Variable visibility in a Groovy Script - groovy

I have created a temp.groovy script:
def loggedMessages = [];
def log(message) {
loggedMessages << message;
log "Blah"
print loggedMessages.join('\n')
When I run it I get an exception relating to the log method:
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: loggedMessages
Why can't the log method see the loggedMessages variable? I obviously have a fundamental misunderstanding of what's going on. I've tried to read the docs but I can't seem to find the relevant section.

From the comments, as an answer:
The Script class documentation states (in the last section 3.4 Variables) that:
if the variable is declared as in the first example [with a type definition], it is a local variable. It will be declared in the run method that the compiler will generate and will not be visible outside of the script main body. In particular, such a variable will not be visible in other methods of the script
And further: if the variable is undeclared, it goes into the script binding. The binding is visible from the methods [...]
Therefore removing the def from loggedMessages fixes the error:
loggedMessages = [];
def log(message) {
loggedMessages << message;
log "Blah"
print loggedMessages.join('\n')
(Alternatively it can be annotated using #groovy.transform.Field as #aetheria pointed out in the comments)


groovy evaluate string as the function which exists in the same script

I am trying to evaluate string as code in groovy and it is failing with groovy.lang.MissingMethodException exception even though method exists in the same script. As I understood groovy runs new instance every time it tries to evaluate the code, but is there any way to inject current script into or GroovyShell().evaluate() so that it can find the method and runs it ?
Below is sample code snippet,
def justSayHello(){
return "hello"
def my_str = "justSayHello()"
new GroovyShell().evaluate(my_func_str)
Both Eval and GroovyShell().evaluate() are throwing below exception
Caught: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: Script1.justSayHello() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: Script1.justSayHello() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
The following code:
justSayHello = {
println "hello"
def my_str = "justSayHello()"
new GroovyShell(binding).evaluate(my_str)
prints out hello when run. Here we have changed justSayHello from a method (on an implicit class that you can not see but which the groovy compiler generates around your script) to a closure. Further we are not doing def justSayHello as that would be defining it as a field on the implicit surrounding class (again which you can't see, but it's there), but rather just defining the variable without any modifiers which puts it in the global binding of the script.
We then send in the binding to the GroovyShell so that it can find the variable.
─➤ groovy solution.groovy
A more generic variant is to do something like this:
def justSayHello() {
println "hello"
def someOtherMethod() {
println "hello again"
def methods = this.class.declaredMethods.findResults { m ->
if ('$') || in ['main', 'run']) return null
[, this.&"${}"]
}.collectEntries { it }
// just for debugging, print the methods
methods.each { k, v ->
println "method: $k"
def my_str = "justSayHello()"
new GroovyShell(new Binding(methods)).evaluate(my_str)
which prints:
─➤ groovy solution.groovy
method: justSayHello
method: someOtherMethod
here we find all the declared methods in the implicit class generated by groovy, remove some stuff added by the groovy compiler (namely main, run and methods starting with a $) and then send the resulting map as the binding for the GroovyShell constructor.
I suspect there might be a more elegant way of accomplishing this, so any groovy gurus - feel free to correct me here.
For an explanation of the implicit enclosing class for a groovy script, see for example this stackoverflow answer.

Gradle/Groovy closure scope confusion

I'm new to Gradle/Groovy and am running into issues with variable name resolution in nested closures. I have a custom task class that defines some properties and I am instantiating potentially multiple tasks of that type using a closure. This closure defines a variable named the same as one of the properties in the custom task class and I am running into some odd behavior which seems to go against what is defined in the Groovy language guide. Could someone please answer the questions in the code below?
class Something extends DefaultTask {
def thing = "a"
def thing = "b" // produces the error message:
// > Could not find method b() for arguments [build_63hfhkn4xq8gcqdsf98mf9qak$_run_closure1#70805a56] on root project 'gradle-test'.
// ...why?
(1..1).each {
def thing = "c"
task ("someTask${it}", type: Something) {
println resolveStrategy == Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST // prints "true"
println delegate.class // prints "class Something_Decorated"
println thing // prints "c" shouldn't this be "a" since it's using DELEGATE_FIRST?
println owner.thing // produces the error message:
// > Could not find property 'thing' on root project 'gradle-test'
// shouldn't the "owner" of this closure be the enclosing closure?
// in that case shouldn't this resolve to "c"
For some reason after changing all of the def into String and then back into def I can no longer replicate the def thing = "b" line producing that weird error
The code prints c because the variable named thing is declared within the lexical scope of the closure. It means that closure can just use the value of this variable. What will work:
Renaming the thing variable defined in the closure.
Explicitly referring to thing via delegate:
println delegate.thing

