PowerPivot table relationship not working, repeating totals - excel

Longtime answer-seeker, first time question-asker here so I'm open to feedback about how I'm asking as well. I'm relatively new to Excel's PowerPivot but feel like I have a handle on it for the most part.
I am using PowerPivot for Excel 2010. I have data that I only receive weekly totals for and I use the monday of that week as my primary key in the table I call 'WeeklyTracking'. I create a relationship from that to my Date Table so that I can filter/analyze by month, year, etc. I get no error when I make that relationship, it is a one to many ( I checked for duplicates in my WeeklyTracking table), and it is showing as 'active'.
However, when I go to create a pivot table it's not separating the data by my Date Table fields. It simply repeats the total for the column. What my pivot table shows me. Table Relationships
I tired disconnecting all other table relationships, and I even tried converting dates to numeric values and linking those but to no avail. When I choose to make column labels the date within the 'WeeklyTracking' table it separates out by date just fine which leads me to believe it has to do with the relationship. But I did something very similar with data I get monthly and didn't have any problems so I can't figure out what's different.
Any ideas?
EDIT: It's actually not working for my monthly report either, upon closer inspection. But still I dont understand why not--There's a primary key in each table...
UPDATE: Tried creating a ID number using a formula for each week and creating the relationship on that and it didn't work either.


Default date aggregation for Excel

What is the default behavior of adding a date, time, or datetime into an Excel pivot row/column? I have seen it sometimes add it as the "raw value", sometimes it will add it as a Year > Query > Value, and other times (?) perhaps in between. For example:
When does Excel add it without aggregating it, and when does Excel aggregate it? Does it have to do with value cardinality, date range, or something else?
First, every entry in the column has to be a date/time or you won't be able to group them. In that case, obviously, the default would be not grouped.
Assuming everything is groupable, the default is no grouping. Each date will show individually.
The exception is if a pivot cache already exists. In that case it will group based on what the pivot cache says - the last way that field was grouped. This happens when you have more than one pivot table on the same data. The first pivot table creates the cache and all subsequent pivot tables use that existing cache.
In a new workbook (2010), I add a date field to the Row Labels and they are initially ungrouped by default.
I group them by month
Now I go back to the original data and make a new pivot table. I add the date field to the Column Labels.
Because it uses the same cache, it automatically has them grouped the same way. Finally, I go back to the source data and replace one of the dates with a string. If I create another pivot table, it will look like the others. But when I refresh it ungroups them because I have a non-date in there.
And if I try to Group now, it says "Cannot group that selection"
That's why it works the way it does - shared pivot cache. There are ways you can give each pivot table it's own cache but that uses more memory. However, if you want to group the same data differently, that's what you have to do.

Unable to Create a Sub-Total in the POWERPIVOT

I am pretty new with POWERPIVOT tables. I have searched for a bit of time now to resolve my problem but I have been unsuccessful so far. As you can see below, I have created a POWERPIVOT table in Excel 2013 that is composed of two FACT tables, which are based on: 1) a sheet where the clients can insert vote 1 budget entries; and, 2) another sheet where the clients can insert vote 5 budget entries. Also, a few DIMENSION tables have been added to the combination in order to link the Branch names and the expenditure type. Please note that this is only a simple example of what I am trying to produce.
However, my main problem is that I can't add a sub-total that would sum Salary, Operating and Revenues for Vote 1 and Vote 5 separately. What I would like to show is the following:
Please note that I have tried calculated columns and calculated fields at the best of my knowledge but the results are always showing another set of columns for Salary, Operating and Revenues but what I need is just one column that sum the three components so it displays Salary, Operating, Revenues and Sub-Total. Does anyone know how to resolve this problem that I am facing since a long time?
Thanks to gurus.
I would suggest that you start by putting both budgets in the one table and an extra column to designate Vote id., Otherwise I fearyou will need to add a calculated column concatenating the Branch and Expenditure Type in each table, then doing a LOOKUPVALUE from Vote1 on the concatenated column to Vote5 and pull back the value.

Excel 2013 PowerPivot Table - Many Fact Tables along with a Calculated Field

I am pretty new on creating POWERPIVOT tables. I have searched for a bit of time now to resolve this problem but I have been unsuccessful so far. Here is my problem. As you can see below, I have created a POWERPIVOT table in Excel 2013 that is composed of two FACT tables, which are based on: 1) a sheet where the clients can insert initial budget entries; and, 2) another sheet where the clients can insert the post-initial budget entries. Also, a DIMENSION table has been added to the combination in order to add the following relationships:
Based on these relationships, I have clicked on Insert a PivotTable to create the following POWERPIVOT table that will be used to display the Initial Budget and Adjustments entries for analysis purposes. However, this table does not give me the total of both columns. I have thought that a calculated field would make it happen but this is where I am stucked as nothing let me sum the two columns like I was used to do with regular pivot tables in Excel 2007. The calculation of the two columns would logically equal the Current Budget as shown attached.
Thank you for your help on this.
With Power Pivot you don't use the calculated field feature of pivot table.
You have to put a measure in your data Modell, which you can then add in the value part of the PT. Relationships alone are not enough.
currentBudget := CALCULATE (
SUM ( fInitialBudget[Initial Budget] ) + SUM ( fAdjustement[Adjustements] )
if you are new with Power Pivot, I warmly recommend the book of Rob Collie "DAX Formulas for Power Pivot". I got a very good introduction of the PP capability with it. The 2nd Edition is on the way.

Pivot like query access

I am having a huge database of records and I'm finding it to be a nightmare getting to analyse the data.
Group my data by Country of Purchase (rows), by Years/Months (rows), by Product (columns) with the Sum of Paid amount being the value.
Let me explain:
Below is a sample excerpt from my table.
And here is the result that I am looking for that I was able to achieve using an Excel Pivot table:
Why use MS Access:
My table has over 3 million records stored across many workbooks, and Excel has a limit of 1m in each sheet. Also Excel crashes more often than not when loading >500k of data.
I installed an older version of MS Access (2010) which has pivot tables option but it was very slow and did not allow me to group correctly. I then tried using a combination of queries and reports to arrive to my result to no avail.
Any help will be very welcome :)
How about doing the aggregation in Access and then the pivot in Excel?
SELECT country, year, month, product, sum(paid)
FROM myTable
GROUP BY country, year, month, product
(year and month based on access functions for date manipulation... alternatively, you could use is as a date to keep date functionality in the pivot - just make it the first of the relevant month)
Then use this as the source of the pivot table. The pivot table then basically just does the formatting - which it can hopefully do quickly enough

Calculating the difference between the count of two date fields

I have data that is provided to me that includes the routed date and the service restoration date. From that it's pretty easy to generate a pivot table that generates a table with the date of the month, then a count of received tickets (routed), and the count of closed tickets. I'm trying to generate a calculated field (Pivot -> Options -> Fields, Items & Sets -> Calculated Field) to derive the delta.
When I use =Received - Closed, I get the difference in date rather than the delta in the counts. Can anyone point me in a direction on how I may calculate it? If it was static content it would be easy peasy, but I'm not getting the knack of doing this with a pivot table. Also I could achieve something similar with a countif type command and run it from a static calendar type table (which is what I'll probably end up doing if this ends up being a dead end).
As a solution, you can copy the pivot table and paste it as values in the new sheet. Do you math on values instead of on pivot.
I don't know if formatting your results in the pivot as NUMBER would help.. But you can try that as well.
I was unable to determine a way outside of what was mentioned above by Andrew. I've set up a static date list for the calendar month and then use a series of countifs instead of a pivot table to generate the output. Thanks to all who reviewed the question and to Andrew for his responses.
