How do I print a variable within a class' if statement? - python-3.x

I'm trying to print a variable in Python using the following code:
from time import sleep
import random
class Hero:
def __init__(self,name): = name
if name == "rock": = 50
self.attack = 10
elif name == "paper": = 70
self.attack = 7
elif name == "scissors": = 100
self.attack = 5
def dmg(self, other):
other.ehealth -= self.attack
start = 1
while start == 1:
name = input("Pick a class [rock/paper/scissors]")
if name != "rock" or "paper" or "scissors":
print ("That player does not exist. Try again.")
start = 1
start = 1
player = Hero(name)
enemyName = ["erock", "epaper", "escissors"]
ename = random.choice(enemyName)
print ("Your character is", name, "which comes with",, "health, and", self.attack, "attack.")
print ("Your enemy is", ename, "which comes with", ehealth, "health, and", eattack, "attack.")
I can't figure out a way to access and print the variable "" under the "Hero" class. I can access "name" just fine. Maybe it's the fact that it's under an if statement? Can someone help me out?

self is just a parameter name used inside the methods. Don't use it outside the method.
To access the variables refer to them using the object name (player) like this
The name variable you are printing "works" because it's not from the object. You should use the same notation to access that too:


How to use inheritance to level up a character

# Import Modules
from Dice import dice
d10 = dice(10,1) #I use dice, but you could just as easily use random.randint()
d4 = dice(4,1)
d20 = dice(20,1)
# Assign Classes
class Player_Character:
inventory = []
def __init__(self, HP, MaxHP, AC, ToHitAdjustment, Surprise_Adjustment,
Initiative_Adjustment, Exp, \
MaxExp, Gold, Damage):
self.HP = int(HP)
self.MaxHP = int(MaxHP)
self.AC = int(AC)
self.ToHitAdjustment = int(ToHitAdjustment)
self.Surprise_Adjustment = int(Surprise_Adjustment)
self.Initiative_Adjustment = int(Initiative_Adjustment)
self.Exp = int(Exp)
self.MaxExp = int(MaxExp)
self.Gold = int(Gold)
self.Damage = int(Damage)
this next section may be where the error is, although I doubt it because when I run through the code the character is assigned exp and gold and they seem to grow at the correct rate.
def attack(self, goblin, Player_Character):
Player_attack_roll = d20.die_roll() + Player_Character.ToHitAdjustment
if (Player_attack_roll >= goblin.AC):
print('you did', Player_Character.Damage, 'damage')
goblin.HP -= Player_Character.Damage
if (goblin.HP <= 0):
print("congratulations you killed the goblin")
Player_Character.Exp += goblin.ExpReward
if (Player_Character.Exp >= Player_Character.MaxExp):
print("Congratulations you have leveled up")
print('you have', Player_Character.Exp, 'exp ')
Player_Character.Gold += goblin.Gold
print("you have", Player_Character.Gold, 'gold ')
del goblin
print("You miss ")
def flee(self):
print("you run away ")
def heal(self, Player_Character):
Player_Character.HP += d10.die_roll()
if Player_Character.HP >= Player_Character.MaxHP:
Player_Character.HP = Player_Character.MaxHP
print("You have reached max HP ")
this may be where the error is, I expect it to assign the variable name 'MrHezy' which was previously assigned to Player_Character to FighterLvl1, but when I run the code it continuously says that I am leveling up, which I am unsure if that means that the character is remaining as Player_Character, or if there is something else wrong
def LevelUp(self):
MrHezy = FighterLvl1(25, 25, 15, 10, 2, 2, 25, 75, 20, d10.die_roll()+5)
This next section has code is where my question of inheritance comes into play. Even though FighterLvl1 has inherited from (Player_Character) my IDE says things like "unresolved attribute reference 'Exp' for FighterLvl1" Also I am unsure if adding the 'attack' method under FighterLvl1 does anything; I expect it to overwrite the 'attack' method from Player_Character
class FighterLvl1(Player_Character):
def attack(self, goblin, Player_Character):
Player_attack_roll = d20.die_roll() + Player_Character.ToHitAdjustment
if (Player_attack_roll >= goblin.AC):
print('you did', Player_Character.Damage, 'damage')
goblin.HP -= Player_Character.Damage
if (goblin.HP <= 0):
print("congratulations you killed the goblin")
FighterLvl1.Exp += goblin.ExpReward
if (FighterLvl1.Exp >= FighterLvl1.MaxExp):
print("Congratulations you have leveled up")
print('you have', FighterLvl1.Exp, 'exp ')
FighterLvl1.Gold += goblin.Gold
print("you have", FighterLvl1.Gold, 'gold ')
del goblin
def LevelUp(self):
MrHezy = FighterLvl2(Player_Character)
class FighterLvl2(Player_Character):
def LevelUp(self):
