Unable to access S3 file with IAM role from EC2 - node.js

I created an IAM role 'test' and assigned to an EC2 instance. And I created a S3 bucket with bucket policy
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "Policy1475837721706",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1475837720370",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::770370070203:role/test"
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::test-role-123/*"
From EC2, I got the AccessKey and SecretKey from this AWS article by sending a curl request to
Using the response from the above, I wrote a node script to make a request to the resource in the bucket
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var d = {
"Code" : "Success",
"LastUpdated" : "2016-10-07T12:28:09Z",
"Type" : "AWS-HMAC",
"SecretAccessKey" : "7V/k5nvFdhXOcT+nhYjGqHM4QmUWjNBUM1ERJQJs",
"Token" : "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",
"Expiration" : "2016-10-07T18:51:57Z"
AWS.config.accessKeyId = d.AccessKeyId;
AWS.config.secretAccessKey = d.SecretAccessKey;
var s3params = {Key: "test.json", Bucket:"test-role-123"};
AWS.config.region = 'ap-south-1';
var s3 = new AWS.S3();
s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', s3params, function(err, url) {
On running this code I am getting the signed url. But this is giving an InvalidAccessKeyId error. I doubted if the s3 bucket policy is wrong so tried to get with similar policy with an IAM user credentials. It is completely working.
Any hints or suggestions are welcome.

There are three things to note:
How credentials are provided and accessed from an Amazon EC2 instance
How to assign permissions for access to Amazon S3
How Pre-Signed URLs function
1. How credentials are provided and accessed from an Amazon EC2 instance
When an Amazon EC2 instance is launched with an IAM Role, the Instance Metadata automatically provides temporary access credentials consisting of an Access Key, Secret Key and Token. These credentials are rotated approximately every six hours.
Any code that uses an AWS SDK (eg Python, Java, PHP) knows how to automatically retrieve these credentials. Therefore, code running on an Amazon EC2 instance that was launched with an IAM role does not require you to retrieve nor provide access credentials -- it just works automagically!
So, in your above code sample, you could remove any lines that specifically refer to credentials. Your job is simply to ensure that the IAM Role has sufficient permissions for the operations you wish to perform.
This also applies to the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI), which is actually just a Python program that provides command-line access to AWS API calls. Since it uses the AWS SDK for Python, it automatically retrieves the credentials from Instance Metadata and does not require credentials when used from an Amazon EC2 instance that was launched with an IAM Role.
2. How to assign permissions for access to Amazon S3
Objects in Amazon S3 are private by default. There are three ways to assign permission to access objects:
Object ACLs (Access Control Lists): These are permissions on the objects themselves
Bucket Policies: This is a set of rules applied to the bucket as a whole, but it can also specify permissions related to a subset of a bucket (eg a particular path within the bucket)
IAM Policies that are applied to IAM Users, Groups or Roles: These permissions apply specifically to those entities
Since you are wanting to grant access to Amazon S3 objects to a specific IAM User, it is better to assign permissions via an IAM Policy attached to that user, rather than being part of the Bucket Policy.
Therefore, you should:
Remove the Bucket Policy
Create an Inline Policy in IAM and attach it to the desired IAM User. The policy then applies to that User and does not require a Principal
Here is a sample policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
I have recommended an Inline Policy because this policy applies to just one user. If you are assigning permissions to many users, it is recommended to attach the policy to an IAM Group and then the Users assigned to that group will in inherit the permissions. Alternatively, create an IAM Policy and then attach that policy to all relevant Users.
3. How Pre-Signed URLs function
Amazon S3 Pre-Signed URLs are a means of granting temporary access to Amazon S3 objects. The generated URL includes:
The Access Key of an IAM User that has permission to access the object
An expiration time
A signature created via a has operation that authorises the URL
The key point to realise is related to the permissions used when generating the pre-signed URL. As mentioned in the Amazon S3 documentation Share an Object with Others:
Anyone with valid security credentials can create a pre-signed URL. However, in order to successfully access an object, the pre-signed URL must be created by someone who has permission to perform the operation that the pre-signed URL is based upon.
This means that the credentials used when generating the pre-signed URL are also the credentials used as part of the pre-signed URL. The entity associated with those credentials, of course, needs permission to access the object -- the pre-signed URL is merely a means of on-granting access to an object for a temporary period.
What this also means is that, in the case of your example, you do not need to create a specific role for granting access to the object(s) in Amazon S3. Instead, you can use a more permissive IAM Role with your Amazon EC2 instance (for example, one that can also upload objects to S3) but when it generates a pre-signed URL it is only granting temporary access to the object (and not other permissions, such as the upload permission).
If the software running on your Amazon EC2 instance only interacts with AWS to created signed URLs, then your Role that has only GetObject permissions is fine. However, if your instance wants to do more, then create a Role that grants the instance the appropriate permissions (including GetObject access to S3) and generate Signed URLs using that Role.
If you wish to practice generating signed URLs, recent versions of the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) includes a aws s3 presign s3://path command that can generate pre-signed URLs. Try with with various --profile settings to see how it works with different IAM Users.


