burger" That "*" would allow ['s Burger] to be included as part of the possible search given that you set vLookup to search for Approximate rather than exact matches. =VLOOKUP(B2 & "*", Sheet2!B:E, 2, 0) specifically , 0).
As for my part, IFERROR is effectively an catch-all for errors in IF functions. If there is a error, then X. In this case, if it does not find "(" in the cell, then it will throw an error. Since it is an error, display the original cell.
As for IF(FIND("(",A2),LEFT(A2,FIND("(",A2)-1),A2) It asks Excel to look for "(" in the cell A2, if it finds it, then it it counts from the LEFT until it finds the "(" and deletes the text one space to the left of the first "(". Thus removing the "(...)".

How do I sum data based on a PART of the headers name?

Say I have columns
/670 - White | /650 - black | /680 - Red | /800 - Whitest
These have data in their rows. Basically, I want to SUM their values together if their headers contain my desired string.
For modularity's sake, I wanted to merely specify to sum /670, /650, and /680 without having to mention the rest of the header text.
So, something like =SUMIF(a1:c1; "/NUM & /NUM & /NUM"; a2:c2)
That doesn't work, and honestly I don't know what i should be looking for.
Additional stuff:
I'm trying to think of the answer myself, is it possible to mention the header text as condition for ifs? Like: if A2="/650 - Black" then proceed to sum the next header. Is this possible?
Possibility it would not involve VBA, a draggable formula would be preferable!
At this point, I may as well request a version which handles the complete header name rather than just a part of it as I believe it to be difficult for formula code alone.
Thanks for having a look!
Let me know if I need to elaborate.
EDIT: In regards to data samples, any positive number will do actually, damn shame stack overflow doesn't support table markdown. Anyway, for example then..:
| A | B | C | D | E |
| 1 |/650 - Black |/670 - White |/800 - White |/680 - Red |/650 - Black |
| 2 | 250 | 400 | 100 | 300 | 125 |
I should have clarified:
The number range for these headers would go from /100 - /9999 and no more than that.
Progress so far:
(MID($A$1:$D$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($H$1)=4,$H$1&"",$H$1&" ")))+(A2:D2*
(MID($A$1:$D$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($I$1)=4,$I$1&"",$I$1&" ")))+(A2:D2*
(MID($A$1:$D$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" "))))
Apparently, each MID function is returning false with each F9 calculation.
Okay! I found my issue, it's the /being read when you ALSO mentioned that it wasn't required. Man, I should stop skimming!
Final Edit:
(MID(HEADER,2,4)=IF(LEN(Match5)=4,Match5&"",Match5&" ")))+(RETURNSUM*
(MID(HEADER,2,4)=IF(LEN(Match6)=4,Match6&"",Match6&" ")))+(RETURNSUM*
(MID(HEADER,2,4)=IF(LEN(Match7)=4,Match7&"",Match7&" ")))
The idea is that Header and RETURNSUM will become match criteria like the matches written above, that way it would be easier to punch new criterion into the search table. As of the moment, it doesn't support multiple rows/dragging.
I have knocked up a couple of formulas that will achieve what you are looking for. For ease I have made the search input require the number only as pressing / does not automatically type into the formula bar. I apologise for the length of the answer, I got a little carried away with the explanation.
I have set this up for 3 criteria located in J1, K1 and L1.
Here is the output I achieved:
Formula 1 - SUMPRODUCT():
=SUMPRODUCT((A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" ")))+(A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($K$1)=4,$K$1&"",$K$1&" ")))+(A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($L$1)=4,$L$1&"",$L$1&" "))))
Sumproduct(array1,[array2]) behaves as an array formula without needed to be entered as one. Array formulas break down ranges and calculate them cell by cell (in this example we are using single rows so the formula will assess columns seperately).
(A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" ")))
Essentially I have broken the Sumproduct() formula into 3 identical parts - 1 for each search condition. (A4:G4*: Now, as the formula behaves like an array, we will multiply each individual cell by either 1 or 0 and add the results together.
1 is produced when the next part of the formula is true and 0 for when it is false (default numeric values for TRUE/FALSE).
(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" "))
MID(text,start_num,num_chars) is being used here to assess the 4 digits after the "/" and see whether they match with the number in the 3 cells that we are searching from (in this case the first one: J1). Again, as SUMPRODUCT() works very much like an array formula, each cell in the range will be assessed individually.
I have then used the IF(logical_test,[value_if_true],[value_if_false]) to check the length of the number that I am searching. As we are searching for a 4 digit text string, if the number is 4 digits then add nothing ("") to force it to a text string and if it is not (as it will have to be 3 digits) add 1 space to the end (" ") again forcing it to become a text string.
The formula will then perform the calculation like so:
The MID() formula produces the array: {"650 ","670 ","800 ","680 ","977 ","9999","143 "}. This combined with the first search produces {TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE} which when multiplied by A4:G4
(remember 0 for false and 1 for true) produces this array: {250,0,0,0,0,0,0} essentially pulling the desired result ready to be summed together.
Formula 2: =SUM(IF(Array)): [This formula does not work for 3 digit numbers as they will exist within the 4 digit numbers! I have included it for educational purposes only]
The formula will need to be entered as an array (once copy and pasted while still in the formula bar hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER)
This formula works in a similar way, SUM() will add together the array values produced where IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH() columns match the result column.
SEARCH() will return a number when it finds the exact characters in a cell which represents it's position in number of characters. By using ISNUMBER() I am avoiding having to do the whole MID() and IF(LEN()=4,""," ") I used in the previous formula as TRUE/FALSE will be produced when a match is found regardless of it's position or cell formatting.
As previously mentioned, this poses a problem as 999 can be found within 9999 etc.
The resulting array for the first part is: {250,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE} (if you would like to see the array you can highlight that part of the formula and calculate with F9 but be sure to highlight the exact brackets for that part of the formula).
I hope I have explained this well, feel free to ask any questions about stuff that you don't understand. It is good to see people keen to learn and not just fishing for a fast answer. I would be more than happy to help and explain in more depth.
I start this solution with the names in an array, you can read the header names into an array with not too much difficulty.
Sub test()
Dim myArray(1 To 4) As String
myArray(1) = "/670 - White"
myArray(2) = "/650 - black"
myArray(3) = "/680 - Red"
myArray(4) = "/800 - Whitest"
For Each ArrayValue In myArray
'Find position of last character
endposition = InStr(1, ArrayValue, " - ", vbTextCompare)
'Grab the number section from the string, based on starting and ending positions
stringvalue = Mid(ArrayValue, 2, endposition - 2)
'Convert to number
NumberValue = CLng(stringvalue)
'Add to total
Total = Total + NumberValue
Next ArrayValue
'Print total
Debug.Print Total
End Sub
This will print the answer to the debug window.

