Cron to detect low available memory - cron

Hello I have a memory leak on my server which I finding it difficult to trace, apparently so is support. They told me I to try and write a cron to detect when my server is low on memory but I have no idea how to do this.
I use PHP to build my apps on a VPS server with CentOS6 installed..

Quoting from
free is a standard unix command that displays used and available memory. Used with the options -m it will output the values in megabytes. The last value in the line labeled "-/+ buffers/cache:" shows the total available memory. So we can use grep and awk to get this value and turn it into a number.
free -m | grep cache: | awk '{ print int($NF) }'
*/5 * * * * ((`free -m | grep cache: | awk '{ print int($NF) }'` >= 50)) && curl -sm 30 http://any_monitoring_url
The "curl ... any_monitoring_url" in the above example is pinging an external monitoring system like the one we built ( to catch memory leaks and then email / sms / slack you. This step is not strictly necessary. You could do something as simple as touch file_to_check_timestamp or echo "Low Memory!" >> file_to_check_for_low_memory_alerts. The problem is that if memory (or CPU or disk space) get pinned, you could hit deadlock and the scheduled cron task may not run. Hence the value of a third-party monitor.
Also see our articles on cron monitoring CPU and Disk Space and other recipes, in case they're of value as well.


how to get Linux to automatically remove old pages from pagecache?

Ever since upgrading to Linux kernel 5.8 and later, I've been having problems with my system freezing up from running out of RAM, and it's all going to the pagecache.
I have a program that reorganizes the data from the OpenStreetMap planet_latest.osm.pbf file into a structure that's more efficient for my usage. However, because this file is larger than the amount of RAM on my system (60GB file versus 48GB RAM), the page cache fills up. Before kernel 5.8, the cache would reach full, and then keep chugging along (with an increase in disk thrashing). Since 5.8, the system freezes because it won't ever automatically release a page from the page cache (such as 30GB earlier in my sequential read of the planet_latest.osm.pbf file). I don't need to use my reorganizing program to hang the system; I found the following unprivileged command would do it:
cat planet_latest.osm.pbf >/dev/null
I have tried using the fadvise64() system service to manually force releases of pages in the planet file I have already passed; it helps, but doesn't entirely solve the problem with the various output files my program creates (especially when those temporary output files are randomly read back later).
So, what does it take to get the 5.8 through 5.10 Linux kernel to actually automatically release old pages from the page cache when system RAM gets low?
To work around the problem, I have been using a script to monitor cache size and write to /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches when the cache gets too large, but of course that also releases new pages I am currently using along with obsolete pages.
while true ; do
H=`free | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $6}'`
if [ $H -gt 35000000 ]; then
echo -n $H " # " ; date
echo 1 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
sensors | grep '°C'
H=`free | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $6}'`
echo -n $H " # "; date
sleep 30
(the sensors stuff is to watch out for CPU overheating in stages of my program that are multi-threaded CPU-intensive rather than disk-intensive).
I have filed a bug report at, but they haven't looked at it yet.

Calculate CPU usage from top command in linux

I have to display the CPU usage on my application and update it in real time. I am using top command to get the CPU usage i.e.
I add the two highlighted values to get the CPU usage. The command which i am using to add the highlighted values and get the final CPU usage is:
top -b -n 2 | grep Cpu | awk '{printf "CPU Load:%.2f\n", $(NF-13) + $(NF-15)}' | sed -n '2 p'
Issues is that, this command stops working after sometime i.e. for 3-4 minutes i do get the CPU usage but after that command does not process and i do not get the updated value. I am running this command in a loop.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I am using the similar script without issues for some time now:
top -bn2 | grep Cpu | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/.*, *\([0-9.]*\)%* id.*/\1/' | awk '{print 100-$1}'
The script takes the 'idle' time from top output and deduct it from 100% to get cpu usage.
The periodicity of the loop in which you are calling the script should not be faster than the time needed for the script to finish. Otherwise, you may get multiple 'top's running in parallel. This primarily depends on the 'top' default delay on your system, on mine, it is about 5s, but you can set this with -d switch.

