Equal distribution formula based on preset values. Excel - excel

e.g. There are 300 apples. There are 100 people. Each person has a preset value (represented as a number 1 to 5). 1=1 apple, if their value is 5 they get 5 apples etc. But there are 300 apples available so each person is going to get more then the value says they "deserve". Or one day there are only 200 apples and every one gets less then what the value states says they "deserve". Is this possible in excel?
john 5
james 5
sam 4
matt 5
mike 3
steve 2

This absolutely sounds like a perfect problem for Solver to handle. As you know, this in included within Excel's addins. It can deal with all the variables you mentioned.


Determining a value depending on where you are on a list in Excel

I am tracking the progress of students reading books in class. For the number of books they read they get a reward. It is not 1 book = prize, 2 books = prize. Instead there are dead spaces along the way, for example there is no reward for books 3 and 4 but there is for 5 books. I want to be able to input the number of books each student read and have it update as to what the next reward will be. For example:
List one
Name Books Next Tier Prize
Sally 4 5 Candy Store
Luke 1 2 Extra coloring time
Jane 8 10 10 Extra minutes on the playground
And so on
The table for rewards would be
Books Prize
1 Ribbon
2 Extra coloring time
5 Candy Store
7 Prize bucket
10 10 Extra minutes on the playground
And so on
This is just an abbreviated list and I have used if then statements previously. However the previous list that had 18 values was cumbersome as it was, the new list has 35 values.
I have used if/then statements in the past in combination with vlookup, but with the increased number of values, it just seemed daunting. I could still use an if statement but was hoping there would be an easier way.
Put this in C2 and copy over and down:

Limit the number of results when using Excel array functions

I am trying to use the SortBy function to return the top 3 results from a table that I have. If I put the function somewhere else in the sheet, I can just reference the first three cells, and that works fine. But I would like to do this with just one function.
I have created a lambda with the Filter function to help, but if I get multiple items with the same sum, it will give me more than three results and cause a spill. Is there another way I can approach this to give me the top 3 know that I might not see some ties if they are there.
The data would look something like this.
Food Sold
Apple 20
Banana 10
Apple 30
Apple 3
Carrot 5
Milk 10
Peas 10
Kale 1
Then I'm looking for a result like this
Apple 53
Banana 10
Milk 10
Peas also had ten, but got cut because I only want 3 items returned.
We can use TAKE and HSTACK:
And since at the time of writing this HSTACK and TAKE are not available to all Office 365 users, we can use CHOOSE and INDEX respectively:

Subtract two range values for matching ones excel

I have come across of the problem that, I don't know how to solve in efficient way. So I have two tables like these:
Table 1
Company Score
Apple 10
Banana 5
Kiwi 4
Pineapple 2
Table 2
Company Score
Apple 4
Pineapple 3
Kiwi 2
Strawberry 1
Then in my result table in which I have company names listed in one column, like below. Right next to this I would like to show the differences which should be the first table values - the second table values where company names match(the list can be in different order that is why, I need to check it before subtracting).
Table 3
Company Result
Kiwi 2
Apple 6
Banana -5
Pineapple -1
I can do this with nested IF function to check every cell one by one, but I assume there might be more efficient way. I wonder if you have one.
Thanks to #ScottCraner's comment, I solved it with two sumifs subtracted from one another with this formula. I entered this in Column D66 and dragged down
1st Sum if: Where C36-C45 is my first list of companies, C66-C75 is the list of companies that I have in the results table, D36 -D45 is the score list from the first table.
2nd Sum if: Where C51-C60 is my second list of companies, C66-C75 is the list of companies that I have in the results table, D51 -D60 is the score list from the second table.

