Does Azure function pricing include webhooks too? - azure

I understood how functions pricing works. It is basically the sum of request charges and computation charges. Assuming I use a webhook + API triiger for my function. Now how my pricing works ?

Regardless of the trigger type (HTTP/WebHook, Queue, Service Bus, etc.), the billing model (from an Azure Functions' perspective) is the same, so covered by the pricing page and the billing calculator you've linked to.
Any other resources external to Azure Functions (service bus, storage, services providing the WebHook) would have their own costs.
I hope this helps.


Disabled Azure Function Billing

Assuming my azure function (consumption plan) is disabled, would I still have to pay for request attempts sent to it (NotFound response)?
In Depth:
I have azure function created (consumption plan) with multiple HTTP triggers configured (, api/check, etc..)
As you know, Azure allows to change the state of every one of this triggers (Disabled/Enabled).
If I disabled one of them and then try to call it, I get a NotFound response (which is fine).
So, my question is, would I be billed for requests sent to this trigger even though it's disabled?
Azure functions only pay for computing resources for the functions that are active. Its usage plan is based on resource consumption and executions per second.
The Consumption plan dynamically adds and removes instances of the Functions host based on the number of incoming events.
For more info on Azure functions you can refer HERE
Azure Functions pricing

Accessing a mailbox with the new Graph API how to estimate cost?

I have a need to read a dedicated mailbox and read new messages and its attachment. The preferred way to do this now, seems to be with the newer Graph API. This requires setting up an azure application. Ok, so forgive the newbie question, but how can I get an idea of what an expected monthly cost will be?
Taking for granted that you already have an Office 365 (Exchange Online) subscription and Azure AD tenant, neither AAD application registration nor Graph API requests wouldn't cost you anything extra.
As for the application itself, the cost will depend on the Azure service you'll choose it to deploy to. You've used the "azure-functions" tag in your question, so I assume that's what you are going to use. Well, it's quite hard to estimate an Azure function cost before actually running it (do you know the resource consumption of a piece of software which doesn't exist yet?), so I'll suggest you proceed this way:
Create a new Function App, be sure to select "Consumption Plan" as its hosting plan;
Go to your app -> Function app settings and set the "Daily Usage Quota (GB-Sec)" as 12900. This way you'll ensure your app will not exceed the 400,000 GB-s execution time, included for free in your subscription;
Deploy your application and have fun with the Graph API for free;
Enable Application Insights integration for your function app and monitor Execution Count and Function Execution Units metrics to have an idea of what's your function approximate consumption is.
P.S.: Please have in mind that other Azure resources you would utilize besides your function itself (storage account, application insights, outbound traffic, etc.) could result in some charges, though I doubt they will exceed a couple of bucks monthly if you don't store terabytes of data as a part of your app logic.

API to know Azure Notification Hubs limit left

I need to know how to get limit which is left for Azure Notification Hub. Is there such function in Azure API? I haven't find anything about it in docs.
As far as I know, there are three tiers in Notification Hubs—free, basic, and standard. Base charge and quotas are applied at the namespace level. These three tiers have limits in the namespace. For more details, you can refer to the doc. To see the current namespace tier, simply GET on the namespace plan:
GET:{subscription ID}/services/ServiceBus/Namespaces/{namespace name}/notificationhubplan

In azure Logic Apps do we have to create separate logic app for each integration

In Azure Logic Apps do we have to create the separate logic app for each integration, if we create separate then how cost is applied?
In azure Logic Apps the how price calculated is somewhat confusing.
I asked the above question as I don't know whether it'll charge for storage of each logic apps.
Please if possible Provide explanation for pricing
In Azure logic apps, pricing is calculated based on the total number of executions, connectors used and data retention. Values of all the logic apps under an Azure Subscription will be considered for calculating the cost. Azure Integration account is for maintaining the availability and security for the resources mapped to it.
Logic apps can be created and used with out Integration Accounts. Integration Accounts are suggested for large scale enterprise business integrations.
As pricing is calculated based on the consolidated usage, any number of logic apps can be created. Only the Logic App executions decides the cost.
In Azure Logic Apps do we have to create the separate logic app for each integration, if we create separate then how cost is applied?
You don't have to create the separate logic app for each integration account, but you can just use only one account and you can change it (integration account must be the same region as the logic app).
If you create separate logic app, they will cost by Data Retention as $0.12 Per GB/month.
Please if possible Provide explanation for pricing
You could refer to the pricing details and use the Pricing calculator of Logic App, it will be helpful.

Understanding Azure Function app and Service Bus costs

I'm playing around with creating a Pub/Sub system using Azure Service Bus Topics and an Azure Function app where the functions are decorated with ServiceBusTrigger. I'm using the standard tier for Service Bus and Consumption Plan for the Function app.
The concept is working fine and will serve my purposes, however, I'm having difficulty understanding how this will affect my Azure costs.
Running just one function with that attribute seems to generate a couple request per second to the Service Bus. In the end, I expect to have quite a few Topics with Subscriptions and an Azure Function for each Subscription.
If I understand correctly, each of the requests that the ServiceBusTrigger generates counts against the number of Service Bus operations you get. With a few functions, I'll go over 13M ops pretty easily.
Some of these subscribers aren't so time sensitive that they'd need to check the Subscription several times per second. Is there a way to change the frequency that ServiceBusTrigger checks the Subscription to reduce costs? Am I approaching this problem from entirely the wrong angle?
