Implementing Pan without Zooming on XYPlot (androidplot 1.2.2) - androidplot

I would like to implement pan on my plot without zooming, by setting a origin value smaller than may lower boundaries on domain axis.
My code so far :
this.panZoom = PanZoom.attach(plot);
this.plot.setDomainBoundaries(5, 20);
this.plot.setDomainStep(StepMode.INCREMENT_BY_VAL, 2);
By doing this, my plot starts well at 5 but won't move when I scroll..
I'm migrating my project to androidPlot 1.2.2 and it was working with 0.9.7

This appears to be a limitation in Androidplot 1.2.2 (Will be fixed in the next release - tracked by this bug report.)
For now you can add this implementation of PanZoom in your project:
package com.androidplot.xy;
import android.util.*;
import android.view.*;
import com.androidplot.*;
import java.util.*;
* Enables basic pan/zoom touch behavior for an {#link XYPlot}.
* By default boundaries set on the associated plot will define the scroll/zoom extents as well as
* initial state of the plot's visible area. If you wish to specify a scrollable / zoomable area
* that is greater than or less than the plot's boundaries, use
* {#link #setDomainBoundaries(Number, Number)} and
* {#link #setRangeBoundaries(Number, Number)}
* TODO: zoom using dynamic center point
* TODO: stretch both mode
public class PanZoom implements View.OnTouchListener {
protected static final float MIN_DIST_2_FING = 5f;
protected static final int FIRST_FINGER = 0;
protected static final int SECOND_FINGER = 1;
private XYPlot plot;
private Pan pan;
private Zoom zoom;
private boolean isEnabled = true;
private DragState dragState = DragState.NONE;
RectRegion limits = new RectRegion();
RectRegion previousLimits = new RectRegion();
private PointF firstFingerPos;
// rectangle created by the space between two fingers
private RectF fingersRect;
private View.OnTouchListener delegate;
// Definition of the touch states
protected enum DragState {
public enum Pan {
public enum Zoom {
* Comletely disable panning
* Zoom on the horizontal axis only
* Zoom on the vertical axis only
* Zoom on the vertical axis by the vertical distance between each finger, while zooming
* on the horizontal axis by the horizantal distance between each finger.
* Zoom each axis by the same amount, specifically the total distance between each finger.
protected PanZoom(XYPlot plot, Pan pan, Zoom zoom) {
this.plot = plot;
this.pan = pan;
this.zoom = zoom;
* Convenience method for enabling pan/zoom behavior on an instance of {#link XYPlot}, using
* a default behavior of {#link Pan#BOTH} and {#link Zoom#SCALE}.
* Use {#link PanZoom#attach(XYPlot, Pan, Zoom)} for finer grain control of this behavior.
* #param plot
* #return
public static PanZoom attach(XYPlot plot) {
return attach(plot, Pan.BOTH, Zoom.SCALE);
public static PanZoom attach(XYPlot plot, Pan pan, Zoom zoom) {
PanZoom pz = new PanZoom(plot, pan, zoom);
return pz;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return isEnabled;
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
isEnabled = enabled;
* Set the boundaries by which domain pan/zoom calculations will abide; differs from an {#link XYPlot}'s boundaries
* in that those boundaries define the plot's starting state.
* #param lowerBoundary
* #param upperBoundary
public void setDomainBoundaries(final Number lowerBoundary, final Number upperBoundary) {
* Sets the range boundaries by which pan/zoom calculations will abide.
* #param lowerBoundary
* #param upperBoundary
public void setRangeBoundaries(final Number lowerBoundary, final Number upperBoundary) {
public boolean onTouch(final View view, final MotionEvent event) {
boolean isConsumed = false;
if (delegate != null) {
isConsumed = delegate.onTouch(view, event);
if (isEnabled() && !isConsumed) {
switch (event.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: // start gesture
firstFingerPos = new PointF(event.getX(), event.getY());
Log.d("PanZoom", "ONE_FINGER set");
dragState = DragState.ONE_FINGER;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: // second finger
fingersRect = fingerDistance(event);
Log.d("PanZoom", "ACTION_POINTER_DOWN - distance: " + fingersRect.width());
// the distance check is done to avoid false alarms
if (fingersRect.width() > MIN_DIST_2_FING || fingersRect.width() < -MIN_DIST_2_FING) {
Log.d("PanZoom", "TWO_FINGERS set");
dragState = DragState.TWO_FINGERS;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: // end zoom
dragState = DragState.NONE;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
if (dragState == DragState.ONE_FINGER) {
Log.d("PanZoom", "ACTION_MOVE - one finger");
} else if (dragState == DragState.TWO_FINGERS) {
Log.d("PanZoom", "ACTION_MOVE - two fingers");
// we're forced to consume the event here as not consuming it will prevent future calls:
return true;
* Calculates the distance between two finger motion events.
* #param firstFingerX
* #param firstFingerY
* #param secondFingerX
* #param secondFingerY
* #return
protected RectF fingerDistance(float firstFingerX, float firstFingerY, float secondFingerX, float secondFingerY) {
final float left = firstFingerX > secondFingerX ? secondFingerX : firstFingerX;
final float right = firstFingerX > secondFingerX ? firstFingerX : secondFingerX;
final float top = firstFingerY > secondFingerY ? secondFingerY : firstFingerY;
final float bottom = firstFingerY > secondFingerY ? firstFingerY : secondFingerY;
return new RectF(left, top, right, bottom);
* Calculates the distance between two finger motion events.
* #param evt
* #return
protected RectF fingerDistance(final MotionEvent evt) {
return fingerDistance(
protected Number getMinXLimit() {
if (limits.getMinX() == null) {
return limits.getMinX();
protected Number getMaxXLimit() {
if (limits.getMaxX() == null) {
return limits.getMaxX();
protected Number getMinYLimit() {
if (limits.getMinY() == null) {
return limits.getMinY();
protected Number getMaxYLimit() {
if (limits.getMaxY() == null) {
return limits.getMaxY();
protected Number getLastMinX() {
if (previousLimits.getMinX() == null) {
return previousLimits.getMinX();
protected Number getLastMaxX() {
if (previousLimits.getMaxX() == null) {
return previousLimits.getMaxX();
protected Number getLastMinY() {
if (previousLimits.getMinY() == null) {
return previousLimits.getMinY();
private Number getLastMaxY() {
if (previousLimits.getMaxY() == null) {
return previousLimits.getMaxY();
protected void pan(final MotionEvent motionEvent) {
if (pan == Pan.NONE) {
final PointF oldFirstFinger = firstFingerPos; //save old position of finger
firstFingerPos = new PointF(motionEvent.getX(), motionEvent.getY()); //update finger position
Region newBounds = new Region();
if (EnumSet.of(Pan.HORIZONTAL, Pan.BOTH).contains(pan)) {
calculatePan(oldFirstFinger, newBounds, true);
plot.setDomainBoundaries(newBounds.getMin(), newBounds.getMax(), BoundaryMode.FIXED);
if (EnumSet.of(Pan.VERTICAL, Pan.BOTH).contains(pan)) {
calculatePan(oldFirstFinger, newBounds, false);
plot.setRangeBoundaries(newBounds.getMin(), newBounds.getMax(), BoundaryMode.FIXED);
protected void calculatePan(final PointF oldFirstFinger, Region bounds, final boolean horizontal) {
final float offset;
// multiply the absolute finger movement for a factor.
