Seeing a lot of write activity on an Expression Engine website - expressionengine

I have inherited a website built on Expression Engine which is having a lot of trouble under load. Looking in the server console for the database I am seeing a lot of database writes (300-800/second)
Trying to track down why we are getting so much write activity compared to read activity and seeing things like
UPDATE `exp_snippets` SET `snippet_contents` = 'some content in here' WHERE `snippet_name` = 'member_login_form'
Why would EE be writing these to the database when no administrative changes are happening and how can I turn this behavior off?
Any other bottlenecks which could be avoided? The site is using an EE ad module so I cannot easily run it through Varnish since the ads need to change on each page load - looking to try and integrate DFP instead so they can be loaded asynchronously

There are a lot of front end operations that trigger INSERT and UPDATE operations. (Having to do with tracking users, hits, sessions, also generating hashes for forms etc.)
The snippets one tho seems very strange indeed I wouldn't think that snippets would call an UPDATE under normal circumstances. Perhaps the previous developer did something where the member_login_form (which has dynamic hash in it) is written to a snippet each time it is called? Not sure why you would do it, but there's a guess.
For general speed optimization see:
Optimizing ExpressionEngine
There are a number of configs in the "Extreme Traffic" section that will reduce the number of writes (tho not the snippet one which doesn't seem to be normal behavior).


Node.js optimizing module for best performance

I'm writing a crawler module which is calling it-self recursively to download more and more links depending on a depth option parameter passed.
Besides that, I'm doing more tasks on the returned resources I've downloaded (enrich/change it depending on the configuration passed to the crawler). This process is going on recursively until it's done which might take a-lot of time (or not) depending on the configurations used.
I wish to optimize it to be as fast as possible and not to hinder on any Node.js application that will use it.I've set up an express server that one of its routes launch the crawler for a user defined (query string) host. After launching a few crawling sessions for different hosts, I've noticed that I can sometimes get real slow responses from other routes that only return simple text.The delay can be anywhere from a few milliseconds to something like 30 seconds, and it's seems to be happening at random times (well nothing is random but I can't pinpoint the cause).I've read an article of Jetbrains about CPU profiling using V8 profiler functionality that is integrated with Webstorm, but unfortunately it only shows on how to collect the information and how to view it, but it doesn't give me any hints on how to find such problems, so I'm pretty much stuck here.
Could anyone help me with this matter and guide me, any tips on what could hinder the express server that my crawler might do (A lot of recursive calls), or maybe how to find those hotspots I'm looking for and optimize them?
It's hard to say anything more specific on how to optimize code that is not shown, but I can give some advice that is relevant to the described situation.
One thing that comes to mind is that you may be running some blocking code. Never use deep recursion without using setTimeout or process.nextTick to break it up and give the event loop a chance to run once in a while.

Should I cache results of functions involving mass file I/O in a node.js server app?

