Lookup "Text" Variable between dates - excel

Let me preface this question with: The data that I was provided is not in the most logical order and the work involved in scrubbing to a more uniform it would be time consuming.
I am compiling a sales sheet to collect an overall yearly view of each product's revenue. I am currently attempting to search for the product name within the sheets required within a main sheet (all within the same workbook).
See sample output below:
2014 Jan Feb Mar ... Nov Dec
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
2015 Jan Feb Mar ... Nov Dec
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Sample Input
... F ... N ... T ...
... Date ... Product ... Amount ...
10/03/15 ... Prod. 1 ... $1000.00 ...
04/05/15 ... Prod. 3 ... $3000.00 ...
02/09/15 ... Prod. 1 ... $2000.00 ...
I would like to break it down based on month and product which is where I am running into issues. Currently I am (attempting) using:
=SUMIFS('2015'!R:R,'2015'!F:F,"Product 1",">=1/1/2015",'2015'!F:F,"<=1/31/2015")
Any help provided would be greatly appreciated!

SUMIFS() is the best way to go. But one can make the criteria more dynamic so the formula can be copied from cell to cell instead of having the values "hard coded" in the formula.
To do such ensure that your month row is Actual dates that have a number format of mmm instead of text.
As you can see the Jan cell is actually 1/1/2015. We could have made this a little more dynamic also. Instead of the year being hard coded, since I put the year in A2, I could have used this formula:
And drag/copied across. This would have put the first day of each month.
Again do a custom format of mmm
Then the formula would be:
=SUMIFS('2015'!$T:$T,'2015'!$N:$N,$A3,'2015'!$F:$F,">=" & EOMONTH(B$2,-1)+1,'2015'!$F:$F,"<=" & EOMONTH(B$2,0))
This formula then is dragged/copied across and down.


fill in mulitple excel cells based on multiple cell values similar to a gantt chart

I would like to create a Gantt chart like with excel based on task start and duration cell values. I have an excel as below:
Start column indicates the quarter-calender the task starts.
Duration indicates the number of months the task can take to complete.
Based on these two value I would like to have a formula in columns Jan-Aug to fill with x appropriately
Desired output:
I dabbled with XLOOKUP and OFFSET with no luck. Tried creating defined names as in Microsoft template with no luck
You can try the following formula in cell D2:
=LET(months, MONTH(D1:O1), dur, C2:C4, Qs, B2:B4,
QsUx, SORT(UNiQUE(Qs)), start, XLOOKUP(Qs, QsUx, SEQUENCE(ROWS(QsUx),,1,3)),
end, start + dur - 1,
GEN_X, LAMBDA(idx, MAP(start, end, LAMBDA(ss, ee,
LET(month, INDEX(months,,idx), IF(MEDIAN(ss, ee, month) = month, "x",""))))),
DROP(REDUCE("", months, LAMBDA(acc, m, HSTACK(acc, GEN_X(m)))),,1)
and here is the output:
Note: The formula generates the entire grid, there is no need to expand the formula.
It uses the following two ideas:
To populate the grid using the MEDIAN function. Check the answer provided by #JosWoolley: Sum unique day count within a date ranges.
DROP/REDUCE/HSTACK pattern to iterate over all the month's columns to generate the x's for a given column. Check the answer provided by #DavidLeal to the question: how to transform a table in Excel from vertical to horizontal but with different lengths.
The rest is just to prepare/transform the input data in the format we want. The LET function is used for easy reading and composition.
The row with the months: D1:O1 was generated in date format as follows:
=EDATE(DATE(2022,1,1), SEQUENCE(1,12,0))
Now the months variable will have the corresponding months via the MONTH function, it returns the following sequence of values: 1,2,..,12.
QsUx has the unique names of quarters sorted. Then we can calculate the start date as follow:
SEQUENCE generates the following sequence: 1,4,7,..etc. (as many values as rows have QsUx). Representing the starting month of each quarter.
Note: This is just one approach. The start can be obtained, by extracting the number of the Quarter and building a sequence: 1, prev. value + 3, for example. Alternatively, since we have only four quarters just a simple constant array with all the Qs and their corresponding start dates. The approach used in the main formula is more generic because the Gantt can be expanded to more than one year and it still works.
Having the start date, then we can calculate the corresponding end date as follows: start + dur - 1.
The user LAMBDA function GEN_X generates the x's values for a given column of months indicated by the idx as input argument (representing the corresponding month).
Finally, we use the DROP/REDUCE/HSTACK pattern to append each column to complete the grid.
Note: The solution assumes no excel version constraints as per the tag listed in the question, so all existing excel functions are available. If you have some limitations for example you don't have the DROP function, let me know to try to find some alternative.

Excel - How to do the following?

I have a question related to EXCEL:
Since I have the following prices for different period, how can I compute in an automatic way, for example the price between 10 June - 15 July ?
EDIT--> Expected output:
50€+50€ (10-11 june) + 58€x13 (period 12 june - 25 June) + 75€x13 (period 26 june - 9 July) + 92€x5 (period 10 july-15july) = 2289€
This is the same pictures with the cells in excel, please do not consider the "Price of period", but only the daily price
You could do this with a (lengthy) calculation:
A8 Contains the from date (10-06-2021)
B8 Contains the from date (17-07-2021)
This will consider a period from 10-06 - 11-06 a period of 2 days. And also 12-06 - 25-06 a period of 14 days, and so on.
The result is: 2514.00
One method would be to create a lookup table and use a formula.
Given your data, your lookup table might as shown below:
I NAME'd it: priceTable
You can then use the formula:
If, for some reason, you cannot easily create priceTable, you can create it with a formula (depending on your version of Excel):
Note: All of the formulas assume your dates are real dates and not strings.
If your version of Excel does not have the SEQUENCE function, you can replace it with:

