render page while making http request express - node.js

Hi i'm an express noob.... I have an api look page, that's all working but what i'd like to have is once a user hits the route i'll display a loading page, fire off the api http request then once it's successful redirect/render the results page. As i understand it you can't use res.render twice on the same route? Maybe our chum next(); can help here?
This is what i have so far:
router.get('/lookup/post/:url', function(req, res){
// Render the loading page...?
res.render('loading');, function(err, result){
// ...Then once the api lookup comes back ok redirect or render the results page?
res.render('results', {
posts :[0],
votes :

The solution to your problem is to do part in the UI and part on the server. You can do it with an Ajax call or by using Socket.IO, which will create a socket connection to the server.
I would argue that the later is the most convenient solution, because you can talk to the back-end and the front-end by emitting and listening to messages. The cool part of Socket.IO is that if the browser doesn't support sockets, it will default to an Ajax call.
The official website of Socket.IO is: You can also check my bPhone project where I use Socket.IO in the simplest way possible. Plus my code have a lot of comments that should make everything super clear.
I hope this will put you on the right path :)


How to make Express return a new html with axios post

I have an express server. I have two routes as get methods.
app.get('/main',(req, res) => {
res.sendFile(`main.html`, {root: staticPath});
app.get('/signin', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile('signin.html', {root: staticPath});
I want to build my app as a single page react application. But before I let the user see this single page, I want to show a sign in, sign up screen. So when user clicks the sign in or sign up buttons, I want to send signin.html as response from the express server.
Here is my code on the browser from a react class
I can console.log() from the express route and verify that the code gets executed within the 'signin' route, but the html view doesn't change on the browser even though I send back a html file. How do I make it happen?
I'm by no means an expert, but here are my two cents. Instead of setting up your front end to receive an HTML file from the server, a more efficient approach would be the following.
Build the signup and login pages on the front end.
Set up routing between these pages.
Send the login/signup details from client to server via /login or /signup routes that you set up in Express. These details would usually be in the req.body object (make sure to install the bodyparser package from NPM).
You could then use JWTs to authenticate users and maintain sessions.
If you're looking for server-side rendering with React, here is an article for your reading pleasure :) Sorry if I made no sense.

node.js - express - render multiple views

I'ld like to send two successive ejs page to the client using the following code:'/', function(req,res) {
//some code which require time (open an external programm, run a script, edit a response)
So, once once the client post his form, he receives a page asking him to wait for a few seconds and then the page containing the response is send.
any suggestion?
many thx
What you can do is have client-side code in yourDemandIsBeingProceed.ejs when the page loads that performs a get/post request to a different endpoint. When the result from that is received, hide/show different elements inside yourDemandIsBeingProceed.ejs so it looks more like hereIsYourResult.ejs
What you really should do is have the user submit information via front end AJAX and put up a loading graphic until the JSON response gets back. AJAX was developed for situations exactly like this.

