Magento Payment methods are not showing in checkout - payment

I have a website in magento. iam using payment methods paypal, bank transfer and stripe. using multi store view(3)
Except paypal remaning payment methods are not showing in checkout process. i dont know what to do.
please help me any one,

For me was the usage of an external module with combination of onepage checkout.
In my case was Phoenix_CashOnDelivery and Phoenix_BankPayment


Is it okay to have a bunch of incomplete Stripe payment intents?

I am implementing the Stripe payment platform using JavaScript and the PHP SDK.
I don't have any issues with the implementation itself, but I am not sure whether I have to reuse an existing PaymentIntent or it's perfectly fine to have a bunch of them created and incomplete.
I searched for this in Stripe's documentation, but I can't seem to find anything related to this.
For example, in my test account I have this:
It's all for the same transaction, because I was changing some visuals and refreshing the browser.
I am aware that each PaymentIntent has an ID, but is it recommended to add it as a query parameter and retrieve it on refreshing, or is it better to always generate a new Payment Intent.
My main reasoning is to avoid having a huge collection of incomplete payment intents.
The default integration path for Stripe today is to create a PaymentIntent first so that you get a client_secret you can use client-side to render their UI via PaymentElement. This means that if your customers decide not to pay after all, you end up with an incomplete PaymentIntent which is expected.
This is not really a problem, other than appearing in the Payments list which can be confusing. You could also write a background job daily that would cancel any PaymentIntent via you know won't be completed because the customer left and you didn't have any data to contact them to upsell them for example but this isn't really needed.
Stripe also has a beta (docs) right now (Feb 2023) that changes the default integration path. This simplifies the experience because you can render the PaymentElement client-side with specific options such as amount and currency. You'd then only create the PaymentIntent at the end of the flow
when the customer is attempting to pay. That flow limits the number of incomplete PaymentIntents since you only create them when the customer really pays. You'd still get some, for example after a decline by the customer's bank though.

Payhip - Stripe payment testing

I'm new to both Payhip & Stripe. I'm testing out both products by setting up a test product in Payhip & making a purchase using a dummy visa card number (4242424242424242) from here
Payhip is connected to Stripe.
I keep getting the message - Your card was declined. Your request was in live mode, but used a known test card.
I've searched on google & read thorugh stripe documentation. I'm not able to find anything useful to solve this problem.
To use a test card in your integration, you need to use the test mode secret key instead. You can get it from the Stripe Dashboard -> Developer -> API Keys page.
The problem is not linked to Stripe i any form. There no way out to use a test card with Payhip. I contacted Payhip support & was advised as follows
One can either use a 100% off coupon (see here: Testing Checkout Flow) or put through a live transaction and refund yourself afterwards (How Do I Refund a Transaction?)

Stripe API testing automation

I am integrating stripe API into my site to take one off payments. My site will be API first on server side with a separate web and mobile front end. I am working on the API server side code. I will eventually use stripe payment pages to take credit card payments. I am trying to automate the testing of my APIs and am bamboozled by the documentation (which are thorough) as I just can't see what steps to take next.
My server side initiates a call with stripe using stripe sdk to create a stripe Session object - this contains a URL to redirect to, a success URL when payment is successful and a cancel URL (these I set to handle the callback).
I can automate in Postman all my API calls from Browse Products, Select Product, Place Order but the next step I am stuck. After Placing Order I get back the stripe session but how can I mimick making the payment with stripe for the session and then call my Success URL ?
When the site is complete I will redirect the UI to stripe to take payments but I am testing and completing the back end flow first.
I have copied and pasted the session URL which is returned by the stripe Session object to bring up the page in a browser and used Dev tools on Chrome to inspect Network to see which APIs are being called by stripe in an attempt to reproduce and I can see a POST to and I can see the posted values but I can't reproduce this in Postman. Also, the documentation ( says
"Instead of creating a PaymentMethod directly, we recommend using the
PaymentsIntents API to accept a payment immediately"
Which stripe APIs do I need to call to automate the flow from a stripe Session object to make a payment and then check that it was successful? Payment Methods? Make a Charge? Payments Intents? ...and how. Happy to be pointed to the documentation if you can help me understand the flow.
Checkout is a Stripe product that looks like a "box" and you can't know (and shouldn't need to know) what happens inside. It is created for the purpose that merchants won't have to think about what's being done under the hood.
Speaking from an automation perspective, you can try to reproduce the whole process but there's no guarantee it won't change in the future, and it could leave you with more problems later.
For options to reproduce:
The closest way is simulating browser filling and submission, using automated browser tools (ie Selenium). But it's not as straightforward as PostMan. Generally you would want to simulate every browser action that a human could do.
Or you can try to accomplish the same with the logs and events you receive on Stripe's Dashboard, when you test a Checkout Session by yourself. From now there are 3 requests.
And your goal is to receive the same 5 events in Webhook:
TBH I recommend to reconsider the need of this test, to see if it worth your efforts.

how to add coupons to stripe's checkout

To enable SCA changes, I am now integrating stripe's (stripe v3 js file) checkout feature to my app, which makes it easy for integration of my subscription system.
how to pass coupons to stripe.redirectToCheckout() method, don't see anything related to this in documentation.
code sample
items: plans_and_addons,
successUrl: successUrl,
cancelUrl: cancelUrl,
clientReferenceId: customer_id, // helpful in webhook response
I am also facing the same issue so I contacted stripe support.
Please check the support team's reply.
I did a thorough research on your query and I'm afraid, Checkout supports only a limited set of customizations (e.g. name, description, logo) and fields. Focusing the UI allows us to iterate on it more effectively to improve conversions and maintain support across a wide range of platforms.
They provided me one document link you can also check it.
I think you can solve your problem by creating custom checkout with helping stipe API. --not tried.
As Daniel says above, you can't enable the promo codes when you call redirectToCheckout but you can enable the promo codes when you create the stripe session from your API.
So, to sum app, when you create the checkout session using Stripe.checkout.sessions.create() you have to also pass the allow_promotion_codes: true and this will actually allow you to apply promo codes to the products you have created in the stripe -> products page.
You can find more informations on this page:
I also ran into this, and what I've deduced from the Stripe docs is that you can't apply a coupon directly to the redirectToCheckout method, you have to create a Checkout session first and then use that.
Add a discount to Checkout the sample code is calling Checkout.session.create, not Checkout directly
redirectToCheckout Reference Docs doesn't mention a discount or coupon parameter at all, and the sample code again is creating a Checkout session using fetch (to one's own server backend, which is where my expertise ceases and where I'm stifled), to generate a session ID and then passing that into the result where redirectToCheckout is called.

Stripe for one time payment. - Ruby on Rails

Can I use Stripe for receiving a one-time payment instead of recurring payments?
If so what settings do I have to make?
Yes, just use the Stripe::Charge.create method. As the payment method, you can either pass in a card directly or reference a Customer whose card should be charged.
You can receive one-time payments via the Stripe dashboard. Go to:
and click the button for a "+New" payment. That will let you manually enter the cc info. I do this with my Pairing as a Service clients all the time... they just read me their card info, and I enter it with the amount I'm charging them and a description. Your account password is then required to complete the charge.
It's fast and easy... I just wish there was a way to let them enter the info directly. Maybe I'll make something like that...
Yes, You can just create a Stripe account and use a simple example of Stripe payment for Ruby on Rails I've made recently. Check the code:
Run the server using your test keys like:
SECRET_KEY=sk_test_A3rwGLOMNxEKDkaJOTgi4frd rails s