// the factor is dependent on the calculated min and max
if (horizontal) {
offset = (oldFirstFinger.x - firstFingerPos.x) *
((bounds.getMax().floatValue() - bounds.getMin().floatValue()) / plot.getWidth());
} else {
offset = -(oldFirstFinger.y - firstFingerPos.y) *
((bounds.getMax().floatValue() - bounds.getMin().floatValue()) / plot.getHeight());
// move the calculated offset
bounds.setMin(bounds.getMin().floatValue() + offset);
bounds.setMax(bounds.getMax().floatValue() + offset);
//get the distance between max and min
final float diff = bounds.length().floatValue();
//check if we reached the limit of panning
if (horizontal) {
if (bounds.getMin().floatValue() < getMinXLimit().floatValue()) {
bounds.setMax(bounds.getMin().floatValue() + diff);
if (bounds.getMax().floatValue() > getMaxXLimit().floatValue()) {
bounds.setMin(bounds.getMax().floatValue() - diff);
} else {
if (bounds.getMin().floatValue() < getMinYLimit().floatValue()) {
bounds.setMax(bounds.getMin().floatValue() + diff);
if (bounds.getMax().floatValue() > getMaxYLimit().floatValue()) {
bounds.setMin(bounds.getMax().floatValue() - diff);
protected boolean isValidScale(float scale) {
if (Float.isInfinite(scale) || Float.isNaN(scale) || scale > -0.001 && scale < 0.001) {
return false;
return true;
protected void zoom(final MotionEvent motionEvent) {
if (zoom == Zoom.NONE) {
final RectF oldFingersRect = fingersRect;
final RectF newFingersRect = fingerDistance(motionEvent);
fingersRect = newFingersRect;
RectF newRect = new RectF();
float scaleX = 1;
float scaleY = 1;
switch (zoom) {
scaleX = oldFingersRect.width() / fingersRect.width();
if (!isValidScale(scaleX)) {
scaleY = oldFingersRect.height() / fingersRect.height();
if (!isValidScale(scaleY)) {
scaleX = oldFingersRect.width() / fingersRect.width();
scaleY = oldFingersRect.height() / fingersRect.height();
if (!isValidScale(scaleX) || !isValidScale(scaleY)) {
case SCALE:
float sc1 = (float) Math.hypot(oldFingersRect.height(), oldFingersRect.width());
float sc2 = (float) Math.hypot(fingersRect.height(), fingersRect.width());
float sc = sc1 / sc2;
scaleX = sc;
scaleY = sc;
if (!isValidScale(scaleX) || !isValidScale(scaleY)) {
if (EnumSet.of(
Zoom.SCALE).contains(zoom)) {
calculateZoom(newRect, scaleX, true);
plot.setDomainBoundaries(newRect.left, newRect.right, BoundaryMode.FIXED);
if (EnumSet.of(
Zoom.SCALE).contains(zoom)) {
calculateZoom(newRect, scaleY, false);
plot.setRangeBoundaries(, newRect.bottom, BoundaryMode.FIXED);
protected void calculateZoom(RectF newRect, float scale, boolean isHorizontal) {
final float calcMax;
final float span;
if (isHorizontal) {
calcMax = getLastMaxX().floatValue();
span = calcMax - getLastMinX().floatValue();
} else {
calcMax = getLastMaxY().floatValue();
span = calcMax - getLastMinY().floatValue();
final float midPoint = calcMax - (span / 2.0f);
final float offset = span * scale / 2.0f;
if (isHorizontal) {
newRect.left = midPoint - offset;
newRect.right = midPoint + offset;
if (newRect.left < getMinXLimit().floatValue()) {
newRect.left = getMinXLimit().floatValue();
if (newRect.right > getMaxXLimit().floatValue()) {
newRect.right = getMaxXLimit().floatValue();
} else { = midPoint - offset;
newRect.bottom = midPoint + offset;
if ( < getMinYLimit().floatValue()) { = getMinYLimit().floatValue();
if (newRect.bottom > getMaxYLimit().floatValue()) {
newRect.bottom = getMaxYLimit().floatValue();
public Pan getPan() {
return pan;
public void setPan(Pan pan) {
this.pan = pan;
public Zoom getZoom() {
return zoom;
public void setZoom(Zoom zoom) {
this.zoom = zoom;
public View.OnTouchListener getDelegate() {
return delegate;
* Set a delegate to receive onTouch calls before this class does. If the delegate wishes
* to consume the event, it should return true, otherwise it should return false. Returning
* false will not prevent future onTouch events from filtering through the delegate as it normally
* would when attaching directly to an instance of {#link View}.
* #param delegate
public void setDelegate(View.OnTouchListener delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void reset() {
this.previousLimits = new RectRegion();
this.firstFingerPos = null;
this.fingersRect = null;
Don't forget to change the class name to avoid a collision with the existing PanZoom implementation.
If you want to constrain the starting window bounds to a sub-section of your data, set those boundaries on the XYPlot instance as normal. Then, configure the PanZoom instance with the absolute boundaries for panning and zooming, typically the min/max values of the series attached to your plot.
Also, if you need to change the visible window after your initial setup in onCreate (result of a user pressing a reset button, etc.) you'll also need to invoke PanZoom.reset() to wipe out it's internal state. This step may not be necessary in the official release implementation.


The bouncing ball under gravity does not stop at bounds

I am making an application and need a ball to bounce under gravity. The ball bounces fine but it never stops.
I tried printing the coordinate of the points where it stopped and what was the velocity. This is the output of one of the cases:
Found it... line 24. (0.00)i + (-0.01)j {14.14(0.79)} (-1.79, 651.57)
So in the ball stopped at height 651.67 while the bound was 600. Here's another case:
Found it... line 24. (0.00)i + (-0.01)j {14.14(0.79)} (-1.79, 1624.58)
Here's the code:
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class GUI extends Application {
public void start(Stage theStage) throws Exception {
theStage.setTitle("Bouncy Ball");
Group root = new Group();
Scene theScene = new Scene(root);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(750, 600);
CircleSprite sprite = new CircleSprite(30, new Point(50, 50));
sprite.setVelocity(new Vector(new Point(10, 10)));;
theStage.setOnCloseRequest(e -> {
AnimationTimer gameLoop = new AnimationTimer() {
public void handle(long now) {
if (sprite.update(new Bounds(700, 600))) {
new Timer().scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
Vector velocity = sprite.getVelocity();
velocity.setYComponent(velocity.getYComponent() + 1);
if (Math.abs(sprite.getVelocity().getYComponent()) <= 0.01
&& sprite.getCentre().getY() + 2 * sprite.getRadius() >= 500) {
System.out.println("Found it... line 55");
}, 0, 100);
public static void main(String[] args) {
public class CircleSprite extends Circle {
public javafx.scene.shape.Circle image;
public CircleSprite(long radius, Point centre) {
super(radius, centre);
image = new javafx.scene.shape.Circle(centre.getX(), centre.getY(), radius);
public boolean update(Bounds bounds) {
Point pos = this.getCentre();
Vector velocity = this.getVelocity();
Point finalPos = new Point(pos.getX() + velocity.getXComponent(), pos.getY() + velocity.getYComponent());
if (finalPos.getX() <= 0 || finalPos.getX() + 2 * getRadius() >= bounds.maxX) {
velocity.setXComponent(velocity.getXComponent() * (-1) * 0.75);
if (finalPos.getY() <= 0 || finalPos.getY() + 2 * getRadius() >= bounds.maxY) {
velocity.setYComponent(velocity.getYComponent() * (-1) * 0.75);
if (Math.abs(velocity.getYComponent()) <= 0.01 && getCentre().getY() + 2 * getRadius() >= bounds.maxY) {
System.out.println("Found it... line 24" + velocity + " " + getCentre());
return true;
return false;
public class Bounds {
public double maxX;
public double maxY;
public Bounds(double maxX, double maxY) {
this.maxX = maxX;
this.maxY = maxY;
public class Circle extends Shape {
private long radius;
private Point centre;
public Circle(long radius, Point centre) {
this.radius = radius;
this.centre = centre;
this.setVelocity(new Vector(new Point(0.0d, 0.0d), new Point(0, 0)));
this.setAcceleration(new Vector(new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 0)));
* Testing for whether or not two circles intersect is very simple: take the
* radii of the two circles and add them together, then check to see if this sum
* is greater than the distance between the two circles.
public boolean isColliding(Circle a, Circle b) {
long dist = a.getRadius() + b.getRadius();
// In general multiplication is a much cheaper operation than taking the square
// root of a value.
return ((dist * dist) < (a.getCentre().getX() - b.getCentre().getX())
* (a.getCentre().getX() - b.getCentre().getX())
+ (a.getCentre().getY() - b.getCentre().getY()) * (a.getCentre().getY() - b.getCentre().getY()));
public long getRadius() {
return this.radius;
public void setRadius(long radius) {
this.radius = radius;
public Point getCentre() {
return this.centre;
public void setCentre(Point centre) {
this.centre = centre;
public class Shape {
private Vector velocity;
private Vector acceleration;
private long mass;
private double invMass;
private float restitution;
public Vector getAcceleration() {
return this.acceleration;
public void setAcceleration(Vector acceleration) {
this.acceleration = acceleration;
public long getMass() {
return this.mass;
public void setMass(long mass) {
this.mass = mass;
public Vector getVelocity() {
return this.velocity;
public void setVelocity(Vector velocity) {
this.velocity = velocity;
public double getInvMass() {
return this.invMass;
private void setInvMass(long mass) {
if (mass == 0) {
invMass = Long.MAX_VALUE;
this.invMass = 1.0d / (double) mass;
public float getRestitution() {
return this.restitution;
public void setRestitution(float restitution) {
this.restitution = restitution;
public class Vector {
private Point p1;
private Point p2;
private double xComponent;
private double yComponent;
private double angle;
private double magnitude;
* The constructor makes a vector crossing through two points p1 and p2.
