dialog sapui5 oError.body display Rendering - dialog

Hi I have a dialog witch should display the content of an error in the console from a button.
Inside a UPDATE CRUD I have a dialog witch should return me an error from the console if the operation is in a certain situation.
This is my code from the error function.
var StringoError = JSON.parse(oError.response.body);
if I use the 2 alerts it works .. but now I have to style the user experience and put the content of Error.message and StringoError.error.message.value in a dialog/popover/popup.. so I implemented like this:
var dialog = new Dialog({
title: (oError.message),
type: 'Message',
state: 'Error',
content: new Text({
text: JSON.parse(oError.response.body).error.message.value,
beginButton: new sap.m.Button({
text: 'Close',
press: function () {
afterClose: function() {
The problem is that I get to see the title but I can't see error.message.value and the console gives me back as error:
The renderer for class sap.ui.core.Control is not defined or does not
define a render function! Rendering of __control0 will be skipped!

Should it not be sap.m.Text? Or are you using the AMD Module format? But you are using sap.m.Button in the same code...
content: new sap.m.Text({
text: JSON.parse(oError.response.body).error.message.value,


dialog.showMessageBoxSync(null, options) getting hidden

I have an Electron app. If I use dialog.showmessageBoxSync normally it has to wait for user input. The options are: close, cancel or ok.
It is working fine but if I click outside of the dialog box (anywhere inside my app) then this message box hidden. I'm unable to click on any option.
How can I make the message box stay focused until the user chooses a button to click or closes the dialog box? The user should be forced to respond to the message box before continuing to work in the rest of the app.
type: "info",
buttons: ["Ok,", "Cancel"],
defaultId: 0,
title: "",
cancelId: 1,
I'd suggest passing in a parent window
From the docs
The browserWindow argument allows the dialog to attach itself to a
parent window, making it modal.
const iconPath = upath.toUnix(upath.join(__dirname, "app", "assets", "icon.png"));
const dialogIcon = nativeImage.createFromPath(iconPath);
var options = {
type: 'question',
buttons: ['&Yes', '&No'],
title: 'Confirm Quit',
icon: dialogIcon,
normalizeAccessKeys: true,
message: 'Do you really want to close the application?'
const win = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow();
dialog.showMessageBox(win, options)
.then((choice) => {
if (choice.response === 0) {
}).catch(err => {
console.log('ERROR', err);

How to react on link remove event in JointJS

I use the following code to control the remove functionality on links. How can I intercept the remove event and prevent it if the link match a specific condition?
// add a remove button on hovered link
this.paper.on("link:mouseenter", function(linkView) {
let tools = [new joint.linkTools.Remove({ distance: 20 })];
new joint.dia.ToolsView({
name: "onhover",
tools: tools
// remove button on hovered link
this.paper.on("link:mouseleave", function(linkView) {
if (!linkView.hasTools("onhover")) return;
found the answer by using the action argument passed to the linkTools.Remove constructor.
// add a remove button on hovered link
this.paper.on("link:mouseenter", function(linkView) {
let tools = [
new joint.linkTools.Remove({
distance: 20,
action: function(evt) {
// do stuff and remove link using
this.model.remove({ ui: true, tool: this.cid });
new joint.dia.ToolsView({
name: "onhover",
tools: tools

Including dialogs or reusing dialogs from different file

I am trying to do begindialog from another another dialog js file. I am getting error.
<b>[onTurnError]: Error: DialogContext.beginDialog(): A dialog with an id of 'FollowUpDialog' wasn't found. </b>
this is dialog structure-
i am trying to include FollowUp dialog in OrderStatus Dialog, similary i have other dialogs where i want to begin followup or orderstatus dialog. trying to reuse the dialogs.
One way to do use how we include the file in botjs amd to do adddialog same way i can include in otherfile. But it is redundant work. I am trying to avoid that. Can some one tell me better approach to include the dialog in different dialogs.
Below code is from greeting.js
If you see line where i am doing begindialog.
return await step.beginDialog(ORDER_STATUS_DIALOG);
return await step.beginDialog(ENTITLEMENT_CHECK_DIALOG);
It is error. I am trying to include the dialog which is part of different JS files.
async step => {
if (step.context.activity.channelId == 'directline') {
const buttons = [{
type: ActionTypes.ImBack,
title: 'Repair Order Status',
value: symbolicString.ZEB_GR_STR_013
}, {
type: ActionTypes.ImBack,
title: 'Entitlement Check',
value: symbolicString.ZEB_GR_STR_014
const card = CardFactory.heroCard('', undefined, buttons, {
text: symbolicString.ZEB_GR_STR_015
const reply = {type: ActivityTypes.Message};
reply.attachments = [card];
return await step.context.sendActivity(reply);
} else {
return await step.prompt(MENU_PROMPT, symbolicString.ZEB_GR_STR_028);
async step => {
if (step.context.activity.channelId != 'directline'){
console.log("step greeting dialog next step");
if (step.context.activity.text == '1'){
return await step.beginDialog(ORDER_STATUS_DIALOG);
}else if (step.context.activity.text == '2'){
return await step.beginDialog(ENTITLEMENT_CHECK_DIALOG);
return await step.endDialog();

SuiteScript 2.0 addButton should call a function?