groovy script binding does not seem to operate

though I like Groovy sometimes the documentation is ... well terse
I have a problem to pass a binding to a script.
here is the code :
def conf = new CompilerConfiguration()
Binding env = new Binding()
env.setProperty( // some key and value set
conf.setScriptBaseClass(// name of class that is a Script
def shell = new GroovyShell(env,conf)
//isReader is the reader of the code// argz is an array of Strings, scriptName, argz)
well, for one, the "scriptname" parameter in "run" is an obscure feature (any hint? -the reader does not have the notion of a file-)
then the Binding I get in my script instance is different from the one I created! (so unable to pass variables back and forth)
I need to invoke my script using my script base class and pass a Binding and parameters to it ... if there is another way that works I would be delighted! thanks!
edit ... trying to set up examples :
package abcgroovy
abstract class MyScript extends Script{
MyScript() {
def _env = getBinding()
println _env
MyScript(Binding binding) {
def _env = binding
println _env
then the invoking code :
def conf = new CompilerConfiguration()
Binding env = new Binding()
println "ENV calling :$env"
def shell = new GroovyShell(env,conf)
Reader isReader = new StringReader("println 'hello world'")
// second argument: can't guess what to put,'abcgroovy.MyScript',new String[0])
now the result of a run :
ENV calling :groovy.lang.Binding#67a20f67
hello world
From my understanding the second parameters (fileName) is the name of the file that is parsed. This has no relevance to any functionality, but is used for error reporting. So if you have an error in your provided script, the fileName will be used in the error message. Thus, when using a different signature where you provide a URI or a File that parameter cannot be specified.
In your example the Binding from the GroovyShell actually is used, which you can verify by printing the Binding in the actual script.
def conf = new CompilerConfiguration()
Binding env = new Binding()
println "ENV calling :$env"
def shell = new GroovyShell(env,conf)
Reader isReader = new StringReader('println "binding in script: ${getBinding()}"'),'abcgroovy.MyScript',new String[0])
The reason your example outputs a different Binding is the way the script is initialized. First a new MyScript instance is created without passing the Binding, then the Binding from the GroovyShell is set using setBinding. The constructor with the Binding parameter is not used.
abstract class MyScript extends Script {
MyScript() {
println "MyScript() with binding ${getBinding()}"
MyScript(Binding binding) {
// not invoked!
println "MyScript(${binding})"
public void setBinding(Binding binding) {
println "setBinding to ${binding}"
Example output
ENV calling :groovy.lang.Binding#335eadca
MyScript() with binding groovy.lang.Binding#45018215
setBinding to groovy.lang.Binding#335eadca
binding in script: groovy.lang.Binding#335eadca
Note that the Binding is temporarily different in the MyScript() constructor only.

Groovyc successfully compiles invalid groovy scripts

c:\>cat invalid.groovy
c:\junk>groovyc invalid.groovy
c:\junk>ls invalid.class
Why does this not result in an compilation error? There is no such method!
In what scenario will this compilation be successful?
As Groovy is dynamic it cannot know that there will be no at runtime
com may be an object added to the binding at a later date in the code's execution
An example:
Say we have this bit of groovy inside Script.groovy binding )
Compile it with groovyc:
groovyc Script.groovy
Then, keep the Script.class file, and throw away the groovy script to make sure we are using the class file:
rm Script.groovy
Now, say we have the following in Runner.groovy
// Create a class which you can call a ) on
class Example {
Map test = [
build : { it ->
println "build called with parameter $it"
// Create one of our Com objects
def variable = new Example()
// Load the Script.class, and make an instance of it
def otherscript = new GroovyClassLoader().loadClass( 'Script' ).newInstance()
// Then, set `com` in the scripts binding to be our variable from above = variable
// Then, run the script
That prints:
build called with parameter groovy.lang.Binding#7bf35647
So as you can see, it gets the test parameter of the com object (the map above) and calls the build closure with the binding as a parameter...
Hope this makes sense...

Groovy-script in jenkins println output disappears when called inside class environment

The output from println from within a class function is lost.
An example script (outputclass.groovy):
class OutputClass
println("Inside class") // This will not show in the console
println("Outside class") // Only this is shown in the console
output = new OutputClass()
I use Jenkins CLI to execute the groovy script
java -jar ..\jenkins-cli.jar -s JENKINS_SERVER_URL groovy outputclass.groovy
It only outputs this:
Outside class
It seems like the class inmplicitly uses println from System.out.println, and System.out is directed to the log files, but the println outside the class is using something else, which is outputted in the script console. The following code shows the behavior.
How do I explicitly set the output device to output to the Jenkins script console?
I found the solution myself here
When the Groovy plugin starts is passes two bindings to the script. From the bindings we can get the out variable. Get it and use out.println to output to the script console, not the plain println.
The script below shows full solution.
import hudson.model.*
// Get the out variable
def out = getBinding().out;
class OutputClass
OutputClass(out) // Have to pass the out variable to the class
out.println ("Inside class")
out.println("Outside class")
output = new OutputClass(out)
If you use the skript as a post build step (I'm not shure whether it works with the mentioned CLI) you can use the build in logger:
manager.listener.logger.println("some output")
So in your case something like this may be helpful:
class OutputClass
OutputClass(logger) // Have to pass the out variable to the class
logger.println ("Inside class")
output = new OutputClass(manager.listener.logger)
See also Example 10 in Groovy Plugin Doc
Does this mailing list post help?
the output is sent to standard output, so if you check your log file, you
will probably see something like this: INFO [STDOUT] Hello World
if you insist on using system script, you have to pass out variable to
your class, as the binding is not visible inside the class (so it's
passed to standard output). You should use something like this
public class Hello {
static void say(out) {
out << "Hello World "
println "Started ..."
A simple solution that worked well for me was to add this line on top of each script. This enables usage of traditional println commands all over the code (inside and outside of classes) leaving the code intuitive.
import hudson.model.*
System.out = getBinding().out;
This enables to create log entries like this:
println("Outside class");
class OutputClass {
OutputClass() {
println ("Inside class")
new OutputClass();
It replaces the default print stream in System.out with the one handed over from Jenkins via bindings.