* #param p1 The source point(x1, x2)
public Vector(Point p1, Point p2) {
this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
this.xComponent = this.p2.getX() - this.p1.getX();
this.yComponent = this.p2.getY() - this.p1.getY();
this.angle = Math.atan2(this.yComponent, this.xComponent);
this.magnitude = Math.sqrt(this.xComponent * this.xComponent + this.yComponent * this.yComponent);
public Vector(Point p2) {
Point p1 = new Point(0, 0);
this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
this.xComponent = this.p2.getX() - this.p1.getX();
this.yComponent = this.p2.getY() - this.p1.getY();
this.angle = Math.atan2(this.yComponent, this.xComponent);
this.magnitude = Math.sqrt(this.xComponent * this.xComponent + this.yComponent * this.yComponent);
public Vector(double magnitude, Vector unitVector) {
scaledProduct(magnitude, unitVector);
private void scaledProduct(double magnitude, Vector unitVector) {
Point point = new Point(magnitude * unitVector.getXComponent(), magnitude * unitVector.getYComponent());
new Vector(point);
public static Vector scalarProduct(double magnitude, Vector unitVector) {
Point point = new Point(magnitude * unitVector.getXComponent(), magnitude * unitVector.getYComponent());
return new Vector(point);
public static double dotProduct(Vector v1, Vector v2) {
return (v1.xComponent * v2.xComponent + v1.yComponent * v2.yComponent);
public static Vector sum(Vector v1, Vector v2) {
return new Vector(new Point(v1.getXComponent() + v2.getXComponent(), v1.getYComponent() + v2.getYComponent()));
public static Vector difference(Vector from, Vector vector) {
return new Vector(new Point(from.getXComponent() - vector.getXComponent(),
from.getYComponent() - vector.getYComponent()));
public static double angleBetween(Vector v1, Vector v2) {
return Math.acos(Vector.dotProduct(v1, v2) / (v1.getMagnitude() * v2.getMagnitude()));
public Point getP1() {
return this.p1;
public void setP1(Point p1) {
this.p1 = p1;
public Point getP2() {
return this.p2;
public void setP2(Point p2) {
this.p2 = p2;
public double getXComponent() {
return this.xComponent;
public void setXComponent(double d) {
this.xComponent = d;
public double getYComponent() {
return this.yComponent;
public void setYComponent(double d) {
this.yComponent = d;
public double getAngle() {
return this.angle;
public void setAngle(double angle) {
this.angle = angle;
public double getMagnitude() {
return this.magnitude;
public void setMagnitude(double length) {
this.magnitude = length;
public boolean equals(Object v) {
Vector vector = (Vector) v;
return ((this.xComponent == vector.xComponent) && (this.yComponent == vector.yComponent));
public String toString() {
return String.format("(%.2f)i + (%.2f)j {%.2f(%.2f)}", this.xComponent, this.yComponent, this.magnitude,
public class Point {
private double x;
private double y;
public Point(double x, double y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public static double distance(Point p1, Point p2) {
return Math.sqrt(
(p1.getX() - p2.getX()) * (p1.getX() - p2.getX()) + (p1.getY() - p2.getY()) * (p1.getY() - p2.getY()));
public double getX() {
return x;
public void setX(double x) {
this.x = x;
public double getY() {
return y;
public void setY(double y) {
this.y = y;
public String toString() {
return String.format("(%.2f, %.2f)", this.x, this.y);
What's wrong with the code? I know something is wrong with the exit condition in the and but can't figure out what. There's two thing that is bothering me:
1. Why is the height out of bound when it stops?
2. Why does the x goes negative?
What happens here is the following (considering x dimension only; same applies to y as well):
The ball passes through the bounds at a speed v. You reverse the speed and decrease its magnitude. This can result in the new velocity not being high enough to get back into the bounds in the next update step and you reverse the velocity again decreasing it even more. This results in the ball moving back and forth in smaller and smaller steps outside of the bounds effectively giving the impression of it stopping.
Example with values:
Frame 1
vx = -16
x = 1
Frame 2
vx = 12
x = -15
Frame 3
vx = -9
x = -3
Frame 4
vx = -6.75
x = -12
There are 2 ways of fixing this:
Only update the speed, if the ball is moving in the direction that made it exceede the bounds.
public boolean update(Bounds bounds) {
Point pos = this.getCentre();
Vector velocity = this.getVelocity();
Point finalPos = new Point(pos.getX() + velocity.getXComponent(), pos.getY() + velocity.getYComponent());
if ((finalPos.getX() <= 0 && velocity.getXComponent() < 0) || (finalPos.getX() + 2 * getRadius() >= bounds.maxX && velocity.getXComponent() > 0)) {
velocity.setXComponent(velocity.getXComponent() * (-1) * 0.75);
if ((finalPos.getY() <= 0 && velocity.getYComponent() < 0) || (finalPos.getY() + 2 * getRadius() >= bounds.maxY && velocity.getYComponent() > 0)) {
velocity.setYComponent(velocity.getYComponent() * (-1) * 0.75);
if (Math.abs(velocity.getYComponent()) <= 0.01 && getCentre().getY() + 2 * getRadius() >= bounds.maxY) {
System.out.println("Found it... line 24" + velocity + " " + getCentre());
return true;
return false;
Prevent the ball from ending up outside of the bounds in the first place
public boolean update(Bounds bounds) {
Point pos = this.getCentre();
Vector velocity = this.getVelocity();
Point finalPos = new Point(pos.getX() + velocity.getXComponent(), pos.getY() + velocity.getYComponent());
boolean invertX = true;
if (finalPos.getX() <= 0) {
// mirror on left
} else if (finalPos.getX() + 2 * getRadius() >= bounds.maxX) {
// mirror on right
finalPos.setX(2 * (bounds.maxX - 2 * getRadius()) - finalPos.getX());
} else {
invertX = false;
if (invertX) {
velocity.setXComponent(velocity.getXComponent() * (-1) * 0.75);
boolean invertY = true;
if (finalPos.getY() <= 0) {
// mirror on top
} else if (finalPos.getY() + 2 * getRadius() >= bounds.maxY) {
// mirror on bottom
finalPos.setY(2 * (bounds.maxY - 2 * getRadius()) - finalPos.getY());
} else {
invertY = false;
if (invertY) {
velocity.setYComponent(velocity.getYComponent() * (-1) * 0.75);
if (Math.abs(velocity.getYComponent()) <= 0.01 && getCentre().getY() + 2 * getRadius() >= bounds.maxY) {
System.out.println("Found it... line 24" + velocity + " " + getCentre());
return true;
return false;

Resize GameObject over time [duplicate]

I made a test game in unity that makes it so when I click on a button, it spawns a cylinder created from a factory class. I'm trying to make it so when I create the cylinder, its height shrinks over the next 20 seconds. Some methods I found are difficult to translate into what I'm doing. If you could lead me to the right direction, I'd very much appreciate it.
Here's my code for the cylinder class
public class Cylinder : Shape
public Cylinder()
GameObject cylinder = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder);
cylinder.transform.position = new Vector3(3, 0, 0);
cylinder.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, Random.Range(1, 2)-1*Time.deltaTime, 1.0f);
cylinder.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = Random.ColorHSV();
Destroy(cylinder, 30.0f);
This can be done with the Time.deltaTime and Vector3.Lerp in a coroutine function. Similar to Rotate GameObject over time and Move GameObject over time questions. Modified it a little bit to do just this.
bool isScaling = false;
IEnumerator scaleOverTime(Transform objectToScale, Vector3 toScale, float duration)
//Make sure there is only one instance of this function running
if (isScaling)
yield break; ///exit if this is still running
isScaling = true;
float counter = 0;
//Get the current scale of the object to be moved
Vector3 startScaleSize = objectToScale.localScale;
while (counter < duration)
counter += Time.deltaTime;
objectToScale.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScaleSize, toScale, counter / duration);
yield return null;
isScaling = false;
Will scale GameObject within 20 seconds:
StartCoroutine(scaleOverTime(cylinder.transform, new Vector3(0, 0, 90), 20f));
Check out Lerp. A general example of how to use it would be something like this:
float t = 0;
t += Time.deltaTime;
cylinder.localScale = new Vector3(1, Mathf.Lerp(2f, 1f, t/3f), 1); // shrink from 2 to 1 over 3 seconds;
You will create a new monobehaviour script and add it to your primitive. Then you wil use "Update" method of monobehaviour (or use coroutine) for change object over time.
Monobehaviour must be look like this:
public class ShrinkBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
bool isNeedToShrink;
Config currentConfig;
float startTime;
float totalDistance;
public void StartShrink(Config config)
startTime = Time.time;
currentConfig = config;
totalDistance = Vector3.Distance(currentConfig.startSize, currentConfig.destinationSize);
isNeedToShrink = true;
transform.localScale = config.startSize;
private void Update()
if (isNeedToShrink)
var nextSize = GetNextSize(currentConfig);
if (Vector3.Distance(nextSize, currentConfig.destinationSize) <= 0.05f)
isNeedToShrink = false;
transform.localScale = nextSize;
Vector3 GetNextSize(Config config)
float timeCovered = (Time.time - startTime) / config.duration;
var result = Vector3.Lerp(config.startSize, config.destinationSize, timeCovered);
return result;
public struct Config
public float duration;
public Vector3 startSize;
public Vector3 destinationSize;
For using this, you must do next:
public Cylinder()
GameObject cylinder = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder);
var shrink = cylinder.AddComponent<ShrinkBehaviour>();
shrink.StartShrink(new ShrinkBehaviour.Config() { startSize = * 10, destinationSize = * 1, duration = 20f });
cylinder.transform.position = new Vector3(3, 0, 0);
cylinder.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = Random.ColorHSV();
Destroy(cylinder, 30.0f);
You must remember, monobehaviour-script must be in separate file, and must have name similar to monobehaviour-class name. For example, ShrinkBehaviour.cs;

How to create a Video Wall like in the JavaFX 2.0 demo?

