Parameter panel hidden for Report linked to an image (SSRS) - visual-studio-2012

I created 2 ssrs reports.
-- naming: (ReportNr1 = R1) and (ReportNr2 = R2)
R1 uses a date range to return data, something like
WHERE TransDate BETWEEN #StartDate AND #EndDate
R2 has an embedded image which I want to link to R1 when it's clicked.
All works 100% in VS, but as soon as I deploy the report, the parameter panels are missing on R1, when the image is clicked...
When I view R1 directly (not via the link of R2) then the Date Picker is there and it works perfectly
Please help, as I've been researching this error for hours, with zero luck
thanks in advance!!


Data within table does show up angular 2 primeng

I am going through a angular2 source where data are shown in a table with the help of primeng, and I am going through the following issue:
When I click on the link for the firt time, the page display that "No records found".
Then I check if data is actually loaded into the memory or not, and it is validated that the data is loaded, but is not shown in the table with the initial load.
I have the following properties set to the p-dataTable:
dt [value]="entries" [paginator]="true" [pagelinks]="3" [rowsPerPageOptions]=[5,10,20]
When I click and choose either 5, or 10, or 20 from the combo, I can see the table.
So the issue is is that when the page is loaded initially, the data is not shown in the table, even after "5" is shown on the combo for [rowsPerPageOptions]. I expect to see 5 rows in the table.
Any idea to get around with this issue?
Data is not loaded until you will not bind data with the row.
Please try like this :[rows]="5"
dt [value]="entries" [paginator]="true" [pagelinks]="3" [rows]="5" [rowsPerPageOptions]=[5,10,20]

QTP row and column count is always 1

I am writing a piece of code to copy data from a web table to an excel sheet. I don't understand why I am getting row count and column count 1. Is there something else that I need to add?
Here is my code:
Dim XL
Set XL=createobject("Excel.Application")
XL.Workbooks.Open "D:\QTP\RailwaysforSurat.xlsx"
Set nsheet = XL.Sheets.Item(1)
row=Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebTable("html tag:=TABLE", "index:=0").GetROProperty("rows")
msgbox row
cols=Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebTable("html tag:=TABLE", "index:=1").GetROProperty("cols")
msgbox cols
This not complete code. I have trouble getting rows and columns count. Please help!
P.S. I am using this website for the testing ""
I noticed that you are using Descriptive Programming techniques to identify the WebTable, but you're using extremely generic descriptions for everything. Perhaps that's just scrubbed for the sake of posting publicly, but the important thing that I notice is that your code to read Rows is trying to find a table with Index of 0 and your code to read Cols is trying to find a table with index of 1...
This means you are accessing two different tables. Are you sure that your descriptions are finding the table that you think you want?
My suggestion is to:
1) bring up the page in your browser so that you can see the table.
2) Bring up QTP and open the GuiSPY
3) Click the pointing hand over a cube button to begin spying
4) Click on something inside the table you are trying to work with.
GuiSPY will snap back and show a hierarchy of objects that it found. Next, you want to positively identify what level in that hierarchy is the table at... I would...
5) starting at the top (Browser), select the top row and click "Highlight in Application" and watch what gets lit up.
6) go down the hierarchy list clicking the next item in the hierarchy and clicking "Highlight in Application" until you see it flash on the exact table you're trying to target.
7) Once you have isolated the table, click the button for "Copy the identification properties to the clipboard" button, then close GuiSPY.
8) Open a notepad, or just use QTP's editor window itself and paste in what GuiSPY copied to clipboard.
Ok, you now have a complete list of everything QTP was able to see about the specific table you want to detect. From here, you want to look through the list of properties and find one (or two) that would positively identify that table every time.. For example, on this very page, the table that holds your question could be identified as:
WebTable("text:=I am writing a piece of code to copy data")... (*note I've shaved it down because it's automatically a Regex string... With some cleanup, it could be:
Browser("StackOverFlow.Com").Page("Question 36663629").WebTable("text:=I am writing a piece of code to copy data"))
Now replace your .WebTable("html tag:=TABLE", "index:=0") with that data you've selected, and try it again. Hopefully you can lock in on the exact table you're expecting and get the info you need.
The indianrail page did not open so cannot see the table you are testing. But QTP provides default methods for rows and columns, try using that and see if it works.
NumRows = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlights").RowCount
NumColumns = Browser("Mercury Tours").Page("Search Results").WebTable("OutboundFlights").ColumnCount(1)
ColumnCount takes row number as parameter
Not sure what tables you are looking at, but if it is Services and information then the rows/cols value for those table is 1.The whole web page is consisted of concatenated web tables. So its going to be little tricky to capture that information. Try using a child object method and count the number of links within the web table, its going to look something like this -
Set oWebEdit=Description.Create
Set olink = Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebTable("").childobjects(oWebLink)
msgbox olink.count
'Then initiate a for loop
For i = 0 to olink.count-1
' Get the link name
olink. count(i).GetRoproperty("name")
'Initiate an array and save the link names
If get link name does not work then you can use childitem method.
Also make sure you are using the correct index for the tables or define some other properties as well.
P.S. If you are going to use DP in future and haven't already then read about Childitems/childobjects methods.They come in real handy while using DP.