run the disk space checking script in linux without login

I wrote a script for checking the disk space in the linux machine using shell script when i am login.
Now if i am not login in that machine but i need an alert if the disk space is more than the threshold (ex:80) means how can i check?
1.Using ssh (remote command execution)
2.Run as a background script.
Which one is more efficient?
or is there any other ideas to do this?
I do not want to do any kind of login directly/indirectly. ie. I even don't want to use ssh keygen to store keys. It should work like the webpages, with any new systems also but without any kind of security tuning
Pls let me know.
The cron program is a good place to start. It is available on any Linux system, and can be setup to run programs at regular intervals. If the program produces error messages, those are normally emailed to the account which create the cron job.
Script for checking the disk usage and cpu usage
df command is used to check the list of disks available and their attributes.Here we get the Filesystem information and take name of the file system and usage of the file
system through awk command.Next for getting the value we cut the % symbol and get the interger only.Then we check the condition for Alert Message.
df -H | grep -vE '^Filesystem' | awk '{ print $5 " " $1 }' | while read output; do
usep=$(echo $output | awk '{ print $1}'| cut -d '%' -f1 )
partition=$(echo $output | awk '{ print $2 }' )
if [ $usep -ge $ALERT ]; then
echo "Alert: Almost out of disk space $usep $partition $HOSTNAME"
This is the script i have written for checking the disk space.
Then i gave crontab -e command in the terminal add the script to the file.Now the new cron job is assigned.i set the cronjob to be executed for every 1 hour to monitor the disk space check.
So,Now i can't able to get the message notification.If i am not logged in in that machine,How to get the information about the disk space check?
Is there any thing needs to improve in the script?

How to measure IOPS for a command in linux?

I'm working on a simulation model, where I want to determine when the storage IOPS capacity becomes a bottleneck (e.g. and HDD has ~150 IOPS, while an SSD can have 150,000). So I'm trying to come up with a way to benchmark IOPS in a command (git) for some of it's different operations (push, pull, merge, clone).
So far, I have found tools like iostat, however, I am not sure how to limit the report to what a single command does.
The best idea I can come up with is to determine my HDD IOPS capacity, use time on the actual command, see how long it lasts, multiply that by IOPS and those are my IOPS:
HDD ->150 IOPS
time df -h
real 0m0.032s
150 * .032 = 4.8 IOPS
But, this is of course very stupid, because the duration of the execution may have been related to CPU usage rather than HDD usage, so unless usage of HDD was 100% for that time, it makes no sense to measure things like that.
So, how can I measure the IOPS for a command?
There are multiple time(1) commands on a typical Linux system; the default is a bash(1) builtin which is somewhat basic. There is also /usr/bin/time which you can run by either calling it exactly like that, or telling bash(1) to not use aliases and builtins by prefixing it with a backslash thus: \time. Debian has it in the "time" package which is installed by default, Ubuntu is likely identical, and other distributions will be quite similar.
Invoking it in a similar fashion to the shell builtin is already more verbose and informative, albeit perhaps more opaque unless you're already familiar with what the numbers really mean:
$ \time df
[output elided]
0.00user 0.00system 0:00.01elapsed 66%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 864maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+261minor)pagefaults 0swaps
However, I'd like to draw your attention to the man page which lists the -f option to customise the output format, and in particular the %w format which counts the number of times the process gave up its CPU timeslice for I/O:
$ \time -f 'ios=%w' du Maildir >/dev/null
$ \time -f 'ios=%w' du Maildir >/dev/null
Note that the first run stopped for I/O 184 times, but the second run stopped just once. The first figure is credible, as there are 124 directories in my ~/Maildir: the reading of the directory and the inode gives roughly two IOPS per directory, less a bit because some inodes were likely next to each other and read in one operation, plus some extra again for mapping in the du(1) binary, shared libraries, and so on.
The second figure is of course lower due to Linux's disk cache. So the final piece is to flush the cache. sync(1) is a familiar command which flushes dirty writes to disk, but doesn't flush the read cache. You can flush that one by writing 3 to /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches. (Other values are also occasionally useful, but you want 3 here.) As a non-root user, the simplest way to do this is:
echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
Combining that with /usr/bin/time should allow you to build the scripts you need to benchmark the commands you're interested in.
As a minor aside, tee(1) is used because this won't work:
sudo echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
The reason? Although the echo(1) runs as root, the redirection is as your normal user account, which doesn't have write permissions to drop_caches. tee(1) effectively does the redirection as root.
The iotop command collects I/O usage information about processes on Linux. By default, it is an interactive command but you can run it in batch mode with -b / --batch. Also, you can a list of processes with -p / --pid. Thus, you can monitor the activity of a git command with:
$ sudo iotop -p $(pidof git) -b
You can change the delay with -d / --delay.
You can use pidstat:
pidstat -d 2
More specifically pidstat -d 2 | grep COMMAND or pidstat -C COMMANDNAME -d 2
The pidstat command is used for monitoring individual tasks currently being managed by the Linux kernel. It writes to standard output activities for every task selected with option -p or for every task managed by the Linux kernel if option -p ALL has been used. Not selecting any tasks is equivalent to specifying -p ALL but only active tasks (tasks with non-zero statistics values) will appear in the report.
The pidstat command can also be used for monitoring the child processes of selected tasks.
-C commDisplay only tasks whose command name includes the stringcomm. This string can be a regular expression.