How do you create a video wall like in the JavaFX 2.0 demo here:
For a start it doesn't have to be videos, it can be images as well. All I'd like to have is to place the nodes like they are in the video, i. e. in a curved shape like the insides of a cylinder or a sphere.
Or is the source of that demo available somewhere?
Thank you very much.
I researched and found a very awesome site with the relevant information:
The relevant part was the Coordinate System Transformation, in particular the equations for converting between cartesian and spherical coordinates.
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
In my example below y isn't used from the formula, since the image rows are stacked.
Note: By using these formulas in 2 nested for-loops from -Math.PI to Math.PI you can lay out the nodes around a sphere. The difficult part regarding the full sphere was to rotate the nodes towards the center, that one I couldn't figure out.
Since I wasn't familiar with Java3D I also checked out the Building a 3D Sample Application.
In the end I got a video wall, the code is reduced to this:
public class VideoWall extends Application {
Random rand = new Random();
Group root = new Group();
PerspectiveCamera camera;
private static final double CAMERA_INITIAL_DISTANCE = -850;
private static final double CAMERA_NEAR_CLIP = 0.1;
private static final double CAMERA_FAR_CLIP = 10000.0;
Image[] images = new Image[] {
new Image(""),
new Image(""),
new Image("")
public VideoWall(){
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Create ImageView with random Image.
* #return
private ImageView createImageView() {
Image image = images[ rand.nextInt(images.length)];
ImageView c = new ImageView( image);
return c;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
// build camera
camera = new PerspectiveCamera(true);
// we display any node (imageview, webview, etc)
Node node;
// create a single webview; we only add it once because we don't want to flood youtube
WebView webView = new WebView();
webView.setPrefSize(100, 70);
// wall. the degrees depend on the distance, image size, translate start points, etc. so these values were just as they fit
double ringBeginDeg = -30;
double ringEndDeg = 38;
double r = 1300;
double yOffset = 80; // offset per image row
double yOffsetInitial = 120; // initial y offset from "floor"
int count=0;
for( double angle1=Math.toRadians(ringBeginDeg); angle1 <Math.toRadians(ringEndDeg); angle1+=0.08)
double angle2 = Math.PI;
for( int i=-3; i <= 3; i++)
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
// double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
// add 1 webview, the rest imageviews
if( count == 16) {
node = webView;
} else {
node = createImageView();
node.setTranslateY(yOffset * i - yOffsetInitial);
// rotate towards viewer position
Rotate rx = new Rotate();
rx.setAngle(Math.toDegrees( -angle1));
root.getChildren().add( node);
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1600, 900, Color.BLACK);
primaryStage.setScene( scene);;
You can add whatever node you prefer. I added a youtube webview for testing. It plays, but the video doesn't get loaded, so all you see is static noise (the grey tile in the screenshot). So in theory you could make the nodes all webview with youtube videos, but that would mean flooding youtube. Better use some offline videos.
Here's a screenshot:
I also toyed around with the full 3d example and creating a ring. That's how it looked like (with always the same image) from an outer view:
Having the camera in the center you can nicely scroll the ring.
If someone wants to toy around, here's a quick & dirty gist with the navigable ring. Use left/right/middle mouse buttons for navigation.
And if you'd like to toy around with a full sphere, you may use this:
// full sphere
for (double angle1 = -Math.PI; angle1 <= Math.PI; angle1 += 0.15) {
for (double angle2 = -Math.PI; angle2 <= Math.PI; angle2 += 0.15) {
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
c = createImageView();
Rotate rx = new Rotate();
Which looks like this:
But as mentioned, I haven't figured out yet how to rotate all tiles so that they look into the center. And they'd need to be equally distributed. But that's just for fun and off-topic.
Since it's part of the video in my question, it was only a matter of keeping a list of parallel transitions to create the "build-up" animation of the tiles. The bottom row has a reflection now.
The extended code:
public class VideoWall extends Application {
Random rand = new Random();
Group root = new Group();
PerspectiveCamera camera;
private static final double CAMERA_INITIAL_DISTANCE = -850;
private static final double CAMERA_NEAR_CLIP = 0.1;
private static final double CAMERA_FAR_CLIP = 10000.0;
Image[] images = new Image[] {
new Image(""),
new Image(""),
new Image("")
List<ParallelTransition> transitionList = new ArrayList<>();
public VideoWall(){
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Create ImageView with random Image.
* #return
private ImageView createImageView() {
Image image = images[ rand.nextInt(images.length)];
ImageView c = new ImageView( image);
return c;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
// build camera
camera = new PerspectiveCamera(true);
// we display any node (imageview, webview, etc)
Node node;
// wall. the degrees depend on the distance, image size, translate start points, etc. so these values were just as they fit
double ringBeginDeg = -30;
double ringEndDeg = 38;
double r = 1300;
double yOffset = 80; // offset per image row
double yOffsetInitial = 120; // initial y offset from "floor"
int min = -3;
int max = 3;
for( double angle1=Math.toRadians(ringBeginDeg); angle1 <Math.toRadians(ringEndDeg); angle1+=0.08)
double angle2 = Math.PI;
for( int i=min; i <= max; i++)
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
// double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
node = createImageView();
node.setTranslateY(yOffset * i - yOffsetInitial);
// rotate towards viewer position
Rotate rx = new Rotate();
rx.setAngle(Math.toDegrees( -angle1));
// reflection on bottom row
if( i==max) {
Reflection refl = new Reflection();
// build the wall using a transition
transitionList.add( createTransition( node));
root.getChildren().add( node);
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1600, 900, Color.BLACK);
primaryStage.setScene( scene);;
AnimationTimer timer = createAnimation();
private AnimationTimer createAnimation() {
Collections.sort(transitionList, new Comparator<ParallelTransition>() {
public int compare(ParallelTransition arg0, ParallelTransition arg1) {
// bottom right to top left
Point2D ref = new Point2D(1000,1000);
Point2D pt0 = new Point2D( arg0.getNode().getTranslateX(), arg0.getNode().getTranslateY());
Point2D pt1 = new Point2D( arg1.getNode().getTranslateX(), arg1.getNode().getTranslateY());
return, ref.distance(pt1));
// bottom row first
// return arg0.getNode().getTranslateY(), arg1.getNode().getTranslateY());
AnimationTimer timer = new AnimationTimer() {
long last = 0;
public void handle(long now) {
//if( (now - last) > 1_000_000_000)
if( (now - last) > 40_000_000)
if( transitionList.size() > 0) {
ParallelTransition t = transitionList.remove(0);
last = now;
if( transitionList.size() == 0) {
return timer;
private ParallelTransition createTransition( final Node node) {
Path path = new Path();
path.getElements().add(new MoveToAbs( node, node.getTranslateX() - 1000, node.getTranslateY() - 900));
path.getElements().add(new LineToAbs( node, node.getTranslateX(), node.getTranslateY()));
Duration duration = Duration.millis(1500);
PathTransition pt = new PathTransition( duration, path, node);
RotateTransition rt = new RotateTransition( duration, node);
ParallelTransition parallelTransition = new ParallelTransition();
parallelTransition.getChildren().addAll(pt, rt);
return parallelTransition;
public static class MoveToAbs extends MoveTo {
public MoveToAbs( Node node, double x, double y) {
super( x - node.getLayoutX() + node.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() / 2, y - node.getLayoutY() + node.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() / 2);
public static class LineToAbs extends LineTo {
public LineToAbs( Node node, double x, double y) {
super( x - node.getLayoutX() + node.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() / 2, y - node.getLayoutY() + node.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() / 2);
Well to me it seems to be a matter of creating a Grid, or "Mesh" out of ImageViews.
Then you would Map all the Viewport's to the Image('s) you want to display.
Here for example is a Skybox for 3D implementation using this approach.
Note that this is just a simple Cube.
The image is setup similar to this, though I made it into 6 separate Images.
If you wanted to use video, I recommend you use VLCJ,
They have samples for JavaFX setup Here
For this you would apply the same principals to the WritableImage(s)
I added a couple things for you to play with ...