How to add parents to tasks in TFS using Excel macro

I have an excel macro, which is supposed to do the following:
Import a PBI from TFS.
Add tasks to the PBI.
Upload the tasks back to TFS.
The macro works fine except I am having trouble adding the PBI as a parent for the tasks. I am trying to use the Links and Attachments option of the menu to add the link because Microsoft doesn't have an API for the TFS Excel Add-In.
After searching, I have found the Microsoft documentation about the Links and Attachments button is minimal at best. Here is what I am trying.
Dim publishControl As CommandBarControl
Dim wiStore
Set publishControl = FindTeamControl("IDC_LINKS_ATTACHMENTS")
Set wiStore = FindTeamControl("IDC_IMPORT")
publishControl.Parent = wiStore.GetWorkItem(207895)
I'm essentially looking for documentation on
FindTeamControl("IDC_LINKS_ATTACHMENTS") and FindTeamControl("IDC_IMPORT").
You can also use queries to find links between work items. A condition in the Where clause may apply to the links or to any work item that is the source or the target of a link.
[Source].[FieldName] = Value
[Target].[FieldName] = Value
[System.Links.LinkType] = 'LinkName'

Excel Pivot Table: Open URL with Pivot Table Settings as Parameter

I have an Excel file that connects to our customer database. In there, I can break down the number of customers using a Pivot table. For instance, I would see that there are X female customers of age 18-25 who live in the US.
What I'd like to do now, is take this number X, turn it into a link that, when clicked, opens a web browser window to a web application which is also connected to the same customer database and does something with this specific customer segment (i.e. builds a contact file for a newsletter application etc.)
I have no idea how this can be done. I assume that it may be possible to add a custom button to the Excel toolbar which would extract all the current pivot table settings so that I can send them as URL parameters to my web app. Is this possible? If so, how is it done?
Can you help me in the right direction please?
Thx a lot!
No need to create buttons if you dont have to.
You can use the HYPERLINK() function and concatenate the URL out of text and cell values.
So for example the URL for this page in an excel cell would be:
Where cell A1 = 18843796
18843796 being the id for this question. You can do this with as many parameters as you want.
This will create a clickable URL which will automatically open your default browser.

Excel doesn't show value as date although indicated with VT_DATE and using SystemTimeToVariantTime

we are exporting to excel (office2010) via COM automation (C++).
Meaning we use SafeArrays, VARIANTs and the use the excel API like range->PutValue().
We have an issue on certain (not all) customer machines with exporting date values.
We normally indicate the value of the VARIANT as VT_DATE and fill in the date member.
Something like this:
short Year=2011;
short Month=11;
short Day=14;
short Hour=0;
short Minute=0;
short Second=0;
SystemTimeVal.wYear = (WORD)Year;
SystemTimeVal.wMonth = (WORD)Month;
SystemTimeVal.wDay = (WORD)Day;
SystemTimeVal.wHour = (WORD)Hour;
SystemTimeVal.wMinute = (WORD)Minute;
SystemTimeVal.wSecond = (WORD)Second;
V_VT(&vValue) = VT_DATE;
SystemTimeToVariantTime(&SystemTimeVal, &(;
// SafeArrayPutElement related code omitted here
// ...
When opening the xls file, the value shown is as a number.
If you open Format dialog in Excel, it should "General".
In this case the number is 40861.
When letting Excel format it as Date, the correct date 14 november 2011 is shown.
On my pc and at other customers, Excel nicely formatted it as Date.
The case in which it happened is with a French customer, but colleages have used the same regional settings and language settings, and on their pc every thing goes fine...
Also we have several other French customers and never got a complaint from them.
I suppose it must be some machine specific issue but have no clue...
Did somebody run into the same kind of issue?
it looks like installing SP1 for Office fixes the problem...
