Yield from dependency plugin? - errbot

I want to make parser plugin, which will translate free form messages to the bot commands and run them from other plugins.
Let's say I have PluginA and PluginB which depends on PluginA. On PluginA I have command:
def do_on_a(self, msg):
yield "yielding first msg from A {}".format(msg)
yield "yielding second msg from A {}".format(msg)
The only way I found to run it from PluginB is making a list from generator:
def get_from_a(self, msg, args):
yield list(self.get_plugin('PluginA').do_on_A(msg))
But in this way I'm getting both PluginA messages in one time. Is there are a way to get messages from PluginA when they appears? Also maybe I can just form a bot command in plugin and send it to errbot like I send it from backend?
Something like:
def get_from_a(self, msg, args):
send "!do_on_a"

You have to make sure that the command from plugin B (which is calling A) is a generator which yields the items the command from plugin A is producing. The easiest is to use the yield from syntax introduced with Python 3.3:
def get_from_a(self, msg, args):
yield from self.get_plugin('PluginA').do_on_A(msg)


What happens when using python input() if no TTY?

I am trying to write an API client for Telegram using Telethon.
If you create a TelegramClient(session) it prompts for input upon initialization if your session isn’t authorized.
This is great when manually running the program from the terminal, but what if I want to run it inside a daemon or cron job?
They are using the default Input method from python3 to gather the input. I don’t see any way in the library to specify a session file and check if it’s logged in that can be run before initializing a TelegramClient, and it’s the initializer that will prompt for input if not logged in.
This feels like a catch 22! Does anybody know if this might produce an error that could be caught? Or what happens when input() is run with no tty? Would it just hang? Could I add a timeout in that case?
Thanks in advance for helping me understand better!
You are affirming that the initialization of TelegramClient invokes the input function as default, but this is done inside the TelegramClient.start method (docs).
Taking the solution that you give at the end of your question is a fair aproach, so let's use a timeout when invoking input.
from asyncio import get_event_loop, wait_for, TimeoutError
from functools import partial
from telethon import TelegramClient
async def ainput(prompt):
"""Reads input from stdin in an async way"""
loop = get_event_loop()
await loop.run_in_executor(None, print, prompt)
return await loop.run_in_executor(None, input)
async def get_code(timeout):
"""Waits for the code from stdin with a timeout"""
return await wait_for(
ainput("Please, type the code you received: "),
except TimeoutError:
client = TelegramClient(session, api_id, api_hash).start(
code_callback=partial(get_code, 30)
You should keep in mind that when you call start the arguments phone, and password also reads from stdin if it isn't provided a callable or default value, so you can handle them like in this example with code_callback.
In your case you can get the code from a POST to your API or in other way, just get creative and write the callable that fits your needs.

What is best practice to interact with subprocesses in python

I'm building an apllication which is intended to do a bulk-job processing data within another software. To control the other software automatically I'm using pyautoit, and everything works fine, except for application errors, caused from the external software, which occur from time to time.
To handle those cases, I built a watchdog:
It starts the script with the bulk job within a subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen(['python', job_script, src_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
It listens to the system event using winevt.EventLog module
EventLog.Subscribe('System', 'Event/System[Level<=2]', handle_event)
In case of an error occurs, it shuts down everything and re-starts the script again.
Ok, if an system error event occurs, this event should get handled in a way, that the supprocess gets notified. This notification should then lead to the following action within the subprocess:
Within the subprocess there's an object controlling everything and continuously collecting
generated data. In order to not having to start the whole job from the beginnig, after re-starting the script, this object has to be dumped using pickle (which isn't the problem here!)
Listening to the system event from inside the subprocess didn't work. It results in a continuous loop, when calling subprocess.Popen().
So, my question is how I can either subscribe for system events from inside a childproces, or communicate between the parent and childprocess - means, sending a message like "hey, an errorocurred", listening within the subprocess and then creating the dump?
I'm really sorry not being allowed to post any code in this case. But I hope (and actually think), that my description should be understandable. My question is just about what module to use to accomplish this in the best way?
Would be really happy, if somebody could point me into the right direction...
I believe the best answer may lie here: https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen.stdin
These attributes should allow for proper communication between the different processes fairly easily, and without any other dependancies.
Note that Popen.communicate() may suit better if other processes may cause issues.
EDIT to add example scripts:
from subprocess import *
import sys
def check_output(p):
out = p.stdout.readline()
return out
def send_data(p, data):
p.stdin.write(bytes(f'{data}\r\n', 'utf8')) # auto newline
def initiate(p):
#p.stdin.write(bytes('init\r\n', 'utf8')) # function to send first communication
send_data(p, 'init')
return check_output(p)
def test(p, data):
send_data(p, data)
return check_output(p)
def main()
exe_name = 'Doc2.py'
p = Popen([sys.executable, exe_name], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE)
print(test(p, 'test'))
print(test(p, 'test2')) # testing responses
print(test(p, 'test3'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys, time, random
def recv_data():
return sys.stdin.readline()
def send_data(data):
while 1:
d = recv_data()
#print(f'd: {d}')
if d.strip() == 'test':
elif d.strip() == 'init':
This is the best method I could come up with for cross-process communication. Also make sure all requests and responses don't contain newlines, or the code will break.