Using with sails js

While there used to be very good documentation for using sockets, thanks to Irl Nathon's Sails Cast series. Things have changed in v0.11, with the sails team wrapping and burying the routines.
The sails site e.g. SailsSocket is maddeningly concise, saying what to do, but not how or where to do it, or if I need to npm or bower something. This has been particularly frustrating trying to use the sails.config.sockets talked about on the sails site. Which I cannot even find in my v0.11 directories.
First, I would like to know how and where to create my own response to a io.socket.get or .post or whatever. Right now when I do a get with something like:
method: 'get',
url: '/sites/2',
params: {},
headers: {}
},function serverResponded(body, JWR){console.log("Body: ", JSON.stringify(body,null, 4)); console.log(' JWR: ', JWR.body)});'
I get back:
VM1149:7 "Not implemented in core yet"
VM1149:7 JWR: Not implemented in core yet
I can see the sites being called in the sails console, but nothing comes across.
I believe it is because I have defined my own routes and have my own find: function in my site controller and I manually need to push something into the server side socket. But I am confused as to how I am to call a whole page with HTTP and just the tables with in the same controller routine.
Where do I write my own low level routines that can be called from a web page?
Do I still do it in the app.js file?
Sails Cast showed it being done there, but again things have changed.
Sails "virtual requests" (what they call these HTTP-ish request) are generally used to retrieve or post JSON data to the server. Additionally, if a client-side script makes a virtual request, the server may add or remove the requesting socket to/from rooms.
Note that using a "virtual method" will ultimately run the same controller action, but will set req.isSocket = true.
This example is a view that renders a view for HTML-wanting requests but returns JSON data for socket-based requests:
// 'get /sites/:id': 'SomeController.showSite' (should be put in your `routes.js`)
showSite: function(req, res) {
// load something from the database
Site.findOne(req.param('id')).exec(function(err, site) {
// handler errors (same for HTTP or sockets)
if (err) return res.serverError();
if (!site) return res.notFound();
if (req.isSocket) return res.json(site); // render JSON response for our `site` object
else return res.view('sites/show', {site: site}); // render an HTML view
As for low-level, sails provides the global variable io (from, which is an instance of SailsSocket. It allows you to make HTTP-ish "virtual requests". More info here (although it seems you have already read all there is to read about SailsSocket :). You can access the underlying client with io.socket._raw.
// do this in the browser.
// should be included in layout.ejs by default.
io.socket.get('/site/2', console.log); // "virtual request"
// neat little trick ^^^^^^^^^^^ for testing :)
var rawIO = io.socket._raw;
rawIO.emit('some:event', "using native");
Hope this helps!

Submitting a Form Action Post for API, do I need a post route?

I am using the npm "twit" and it is ultimately posting Twitter Status Updates. I have the user fill out a form and the action of the form is a post request to a path like home/tweet/.
In my express router I have a route home/tweet/. The Form data isn't really being posted there though, the reason I am doing this is because I am extracting the form fields qith req.body and then inside the router I am making the post request to Twitter to create a new tweet. Here is what it looks like:"/tweet/", function(req,res){
var tweet = req.body.tweet;'statuses/update', { status: myFuncs.encode(myFuncs.key, tweet) }, function(err, data, response) {
Even though this works, it feels a little hacky to me. Is there a better way to design this? Is there a better way to extract the Form Fields without using a post request using req.body, or a get request using req.query?
Although, I agree that it seems "hacky"---as you put it---but unfortunately, since Twitter has not enabled CORS on its API, you have no choice but to use an intermediary, such as your server. Alternatively, you may use a third-party service, but that still is an intermediary just like your server.

How to dynamically render/load pages in express?

I need to dynamically load/render part of a page in nodejs (v1.8.15) with express (>3.0) framework. Generally, I want to create a single-page app.
I have a menu at the top of the page with links. Clicking on the links will change the content below, as in AJAX page loading.
For example:
..content for home..
If I press the 'signup' link:
..content for signup..
In express I have routes on the server:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/signup', function(req, res) {
// render signup.jade
}'/signup', function(req, res) {
// .. work with information
if (ok) res.send('ok', 200); else res.send(error, 200);
After reading this, I figured out that I should use I know sockets well, so it will be easy to send data about 'clicking on link' from the client to the server.
Q1: How do I render/load pages dynamically like I wrote in express?
Yes, I could use AJAX for page loading, but will it work for .post methods in express?
How should I organize my thoughts to create such a site?
By the way, I've read about Derby and SocketStream, but I didn't understand.
Q2: Can I use Derby or SocketStream in my aims (site functions: login, signup, chat)? How?
If SocketStream is what I need, that would be very bad, because Heroku doesn't work with it.
Q1) This is in fact very simple, no need for, Derby or whatever. You can call any expess route with any method through ajax, using jQuery makes ajax very easy. In your example, let's suppose your container HTML file has a div with id 'container', which is where you want the ajax-loaded content to go:
$.ajax({ url: ''
, type: 'GET'
, dataType: 'html'
.done(function(data) {
.fail(function() {
console.log("Something went wrong!");
Express supports all HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT etc.). For loading pages dynamically, use GET, then when a user enters some login information you can POST it to an Express route that will tell you if it is valid or not, and you use jQuery to modify the DOM accordingly.
Q2) As said in Q1, no need to use Derby or SocketStream. Plain old jQuery + basic Express will get you where you want!