Say I have the following snippet, which is basically a form with a button attached to it. On click, I want to execute a function:
define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/search', 'N/https'],
function(serverWidget, search, https) {
function onRequest(context) {
if (context.request.method === 'GET')
var form = serverWidget.createForm({
title: 'Some Form'
// some code
id : '_buttonId',
label : 'Button Label',
functionName: "someFunctinonIWantToCallOnClick(myParam)"
} else {
// some other code
function someFunctinonIWantToCallOnClick(myParam)
// some code
return {
onRequest: onRequest
According to the NetSuite's documentation:
The function name to be triggered on a click event.
Version 2016 Release 1
What am I doing wrong?
There are a number of things wrong with your example.
you are not actually writing the form. Eventually you need:
Your function you want to call is only on the server. It is not defined on the client. You need to include a client script that has that function:
form.clientScriptModulePath = './myFormClient.js';

ember.js update view after PUT using node.js/express

I'm pretty new to ember. I have a basic ember app in place with a CRUD page. I'm having trouble refreshing the view/template of the CRUD page after making a PUT request to a node API using mongoDB.
When I delete a model, the page refreshes fine, but not when I PUT. If I refresh the page, everything is fine and working, but I want the view to refresh as soon as I click the "approve" button I have.
Can someone point me in the right direction of how I should be dealing with this in Ember? Or am I not returning something properly from my API and Ember is doing what it should?
router.put( '/:id', function( req, res ) {
return Picture.findById( req.params.id, function( err, picture ) {
picture.status = req.body.picture.status;
picture.url = req.body.picture.url;
//...and so on
return picture.save( function( err ) {
if( !err ) { return res.send( picture ); }
return res.send('ERROR');
App.Picture = DS.Model.extend
authorName: DS.attr('string')
pictureName: DS.attr('string')
url: DS.attr('string')
tags: DS.attr('string')
status: DS.attr('string')
App.AdminRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
return #store.find 'picture'
delete: (picture) ->
picture.destroyRecord() # view updates fine
approve: (picture) ->
picture.set('status', 'verified')
Note - I'm also getting this error in my console that I have no understanding of - I don't remember always getting it though, so I'm not sure how much it's related.
Error: No model was found for 'v'
at new Error (native)
at Error.r (http://localhost:3000/javascripts/libs/ember-1.7.0.js:4:992)
at Ember.Object.extend.modelFor (http://localhost:3000/javascripts/libs/ember-data.js:3:4754)
at t.default.i.extend.extractSingle (http://localhost:3000/javascripts/libs/ember-data.js:1:23642)
at y (http://localhost:3000/javascripts/libs/ember-1.7.0.js:4:30411)
at r [as extractSingle] (http://localhost:3000/javascripts/libs/ember-1.7.0.js:4:28863)
at e.default.Ember.Object.extend.extractSave (http://localhost:3000/javascripts/libs/ember-data.js:1:22390)
at e.default.Ember.Object.extend.extractUpdateRecord (http://localhost:3000/javascripts/libs/ember-data.js:1:22097)
at e.default.Ember.Object.extend.extract (http://localhost:3000/javascripts/libs/ember-data.js:1:21661)
at http://localhost:3000/javascripts/libs/ember-data.js:3:9807
The JSON payload being returned from the server is not in a format suitable for Ember to determine the model type. Ember is expecting something like this:
picture: {
"_id":"5428abf33e733af2fc0007ff","authorName":"Ben","pictureName":"Proud Chicken",
Since you say it works when you refresh, try comparing this payload with what is returned from the GET. The PUT response should be similar.
Refer to this Ember guide: http://emberjs.com/guides/models/connecting-to-an-http-server/#toc_json-conventions
To tweak the payload and (for example) remove the offending property, you can do this:
App.PictureSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
normalizePayload: function(payload) {
if (payload['__v']) {
delete payload['__v'];
return this._super(payload);
This example is for PictureSerializer, but if you made it ApplicationSerializer it would work for any type. See the API here: http://emberjs.com/api/data/classes/DS.RESTSerializer.html#method_normalize