Python Telegram bot that gets stats from Scrapy

I'd like to write a Telegram bot which can provide Scrapy stats on request.
My try mostly works, the only issue is that forcefully closing the spider (obviously) doesn't stop the bot.
So I have two questions :
is my general approach the correct one?
is it possible to close the bot even on forceful shutdown of the spider?
Here is the relevant class:
class TelegramBot(object):
telegram_token = telegram_credentials.token
def from_crawler(cls, crawler):
return cls(crawler)
def __init__(self, crawler):
self.crawler = crawler
cs = crawler.signals
cs.connect(self._spider_closed, signal=signals.spider_closed)
"""Start the bot."""
# Create the Updater and pass it your bot's token.
# Make sure to set use_context=True to use the new context based callbacks
# Post version 12 this will no longer be necessary
self.updater = Updater(self.telegram_token, use_context=True)
# Get the dispatcher to register handlers
dp = self.updater.dispatcher
# on different commands - answer in Telegram
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("stats", self.stats))
# Start the Bot
def _spider_closed(self, spider, reason):
# Stop the Bot
def stats(self, update, context):
# Send a message with the stats
msg = (
"Spider "
+ self.crawler.spider.name
+ " stats: "
+ str(self.crawler.stats.get_stats())
Here you can find my full code inside the Scrapy tutorial quotes spider https://github.com/jtommi/scrapy_telegram-bot_example/blob/master/tutorial/tutorial/telegram-bot.py
My code is a combination of
latencies extension from the "Learning Scrapy" book https://github.com/scalingexcellence/scrapybook/blob/master/ch09/properties/properties/latencies.py
echobot example from the python-telegram-bot library https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/blob/master/examples/echobot.py
official scrapy documentation on stats collection https://docs.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/stats.html
Calling the updater.stop() will definitely stop the bot. From the docs of python-telegram-bot,
"""Stops the polling/webhook thread, the dispatcher and the job queue."""
Check if updater.stop() is called after spider closes. Bot might not stop immediately, but eventually will stop.

Multithreading with Selenium using Python and Telpot

I'm coding my first telegram bot, but now I have to serve multiple user at the same time.
This code it's just a little part, but it should help me to use multithread with selenium
class MessageCounter(telepot.helper.ChatHandler):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MessageCounter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def on_chat_message(self, msg):
content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg)
chat_id = str(chat_id)
browser = browserSelenium.start_browser(chat_id)
userIsLogged = igLogin.checkAlreadyLoggedIn(browser, chat_id)
TOKEN = "***"
bot = telepot.DelegatorBot(TOKEN, [
per_chat_id(), create_open, MessageCounter, timeout=10),
while 1:
when the bot recive any message it starts a selenium session calling this function:
def start_browser(chat_id):
global browser
#links = telegram.getLinks(24)
#instagramLikes(browser, links)
except Exception as e:
print("type error: " + str(e))
print('No such session! starting webDivers!')
chrome_options = Options()
chrome_options.add_argument('user-data-dir=/home/ale/botTelegram/users/'+ chat_id +'/cookies')
print("Starting WebDrivers")
browser = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options)
return browser
and then this one check if the user is logged:
def checkAlreadyLoggedIn(browser, chat_id):
WebDriverWait(browser, 5).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable(
(By.XPATH, instagramClicks.buttonGoToProfile))).click()
print('User already Logged')
return True
print('User not Logged')
userLogged = login(browser, chat_id)
return userLogged
and if the user is not logged it try to log the user in whit username and password
so, basically, when I write at the bot with one account everithing works fine, but if I write to the bot from two different account it opens two browser, but it controll just one.
What I mean it's that for example, one window remain over the google page, and then the other one recive two times the comand, so, even when it has to write the username, it writes the username two times
How can I interract with multiple sessions?
WebDriver is not thread-safe. Having said that, if you can serialise access to the underlying driver instance, you can share a reference in more than one thread. This is not advisable. But you can always instantiate one WebDriver instance for each thread.
Ideally the issue of thread-safety isn't in your code but in the actual browser bindings. They all assume there will only be one command at a time (e.g. like a real user). But on the other hand you can always instantiate one WebDriver instance for each thread which will launch multiple browsing tabs/windows. Till this point it seems your program is perfect.
Now, different threads can be run on same Webdriver, but then the results of the tests would not be what you expect. The reason behind is, when you use multi-threading to run different tests on different tabs/windows a little bit of thread safety coding is required or else the actions you will perform like click() or send_keys() will go to the opened tab/window that is currently having the focus regardless of the thread you expect to be running. Which essentially means all the test will run simultaneously on the same tab/window that has focus but not on the intended tab/window.
You can find a relevant detailed discussion in:
Chrome crashes after several hours while multiprocessing using Selenium through Python

Discord Bot cannot send messages because send is not an attribute of context

I am re implementing my commands the correct way accordingly to the documentation, using context and command decorators instead of on_message listeners, transferring my commands over is kind of a pain but the documentation has been rather helpful thankful. Unfortunately I've run into an issue which prevents me from sending messages...
Before the move, the way I would send messages was like this
async def on_message(message):
if message.author.id in AdminID:
await client.send_message(message.channel. 'message')
Unfortunately this does not work on the new format because there is no message argument to get information from, what you have to do is use is the ctx (context) argument instead which looks something like this according to the documentation
async def test(ctx, arg):
await ctx.send(arg)
Although the bot recognizes the command and goes there, i cannot send a message because send is not an attribute of ctx, this code is taken strait out of the documentation, am I missing something? Can someone help me figure this out? Thank you
You're looking at the documentation for a different version of the library than the one you're using.
You're using version 0.16, also called the "async" branch. The documentation for that branch is here
You're reading the documentation for the 1.0 version, also called the rewrite branch.
Your command would look something like
async def test(ctx):
if ctx.message.author.id in AdminID:
await client.send_message(ctx.message.channel, 'message')