I'm writing my first 'serious' Node/Express application, and I'm becoming concerned about the number of O(n) and O(n^2) operations I'm performing on every request. The application is a blog engine, which indexes and serves up articles stored in markdown format in the file system. The contents of the articles folder do not change frequently, as the app is scaled for a personal blog, but I would still like to be able to add a file to that folder whenever I want, and have the app include it without further intervention.
Operations I'm concerned about
When /index is requested, my route is iterating over all files in the directory and storing them as objects
When a "tag page" is requested (/tag/foo) I'm iterating over all the articles, and then iterating over their arrays of tags to determine which articles to present in an index format
Now, I know that this is probably premature optimisation as the performance is still satisfactory over <200 files, but definitely not lightning fast. And I also know that in production, measures like this wouldn't be considered necessary/worthwhile unless backed by significant benchmarking results. But as this is purely a learning exercise/demonstration of ability, and as I'm (perhaps excessively) concerned about learning optimal habits and patterns, I worry I'm committing some kind of sin here.
Measures I have considered
I get the impression that a database might be a more typical solution, rather than filesystem I/O. But this would mean monitoring the directory for changes and processing/adding new articles to the database, a whole separate operation/functionality. If I did this, would it make sense to be watching that folder for changes even when a request isn't coming in? Or would it be better to check the freshness of the database, then retrieve results from the database? I also don't know how much this helps ultimately, as database calls are still async/slower than internal state, aren't they? Or would a database query, e.g. articles where tags contain x be O(1) rather than O(n)? If so, that would clearly be ideal.
Also, I am beginning to learn about techniques/patterns for caching results, e.g. a property on the function containing the previous result, which could be checked for and served up without performing the operation. But I'd need to check if the folder had new files added to know if it was OK to serve up the cached version, right? But more fundamentally (and this is the essential newbie query at hand) is it considered OK to do this? Everyone talks about how node apps should be stateless, and this would amount to maintaining state, right? Once again, I'm still a fairly raw beginner, and so reading the source of mature apps isn't always as enlightening to me as I wish it was.
Also have I fundamentally misunderstood how routes work in node/express? If I store a variable in index.js, are all the variables/objects created by it destroyed when the route is done and the page is served? If so I apologise profusely for my ignorance, as that would negate basically everything discussed, and make maintaining an external database (or just continuing to redo the file I/O) the only solution.
First off, the request and response objects that are part of each request last only for the duration of a given request and are not shared by other requests. They will be garbage collected as soon as they are no longer in use.
But, module-scoped variables in any of your Express modules last for the duration of the server. So, you can load some information in one request, store it in a module-level variable and that information will still be there when the next request comes along.
Since multiple requests can be "in-flight" at the same time if you are using any async operations in your request handlers, then if you are sharing/updating information between requests you have to make sure you have atomic updates so that the data is shared safely. In node.js, this is much simpler than in a multi-threaded response handler web server, but there still can be issues if you're doing part of an update to a shared object, then doing some async operation, then doing the rest of an update to a shared object. When you do an async operation, another request could run and see the shared object.
When not doing an async operation, your Javascript code is single threaded so other requests won't interleave until you go async.
It sounds like you want to cache your parsed state into a simple in-memory Javascript structure and then intelligently update this cache of information when new articles are added.
Since you already have the code to parse your set of files and tags into in-memory Javascript variables, you can just keep that code. You will want to package that into a separate function that you can call at any time and it will return a newly updated state.
Then, you want to call it when your server starts and that will establish the initial state.
All your routes can be changed to operate on the cached state and this should speed them up tremendously.
Then, all you need is a scheme to decide when to update the cached state (e.g. when something in the file system changed). There are lots of options and which to use depends a little bit on how often things will change and how often the changes need to get reflected to the outside world. Here are some options:
You could register a file system watcher for a particular directory of your file system and when it triggers, you figure out what has changed and update your cache. You can make the update function as dumb (just start over and parse everything from scratch) or as smart (figure out what one item changed and update only that part of the cache) as it is worth doing. I'd suggest you start simple and only invest more in it when you're sure that effort is needed.
You could just manually rebuild the cache once every hour. Updates would take an average of 30 minutes to show, but this would take 10 seconds to implement.
You could create an admin function in your server to instruct the server to update its cache now. This might be combined with option 2, so that if you added new content, it would automatically show within an hour, but if you wanted it to show immediately, you could hit the admin page to tell it to update its cache.

JSON-RPC within xp:repeat

In the article "Improve XPages Application Performance with JSON-RPC" Brad Balassaitis writes:
For example, if you have a repeat control with a collection named myRepeat and
a property named myProperty, you could pass/retrieve it in client-side JavaScript
with this syntax:
‘#{javascript: myRepeat.myProperty}’
Then your call to the remote method would look like this:
myRpcService.setScopeVar(‘#{javascript: myRepeat.myProperty}’);
If I look at the xp:repeat control where should I set this myProperty property?
My idea is to display values from another source within a repeat control. So for each entry in the repeat control I would like to make a call via the Remote Service control and add additional information received from the service.
Anyone achieved this before?
JSON-RPC is just a mechanism to allow you to trigger server-side code without needing a full partial refresh. myProperty is not an actual property, same as myRepeat would not, in practice, be the name of your repeat. It's an example.
Are you wanting the user to click on something in the row in order to load additional information? That's the only use case for going down the RPC route.
If you want to show additional information not available in the current entry but based on a property of that entry, just add a control and compute the value.
In terms of optimisation, unless you're displaying hundreds of rows at a time or loading data from lots of different databases or views, each based on a property in the current row, it should be pretty quick. I would recommend getting it working, then optimise it if you find server-side performance is an issue. view.isRenderingPhase() is a good option for optimising performance of read-only data within a repeat, as is custom language to minimise the amount of HTML pushed to the browser, and also using a dataContext to ensure you only do the lookup to e.g. another document once. But if the network requests to and from the server are slow, optimising the server-side code to shave a fraction of a second on processing will have not have a very perceptible impact.