* A self initializing First Person Shooter camera
* #author Jason Pollastrini aka jdub1581
public class SimpleFPSCamera extends Parent {
public SimpleFPSCamera() {
private void update() {
private void updateControls() {
if (fwd && !back) {
if (strafeL) {
if (strafeR) {
if (back && !fwd) {
if (up && !down) {
if (down && !up) {
private final Group root = new Group();
private final Affine affine = new Affine();
private final Translate t = new Translate(0, 0, 0);
private final Rotate rotateX = new Rotate(0, Rotate.X_AXIS),
rotateY = new Rotate(0, Rotate.Y_AXIS),
rotateZ = new Rotate(0, Rotate.Z_AXIS);
private boolean fwd, strafeL, strafeR, back, up, down, shift;
private double mouseSpeed = 1.0, mouseModifier = 0.1;
private double moveSpeed = 10.0;
private double mousePosX;
private double mousePosY;
private double mouseOldX;
private double mouseOldY;
private double mouseDeltaX;
private double mouseDeltaY;
private void initialize() {
public void loadControlsForSubScene(SubScene scene) {
sceneProperty().addListener(l -> {
if (getScene() != null) {
getScene().addEventHandler(KeyEvent.ANY, ke -> {
if (ke.getEventType() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) {
switch (ke.getCode()) {
case Q:
up = true;
case E:
down = true;
case W:
fwd = true;
case S:
back = true;
case A:
strafeL = true;
case D:
strafeR = true;
case SHIFT:
shift = true;
moveSpeed = 20;
} else if (ke.getEventType() == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED) {
switch (ke.getCode()) {
case Q:
up = false;
case E:
down = false;
case W:
fwd = false;
case S:
back = false;
case A:
strafeL = false;
case D:
strafeR = false;
case SHIFT:
moveSpeed = 10;
shift = false;
scene.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.ANY, me -> {
if (me.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED)) {
mousePosX = me.getSceneX();
mousePosY = me.getSceneY();
mouseOldX = me.getSceneX();
mouseOldY = me.getSceneY();
} else if (me.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED)) {
mouseOldX = mousePosX;
mouseOldY = mousePosY;
mousePosX = me.getSceneX();
mousePosY = me.getSceneY();
mouseDeltaX = (mousePosX - mouseOldX);
mouseDeltaY = (mousePosY - mouseOldY);
mouseSpeed = 1.0;
mouseModifier = 0.1;
if (me.isPrimaryButtonDown()) {
if (me.isControlDown()) {
mouseSpeed = 0.1;
if (me.isShiftDown()) {
mouseSpeed = 1.0;
Utils.clamp(-360, ((rotateY.getAngle() + mouseDeltaX * (mouseSpeed * mouseModifier)) % 360 + 540) % 360 - 180, 360)
); // horizontal
Utils.clamp(-45, ((rotateX.getAngle() - mouseDeltaY * (mouseSpeed * mouseModifier)) % 360 + 540) % 360 - 180, 35)
); // vertical
} else if (me.isSecondaryButtonDown()) {
init zoom?
} else if (me.isMiddleButtonDown()) {
init panning?
scene.addEventHandler(ScrollEvent.ANY, se -> {
if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL_STARTED)) {
} else if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL)) {
} else if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL_FINISHED)) {
public void loadControlsForScene(Scene scene) {
scene.addEventHandler(KeyEvent.ANY, ke -> {
if (ke.getEventType() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) {
switch (ke.getCode()) {
case Q:
up = true;
case E:
down = true;
case W:
fwd = true;
case S:
back = true;
case A:
strafeL = true;
case D:
strafeR = true;
case SHIFT:
shift = true;
moveSpeed = 20;
} else if (ke.getEventType() == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED) {
switch (ke.getCode()) {
case Q:
up = false;
case E:
down = false;
case W:
fwd = false;
case S:
back = false;
case A:
strafeL = false;
case D:
strafeR = false;
case SHIFT:
moveSpeed = 10;
shift = false;
scene.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.ANY, me -> {
if (me.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED)) {
mousePosX = me.getSceneX();
mousePosY = me.getSceneY();
mouseOldX = me.getSceneX();
mouseOldY = me.getSceneY();
} else if (me.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED)) {
mouseOldX = mousePosX;
mouseOldY = mousePosY;
mousePosX = me.getSceneX();
mousePosY = me.getSceneY();
mouseDeltaX = (mousePosX - mouseOldX);
mouseDeltaY = (mousePosY - mouseOldY);
mouseSpeed = 1.0;
mouseModifier = 0.1;
if (me.isPrimaryButtonDown()) {
if (me.isControlDown()) {
mouseSpeed = 0.1;
if (me.isShiftDown()) {
mouseSpeed = 1.0;
Utils.clamp(-360, ((rotateY.getAngle() + mouseDeltaX * (mouseSpeed * mouseModifier)) % 360 + 540) % 360 - 180, 360)
); // horizontal
Utils.clamp(-45, ((rotateX.getAngle() - mouseDeltaY * (mouseSpeed * mouseModifier)) % 360 + 540) % 360 - 180, 35)
); // vertical
} else if (me.isSecondaryButtonDown()) {
init zoom?
} else if (me.isMiddleButtonDown()) {
init panning?
scene.addEventHandler(ScrollEvent.ANY, se -> {
if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL_STARTED)) {
} else if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL)) {
} else if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL_FINISHED)) {
private void initializeCamera() {
//getCamera().getTransforms().add(new Rotate(180, Rotate.Z_AXIS));
private void startUpdateThread() {
new AnimationTimer() {
public void handle(long now) {
private void moveForward() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * getN().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * getN().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * getN().getZ());
private void strafeLeft() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * -getU().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * -getU().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * -getU().getZ());
private void strafeRight() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * getU().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * getU().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * getU().getZ());
private void moveBack() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * -getN().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * -getN().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * -getN().getZ());
private void moveUp() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * -getV().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * -getV().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * -getV().getZ());
private void moveDown() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * getV().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * getV().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * getV().getZ());
private final ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<PerspectiveCamera> camera = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(this, "camera", new PerspectiveCamera(true));
public final PerspectiveCamera getCamera() {
return camera.get();
public ReadOnlyObjectProperty cameraProperty() {
return camera.getReadOnlyProperty();
| R | Up| F | | P|
U |mxx|mxy|mxz| |tx|
V |myx|myy|myz| |ty|
N |mzx|mzy|mzz| |tz|
//Forward / look direction
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> F = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMzx(), a.getMzy(), a.getMzz());
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> N = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMxz(), a.getMyz(), a.getMzz());
// up direction
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> UP = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMyx(), a.getMyy(), a.getMyz());
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> V = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMxy(), a.getMyy(), a.getMzy());
// right direction
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> R = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMxx(), a.getMxy(), a.getMxz());
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> U = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMxx(), a.getMyx(), a.getMzx());
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> P = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getTx(), a.getTy(), a.getTz());
private Point3D getF() {
public Point3D getLookDirection() {
return getF();
private Point3D getN() {
public Point3D getLookNormal() {
return getN();
private Point3D getR() {
private Point3D getU() {
private Point3D getUp() {
private Point3D getV() {
public final Point3D getPosition() {
Your Modified code:
public class VideoWall extends Application {
Random rand = new Random();
Group root = new Group();
PerspectiveCamera camera;
SimpleFPSCamera fpsCam;
private static final double CAMERA_INITIAL_DISTANCE = -10000;
private static final double CAMERA_NEAR_CLIP = 0.1;
private static final double CAMERA_FAR_CLIP = 100000.0;
Image[] images = new Image[]{
new Image(""),
new Image(""),
new Image("")
List<ParallelTransition> transitionList = new ArrayList<>();
List<ImageView> imageList = new ArrayList<>();
public VideoWall() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Create ImageView with random Image.
