How to report if a control exists more than once in a web page? - coded-ui-tests

Can anybody say that if a control for example a button is available more than once, we have to say that the button is available more than once.

Look at below Code sample, which might help:
WinButton button = new WinButton(parent);
button.SearchProperties[WinButton.PropertyNames.Name] = propertyValue;
int buttonCount = button.FindMatchingControls().Count();
if(buttonCount > 1)
//then it means that button is available more than once.


Is there a way to detect if user clicked a disabled button?

Hey, I have an UserForm into which an user inputs varius profile
Once it's filled in, there is verification - if anything goes astray,
the CommandButton, named save_button is disabled
What I want to achieve is: If user clicks on the button, whilst it is in the disabled state, to display a MsgBox saying he needs to correct the incorrectly filled in field
For Demonstration purposes, I'm not gonna paste here the validation procedures, so let's just pretend that the save_button.Enabled = False is set from the getgo. Produces the same result.
save_button.Enabled = False ' already ran before, pretend this executes it
Private Sub save_button_Click()
If save_button.Enabled = False Then
MsgBox "Clicked disabled button"
End If
End Sub
Issue is, once a CommandButton is set to .Enabled = False then it can no longer be officially clicked (hence it can't even trigger the Click() procedure)
My next thought was to use the MouseUp as a substitute. Issue is,
this triggers on any miniscule movement over the button and I don't want to bombard the user with MsgBoxes
Can you think of any alternatives, as to how to detect if user clicked the disabled button?
When a control is disabled, the click event bubbles up the tree. In your case, I guess the user form will get the click instead. If you put your save button inside a frame, that will get the click if the button is disabled. It is fairly easy to make the frame invisible, by setting
Caption to ""
BorderStyle to fmBorderStyleNone
SpecialEffect to fmSpecialEffectFlat
And then size the frame so that is the same size as the button.
The code is easy:
Private Sub YourNewFrame_Click()
MsgBox "Save button disabled!"
End Sub
Tip: If you draw the frame, cut your button and paste it inside your new frame, it will be placed properly. Properly, as in in the right part of the hierarchy. Visually, you will have to do manually.
I want to offer another approach based on my comment to your question.
In the below gif, you will see that the 'Create Form' does not become enabled until all the necessary information is provided. You don't see it in the gif so much, but each entry that requires validation also has it behind the scenes in code.
The essential code behind that action is this:
Sub checkFields()
Select Case True
Case Len(Me.formTitleLine1) = 0, Len(Me.formPrefix) = 0, Len(Me.formNumber) = 0, Len(Me.formProduct) = 0, Len(Me.formEditionMonth) = 0, Len(Me.formEditionYear) = 0
Me.createForm.Enabled = False
Case Else
Me.createForm.Enabled = True
End Select
End Sub
And it's called on the afterUpdate event of each relevant box:
Private Sub formEditionYear_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
With one small change to the checkFields sub, you can only show the save button once everything has been filled in correctly. That change would be:
instead of

How to give data dynamically in a dialog box using visual c++

How can I send data to a dialog box dynamically?
In a previous project I used edit boxes (e.g for 3 conductors) and gave those data separately for each conductor. Now I have to give them dynamically and I don't have standard number of conductors and I can't use edit box again.
Could you please give me an idea or a good link describing step by step how to create a table in a dialog box dynamically?
I have created a dialog box in which I insert data about conductors (resistivity, permeability, diameter etc (electric power systems Smile | :) )) in edit boxes but I have done it only for 3 conductors. I have to insert-edit the number of conductors and then edit their characteristics. But I can't use again edit boxes because this is static. I want something like a dynamic table which will have rows=number of conductors and columns about is characteristic (resistivity, permeability, diameter)and edit them in dialog box. I don't know how to upload my executable to male clear what I have done but here is a part of my code for the static case of three conductors Smile | :) I want another dynamic way to edit data :/
void CInputView::OnLinefeaturesFeatures()
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
CInputDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CFeaturesDialog DialogWindow;
DialogWindow.m_DialogCon = m_NumCond;
DialogWindow.m_DialogLayers = m_Layers;
DialogWindow.m_DialogPermeability = m_AirPermeability;
DialogWindow.m_DialogAirConductivity = m_AirConductivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogAirPermittivity = m_AirPermittivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability1 = m_EarthPermeability1;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity1 = m_EarthConductivity1;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity1 = m_EarthPermittivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogDepth = m_depth;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability2 = m_EarthPermeability2;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity2 = m_EarthConductivity2;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity2 = m_EarthPermittivity2;
DialogWindow.m_Dialogfrequency = m_frequency;
if (DialogWindow.DoModal() == IDOK)
m_NumCond = DialogWindow.m_DialogCon;
m_Layers = DialogWindow.m_DialogLayers;
m_AirPermeability = DialogWindow.m_DialogPermeability;
m_AirConductivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogAirConductivity;
m_AirPermittivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogAirPermittivity;
m_EarthPermeability1 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability1;
m_EarthConductivity1 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity1;
m_EarthPermittivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity1;
m_depth = DialogWindow.m_DialogDepth;
m_EarthPermeability2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability2;
m_EarthConductivity2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity2;
m_EarthPermittivity2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity2;
m_frequency = DialogWindow.m_Dialogfrequency;