MrHezy = FighterLvl3(Player_Character)
class FighterLvl3(Player_Character):
def MaxLevel(self):
print("Congratulations you are level 3, this is the highest programmed level in the game
class goblin:
def __init__(self, HP, MaxHP, AC, ToHitAdjustment, Surprise_Adjustment,
Initiative_Adjustment, \
ExpReward, Gold, Damage):
self.HP = int(HP)
self.MaxHP = int(MaxHP)
self.AC = int(AC)
self.ToHitAdjustment = int(ToHitAdjustment)
self.Surprise_Adjustment = int(Surprise_Adjustment)
self.Initiative_Adjustment = int(Initiative_Adjustment)
self.ExpReward = int(ExpReward)
self.Gold = int(Gold)
self.Damage = int(Damage)
def attack(self, Player_Character, goblin):
if (goblin.HP <= 0):
print("the goblin is inert")
goblin_attack_roll = d20.die_roll() + goblin.ToHitAdjustment
if (goblin_attack_roll >= Player_Character.AC):
goblin_damage = d4.die_roll()
print("you take", goblin_damage, 'damage')
Player_Character.HP -= goblin_damage
if (Player_Character.HP <= 0):
print("oh dear you have died")
del Player_Character
print("the goblin misses ")
MrHezy = Player_Character(20, 20, 10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0, d10.die_roll())
def spawn_goblin(goblin):
G1 = goblin(5, 10, 8, 2, 0, 0, 25, 5, d4.die_roll())
return G1
goblin1 = spawn_goblin(goblin)
def battle(goblin1):
# user input
player_initiative_adjustment = MrHezy.Initiative_Adjustment
monster_initiative_adjustment = goblin1.Initiative_Adjustment
#define while loop for the battle
while True:
if (goblin1.HP <= 0):
print('oh dear looks like we need a new goblin')
#use random.randint(a,b) to generate player and monster base initiative
player_base_initiative = d10.die_roll()
monster_base_initiative = d10.die_roll()
#subtract the adjustment to get player and monster initiative
player_initiative = player_base_initiative - player_initiative_adjustment
monster_initiative = monster_base_initiative - monster_initiative_adjustment
#compare the initiatives and display the results
if (player_initiative < monster_initiative):
attack_flee_heal = input("congratulations you go first. Would you like to attack,
flee, or heal?")
if attack_flee_heal == 'attack':
MrHezy.attack(goblin1, MrHezy)
elif attack_flee_heal == 'heal':
print("the goblin attacks")
elif attack_flee_heal == 'flee':
print("uhoh, the monsters go first, they attack!")
goblin1.attack(MrHezy, goblin1)
attack_flee_heal = input("Would you like to attack, flee, or heal? ")
if attack_flee_heal == 'attack':
MrHezy.attack(goblin1, MrHezy)
elif attack_flee_heal == 'heal':
print("the goblin attacks")
goblin1.attack(MrHezy, goblin1)
elif attack_flee_heal == 'flee':
#main game loop
while True:
print("spawn another goblin")
goblin1.HP = 0
goblin1.HP += d10.die_roll()
This code runs perfectly well, please enter it into your IDE.
The problem that I have is a logic error, when a goblin is killed instead of leveling up the character first to level 1 then level 2 then level 3 instead the character levels up to level 1 over and over and over.
I agree with Danny Varod, in that there are very many improvements that need to be made, and I definitely recommend following his advice.
However if you are simply looking to make what you have work you need to specify in your level up methods that you are referencing the global MrHezy variable.
def LevelUp(self):
global MrHezy
MrHezy = FighterLvl2(Player_Character)
The level up replaces a variable in the object, what you should do, if you want to use a class per level (not necessarily a good idea) is:
Create a Character class.
In Character class define an implementation field.
Initialize implementation field e.g. implementation = SomeSpeciesLevel1().
To "level-up": implementation = implementation.level_up()
This way you have a constant wrapper that doesn't change which wraps the level-changing implementation.
A better design would be to have one class with functionality based on level-dependant formulas.
class CharImpl:
def can_level_up() -> bool:
return NotImplemented
def next_level() -> CharImpl:
return NotImplemented
class Character:
def __init__(initial_impl: CharImpl=None):
self.impl = initial_impl.copy() if initial_impl else HumanLevel1()
def level_up():
if self.impl.can_level_up():
self.impl = self.impl.next_level()
class Human(CharImpl):
class HumanLevel1(Human):
def __init__(src: Human):
# TODO: copy relevant fields from src
def can_level_up() -> bool:
return True
def next_level() -> CharImpl:
return HumanLevel2(self)
class HumanLevel2(Human):
def __init__(src: Human):
# TODO: copy relevant fields
def can_level_up() -> bool:
return False
def next_level() -> CharImpl:
return self