* #return
private ImageView createImageView() {
Image image = images[rand.nextInt(images.length)];
ImageView c = new ImageView(image);
return c;
private BillboardImage createBillboardImage() {
Image image = images[rand.nextInt(images.length)];
BillboardImage c = new BillboardImage(image);
return c;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
// build camera
//camera = new PerspectiveCamera(true);
fpsCam = new SimpleFPSCamera();
// we display any node (imageview, webview, etc)
Node node;
// wall. the degrees depend on the distance, image size, translate start points, etc. so these values were just as they fit
double ringBeginDeg = -30;
double ringEndDeg = 38;
double r = 1300;
double yOffset = 80; // offset per image row
double yOffsetInitial = 120; // initial y offset from "floor"
int min = -3;
int max = 3;
for (double angle1 = Math.toRadians(ringBeginDeg); angle1 < Math.toRadians(ringEndDeg); angle1 += 0.08) {
double angle2 = Math.PI;
for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) {
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
// double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
node = createImageView();
node.setTranslateY(yOffset * i - yOffsetInitial);
// rotate towards viewer position
Rotate rx = new Rotate();
// reflection on bottom row
if (i == max) {
Reflection refl = new Reflection();
// build the wall using a transition
// full sphere
for (double angle1 = -Math.PI; angle1 <= Math.PI; angle1 += 0.48) {
for (double angle2 = -Math.PI; angle2 <= Math.PI; angle2 += 0.48) {
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
BillboardImage c = createBillboardImage();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1600, 900, true, SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED);
AnimationTimer timer = createBillboardTimer();
private AnimationTimer createBillboardTimer() {
return new AnimationTimer() {
public void handle(long now) {
if(!imageList.isEmpty()){ ->{
((BillboardImage)bbi).updateMatrix(bbi, fpsCam);
private AnimationTimer createAnimation() {
Collections.sort(transitionList, new Comparator<ParallelTransition>() {
public int compare(ParallelTransition arg0, ParallelTransition arg1) {
// bottom right to top left
Point2D ref = new Point2D(1000, 1000);
Point2D pt0 = new Point2D(arg0.getNode().getTranslateX(), arg0.getNode().getTranslateY());
Point2D pt1 = new Point2D(arg1.getNode().getTranslateX(), arg1.getNode().getTranslateY());
return, ref.distance(pt1));
// bottom row first
// return arg0.getNode().getTranslateY(), arg1.getNode().getTranslateY());
AnimationTimer timer = new AnimationTimer() {
long last = 0;
public void handle(long now) {
//if( (now - last) > 1_000_000_000)
if ((now - last) > 40_000_000) {
if (transitionList.size() > 0) {
ParallelTransition t = transitionList.remove(0);
last = now;
if (transitionList.size() == 0) {
return timer;
private ParallelTransition createTransition(final Node node) {
Path path = new Path();
path.getElements().add(new MoveToAbs(node, node.getTranslateX() - 1000, node.getTranslateY() - 900));
path.getElements().add(new LineToAbs(node, node.getTranslateX(), node.getTranslateY()));
Duration duration = Duration.millis(1500);
PathTransition pt = new PathTransition(duration, path, node);
RotateTransition rt = new RotateTransition(duration, node);
ParallelTransition parallelTransition = new ParallelTransition();
parallelTransition.getChildren().addAll(pt, rt);
return parallelTransition;
public static class MoveToAbs extends MoveTo {
public MoveToAbs(Node node, double x, double y) {
super(x - node.getLayoutX() + node.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() / 2, y - node.getLayoutY() + node.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() / 2);
public static class LineToAbs extends LineTo {
public LineToAbs(Node node, double x, double y) {
super(x - node.getLayoutX() + node.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() / 2, y - node.getLayoutY() + node.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() / 2);
public enum BillboardMode {
private class BillboardImage extends ImageView{
// Add transform to Node that needs to look at target..
public Affine affine = new Affine();
public BillboardImage() {
public BillboardImage(String url) {
public BillboardImage(Image image) {
// set up to look at camera, can change to any other Node
protected void updateMatrix(Node billBoardNode, Node other) {
Transform self = billBoardNode.getLocalToSceneTransform(),
oth = other.getLocalToSceneTransform();
Bounds b;
double cX, cY, cZ;
if (!(billBoardNode instanceof Shape3D)) {
b = billBoardNode.getBoundsInLocal();
cX = b.getWidth() / 2;
cY = b.getHeight() / 2;
cZ = b.getDepth() / 2;
} else {
cX = self.getTx();
cY = self.getTy();
cZ = self.getTz();
Point3D otherPos = Point3D.ZERO.add(oth.getTx(), oth.getTy(), oth.getTz());
Point3D selfPos = new Point3D(cX, cY, cZ);
Point3D up = Point3D.ZERO.add(0, -1, 0),
forward = new Point3D(
(selfPos.getX()) - otherPos.getX(),
(selfPos.getY()) - otherPos.getY(),
(selfPos.getZ()) - otherPos.getZ()
right = up.crossProduct(forward).normalize();
up = forward.crossProduct(right).normalize();
switch (getBillboardMode()) {
affine.setMxx(right.getX()); affine.setMxy(up.getX());affine.setMzx(forward.getX());
affine.setMyx(right.getY());affine.setMyy(up.getY()); affine.setMzy(forward.getY());
affine.setTx(cX * (1 - affine.getMxx()) - cY * affine.getMxy() - cZ * affine.getMxz());
affine.setTy(cY * (1 - affine.getMyy()) - cX * affine.getMyx() - cZ * affine.getMyz());
affine.setTz(cZ * (1 - affine.getMzz()) - cX * affine.getMzx() - cY * affine.getMzy());
affine.setMzx(right.getZ()); affine.setMzy(0);affine.setMzz(forward.getZ());
affine.setTx(cX * (1 - affine.getMxx()) - cY * affine.getMxy() - cZ * affine.getMxz());
affine.setTy(cY * (1 - affine.getMyy()) - cX * affine.getMyx() - cZ * affine.getMyz());
affine.setTz(cZ * (1 - affine.getMzz()) - cX * affine.getMzx() - cY * affine.getMzy());
public BillboardMode getBillboardMode() {
return BillboardMode.SPHERICAL;
At least now the Images are billboarded to the Camera..
Feel free to play with my FPSCamera as well ..
Controls are like any standard 1st person shooter
w = forward, s = back,
a = left-strafe, d = right-strafe,
q & e are up and down.

JavaFX 2.x : Logarithmic scale on Y axis

As from this very good post here
Logarithmic scale in Java FX 2
I have changed this class to get log scale on Y axis, and it works fine. The only problem I have is that there are very few horizontal grid lines and scale always start ranges from 0 or near zero.
Here is what I get
I would like to have tick values grid also in the min and max range of my data serie, in this case min = 19,35 max = 20,35; as of now all 10 horizontal grid lines are all plotted outside this range.
How to accomplish this?
Thanks all, here is my log code for Y axis
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javafx.beans.binding.DoubleBinding;
import javafx.scene.chart.ValueAxis;
public class LogarithmicAxis extends ValueAxis<Number> {
//Create our LogarithmicAxis class that extends ValueAxis<Number> and define two properties that will represent the log lower and upper bounds of our axis.
private final DoubleProperty logUpperBound = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
private final DoubleProperty logLowerBound = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
//we bind our properties with the default bounds of the value axis. But before, we should verify the given range according to the mathematic logarithmic interval definition.
public LogarithmicAxis() {
super(1, 100);
public LogarithmicAxis(double lowerBound, double upperBound) {
super(lowerBound, upperBound);
try {
validateBounds(lowerBound, upperBound);
} catch (IllegalLogarithmicRangeException e) {
* Bind our logarithmic bounds with the super class bounds, consider the base 10 logarithmic scale.
private void bindLogBoundsToDefaultBounds() {
logLowerBound.bind(new DoubleBinding() {
protected double computeValue() {
return Math.log10(lowerBoundProperty().get());
logUpperBound.bind(new DoubleBinding() {
protected double computeValue() {
return Math.log10(upperBoundProperty().get());
* Validate the bounds by throwing an exception if the values are not conform to the mathematics log interval:
* ]0,Double.MAX_VALUE]
* #param lowerBound
* #param upperBound
* #throws IllegalLogarithmicRangeException
private void validateBounds(double lowerBound, double upperBound) throws IllegalLogarithmicRangeException {
if (lowerBound < 0 || upperBound < 0 || lowerBound > upperBound) {
throw new IllegalLogarithmicRangeException(
"The logarithmic range should be include to ]0,Double.MAX_VALUE] and the lowerBound should be less than the upperBound");
//Now we have to implement all abstract methods of the ValueAxis class.
//The first one, calculateMinorTickMarks is used to get the list of minor tick marks position that you want to display on the axis. You could find my definition below. It's based on the number of minor tick and the logarithmic formula.
protected List<Number> calculateMinorTickMarks() {
Number[] range = getRange();
List<Number> minorTickMarksPositions = new ArrayList<>();
if (range != null) {
Number lowerBound = range[0];
Number upperBound = range[1];
double logUpperBound = Math.log10(upperBound.doubleValue());
double logLowerBound = Math.log10(lowerBound.doubleValue());
int minorTickMarkCount = getMinorTickCount();
for (double i = logLowerBound; i <= logUpperBound; i += 1) {
for (double j = 0; j <= 10; j += (1. / minorTickMarkCount)) {
double value = j * Math.pow(10, i);
return minorTickMarksPositions;
//Then, the calculateTickValues method is used to calculate a list of all the data values for each tick mark in range, represented by the second parameter. The formula is the same than previously but here we want to display one tick each power of 10.
protected List<Number> calculateTickValues(double length, Object range) {
List<Number> tickPositions = new ArrayList<Number>();
if (range != null) {
Number lowerBound = ((Number[]) range)[0];
Number upperBound = ((Number[]) range)[1];
double logLowerBound = Math.log10(lowerBound.doubleValue());
double logUpperBound = Math.log10(upperBound.doubleValue());
System.out.println("lower bound is: " + lowerBound.doubleValue());
for (double i = logLowerBound; i <= logUpperBound; i += 1) {
for (double j = 1; j <= 10; j++) {
double value = (j * Math.pow(10, i));
return tickPositions;
//The getRange provides the current range of the axis. A basic implementation is to return an array of the lowerBound and upperBound properties defined into the ValueAxis class.