Excel: Calculation with different beginning dates

I have a long time-series of monthly returns for the S&P500. I would like to calculate the 3-month return, for a subset of dates?
For example, I would like to calculate the 3-month return for the following
Month Year 3-Month Return
Jan 1929
Dec 1948
July 1981
I have monthly return data like:
Month Year Monthly Return
Jan 1929 0.102
Feb 1929 0.072
Mar 1929 -0.231
Dec 2019 0.157
So the first calculation would be something like (1+0.102)(1+0.072)(1-0.231)-1. I can do this manually but have many calculations, unfortunately.
to find the match, you need a unique column, so combine A & B to another column, so that the month+year combination is unique, then use that combination to find the values.
Suppose you have data in this form:
The formula for match index is =match(P3,U$3:U$13,0) and that for your 3 monthly return is =(1+index(V$3:V$13,Q3))*(1+index(V$3:V$13,Q3+1))*(1+index(V$3:V$13,Q3+2))-1
You can put the match index inside the formula in C column to avoid the column, but you'd have to put it 3 times. you can also use different combination for combined date, like the actual date format of mm/yyyy, it'll still work.

How to calculate workdays and compensation for given period based on Employee's monthly salary?

I have only three editable fields:
salary = 15,000
start date = 18 Jul 2014
end date = 12 Oct 2014
With these fields, I need to calculate the total salary I need to pay. Payment is on a monthly basis:
(JULY = 15,000 / 31 * 14) +
(AUG = 15,000 / 31 * 31) +
(SEPT = 15,000 / 30 * 30) +
(OCT = 15,000 / 30 * 12).
I can get total days based on both dates (ie 87 days, =DAYS($enddate,$startdate)+1) ) but I need to split the days according to the months.
What formula do I need automatically to get the amount, because each person will have different salary and different dates?
You can use Excel VBA custom Function to solve your problem:
1). First, you should populate Excel Worksheet with data structure reflecting Employees Name, Monthly Salary, StartDate and EndDate, like in the following sample:
Employee M.Salary Start Date EndDate
John $15,000.00 7/18/2014 10/12/2014
Ann $20,000.00 7/19/2014 10/13/2014
Peter $16,000.00 7/20/2014 10/14/2014
Jeff $25,000.00 7/21/2014 10/15/2014
2). The DAYS in date range can be simply found by subtraction (EndDate-StartDate), because the underlying data type in integer
3). For general solution to the problem (Calculate the compensation for any arbitrary period and monthly salary) you will need to create custom VBA formula and use it in a separate column for each Employee. Refer to this article for explanation: Create a custom worksheet function in Excel VBA
4). Pertinent to your particular case with fixed date rage, the simplified solution based on the Excel Worksheet formulas (no VBA) is described below:
Employee MoSalary Start End Days FullMo FirstMo LastMo Total
John $15,000.00 7/18/2014 10/12/2014 87 30000.00 $6,774.19 $6,000.00 $42,774.19
Ann $20,000.00 7/18/2014 10/12/2014 87 40000.00 $9,032.26 $8,000.00 $57,032.26
Peter $16,000.00 7/18/2014 10/12/2014 87 32000.00 $7,225.81 $6,400.00 $45,625.81
Jeff $25,000.00 7/18/2014 10/12/2014 87 50000.00 $11,290.32 $10,000.00 $71,290.32
4a). In column E starting with row 2 add formula for DAYS : =(D2-C2)+1 and extend it for entire range
4b). In column F starting with row 2 add formula for whole months : =2*B2 and extend it for entire range
4c). In column G starting with row 2 add formula for the first month : =14*B2/31 and extend it for entire range
4d). In column H starting with row 2 add formula for last month : =12*B2/30 and extend it for entire range
4e). In column I starting with row 2 add formula for total compensation : =SUM(F2:H2) and extend it for entire range
Hope this will help. Best regards,
I have split this out because I am not entirely sure what you require and you may be able to assemble the pieces in a way that better suits you:
Assuming your data is in A1:A3, put 1/7/14 in C1, 1/8/14 in D1, 1/9/14 in E1 and 1/10/14 in F1.
To count the number of applicable days by month, in C2 enter:
To compute the salary for the month by computing the daily rate for the applicable month and multiplying that by the number of days from above, in C3 enter:
Format C2:C3 to suit and copy across to F2:F3.

Excel countif comma separated criter

I have an excel spreadsheet with a project column and columns for each month of the year. On a different tab on the same spreadsheet, tab name = JIRA. For example:
Main Tab:
Project(Column L) hours
JIRA tab
Project (col B) Jan hours (Col J) FEB hours (Col K)<br>
P1 14 10<br>
P2 15 10<br>
P3 5 15<br>
P4 32 5<br>
P5 20 22<br>
P6 25 15<br>
If I use the following formula in the hours column of the main tab in the Feb column, I can get the hours to populated correctly:
My Problem:
I want to put multiple project number on the same column on the main tab separated by a comma:
Main Tab:
Project(Column L) hours<br>
How do I get the sumif formula to recognize multiple project names and search for each project summing the total? Based on the above, after plugging in the correct formula, I want to see:
Main Tab:
Project(Column L) Jan hours FEb hours<br>
P1<br> 14 10
P2<br> 15 10
P1,P2<br> 29 20
P3,P4,P5<br> 57 42
any help would be appreciated.
You can use this formula:
In my example names(P1,P2...etc) are in A2:A10, B2:B10 contains the values to sum and D2 is the names your looking for.
Depending on your Regional Settings you may need to replace ";" by ","