Can't correctly call accessor method of class in Python

Here is the code
import random
class Animal(object):
__name = ""
__animal_type = ""
__mood = 0
def __init__(self, animal_type, animal_name):
self.__animal_type = animal_type
self.__name = animal_name
self.__mood = random.randint(1, 3)
def get_animal_type(self, animal):
return self.__animal_type
def get_name(self, animal):
return self.__name
def check_mood(self, animal):
animal_mood = ""
if self.__mood == 0:
animal_mood = "the mood was 0 and didn't change"
elif self.__mood == 1:
animal_mood = "happy"
elif self.__mood == 2:
animal_mood = "hungry"
elif self.__mood == 3:
animal_mood = "sleepy"
return animal_mood
animal_list = [Animal]
do_animal_creation = True
while do_animal_creation:
print("Welcome to animal gen")
new_animal_type = input("What type of animal? ")
new_animal_name = input("Name of animal? ")
new_animal = Animal(new_animal_type, new_animal_name)
do_animal_creation = input("Add another animal? y/n: ")
if do_animal_creation != 'y':
do_animal_creation = False
print("\nThanks for using this program.")
do_animal_creation = True
print("Animal list:")
for item in animal_list:
item_name = item.get_name(item)
item_type = item.get_animal_type(item)
item_mood = item.check_mood(item)
print(item_name + " the " + item_type + " is " + item_mood + ".")
Everytime I try to call the get_name or get_animal_type or check_mood methods it tells me I'm sending an incorrect amount of parameters. Then I try to play with the parameters, either send one more like it asks me to, or take away a parameter in the method definition within the class, and neither of those work. I feel like I am syntactically not calling the methods correctly, but I don't know what exactly I'm doing wrong.
The first element of your animal_list is the Animal class, not an instance. Hence, calling instance methods on it won't work as expected. Whatever you might have tried to make that work (like passing an instance as first argument) will then fail for the subsequent elements which are instances.
animal_list = [Animal]
# this puts the Animal class in your list
# Note: In Python, lists are not type-parametrized like in other languages,
# which is probably what you assumed you were doing
animal_list = []
Moreover, your getters should not take parameters:
def get_animal_type(self):
return self.__animal_type
and call it:

it shows"line 42, in <module> if input_ !='no': NameError: name 'input_' is not defined" when i giv no in first line.How can i correct it?