protected Number[] getRange() {
return new Number[] { lowerBoundProperty().get(), upperBoundProperty().get() };
//The getTickMarkLabel is only used to convert the number value to a string that will be displayed under the tickMark. Here I choose to use a number formatter.
protected String getTickMarkLabel(Number value) {
NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance();
return formatter.format(value);
//The method setRange is used to update the range when data are added into the chart. There is two possibilities, the axis is animated or not. The simplest case is to set the lower and upper bound properties directly with the new values.
protected void setRange(Object range, boolean animate) {
if (range != null) {
Number lowerBound = ((Number[]) range)[0];
Number upperBound = ((Number[]) range)[1];
try {
validateBounds(lowerBound.doubleValue(), upperBound.doubleValue());
} catch (IllegalLogarithmicRangeException e) {
//We are almost done but we forgot to override 2 important methods that are used to perform the matching between data and the axis (and the reverse).
public Number getValueForDisplay(double displayPosition) {
double delta = logUpperBound.get() - logLowerBound.get();
if (getSide().isVertical()) {
return Math.pow(10, (((displayPosition - getHeight()) / -getHeight()) * delta) + logLowerBound.get());
} else {
return Math.pow(10, (((displayPosition / getWidth()) * delta) + logLowerBound.get()));
public double getDisplayPosition(Number value) {
double delta = logUpperBound.get() - logLowerBound.get();
double deltaV = Math.log10(value.doubleValue()) - logLowerBound.get();
if (getSide().isVertical()) {
return (1. - ((deltaV) / delta)) * getHeight();
} else {
return ((deltaV) / delta) * getWidth();
* Exception to be thrown when a bound value isn't supported by the logarithmic axis<br>
* #author Kevin Senechal mailto:
public class IllegalLogarithmicRangeException extends Exception {
* #param string
public IllegalLogarithmicRangeException(String message) {
We too had these problems with the suggested implementation of logarithmicaxis, here is the complete code with fixes that worked for us..
import com.sun.javafx.charts.ChartLayoutAnimator;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.KeyValue;
import javafx.beans.binding.DoubleBinding;
import javafx.scene.chart.ValueAxis;
import javafx.util.Duration;
//Edited by Vadim Levit & Benny Lutati for usage in AgentZero ( )
public class LogarithmicNumberAxis extends ValueAxis<Number> {
private Object currentAnimationID;
private final ChartLayoutAnimator animator = new ChartLayoutAnimator(this);
//Create our LogarithmicAxis class that extends ValueAxis<Number> and define two properties that will represent the log lower and upper bounds of our axis.
private final DoubleProperty logUpperBound = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
private final DoubleProperty logLowerBound = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
//we bind our properties with the default bounds of the value axis. But before, we should verify the given range according to the mathematic logarithmic interval definition.
public LogarithmicNumberAxis() {
super(1, 10000000);
public LogarithmicNumberAxis(double lowerBound, double upperBound) {
super(lowerBound, upperBound);
validateBounds(lowerBound, upperBound);
public void setLogarithmizedUpperBound(double d) {
double nd = Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(Math.log10(d)));
setUpperBound(nd == d ? nd * 10 : nd);
* Bind our logarithmic bounds with the super class bounds, consider the
* base 10 logarithmic scale.
private void bindLogBoundsToDefaultBounds() {
logLowerBound.bind(new DoubleBinding() {
protected double computeValue() {
return Math.log10(lowerBoundProperty().get());
logUpperBound.bind(new DoubleBinding() {
protected double computeValue() {
return Math.log10(upperBoundProperty().get());
* Validate the bounds by throwing an exception if the values are not
* conform to the mathematics log interval: ]0,Double.MAX_VALUE]
* #param lowerBound
* #param upperBound
* #throws IllegalLogarithmicRangeException
private void validateBounds(double lowerBound, double upperBound) throws IllegalLogarithmicRangeException {
if (lowerBound < 0 || upperBound < 0 || lowerBound > upperBound) {
throw new IllegalLogarithmicRangeException(
"The logarithmic range should be in [0,Double.MAX_VALUE] and the lowerBound should be less than the upperBound");
//Now we have to implement all abstract methods of the ValueAxis class.
//The first one, calculateMinorTickMarks is used to get the list of minor tick marks position that you want to display on the axis. You could find my definition below. It's based on the number of minor tick and the logarithmic formula.
protected List<Number> calculateMinorTickMarks() {
List<Number> minorTickMarksPositions = new ArrayList<>();
return minorTickMarksPositions;
//Then, the calculateTickValues method is used to calculate a list of all the data values for each tick mark in range, represented by the second parameter. The formula is the same than previously but here we want to display one tick each power of 10.
protected List<Number> calculateTickValues(double length, Object range) {
LinkedList<Number> tickPositions = new LinkedList<>();
if (range != null) {
double lowerBound = ((double[]) range)[0];
double upperBound = ((double[]) range)[1];
for (double i = Math.log10(lowerBound); i <= Math.log10(upperBound); i++) {
tickPositions.add(Math.pow(10, i));
if (!tickPositions.isEmpty()) {
if (tickPositions.getLast().doubleValue() != upperBound) {
return tickPositions;
* The getRange provides the current range of the axis. A basic
* implementation is to return an array of the lowerBound and upperBound
* properties defined into the ValueAxis class.
* #return
protected double[] getRange() {
return new double[]{
* The getTickMarkLabel is only used to convert the number value to a string
* that will be displayed under the tickMark. Here I choose to use a number
* formatter.
* #param value
* #return
protected String getTickMarkLabel(Number value) {
NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance();
return formatter.format(value);
* The method setRange is used to update the range when data are added into
* the chart. There is two possibilities, the axis is animated or not. The
* simplest case is to set the lower and upper bound properties directly
* with the new values.
* #param range
* #param animate
protected void setRange(Object range, boolean animate) {
if (range != null) {
final double[] rangeProps = (double[]) range;
final double lowerBound = rangeProps[0];
final double upperBound = rangeProps[1];
final double oldLowerBound = getLowerBound();
if (animate) {
currentAnimationID = animator.animate(
new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO,
new KeyValue(currentLowerBound, oldLowerBound)
new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(700),
new KeyValue(currentLowerBound, lowerBound)
} else {
* We are almost done but we forgot to override 2 important methods that are
* used to perform the matching between data and the axis (and the reverse).
* #param displayPosition
* #return
public Number getValueForDisplay(double displayPosition) {
double delta = logUpperBound.get() - logLowerBound.get();
if (getSide().isVertical()) {
return Math.pow(10, (((displayPosition - getHeight()) / -getHeight()) * delta) + logLowerBound.get());
} else {
return Math.pow(10, (((displayPosition / getWidth()) * delta) + logLowerBound.get()));
public double getDisplayPosition(Number value) {
double delta = logUpperBound.get() - logLowerBound.get();
double deltaV = Math.log10(value.doubleValue()) - logLowerBound.get();
if (getSide().isVertical()) {
return (1. - ((deltaV) / delta)) * getHeight();
} else {
return ((deltaV) / delta) * getWidth();
* Exception to be thrown when a bound value isn't supported by the
* logarithmic axis<br>
* #author Kevin Senechal mailto:
public class IllegalLogarithmicRangeException extends RuntimeException {
* #param string
public IllegalLogarithmicRangeException(String message) {
I think your problem is this:
super(1, 100);
From the documentation:
Create a non-auto-ranging ValueAxis with the given upper & lower bound
Try using a constructor without parameters, which will make the boundaries auto-ranging.
You should end up with a constructor looking like this:
public LogarithmicAxis() {
// was: super(1, 100);

BlackBerry 6/7 Table Layout with ColSpan - Number Selection Widget

Trying to make a simple number clicker control for BlackBerry 6/7, like this:
At heart it's just a text field and two buttons, with a Manager to space them out.
I know about the unsupported add-on TableManager, but it doesn't support column scans. And, the notion of using deeply-nested Managers I find... disturbing.
And, this will come up multiple times, so I wanted a simple, reusable component.
So, I built a simple Manager to contain these three components, even allowing you to provide your own textfield or buttons for stylistic reasons. The code is attached below. Obviously fancier than it needs to be but the work is all done in sublayout.
What actually happens is that the upper right of each of the 3 components appears in the correct place, but the 3 components are "shrink wrapped" to the minimum size needed to display their contents, ignoring the requested USE_ALL_WIDTH and USE_ALL_HEIGHT. This is probably a minor goofup, but how can I make these components actually USE ALL WIDTH and USE ALL HEIGHT? I have tried several variations on USE_ALL_* but not found the winning one yet. Of course any other improvements would also be welcome.
package layout;
import net.rim.device.api.system.Display;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.XYEdges;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.EditField;
* XXX BROKEN DO NOT USE YET - layout fail, components get shrink-wrapped.