XPages Extension Library Data View Control Confirm Count of Checkbox selection

I have an xpage with a data view control, that has show checkbox and show header checkbox enabled. I want to be able to provide confirmation with a count of selected documents to the user when they click the submit button.
"Are you sure you want to submit x number of documents?"
My confirm action returns 0 regardless of how many documents I select. What am I doing wrong?
<xp:this.message><![CDATA[#{javascript:var = getComponent("dataView1");
var val = dataView1.getSelectedIds();
var len = val.length;
return "Are you sure you want to submit " + len + " number of documents?";
The immediate problem that you're running into is that the confirmation message is most likely being computed as the button is rendered the first time - which is to say, when no documents are checked.
Even beyond that, though, the getSelectedIds method is tricky: the selected documents are cleared after each request, so something that would do a request to the server to get the selected ID count would also have the side effect of clearing out the selections.
What may be the way to do here is to do the check client-side with something like this:
<xp:eventHandler ...>
<!-- other action stuff here -->
var count = dojo.query("tbody input[type='checkbox']:checked", dojo.byId("#{id:yourDataViewId}")).length;
return XSP.confirm("Are you sure you want to submit " + count + " document" + (count == 1 ? "" : "s") + "?");
The Dojo query in there will search for all checked checkboxes inside the body part of the data view (to exclude the header checkbox), restricted to within the specific data view you want to search for. The XSP.confirm client-side method is the same idea as the <xp:confirm/> simple action, and returning the value from it will cancel the submit if the user says no.

c# listbox i have trouble with

I created a list in a button ADD:
List <string> Names = new List<string>();
textBox1.Text = " ";
I created another button SHOW NAMES and i want these names I entered in the list, to be listed in the listbox? How can this be done?
First, you need to move that first line outside of the button click method, because if you declare the list inside the method, it will be gone once that method returns.
For your SHOW NAMES method, if all you want to do is display the list, you could use a TextBlock instead of a listbox, and it will be a little easier:
TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
tb.text = string.Concat(Names);

Setting DisplayMemberPath of ComboBox in code

In my WPF program I have:
string queryString = "Select AccountID, ProjectName from Foo where IsEnabled = 1";
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(queryString, sConn1);
DataSet dsAccounts = new DataSet();
adapter.Fill(dsAccounts, "Accounts");
cbAccount.ItemsSource = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"].AsEnumerable();
cbAccount.DisplayMemberPath = "ProjectName";
When my program runs and I dropdown the ComboBox all the rows are there but they display as blanks. When I click on a row, my SelectionChanged event handler properly identifies the selected row and picks up the proper values.
I believe my problem is with the DisplayMemberPath.
What am I doing wrong?
This is not an answer but rather a workaround. This works:
cbAccount.DataContext = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"];
//cbAccount.ItemsSource = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"].AsEnumerable();
cbAccount.DisplayMemberPath = "ProjectName";
By setting the DataContext reather than the ItemSource then the DisplayMemberPath is being set properly.
The question remains open, there must be a way to properly set the DisplayMemberPath when one has an ItemSource rather than a DataContext.
I believe the problem is that your table accounts is not serialized to objects.
If you use a list of accounts instead of your tables then it works perfect with the ItemsSource and DisplayMemeberPath.