How to log the memory consumption on Linux?

Is there any ready-to-use solution to log the memory consumption from the start of the system? I'd like to log the data to simple text file or some database so I can analyze it later.
I'm working on Linux 2.4-based embedded system. I need to debug the problem related to memory consumption. My application automatically start on every system start. I need the way to get the data with timestamps from regular intervals (as often as possible), so I can track down problem.
The symptoms of my problem: when system starts it launched my main application and GUI to visualize the main parameters of the system. GUI based on GTK+ (X server). If I disable GUI and X server then my application works OK. If I enable GUI and X server it does not work when I have 256 MiB or 512 MiB of physical memory installed on the motherboard. If I have 1 GiB of memory installed then everything is OK.
The following script prints time stamps and a header.
#!/bin/bash -e
echo " date time $(free -m | grep total | sed -E 's/^ (.*)/\1/g')"
while true; do
echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') $(free -m | grep Mem: | sed 's/Mem://g')"
sleep 1
The output looks like this (tested on Ubuntu 15.04, 64-bit).
date time total used free shared buffers cached
2015-08-01 13:57:27 24002 13283 10718 522 693 2308
2015-08-01 13:57:28 24002 13321 10680 522 693 2308
2015-08-01 13:57:29 24002 13355 10646 522 693 2308
2015-08-01 13:57:30 24002 13353 10648 522 693 2308
A small script like
rm memory.log
while true; do free >> memory.log; sleep 1; done
I am a big fan of logging everything and I find it useful to know which processes are using the memory and how much each process is using (as well as sumary statistics). The following command records a top printout ordered by memory consumption every 0.5 seconds:
top -bd0.5 -o +%MEM > memory.log
Just note that the log file will grow a lot faster than if you only store the total memory utilization statistics so be sure you don't run out of disk space.
There's a program called
on *nix systems. You could try to use that to monitor memory usage. It takes measurements at regular intervals. Do a
man sar
for more details. I think the option is -r for taking memory measurements, -i to specify the interval you'd like.
I think adding a crontab entry will be enough
*/5 * * * * free -m >> some_output_file
There are other tools like SeaLion, New Relic, Server Density etc which will almost do the same but are much easier to install and configure. My favorite is SeaLion, as it being free and also it gives a awesome timeline view of raw outputs of common linux commands.
You could put something like
vmstat X >> mylogfile
into a startup script. Since your application is already in startup you could just add this line to the end of the initialization script your application is already using.
(where X is # of seconds between log messages)
To periodically log the memory usage efficiently, I combined another answer here with a method to only retain the top-K memory-using processes.
top -bd 1.5 -o +%MEM | grep "load average" -A 9 > memory_usage.log
This command will record, every 1.5s, the top header information and the 3 highest memory-consuming processes (there's a 6-line offset for top's header information). This saves lots of disk space over recording top's information for every process.
So I know that I am late to this game, but I just came up with this answer, as I needed to do this, and really didn't want the extra fields that vmstat, free, etc... all will seem to output without excess filtering. So here is the answer that I came up with:
top -bd 0.1 | grep 'KiB Mem' | cut -d' ' -f10 > memory.txt
top -bd 0.1 | grep 'KiB Mem' | cut -d' ' -f10 | tee memory.txt
the standard output from top when grep ing with Kib Mem is:
KiB Mem : 16047368 total, 8708172 free, 6015720 used, 1323476 buff/cache
By running this through cut, we filter down to literally just the number prior to used
The user can indeed modify the 0.1 to another number in order to run different capture sample rates. In my case I wanted to use top also because you can run memory stats faster than 1 second per capture, as you can see here I wanted to capture a stat every 1/10th of a second.
It does turn out that piping through cut cause MASSIVE delay in getting anything out to file. As we later found out, it is much faster to leave out the cut command during data acquisition, then perform the cut command on the output file later.
Also, we had no need for timestamps in our tests.
This thus looks as follows:
Begin Logging:
top -bd 0.1 | grep 'KiB Mem' | tee memory_raw.txt
Exit Logging:
ctrl-z (to exit logging)
2 levels of cut (filtering), first by comma, then by space. This is due to the alignment of top and provides much cleaner output:
cut memory_raw -d',' -f3 | tee memory_used_withlabel.txt
cut memory_used_withlabel.txt -d' ' -f3 | tee memory_used.txt