Lookup with multiple criteria, one a MAX value

I am trying to lookup the LOCATION of an employee (NAME) and their MANAGER from the most recent month (largest month number) in a particular QUARTER in data like this:
Ryan Smith Sioux Falls Rick James 3 7
Jane Doe Tampa Bobby Brown 3 7
John Rogers Tampa Tracy Lane 3 7
Ryan Smith Sioux Falls Rick James 3 8
Jane Doe Denver Thomas Craig 3 8
John Rogers Tampa Cody Davis 3 8
So if I know the name of the employee and the quarter I'm looking up, the results should display who their last manager was and the location they were in, as these may change month to month.
I have used an INDEX and MATCH array formula:
but this just provides the first match and not necessarily the most recent month in that quarter. I attempted to include a MAX function which looked something like this:
but that didn't quite get me there either.
What formula do I need to get this to work?
I think I'd choose a PivotTable for its versatility and speed:
I think a pivot table is probably the best option and can easily be modified with the filters when new entries are added to the underlying data. I was working on a solution with a formula, but it requires you to add a lookup column.
The formula for the lookup column is: =E6&" "&H6&" "&I6
I wasn't clear on how the OP was going to be "entering" his employee name and quarter, so I had to make an assumption that it would be in a separate column:
And the formula in column B (which is cumbersome) is:
=VLOOKUP(A6&" "&MAX(IF(H1:H100=NUMBERVALUE(RIGHT(A6,1)),I1:I100)),$D$6:$G$11,3,FALSE)&", managed by "&VLOOKUP(A6&" "&MAX(IF(H1:H100=NUMBERVALUE(RIGHT(A6,1)),I1:I100)),$D$6:$G$11,4,FALSE)
But it works, and as long as the lookup range is adjusted, is scaleable.

Count the number of absent in different sheet excel

I have 6 worksheets and each containing names of workers. The first sheet just picks data from the other five sheets each representing a week day. The other five sheets contains names of workers which is in a column A, their working hours in column B and column C is whether they are absent or not. I want a way to collect information to the first sheet such that there will be a column that will count the number of days a worker has being absent.
When a worker is absent it is marked "absent" else it is left blank.
Can I use it with VLOOKUP included?
You should be able to use a "=COUNTIFS(criteria_range1,criteria1,criteria_range2,criteria2,etc.)"
statement which might look something like: "=COUNTIFS(WorkerNameRange,WorkerName,AbsentColumn,AbsentIndicator)"
Okay, you didn't provide a lot of information, so here is my best answer based off of some made up sample data.
We will use 3 workers, George, Bob, and Steve. George works 8 hours/day, Bob 6 hours/day, and Steve 4 hours/day. So this is what I assume the Monday sheet would look like
Bob and Steve both missed work (rough weekend), so we won't count their hours on the Total sheet. We will also count this as 1 absent for both.
Worker Hours Absent
George 8
Bob 6 absent
Steve 4 absent
Tuesday is similar to Monday except that only Steve was absent.
Worker Hours Absent
George 8
Bob 6
Steve 4 absent
Total Sheet
We will assume that no one was absent for the rest of the week. So George should have gotten in 40 hours with 0 days absent. Bob missed a day, so he only got in 4*6=24 hours. Steve missed two days, so his hours will be 3*4=12. Bob will have 1 absent and Steve will have 2.
Worker Hours Days Absent
George 40 0
Bob 24 1
Steve 12 2
To sum up the hours they were present, we can use the following formula in the Hours column on the Total sheet.
What this does is uses a series of SUMIFS() functions to check each day if the name matches and if they were absent. If they weren't absent, it adds their hours to the total. If they were absent, it does nothing. So we get the correct hour totals. We could just count the absents and then do some math with the number of days absent, but I don't know if you have people who might work different hours different days (e.g. 4 hours Monday, 6 hours Tuesday, etc.)
To count the hours, we will use a simple COUNTA() function.
This counts all cells in that workers Absent columns that are not blank. This allows you flexibility to use any mark for absent as long as blank means "not absent".
There are other ways this spreadsheet could be made more robust with Table formatting, but I will leave it up to you to do the research.
