$pull seems to just set an element to null - node.js

I'm trying to setup a delete button where a lesson can be deleted from a class. Using $pull seems to just set lesson_id to null though. Is there a way to remove that element completely?
var classSchema = new Schema({
title: { type: String, required: true },
lessons: [{
_id: false,
lesson_id: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Lesson'}
module.exports.deleteLesson = function(class_id, lesson_id, callback){
{'_id': class_id},
{ $pull: {lessons: {'lesson_id.$._id': lesson_id}}},
For example
{ _id: 5808,
title: 'cd',
__v: 0,
lessons: [ { lesson_id: [Object] }, { lesson_id: [Object] } ] }
{ _id: 5808,
title: 'cd',
__v: 0,
lessons: [ { lesson_id: null }, { lesson_id: [Object] } ] }

If you need to delete an element from lessons (which is an array), then you need to just perform the deletion of element from the array and then perform a save operation. I have written code showcasing a similar approach.
Class.findOne({ _id: class_id }, function(err, cls) {
# Delete the element (for example, using underscore)
cls.lessons = _.without(cls.lessons, class_id);
cls.save(function (err) {


I have problem updating a subdocument in an array of subdocuments in MongoDB

I have problems updating a subdocument in an array of subdocuments.
Here is my data structure in the users collection:
favorites: [
id: new ObjectId("639707f36bf9468265d91810"),
expiresAt: 1671361200000,
reminder: false
id: new ObjectId("637cc4c986b4fbec43579e1f"),
expiresAt: 1672603200000,
reminder: false
_id: new ObjectId("637e8af40e43f40373686da2"),
email: 'something#something.com',
forename: 'something',
surname: 'something',
role: 'user',
password: 'something',
__v: 0
My Schema is:
const userSchema = new Schema({
email: String,
forename: String,
surname: String,
role: String,
password: String,
favorites: {
id: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Event" },
expiresAt: Number,
reminder: Boolean,
I want to update the reminder field in a subdocument based on the subdocument’s id.
I’ve tried following approaches:
{ _id: req.body.user, "favorites.id": { $eq: BSON.ObjectId(req.body.id) } },
{ $set: { "favorites.$.reminder": true } },
).setOptions({ sanitizeFilter: true });
Here nothing happens. It finds the document but does not update it.
{ _id: req.body.user },
{ $set: { "favorites.$[elem].reminder": true } },
arrayFilters: [{ "elem.id": { $eq: BSON.ObjectId(req.body.id) } }],
returnNewDocument: true,
).setOptions({ sanitizeFilter: true });
Here it returns an error: “Error: Could not find path “favorites.0.id” in schema”
I cannot find where is my mistake? Any help is much appreciated!
Mongo version is 5.0.14
Try to use updateMany instead.
_id: userId,
"favorites.id": eventId
$set: {
"favorites.$.reminder": true
function(err, res) {
if (err) {
// Handle error
} else {
// Handle success
I think you can adapt the query to your calling method findOneAndUpdate. But it's enough to you.

find array of objects with only matched object in subarray mongoose?

I'm trying to get an array of objects with the matching id's and with only sub-array product_price object with matching attributes size and model?
product_name: {
type: String,
required: true,
service_hourly_price: {
type: Number,
required: true
product_price: [{
type: String,
type: String,
enum: ['S','M','L','XL']
type: Number,
required: true,
Trying to query like this:
ProductSchema.aggregate( [
{$match: { _id: {
$in: _id.map(function(_id){ return new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(_id) })
{ $match : { product_price : {model : 'Euro' , size: 'S'}}}
how can I achieve result like this:
_id: new ObjectId("61b3ab3ceba5bc724d754929"),
product_name: 'Basic Service',
service_hourly_price: 25,
product_price: [
_id: new ObjectId("61b3ab3ceba5bc724d75492a"),
size: 'S',
model: 'Euro',
price: 100
_id: new ObjectId("61b3aa88eba5bc724d7548fb"),
product_name: 'Horn',
service_hourly_price: 5,
product_price: [
_id: new ObjectId("61b3aa88eba5bc724d7548fc"),
size: 'S',
model: 'Euro',
price: 110
product_price must contain only one matching object in it.
I am uncertain why your product_prize is an array with only one object, you could remove the array there, and thus remove the $unwind in the aggregation, but nontheless this works for you right now:
ProductSchema.aggregate( [
{$match: {
_id: {
$in: _id.map(function(_id){ return new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(_id) })
}}}, {
'$unwind': {
'path': '$product_price'
}, {
'$match': {
'product_price.model': 'Euro',
'product_price.size': 'S'
Here try it out
Here the proof with the mongo Compass:

How to query for sub-document in an array with Mongoose

I have a Schema of Project that looks like this:
const ProjectSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
Required: true,
trim: true
description: {
type: String,
devices: [{
name: {type: String, Required: true},
number: {type: String, trim: true},
deck: {type: String},
room: {type: String},
frame: {type: String}
cables: {
type: Array
user: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
adminsID: {
type: Array
createdAt: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now
I want to query an object from array of "devices".
I was able to add, delete and display all sub-documents from this array but I found it really difficult to get single object that matches _id criteria in the array.
The closest I got is this (I'm requesting: '/:id/:deviceID/edit' where ":id" is Project ObjectId.
let device = await Project.find("devices._id": req.params.deviceID).lean()
which provides me with below info:
_id: 6009cfb3728ec23034187d3b,
cables: [],
adminsID: [],
name: 'Test project',
description: 'Test project description',
user: 5fff69af08fc5e47a0ce7944,
devices: [ [Object], [Object] ],
createdAt: 2021-01-21T19:02:11.352Z,
__v: 0
I know this might be really trivial problem, but I have tested for different solutions and nothing seemed to work with me. Thanks for understanding
This is how you can filter only single object from the devices array:
Project.find({"devices._id":req.params.deviceID },{ name:1, devices: { $elemMatch:{ _id:req.params.deviceID } }})
You can use $elemMatch into projection or query stage into find, whatever you want it works:
"id": 1,
"devices": { "$elemMatch": { "id": 1 } }
"devices.$": 1
"id": 1
"devices": { "$elemMatch": { "id": 1 } }
Examples here and here
Using mongoose is the same query.
"id": req.params.id
"devices": { "$elemMatch": { "id": req.params.deviceID } }
}).then(result => {
console.log("result = ",result.name)
}).catch(e => {
// error
You'll need to use aggregate if you wish to get the device alone. This will return an array
{ "$unwind": "$devices" },
{ "$match": { "devices._id": req.params.deviceID } },
"$project": {
name: "$devices.name",
// Other fields
You either await this or use .then() at the end.
Or you could use findOne() which will give you the Project + devices with only a single element
Or find, which will give you an array of object with the _id of the project and a single element in devices
Project.findOne({"devices._id": req.params.deviceID}, 'devices.$'})
.then(project => {
For now I worked it around with:
let project = await Project.findById(req.params.id).lean()
let device = project.devices.find( _id => req.params.deviceID)
It provides me with what I wanted but I as you can see I request whole project. Hopefuly it won't give me any long lasting troubles in the future.

Remove object from array in the Document in Following Code using MongoDB?

The given below is my document, I need to remove comments array of an object from the document, so I can pass the document id from the frontend, with postId.
I am struct please help me.
likes: [],
_id: 5ea4375f49e4355094073330,
title: 'abc',
body: 'abc',
photo: 'no pic',
postedBy: 5e9aa457de91831e5c9f5005,
comments: [
_id: 5ea437c2a584ce5ac0147da1,
text: 'sadsadsad',
postedBy: [Object]
_id: 5ea437c5a584ce5ac0147da2,
text: 'sadsadsad',
postedBy: [Object]
_id: 5ea437c7a584ce5ac0147da3,
text: 'sadsadsad',
postedBy: [Object]
__v: 0
If you want to remove a specific element from the array of comments you can use the following query:
db.mycollection. updateOne(
{'_id': ObjectId("5ea4375f49e4355094073330")},
{ $pull: { "comments" : { _id: ObjectId("5ea437c2a584ce5ac0147da1") } } }
If you want to remove comment object from every element in your collection you can simply remove the first argument from update. Something like this:
{ },
{ $pull: { "comments" : { _id: ObjectId("5ea437c2a584ce5ac0147da1") } } }

Mongoose aggreagate with group not working

In my Node.JS API, it is possible to order and get menus. The structure of an ordered menu looks like the following (the main schema is the orderMenuSchema; menuItemSchema is for the subdocument-array with ordered items):
var menuItemSchema = mongoose.Schema({
itemId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
required: true
prepared: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
finished: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
timestamp: {
type: Date,
default: Date()
}, {_id: false})
var orderMenuSchema = mongoose.Schema({
orderId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
required: true
menuId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
required: true
items: {
type: [menuItemSchema],
required: true,
validate: menuItemsCheck
finished: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
timestamp: {
type: Date,
default: Date()
Example Data:
Whether an item is prepared or not is stored in the prepared field of the menuItem.
Each menu has multiple items to choose from, and the user is able to have only some items - that's why the orderMenuSchema has an array of subdocuments called "items" in which only the ordered items are stored.
Now I would like to get all unprepared menus, group them by the menuID
and then group them by the itemID - everything with a Mongoose
So, I think I need two groupings: The first one by the menuId, the second one by the itemId.
Furthermore, I would like to know how many of each item are unprepared - so after grouping by the menuId, I need to get a count of all unprepared items
Expected Output:
I thought of something like this:
There will be an array of subdocuments, one subdocument for each menuId. Each subdocument than has an array of items in which the itemID as well as the unpreparedCount are stored.
What I already tried (not working):
{$unwind: "$items"},
{ $project: { prepared: 1, itemId: 1} },
{ $match: {
prepared: false,
timestamp: {
$gte: today,
$lt: tomorrow
{ $group: {
_id: {menuId: '$menuId', itemId: '$itemId'},
count: { $sum: 1 }
]).then(result => {
return Promise.resolve(result)
}).catch(error => {
return Promise.reject(500)
Any help would be appreciated!