Its showing"line 42, in
if input_ !='no':
NameError: name 'input_' is not defined" error when i input 'no'
The code is :
def rock_paper_scissors():
comp_score = your_score = 0
y,z="This is a rockpaper scissors game. ","Do you wish to play"
x= ["rock","paper","scissors"]
if input_ == "no":
if input_ !='no':
a=input("Do you wanna play again?")
How can i rectify it? (this is just a small part of the entire program but i think this should do...)
Variable input_ is initialised inside function rock_paper_scissors() which means outside of it (function scope) is undefined. So we need to put it inside function or make input_ global.
def rock_paper_scissors():
comp_score = your_score = 0
y, z = "This is a rock paper scissors game. ", "Do you wish to play"
x= ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]
input_=input(y + z + "?")
if input_ == "no":
else: # no need for: if input_ != "no"
a = input("Do you wanna play again?")
Hope this helps.
Here is my take on it, still needs some work, it functional...
# Tested via Python 3.7.4 - 64bit, Windows 10
# Author: Dean Van Greunen
# License: I dont care, do what you want
# Some Defines
# imports
import random
# global vars
comp_score = 0
your_score = 0
input_ = ''
ai_input = ''
# strings
string_1 = 'This is a rockpaper scissors game.'
question_1 = 'Do you wish to play? '
question_2 = 'Enter your move: '
question_3 = 'Do you wanna play again? '
string_4 = 'Valid Moves: '
string_5 = 'Thank you for playing!'
string_6 = 'Scores: Player {0} V.S. AI {1}'
yes = 'yes'
no = 'no'
# vaild moves
moves = ["rock","paper","scissors"]
# Code Setup
def displayWinner(player_move_str, ai_move_str):
# Vars
winner = ''
tie = False
# Winner Logic
if player_move_str == ai_move_str:
tie = True
elif player_move_str == 'paper' and ai_move_str == 'rock':
winner = 'Player'
elif player_move_str == 'scissor' and ai_move_str == 'rock':
winner = 'AI'
elif player_move_str == 'rock' and ai_move_str == 'paper':
winner = 'AI'
elif player_move_str == 'scissor' and ai_move_str == 'paper':
winner = 'Player'
elif player_move_str == 'rock' and ai_move_str == 'scissor':
winner = 'Player'
elif player_move_str == 'paper' and ai_move_str == 'scissor':
winner = 'AI'
# display Logic
if tie:
print('It Was A Tie!')
global your_score
global comp_score
if winner == 'AI':
comp_score = comp_score + 1
elif winner == 'Player':
your_score = your_score + 1
print(winner + ' Won!')
def start():
global your_score
global comp_score
print(string_6.format(your_score, comp_score))
input_ = input(question_1)
if input_ == yes:
[print(x) for x in moves]# make sure input is valid.
input_ = input(question_2)
ai_input = random.choice(moves) # let AI pick move
print('AI Picked: ' + ai_input)
displayWinner(input_, ai_input)
input_ = input(question_3) # Play Again?
if input_ == yes:
start() # Restart Game (Recursive Call)
print(string_5) # Thank you Message
# Game/Script Entry Point/Function
Thanks yall. Fixed my program. Now it goes like:
import time
import random
input_ =""
def rock_paper_scissors():
comp_score = your_score = 0
y,z="This is a rockpaper scissors game. ","Do you wish to play"
x= ["rock","paper","scissors"]
global input_
if input_ == "no":
max_score=("Enter max score : ")
while True:
input_=input("Enter your choice among rock, paper and scissors ('stop' to
if input_ not in x and input_!='stop'and input_ != 'enough':
print("Invalid answer. Are you blind? Pick one from the 3.")
n = random.randint(0,2)
if n<2:
if input_==x[n+1]:
elif input_==k:
if input_=="paper":
elif input_=="rock":
elif input_=="scissors":
if input_!="stop" and input_ != "enough":
print("Your choice : "+input_ +"\nComputers move : "+k)
elif input_=="stop" and input_=="enough":
input_=input("Play again?")
if (your_score == max_score or comp_score==max_score) or (input_=="stop"
or input_=="enough"):
print("Your score is : ",your_score)
print("AI's score is : ",comp_score)
if input_ !='no':
a=input("Do you wanna play again?")
if a =="yes":
print("k.bye! \n :(")

What is the correct way to format my code?