Reporting progress on a million call process

I have a console/desktop application that crawls a lot (think million calls) of data from various webservices. At any given time I have about 10 threads performing these call and aggregating the data into a MySql database. All seeds are also stored in a database.
What would be the best way to report it's progress? By progress I mean:
How many calls already executed
How many failed
What's the average call duration
How much is left
I thought about logging all of them somehow and tailing the log to get the data. Another idea was to offer some kind of output to a always open TCP endpoint where some form of UI could read the data and display some aggregation. Both ways look too rough and too complicated.
Any other ideas?
The "best way" depends on your requirements. If you use a logging framework like NLog, you can plug in a variety of logging targets like files, databases, the console or TCP endpoints.
You can also use a viewer like Harvester as a logging target.
When logging multi-threaded applications I sometimes have an additional thread that writes a summary of progress to the logger once every so often (e.g. every 15 seconds).
since it is a Console Application, just use Writeline, just have the application spit the important stuff out to the Console.
I did something Similar in an application that I created to export PDF's from a SQL Server Database back into PDF Format
you can do it many different ways. if you are counting records and their size you can run a tally of sorts and have it show the total every so many records..
I also wrote out to a Text File, so that I could keep track of all the PDFs and what case numbers they went to and things like that. that information is in the answer that I gave to the above linked question.
you could also write things out to a Text File every so often with the statistics.
the logger that Eric J. mentions is probably going to be a little bit easier to implement, and would be a nice tool for your toolbox.
these options are just as valid depending on your specific needs.

Working with large Backbone collections

We're designing a backbone application, in which each server-side collection has the potential to contain tens of thousands of records. As an analogy - think of going into the 'Sent Items' view of an email application.
In the majority of Backbone examples I've seen, the collections involved are at most 100-200 records, and therefore fetching the whole collection and working with it in the client is relatively easy. I don't believe this would be the case with a much larger set.
Has anyone done any work with Backbone on large server-side collections?
Have you encountered performance issues (especially on mobile devices) at a particular collection size?
What decision(s) did you take around how much to fetch from the server?
Do you download everything or just a subset?
Where do you put the logic around any custom mechanism (Collection prototype for example?)
Yes, at about 10,000 items, older browsers could not handle the display well. We thought it was a bandwidth issue, but even locally, with as much bandwidth as a high-performance machine could throw at it, Javascript just kinda passed out. This was true on Firefox 2 and IE7; I haven't tested it on larger systems since.
We were trying to fetch everything. This didn't work for large datasets. It was especially pernicious with Android's browser.
Our data was in a tree structure, with other data depending upon the presence of data in the tree structure. The data could change due to actions from other users, or other parts of the program. Eventually, we made the tree structure fetch only the currently visible nodes, and the other parts of the system verified the validity of the datasets on which they dependent independently. This is a race condition, but in actual deployment we never saw any problems. I would have liked to use here, but management didn't understand or trust it.
Since I use Coffeescript, I just inherited from Backbone.Collection and created my own superclass, which also instantiated a custom sync() call. The syntax for invoking a superclass's method is really useful here:
class Dataset extends BaseAccessClass
initialize: (attributes, options) ->
Dataset.__super__.initialize.apply(#, arguments)
# Customizations go here.
Like Elf said you should really paginate loading data from the server. You'd save a lot of load on the server from downloading items you may not need. Just creating a collection with 10k models locally in Chrome take half a second. It's a huge load.
You can put the work on another physical CPU thread by using a worker and then use transient objects to sent it to the main thread in order to render it on the DOM.
Once you have a collection that big rendering in the DOM lazy rendering will only get you so far. The memory will slowly increase until it crashes the browser (that will be quick on tablets). You should use object pooling on the elements. It will allow you to set a small max size for the memory and keep it there.
I'm building a PerfView for Backbone that can render 1,000,000 models and scroll at 120FPS on Chrome. The code is all up on Github It;s commented so theres a lot of other optimizations you'd need to display large data sets.
