Exact same CountIf formula giving different results from different cells - excel

I saw an solution where someone was using a range as the criteria for COUNTIF and while trying to understand it better I found some really odd things happening and hoping someone could explain to me what is going on. Here is the setup of the excel.
RC Pro Am,,Super Mario Brothers
Punch Out,,Duck Hunt
Super Mario Brothers
Duck Hunt
Hopefully you can use the above to copy and paste it in. In column A there is a list of names and in column C there is a list of some of the names. In cell E1 there is a formula:
Then in cell E2 there is the exact same formula.
Here is a screen shot so you can see the formulas are identical:
So cell E1 and E2 have the exact same formula but are giving me a different result. As you can see in the first screen shot cell E1 gives a result of 0 while E2 gives a result of 1. Then if I make cell E1 into an array formula it gives a result of 1.
Why would the exact same formula in two different cells give a different result and why when changing cell E1 to an array formula would it change the result? I am using Excel 2016.
UPDATED: Additional questions.
When passing in a array into COUNTIF does it check each element in the range against each element in the criteria or does it just check row in the range against the corresponding row in the criteria?
Even when I put them in the same order, I cannot get the COUNTIF to return a number greater then 1. I would expect if the first 3 match the COUNTIF should return 3 but it is returning 1 for me. Please see below:
While rows 2, 3 and 4 match it is still giving an answer of 1.

I was a little surprised this worked at all. Typically I've used the "criteria" as >4 or <10 etc. Nice to know you can do a string comparison at all.
When using CountIf outside of an array formula you're going to be getting a comparison of values in adjacent cells. Typically CountIF is looking for a single criteria, not a range. At least that's the way I've always used it. eg, first formula in the cell range compared to first cells in each of the cell ranges.
Try these two experiments. Copy Super Mario Brothers from the right column to the left column and the results are going to now show 1 and 1 in the two formulas. Put it back. Move the two cells you have formulas in down one row, and you should see the results go from 1 and 0 to 1 and 1. Move it one more cell lower and it changes the values again.
I'm not sure this is what you're trying to accomplish, but copy this into the formula at and then copy down 6 rows. =COUNTIF($A$2:A$6,C2)


Return Match Values and also count this value for how many repeated in a range of cell in Excel

I am straggling with some formula that I have a spreadsheet that contains two range of cells. What I want to do is,
I would like to create a search Box that will search a value from Range A and if found return range B value and also will count of range B value is repeated.
Below image is for what I mean
I used INDEX, MATCH and also IF Functions :( but not really get what I wanted.
I am poor in formula, so it would be great if someone can figure out what kind of functions I should use for this.
For information, it can be achieved through formula as below.
E3 houses the value being searched for e.g. "A"
In cell F3 insert following array formula which needs to be committed by hitting CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER simultaneously.
Copy down as much as you need.
You need to adjust 1000 to suit your data. It should match last row.
In cell G3 you can use following formula.
Copy down as much as you need.

How to simplify 64 levels of nesting formula in Excel?

I encountered "64 levels of nesting" issue while working on my formula. Is there any way to simplify this formula? This formula worked fine up from 10 to 500 (G:G) but once over 510 something, it encountered "64 levels of nesting" issue. I found some solutions that involved lookup and match-index, but I can't see where/how to implement it here.
Formula is in cell B3:
Cells $A2:$A26 & cells $E2:$E26 are variable. Cells $D2:$D26 are just my indicator. Others are constant value.
Cells $B2:$B26 will calculate the formula $A2+$A2* percentage. The percentage is based on the value which is in cells $E2:$E26. The value is then determine by the value in cells $A2:$A26.
Formula in cells $B2:$B26 are as previous formula dragged down.
If the cost is 50. The value of percentage will be taken from cell $E$7. In this case is 10 thus returning the value in $B$6 to $A6+$A6*10=55
Please refer to ss 2.
excel screenshot 2
If you reach the nesting limit that nearly always means there's an easier way....
You should be able to do this much more simply with a lookup type formula, e.g.
This finds the first value in column G which is > B2 and then gets the required value from the next row in column E
The only thing this formula doesn't do is impose an upper limit on B2 (yours is the G26 value 250). If that's an issue you can just add an extra IF to cater for that
You might want to rework your tables but an INDEX/MATCH with a relative lookup on ascending data will return the correct percentage.
=b2*index(e2:e26, match(b2, g2:g26, 1))
Not 100% sure I understand your formula/intent. I think I got it...if not please clarify.
add another column that does the math in column H. enter this formula and drag down.
in cell B3 enter this formula