Excel CountifS. Criteria multi-column ranges. Non-ordered comparison test

It's my first question here, so please don't kill me if something is wrong. I have found numerous solutions on this site, but not this time. Unfortunately I can't post images yet. It won't be easy, but I will try.
To the point:
My data has the following headers:
Decision_Id Opponent1 Opponent2 Opponent3 Suitor1 Suitor2 Suitor3 Suitor4
Decision_id is a unique integer identifier. The rest are strings.
Each row represents a particular judicial decision. Each Decision can have UP TO 3 opponents (defending party) and UP TO 4 suitors (attacking party).A particular party can be a suitor in one decision and an opponent in another one.
What I want to get :
Cross-table where both rows and columns headers are all distinct parties I encounter in the table. (no problem with that, done.)
Where each cell shows in how many distinct decisions a particular opponent (defined by row header) was attacked by a particular suitor (column header) => All diagonal cells equal ZERO (a party can't attack itself) and table is not symmetric.
I have tried
to apply to the first cell and than expand:
=COUNTIFS("Fixed range of all opponents :$B$2:$D$6","the wanted opponent value : $A2", "Fixed range of all suitors :$E$2:$H$6", "the wanted suitor value : B$1")
I had an error. I figured out that criteria ranges have to be of the same size. OK, created dummy empty columns => no error, BUT, the results are clearly underestimated. I think that there is a match only if opponent and suitor have the same "number". In details: For each row excel tests the opponent1 and suitor1 towards corresponding values, then opponent2 and suitor2, then opponent3 and suitor3... This actually explains why the ranges have to be of the same size.
So, What I would need
Is, for each row, to make excel test all opponents towards the wanted opponent value, test all suitor towards the wanted suitor value. If at least one opponent and one suitors correspond, give it a match and count this decision.(Even though opponent1 and suitor3 had the wanted values)
I have already made a VBA code which does the job, but it's too slow (around 5 hours for the whole table) and I expect to do the same for different tables of this kind and/or modify this one. So I am interested in "pure excel", fast solution.
Thank you very much!
The difficult part here is to separate multi-column ranges into separate rows - one way to do that is with OFFSET within COUNTIF, i.e. this formula
That assumes that all suitors are different on any one row and all opponents are different on any one row (although formula can be modified if that isn't the case).
You can extend the ranges to any size you want - although the number of rows must be the same for each part
....or here's another more obscure way using MMULT function
the {1;1;1} and {1;1;1;1} represent the number of columns in each section so if you have 6 and 8 those need to be changed accordingly
Another possibility is to try this array formula:
entered using CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER (or defined as a name and entered normally eg =Total.)
This should do it:
= COUNTIFS($B$2:$B$6,$A2, $E$2:$E$6, B$1)
+ COUNTIFS($C$2:$C$6,$A2, $E$2:$E$6, B$1)
+ COUNTIFS($D$2:$D$6,$A2, $E$2:$E$6, B$1)
+ COUNTIFS($B$2:$B$6,$A2, $F$2:$F$6, B$1)
+ COUNTIFS($C$2:$C$6,$A2, $F$2:$F$6, B$1)
+ COUNTIFS($D$2:$D$6,$A2, $F$2:$F$6, B$1)
+ COUNTIFS($B$2:$B$6,$A2, $G$2:$G$6, B$1)
+ COUNTIFS($C$2:$C$6,$A2, $G$2:$G$6, B$1)
+ COUNTIFS($D$2:$D$6,$A2, $G$2:$G$6, B$1)
+ COUNTIFS($B$2:$B$6,$A2, $H$2:$H$6, B$1)
+ COUNTIFS($C$2:$C$6,$A2, $H$2:$H$6, B$1)
+ COUNTIFS($D$2:$D$6,$A2, $H$2:$H$6, B$1)
These look simpler if you make your data into a table, or define named ranges for the Opponent1, Opponent2, Suitor1 columns etc...