I have been trying to resolve my script with no results. I can't get
the load data to display. It is saving in members.txt and can read
it manually if opened. If someone can give any other advice on the
script as a whole it would be greatly appreciated.
I have reasearced greatly changed script around still have no luck.
import os if 'file' in vars():
wk_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('file')) else:
print('We are running the script interactively')
class playerCLass(object):
name = ""
phone = ""
number = 0
def __init__(self, name, phone, number): = name = phone
self.number = number
def setname(self, name): = name
def setphone(self, phone): = phone
def setnumber(self, number):
self.number = number
def getname(self):
def getphone(self):
def getnumber(self):
return self.number
def display_data(self):
print("Member information: ")
print("Phone number:",
print("Jersey number:", self.number)
def displayMenu():
print("===========Menu Selections===========")
print("1. Display Team Roster.")
print("2. Add Member.")
print("3. Remove Member.")
print("4. Edit Member.")
print("5. Save Data.")
print("6. Load Data.")
print("9. Exit Program.")
return int(input("<<Selection>> "))
def printPlayer(players):
print("Current members: ")
if len(players) == 0:
print("No current members in memory.")
x = 1
while x < len(players):
x = x + 1
def addPlayer(players):
newName = input("Type in member's name to be added to the roster:")
newPhone = input("Type in the member's phone number:")
newNumber = int(input("Type in the member's jersey number:"))
players[newName] = playerCLass(newName, newPhone, newNumber)
return players
def removePlayer(players):
name = input("Enter member's name to be removed:")
if name in players:
del players[name]
print("member's name not found in list: ")
return players
def editPlayer(players):
oldName = input("Enter the name you want to edit: ")
if oldName in players:
newName = input("Enter a new name: ")
newPhone = input("Enter new phone number: ")
newNumber = int(input("Enter new jersey number: "))
players[oldName] = playerCLass(newName, newPhone, newNumber)
print("No such name in memory: ")
return players
def saveData():
filename = input("Filename to save: ")
print("Saving data...")
outFile = open(filename, "wt")
for x in players.keys():
name = players[int(x)].getname()
phone = players[int(x)].getphone()
number = str(players[x].getnumber())
outFile.write(name + "," + phone + "," + number + "\n")
print("Data saved.")
def loadData():
players = {}
filename = input("Filename to load: ")
inFile = open(filename, "rt")
print("Loading data...")
while True:
inLine = inFile.readline()
if not inLine:
inLine = inLine[:-1]
name, phone, number = inLine.split(",")
players[name] = (name, phone, number)
print("Data Loaded Successfully.")
return players
print("Welcome to the Team Manager")
players = {}
menuSelection = displayMenu()
while menuSelection != 9:
if menuSelection == 1:
elif menuSelection == 2:
players = addPlayer(players)
elif menuSelection == 3:
players = removePlayer(players)
elif menuSelection == 4:
players = editPlayer(players)
elif menuSelection == 5:
elif menuSelection == 6:
menuSelection = displayMenu()
print("Exiting Program...")
If your issue is specifically not getting printPlayer to work you can do
def printPlayer(players):
print("Current members: ")
if len(players) == 0:
print("No current members in memory.")
#Iterate through dictionary of player name and player object and call
#display data on each of them
for name, player in players.items():
If you then run the code and input according to the statements you wrote, you should get something like this.
Welcome to the Team Manager
===========Menu Selections===========
1. Display Team Roster.
2. Add Member.
3. Remove Member.
4. Edit Member.
5. Save Data.
6. Load Data.
9. Exit Program.
<<Selection>> 1
Current members:
No current members in memory.
===========Menu Selections===========
1. Display Team Roster.
2. Add Member.
3. Remove Member.
4. Edit Member.
5. Save Data.
6. Load Data.
9. Exit Program.
<<Selection>> 2
Type in member's name to be added to the roster:Joe
Type in the member's phone number:123
Type in the member's jersey number:456
===========Menu Selections===========
1. Display Team Roster.
2. Add Member.
3. Remove Member.
4. Edit Member.
5. Save Data.
6. Load Data.
9. Exit Program.
<<Selection>> 1
Current members:
Member information:
Name: Joe
Phone number: 123
Jersey number: 456
===========Menu Selections===========
1. Display Team Roster.
2. Add Member.
3. Remove Member.
4. Edit Member.
5. Save Data.
6. Load Data.
9. Exit Program.

Cant get my elif functions right

menu_item = MainMenu = ["Display Team Roster", "Add Member", "Remove Member", "Edit Member", "Exit Program"]
while menu_item != 9:
print("Welcome to the Team Manager!")
print("1. Display Team Roster.")
print("2. Add Member.")
print("3. Remove Member.")
print("4. Edit Member")
print("9. Exit Program.")
menu_item = int(input("Selection:"))
elifmenu_item == 1
current = 0
while len(MainMenu) > 0:
current < len(MainMenu)
print(current, ".", MainMenu[current])
current = current + 1
elifmenu_item == 2
name = input("Enter new member's name:")
elifmenu_item == 3
del_name = input("Enter member name to be removed:")
del_name in MainMenu
item_number = MainMenu.index(del_name)
del MainMenu[1]
elifmenu_item == 4
old_name = input("Enter the name of the member you want to edit:")
old_name in MainMenu
item_number = MainMenu.index(old_name)
new_name = input("Enter the new name of the member:")
MainMenu[1] = new_name
Write a modularized program that will utilize a main menu to control the program’s functions and a list to store the members of your team. The following functions that your program needs to include:
•Print the current member list.
•Add a new member.
•Remove a member.
•Modify an existing member.
•Exit the program
elif is not a function, it is language element just like while, if.
It has to be used together with if (just like else), example:
if a == '1':
elif a == '2':
In your case you have elifmenu_item == 1 which is wrong, you should have a space after elif and you should start with an if, only subsequent cases use elif.