NodeJS Aws sdk, can't unset credentials

I have a NodeJS application that runs on an EC2 instance that serves API to my customers. EC2 instance have a Instance Role that grants the minimum permissions for the application to access services it needs ( i need sqs, s3 Read and write, and ses ). One particular endpoint in my api is for creating a signed url, in order to be able to access s3 files, and to create the signed url i use an IAM user with only s3 read access to that Bucket.
My issue is that, whenever that endpoint is called the AWS credentials are set using
const awsConfig = {
accessKeyId: ${keyofreadonlyuser},
secretAccessKey: ${secretofreadonlyuser},
This way, all subsequent calls to aws sdk will use that credentials resulting in a Access Denied error.
I've tried to set accessKeyId: null, secretAccessKey:null and than call AWS.config.update, but the credentials are not cleared.
What is the best way to handle situations like that ?
I would recommend that instead of updating the default config, you instead use two boto3 sessions objects:
the default, implicitly-created session, that's associated with the assumed IAM role
an explicitly-created session, that's associated with the IAM user credentials
Specifically for the 2nd use case, pass the IAM user credentials to the session constructor.

Need help for AWS lambda

I am working on one issue where I need Lambda to write the logs in S3 bucket but the tricky part here is, Lambda will read the logs and write in another s3 bucket which is in another AWS account. Can we achieve this?
I wrote some code but it isn't working.
from urllib.request import urlopen
import boto3
import os
import time
CSV_URL = f'***'
def lambda_handler(event, context):
response = urlopen(CSV_URL)
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
s3.upload_fileobj(response, BUCKET_NAME, time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'))
It sounds like you are asking how to allow the Lambda function to create an object in an Amazon S3 bucket that belongs to a different AWS Account.
Bucket Policy on target bucket
The simplest method is to ask the owner of the target bucket (that is, somebody with Admin permissions in that other AWS Account) to add a Bucket Policy that permits PutObject access to the IAM Role being used by the AWS Lambda function. You will need to supply them with the ARN of the IAM Role being used by the Lambda function.
Also, make sure that the IAM Role has been given permission to write to the target bucket. Please note that two sets of permissions are required: The IAM Role needs to be allowed to write to the bucket in the other account, AND the bucket needs to permit access by the IAM Role. This double-set of permissions is required because access both accounts need to permit this access.
It is possible that you might need to grant some additional permissions, such as PutObjectACL.
Assuming an IAM Role from the target account
An alternative method (instead of using the Bucket Policy) is:
Create an IAM Role in the target account and give it permission to access the bucket
Grant trust permissions so that the IAM Role used by the Lambda function is allowed to 'Assume' the IAM Role in the target account
Within the Lambda function, use the AssumeRole() API call to obtain credentials from the target account
Use those credentials when connecting to S3, which will allow you to access the bucket in the other account
Frankly, creating the Bucket Policy is a lot easier.

