Split single view horizontally in Sublime - sublimetext3

I'm using Sublime Text 3.
I want to edit a single file, but split it horizontally so I can edit two parts of the document (similar to MS Word).
Under view>layout>rows, it shows a file horizontally. However- it only allows a new file (not the same file).
Is this possible?

As you said you need to split the view by using View -> Layout - > Rows: 2. Then being on the Row 1 you need to go to File -> New View into File. It will open second tab with the same file. Then you can drag that tab to the Row 2.

The accepted answer doesn't work for Using ST4 (build #4126). Here's what I did to split the same file horizontally.
View -> Layout -> Rows: 2. This opens a new empty pane at the bottom.
From the top pane (one that currently has the file you want to split), File -> Split View. This opens the same file in a new tab.
Drag and drop the newly open tab into the bottom pane.
To close the bottom pane, View -> Layout -> Single.


Viewing Multiple columns in Android Studio

Is it possible to code in two or more columns in ANDROID STUDIO at the same time?
For example: In Sublime Text 3, I can go to View>Layout>columns:2 to be able to see two open files at the same time and edit both of them. This is a Screen Shot of two columns opened in sublime text
Right click on file name at the top of the editor. And select either split vertically/horizontally to duplicate or move right/left
we can do it just by taking a Right-click on the activity to be multitasked from the activity draw displayed just above the Typing console(coding area) and choose the option "Move to Right ":

Sublime Text 3: Moving tab from one panel (column) to another

I use Sublime Text 3 in two column mode. I have several tabs open in each panel/column.
Current behavior:
(Upper part of diagram)
There are seven tabs open in the left panel. The current displayed tab is tab 2. I move tab 7 over to the right panel.
(Lower part of diagram)
Result: The tab moves over to the right panel. It's displayed in the right panel. That's fine, whatever. On the left panel, though, tab 6 is now displayed instead of tab 2.
Desired result: On the left panel, tab 2 should be displayed instead of tab 6. Is there any setting to do this?
There is no setting to do this as at build 3157. Someone wrote a plugin to handle this when closing tabs, maybe it could be adapted to work when moving tabs between groups also.

Open Sublime Text 3 with Two rows

i have found this, but it doesn't work with Sublime Text 3:
Possible to open Sublime in two row layout by default?
What I want is simply to open two rows, when i start sublime3.
The same thing, that happens when i click on View -> Layout -> Rows 2.
I would also like to open specific Files in the second row, but this is more or less a bonus.
the provided link is for 2 columns, not rows

open file in new tab

Does Android Studio have the option of opening a referenced file in a new tab (like Xcode's Alt-click feature)?
If not, is there a way of creating this?
Open current editor tab in new window
Even I couldn't find a way of "Duplicating Tabs". But there are two workarounds that might help:
1) Right click on a tab title and choose either Split Vertically or Split Horizontally. This can be done multiple times!
2) If for some reason you don't want to see the files side by side, there's another hack (works for me on Mac): First, right click on a tab title and choose either Split Vertically or Split Horizontally. Now, drag the extra tab (by its title) on to the title bar of Android Studio => the tab will pop out into a new window!
Hope this helps!

How can I display a total for a calculated column in a SharePoint list?

I have a column, B, that is calculated based on another column, A. At the top of the list, I'd like to display the sum of B. When I look in the Totals section in the Create/Modify a Column screen, I only see column A (actually, I only see all the non-calculated columns), so I can't choose to sum column B.
Is there a way to display a total for column B?
I found something that feels like a hack, but it works:
Using a web browser, edit your
desired list to use “Totals” on at
least one column in your list.
your desired SharePoint site in
SharePoint Designer.
In the Folder
List view, find your desired list in
the Lists folder.
AllItems.aspx (or whatever view you
want to edit).
In the Web Parts
inspector, Web Parts tab, click the
"Username Gallery" and the Web Part
List below that will display a list
that includes a Content Editor Web
Part (CEWP).
Drag the CEWP into the
AllItems.aspx (or whatever) view you
have open.
Save the aspx file.
to this JQuery web page and copy
whichever script you're interested
in to the clipboard.
Go to your
SharePoint list using a web browser.
You'll see a line of text there now,
where you put the CEWP: "To add
content, open the tool pane and then
click Rich Text Editor." Click on
the "open the tool pane" link.
Click the Source Editor button on the right.
Paste the
script in the clipboard into the
Source Editor window.
Change the
"var col = 4; //which column to sum"
line so that the column number is
the one you want to sum.
Click the
Save button and then the OK button in
the bottom right.
Unfortunately, this solution is very brittle. If you make any changes to the page in SharePoint Designer and save the aspx file again, the script code that you put in the CEWP is lost and you have to re-paste it back in again. To make it less brittle, you can just reference the code in a separate file. To do this, remove the code from the CEWP's Source Editor, save the code as a ".js" file in another SharePoint list (e.g., create a new one called "Resources"), copy the URL of that file, and paste the URL into the text box under "To link to a text file, type a URL".
If you are using a SharePoint data view you can display the count of a column using XSL
< xsl:value-of select="sum(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/#ColumnName)" />
In your case the code will have Column B eg:
< xsl:value-of select="sum(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/#column B)" />