* NumberClicker Makes a layout with three components, like this:
* <pre>
* +-------------------+ +-------------------+
* | | | + |
* | 3 | |-------------------|
* | | |-------------------|
* | | | - |
* |-------------------| |-------------------|
* </pre>
* Note that by default, the buttons are set to increment and decrement the number in the textfield!
* #author Ian Darwin
public class NumberClicker extends Manager {
private static final long SUBCOMPONENT_STYLE = Field.USE_ALL_HEIGHT | Field.USE_ALL_WIDTH;
private static final long MANAGER_STYLE = Field.FIELD_HCENTER | Field.FIELD_VCENTER;
final XYEdges MARGINS = new XYEdges(10,10,10,10);
EditField number = new EditField(SUBCOMPONENT_STYLE);
ButtonField plus = new ButtonField("+", SUBCOMPONENT_STYLE);
ButtonField minus = new ButtonField("-", SUBCOMPONENT_STYLE);
public NumberClicker() {
public NumberClicker(long style)
this(null, null, null, style);
/** Constructor allows you to provide your own three fields */
public NumberClicker(EditField number, ButtonField plus, ButtonField minus) {
this(number, plus, minus, MANAGER_STYLE);
/** Constructor allows you to provide your own three fields ANd override style.
* If any of the fields is null, the default value is used.
public NumberClicker(EditField number, ButtonField plus, ButtonField minus, long style) {
if (number != null) {
this.number = number;
} else {
this.number.setMargin(MARGINS); // set margins on our default, constructed above.
add(this.number); // Nulls allowed, so must be careful to use "this." throughout this method.
if (plus != null) { = plus;
} else {;
if (minus != null) {
this.minus = minus;
} else {
add(this.minus); Runnable() {
public void run() {
this.minus.setRunnable(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void increment() {
number.setText(Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(number.getText().trim()) + 1));
public void decrement() {
number.setText(Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(number.getText().trim()) - 1));
/** Return the integer value of the clicker. Do not call if you are re-using this as a three-component layout manager! */
public int getValue() {
return Integer.parseInt(number.getText().trim());
public void setValue(int value) {
* Compute sizes and positions of subfields.
* Required by Manager
public void sublayout(int width, int height) {
int layoutWidth = width;
int layoutHeight = Math.min(height, Display.getHeight()); // no scrolling here
System.err.println("Display:" + Display.getWidth() + "x" + Display.getHeight());
int halfX = layoutWidth / 2;
int halfY = layoutHeight / 2;
System.err.println("sublayout:" + width + "," + height + "; " + halfX + "," + halfY);
int numberWidth = halfX - number.getMarginLeft() - number.getMarginRight();
int numberHeight = layoutHeight - number.getMarginTop() - number.getMarginBottom();
layoutChild(number, numberWidth, numberHeight);
setPositionChild(number, 0 + number.getMarginLeft(), 0 + number.getMarginTop());
System.err.println(number + " " + numberWidth + "," + numberHeight + " " +number.getMarginLeft());
int plusWidth = halfX - plus.getMarginLeft() - plus.getMarginRight();
int plusHeight = halfY - plus.getMarginTop() - plus.getMarginBottom();
layoutChild(plus, plusWidth, plusHeight);
setPositionChild( plus, halfX + plus.getMarginLeft(), plus.getMarginTop());
int minusWidth = halfX - minus.getMarginLeft() - minus.getMarginRight();
int minusHeight = halfY - minus.getMarginTop() - minus.getMarginBottom();
layoutChild(minus, minusWidth, minusHeight);
// Use plus.getMarginHeight() for better alignment.
setPositionChild( minus, halfX + plus.getMarginLeft(), halfY + minus.getMarginTop() );
//setVirtualExtent(layoutWidth, height);
setExtent(layoutWidth, height);
public EditField getNumberField() {
return number;
public void setNumberField(EditField number) {
this.number = number;
public ButtonField getPlusField() {
return plus;
public void setPlusField(ButtonField plus) { = plus;
public Field getMinusField() {
return minus;
public void setMinusField(ButtonField minus) {
this.minus = minus;
The closest thing to what you are trying to achieve is
Few notes:
EditField always use USE_ALL_WIDTH. It doesn't matter if you requested it or not. Therefore, if you want to limit its width you have override its layout() method. In my code snippet, its width is limited by the maximum chars allowed for this field's value (see CustomEditField).
ButtonField ignores USE_ALL_WIDTH and USE_ALL_HEIGHT. Its extent depends only on the text within the button. In order to achieve the effect of USE_ALL_WIDTH, you have to add horizontal padding to it.
Unfortunately, the padding trick won't work if you want to achieve the USE_ALL_HEIGHT effect. When you add vertical padding to a button, at some stage it will repeat its background vertically. If it is required, you will have to write a custom button field for it.
Also check BlackBerry's advanced UI components at this page.
Here is the code:
import net.rim.device.api.ui.Font;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.FontMetrics;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.XYEdges;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.EditField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.decor.Border;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.decor.BorderFactory;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.text.NumericTextFilter;
public class NumberClicker extends Manager {
private class CustomEditField extends EditField {
public int getPreferredWidth() {
FontMetrics fontMetrics = new FontMetrics();
return getMaxSize()*fontMetrics.getMaxCharWidth();
public int getPreferredHeight() {
// forcing the field to be single lined
return getFont().getHeight();
protected void layout(int width, int height) {
Math.min(width, getPreferredWidth()),
Math.min(height, getPreferredHeight())
final XYEdges MARGINS = new XYEdges(2,2,2,2);
EditField _number;
Manager _numberManager;
ButtonField _plus;
ButtonField _minus;
public NumberClicker() {
Font font = getFont();
font = font.derive(Font.BOLD, font.getHeight() + 10);
_number = new CustomEditField();
_number.setFilter(new NumericTextFilter());
_numberManager = new Manager(0) {
protected void sublayout(int width, int height) {
layoutChild(_number, width, height);
Math.max(0, (width - _number.getWidth())/2),
Math.max(0, (height - _number.getHeight())/2)
setExtent(width, height);
_numberManager.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRoundedBorder(new XYEdges()));
_plus = new ButtonField("+", 0);
_minus = new ButtonField("-");
_plus.setRunnable(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
_minus.setRunnable(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private void increment() {
synchronized (UiApplication.getEventLock()) { //probably not needed here. overkill.
_number.setText(Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(_number.getText().trim()) + 1));
private void decrement() {
if (Integer.parseInt(_number.getText()) <= 0) {
synchronized (UiApplication.getEventLock()) { //probably not needed here. overkill.
_number.setText(Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(_number.getText().trim()) - 1));
public void setValue(int value) {
if (value < 0) {
synchronized (UiApplication.getEventLock()) { // MUST. can be called from non UI thread.
* Compute sizes and positions of subfields.
public void sublayout(int width, int height) {
int heightUsed = 0;
int halfX = width / 2;
Border border = _plus.getBorder();
int plusWidth = halfX - _plus.getMarginLeft() - _plus.getMarginRight();
int plusHeight = height - _plus.getMarginTop() - _plus.getMarginBottom();
// calculate horizontal padding so the button will look like USE_ALL_WIDTH
int plusHPadding = (Math.max(0, plusWidth - _plus.getPreferredWidth() - border.getLeft() - border.getRight()))/2;
_plus.setPadding(0, plusHPadding, 0, plusHPadding);
layoutChild(_plus, plusWidth, plusHeight);
setPositionChild( _plus, halfX + _plus.getMarginLeft(), _plus.getMarginTop());
heightUsed += _plus.getHeight() + _plus.getMarginTop() + _plus.getMarginBottom();
border = _minus.getBorder();
int minusWidth = halfX - _minus.getMarginLeft() - _minus.getMarginRight();
int minusHeight = height - _plus.getHeight() - _minus.getMarginTop() - _minus.getMarginBottom();
// calculate horizontal padding so the button will look like USE_ALL_WIDTH
int minusHPadding = (Math.max(0, minusWidth - _minus.getPreferredWidth() - border.getLeft() - border.getRight()))/2;
_minus.setPadding(0, minusHPadding, 0, minusHPadding);
layoutChild(_minus, minusWidth, minusHeight);
setPositionChild( _minus, halfX + _plus.getMarginLeft(), heightUsed + _minus.getMarginTop());
heightUsed += _minus.getHeight() + _minus.getMarginTop() + _minus.getMarginBottom();
int numberWidth = halfX - _numberManager.getMarginLeft() - _numberManager.getMarginRight();
int numberHeight = heightUsed - _numberManager.getMarginTop() - _numberManager.getMarginBottom();
layoutChild(_numberManager, numberWidth, numberHeight);
setPositionChild(_numberManager, _numberManager.getMarginLeft(), _numberManager.getMarginTop());
setExtent(width, heightUsed);