Read and write from/to S3 bucket using access points with boto3

I have to access S3 bucket using access points with boto3.
I have created an access point with a policy to allow reading and writing (<access_point_arn> is my access point ARN):
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": ["s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject"],
"Resource": "<access_point_arn>/object/*"
In the official documentation there is a mention about access points, where access point ARN has to come in place of bucket name (https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/s3.html). There are no examples on the official documentation site for developers (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/using-access-points.html).
So based on the information I assume that the right way to use it is:
import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
s3.Bucket('<access_point_arn>').download_file('hello.txt', '/tmp/hello.txt')
When I execute this code in Lambda with AmazonS3FullAccess managed policy attached I am getting an ClientError: An error occurred (403) when calling the HeadObject operation: Forbidden
Both Lambda and S3 access point are connected to the same VPC.
My first guess is that you are missing permissions that have to be defined (1) on the bucket (bucket policy) and (2) on the IAM user or role which you are using in the boto3 SDK.
(1) From the documentation I can see that
For an application or user to be able to access objects through an access point, both the access point and the underlying bucket must permit the request.
You could, for instance, add a bucket policy that is delegating access control to access points so that you don't have to specify each principal that comes via the access points. An example is given in the linked docs.
(2) As stated in your question, you are already using AmazonS3FullAccess policy in your LambdaExecutionRole. My only guess (i.e. what happened to me) is that there is, e.g., KMS encryption on the objects in your bucket and your role is missing permissions for kms actions. Try executing the function with Admin policy attached and see if it works. If it does, find out which specific permissions are missing.
Some further notes: I assume you
didn't restrict the access point to be available within a specific VPC only.
are blocking public access.
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:region_name:<12-digit account_id>:bucket_name"
s3.Bucket('bucket_name').download_file('hello.txt', '/tmp/hello.txt')
Hope it helps...

How can I assign bucket-owner-full-control when creating an S3 object with boto3?

I'm using the Amazon boto3 library in Python to upload a file into another users bucket. The bucket policy applied to the other users bucket is configured like this
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "DelegateS3BucketList",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::uuu"
"Action": "s3:ListBucket",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bbb"
"Sid": "DelegateS3ObjectUpload",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::uuu"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
where uuu is my user id and bbb is the bucket name belonging to the other user. My user and the other user are IAM accounts belonging to different organisations. (I know this policy can be written more simply, but the intention is to add a check on the upload to block objects without appropriate permissions being created).
I can then use the following code to list all objects in the bucket and also to upload new objects to the bucket. This works, however the owner of the bucket has no access to the object due to Amazons default of making objects private to the creator of the object
import base64
import hashlib
from boto3.session import Session
access_key = "value generated by Amazon"
secret_key = "value generated by Amazon"
bucketname = "bbb"
content_bytes = b"hello world!"
content_md5 = base64.b64encode(hashlib.md5(content_bytes).digest()).decode("utf-8")
filename = "foo.txt"
sess = Session(aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key)
bucket = sess.resource("s3").Bucket(bucketname)
for o in bucket.objects.all():
s3 = sess.client("s3")
# ACL="bucket-owner-full-control" # Uncomment this line to generate error
As soon as I uncomment the ACL option, the code generates an Access Denied error message. If I redirect this to point to a bucket inside my own organisation, the ACL option succeeds and the owner of the bucket is given full permission to the object.
I'm now at a loss to figure this out, especially as Amazons own advice appears to be to do it the way I have shown.
It's not enough to have permission in bucket policies only.
Check if your user (or role) is missing s3:PutObjectAcl permission in IAM.
When using the resource methods in boto3, there can be several different API calls being made, and it isn't always obvious which calls are being made.
In comparison, when using client methods in boto3, there is a 1-to-1 mapping between the API call that is being made in boto3, and the API call received by AWS.
Therefore, it is likely that the resource.put_object() method is calling an additional API, such as PutObjectAcl. You can confirm this by looking in AWS CloudTrail and seeing which API calls are being made from your app.
In such a case, you would need the additional s3:PutObjectAcl permission. This would be needed if the upload process first creates the object, and then updates the object's Access Control List.
When using the client methods for uploading a file, there is also the ability to specify an ACL, which I think gets applied directly rather than requiring a second API call. Thus, using the client method to create the object probably would not require this additional permission.

Amazon S3 how to control download(get) file with node.js

In my node app I need to allow just some user to be able to download files...
How can I do it with amazon S3?
I am using MulterS3 for upload:
Which ACL should I use in my app?
You need to review S3 bucket policies
an example of policy to grant Read-Only Permission to any User
"Principal": "*",
so in your case you want to limit the users who can download so you need to adjust the Principal and list who can access. You can check Specifying a Principal in a Policy for the different possibilities to list the users.