Excel formula to sum as long as

I'm trying to find a formula to calculate the balance of a column until a negative value is found. After the negative value is found, the balance must be calculated again until the next negative value. Basically tracking what you spent, except it only shows a value when you sold something. Anybody have an idea if this is possible to do in MS excel? Thanks!
OK. Now I get your question. I think the following will do the trick. The results exactly match your example.
// In these cells only
F2: =MAX(0,B2*C2)
G2: =MAX(0,B2)+MIN(0,B2)
// In these cells, then copy down
E3: =IF(B3<0,D3-(F2-F3),"")
F3: =F2+MAX(0,B3*C3)+IF(G2=0,0,MIN(0,B3*F2/G2))
G3: =G2+MAX(0,B3)+MIN(0,B3)
I would note a couple of things about this:
1) You might consider changing the names of your columns to trans, quan, $ per, $ ttl, $ gp, and name the 2 columns I am adding $ inv and inv.
2) This is using the average cost of inventory, recalculated with each transaction, not LIFO or FIFO.
3) If entries get out of order such that quan goes negative, I think this solution will fail. In any case, that might be an error you'd want to notice.
4) FYI, the "IF(G2=0" part of F3 is only there to avoid a divide by 0 error when G2 (inventory) is 0. I could have done this other ways, of course. It works.
5) I've left E2 blank on the assumption that you can't sell as you've not bought.
One way would be to add 2 additional columns, which could be hidden or on another sheet, then (here assuming adding columns F2 and G2 added at the right):
In Cell E2: =IF(B2<0,G2,"")
In Cell F2: =B2*C2
In Cell G2: =SUM(F$2:F2)
Copy these down and, assuming I understand your question correctly, you'll get the results you desire.
The biggest problem you've got with this is working out the ranges to check for the balance calculation. This won't work if the next row in your table is a 'sell' while you've still got one 'apple' left from the previous purchase. If you want to do anything more convoluted you should use VBA.
Others will probably have an easier way to work out the ranges; I did it in a rather convoluted way and don't have time to optimise them.
In column F there's an array formula to calculate the last row in the range of 'buys' relevant to that 'sell'.
In column G there's a normal formula to capture the row number of the first row in the range.
In column H, convert this to be stored in the relevant 'sell' row using an array formula:
In column E, balance, use these calculated row range references in an INDIRECT statement to calculate the balance.
Note that INDIRECT uses a string to reference cells and ranges and if you move cells or ranges you will have to manually change the INDIRECT string to reference the correct cells.
Responding to #carol, and looking at the Q&A again, specifically where you say " although the problems comes up after because it needs to ignore the balances that came before José and start with the new ones that follow up," I realize that you may be looking to instead display the balance of all sales receipts and purchases since the last sale. If so:
In Cell G2: =F2
Do not copy down the above. Do copy down those below.
In Cell E2: =IF(B2<0,G2,"")
In Cell F2: =B2*C2
In Cell G3: =IF(B2<0,F3,F3+G2)

One to many relationship to fetch values in an alternate rows

I am trying to fetch dates from sheet1 with common ID (there are multiple occurrences in sheet1) using an array formula in a cell (then dragging it to the right side to have all the dates belong to specific ID):
But, whenever I try to insert one column (for counting purposes) in b/w the columns, this formula doesn't work. I can't figure out the issue, would really appreciate the help?
Thank you.
Assuming that your first formula is in E2, and that the cells in row 2 of any newly-inserted columns will always be blank, replace the two instances of:
in your formula in E2 with:
As a way of explanation, take the formula in F2, for which this part will be:
(The only part having changed naturally being the end range reference.)
And let's assume that 3 new columns are inserted to the left of column E, which means that E2, F2 and G2 will now be blank, H2 will contain the entry which was previously in E2, and, for the formula in I2, the above part will now be:
Clearly we wish this part to continue to give 2, since this cell should still represent the second of our returns.
Using LEN is a rigorous way to determine whether a cell is empty or not. Other functions are also available for this purpose, though may give incorrect results depending upon whether the blanks in that range are "genuine" blanks or the null string "" as a result of formulas in those cells.
If a cell is empty, it has a length of 0. Hence, in this example, the above resolves to:
(Where I've made some random assumptions about the lengths of the strings in cells D2 and H2.)
There are many ways to determine how many non-zeroes there are in an array. SUMPRODUCT would be one; I chose another, the logic being that the above becomes, after reciprocation with unity:
and, since COUNT ignores any errors in the range passed to it, the above resolves to 2, as desired.

search multiple columns for a value and concatenate the address of the cells

I have been breaking my head over this formula for sometime now. I have found a solution which is too big and not so convenient to use every time. So can any Excel Expert give me a solution/suggestion?
Column A contains 150 values. Column D to R contains a table in which I need to look up the values in A one by one. I want to return address of all the cells that contains the value.
For example, Value in A2 is present in cells D5, E15, H10, R3 then my result should be D5,E15,H10,R13.
Please Note that some columns may not contain the value of A2, I do not want them displayed.
Here is the formula I have written:
As I said, this works but I am looking for a simpler and smaller formula.
Hint: Maybe using array can help?
Thanks in advance :)
What you are trying to accomplish is not a great fit for Excel formulas, but it can be done with a smaller, simpler formula dragged across 15 columns instead of 1 giant complicated formula that tries to do everything at once.
Assuming column A has 150 values (from A1 to A150), and there is a table going from D1 to R50...
Enter =S1&IFERROR(","&ADDRESS(MATCH($A1,D$1:D$50,0),COLUMN(D1)),"") into T1.
Drag the formula across to AH1.
Enter =RIGHT(AH1,LEN(AH1)-1) into AI1.
Select T1 to AI150 and press Ctrl-D.
Column AI1 will contain the results you are looking for.
How does this work?
The formula in T1 begins by taking the result of one cell to the left (which is blank). Then it concatenates this with the address of the first match in column D (prefixed by a comma). If there is no match, it just concatenates blank (""). As you drag this formula to the right, it keeps concatenating addresses as matches come up (or blank if there are none). When you get to the end, you will have looked for matches in all 15 column of your table.
The formula in AI1 just strips off the initial comma if there is one.
