Does Android Studio support Code completion for C/C++? - android-studio

The code completion is fine on Android Studio java project. But I want to use Android Studio to edit some existing C file(.cpp).
for example, if i have declared some function, then i type the function in other section. But the android studio doesn't show up the code suggestion or some debugging.
Can Android Studio support Code completion for C/C++ like this:?

Yes it does, as long as the project is setup to use the NDK and the C/CPP sources are included in the project.
Try pulling the ndk sample repo and try opening one of the projects.
If you have a java project and want to edit some arbitrary C or C++ source, then no. It does not have enough information about the source file, include paths, compiler etc...

If your project uses to build, it will be a bug of Android Studio. I have been reported. project cannot show code completion for cpp.

It seems that old version of Android Studio does not support code completion of jni native build (with as configuration file), and that should already be fixed now.
But if you are using CMake in your project as external building tool and code completion still does not work, It's probably because you have more than one version of cmake installed. You can try to remove extra ones from SDK manager and restart Android Studio, it should work.
To see installed CMake version, you can open the SDK manager and check the 'show package details' on the right bottom. You can view cmake tools installed with different versions.


How to configure an iOS Application for Kotlin Multiplatform in Android Studio?

I want to add a Run/Debug Configuration for an iOS Application for a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile application in Android Studio 4.1.2. However, there seems to be a problem with the configuration for iOS.
In the screenshot below you can see the problem. In the dialog "Run/Debug Configuration" Android Studio complains about
Error: Please specify Xcode project location in xcodeproj property of
Using the "Fix" button does not solve the problem. Android Studio just adds an additional xcodeproj to and the complains about a duplicate parameter.
I also tried different paths (relative and absolute) for xcodeproj. No luck.
If I remember correctly, it used to work out of the box. A new Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile project was automatically configured for Android and iOS. I'm not sure what changed. Probably something was updated.
Is this a bug with the KMM plugin? Or is there something I can do on my system to fix this?
don't do that with Android Studio.
Just open Xcode, click on 'open another project...', locate to the iosApp folder that named it when creating your project on Android Studio.
after that, just click run and have fun.
If the project doesn't run right away even on opening it from Xcode and shows the shared framework is missing, Then try generating the shared framework for iOS platform using terminal. Navigate to the project folder and execute
Command: ./gradlew packForXcode
Now the shared framework should have a xcode-frameworks product and you should be able to build and run the project through Xcode.
I fixed it by downgrading the Kotlin version from 1.4.30 to 1.4.21. You can check this thread here. To downgrade, download the version you want from the plugin store and choose the install plugin from disk as in the picture below
Upgrading Android Studio version to 4.2.1, KMM plugin version to 0.2.6, creating new KMM project with KMM plugin, the problem can be fixed automatically.
If you don't wanna use Xcode:
Look like there is some IDE issues in this versions, one option would be to downgrade the Kotlin version.
What worked for me was to download the latest Canary Android Studio and setup my KMM project there.
Hopefully soon this will be stable for the next versions
Same as here:
Look like there is some IDE issues in this versions, one option would be to downgrade the Kotlin version.
What worked for me was to download the latest Canary Android Studio and setup my KMM project there.
Hopefully soon this will be stable for the next versions

Building tess-two into a project using Android Studio's gradle build

There are answers about getting the tess-two project integrated into an Android project within Android Studio, but many are out-dated and none used the current capabilities defined here:
Using Android Studio 2.2 and higher, you can use the NDK to compile C and C++ code into a native library and package it into your APK using Gradle, the IDE's integrated build system. Your Java code can then call functions in your native library through the Java Native Interface (JNI)
What specific steps would be required to make tess-two functionality a part of the resulting APK, using functionality within Android Studio, rather than external file placement, manipulation and command line tools? So taking the building, creation of *.so files into the IDE. Specifically using just Android Studio's integrated build system (Gradle) as described here.
1. Start a new project
2. Import Tess-Two into the project
2b. Add any needed plug-ins
3. Add code in the main activity to get native functionality
4. Configure Android Studio build so that native functionality is available
This is where the specifics are required
4. Configure Android Studio build for native functionality
4a. Link C++ Project with Gradle
First, check the tess-two project for build files. You may select CMakeLists.txt or files. Both are currently supported.
In this case, I used ndk-build, which seemed like a good bet for integrating the native code.
For more information, see Android Studio documentation
4b. Manage Long Commands
In Windows, errors may be encountered if the command length grows too large. To prevent problems, use LOCAL_SHORT_COMMANDS AND APP_SHORT_COMMANDS in the file.
The "e=87" error is what you are avoiding by doing this:
For more on that topic, see stackoverflow question about error 87.
4c. Add Module Dependency for tess-two
In File > Project Structure > Dependencies use the + to add the tess-two dependency:
4d. Build the Project and check .apk file for .so files
The build, which takes a long time, should complete now. Validate that the .apk file contains the .so files, created during the build. With the tess-two libraries in an static initializer, run the project on your Android device:

Add reference to CMake project in Android Studio

In my particular case, I implemented a cross platform project in C++11 that uses CMake. I initially designed this project to work on PC (Windows, Unix), but now I realized that I can use it on mobile platforms too, without re-implementing the business logic on every platform. The project uses standard libraries: Boost, Poco, OpenSSL, Protobuf.
After a few searches I came to conclusion that this is not even an usual mode to put together native and managed code in Android.
Is it possible to add reference in a Gradle project in Android Studio to a native project that uses CMake?
Can NDK adopt the project in a simple manner if I compile everything in command line (assuming I don't use Android Studio)?
If it is possible, is it recommended at all?
Is it possible to add reference in a Gradle project in Android Studio to a native project that uses CMake?
Since Google announced Android Studio 2.2 that comes with cmake plugin, so it's possible to reference CMake project to android project.
Can NDK adopt the project in a simple manner if I compile everything in command line (assuming I don't use Android Studio)?
In my experience, i compile NDK in separate way and then link the static/shared library (.so file) to be used in android project. I used NDK while developing PDF Reader using mupdf here
Hope this helps.
it would be possible with android studio 2.2, mainly the android plugin for gradle makes it possible. you could look at some examples in:
android studio directly reads-in your cmake scripts -- there is nothing like desktop systems that generate project files for their native IDEs ( Visual Studio or XCode ); so you might have to modify your existing cmake files to eventually make it to work for android studio.
as long as you build to the correct APK, command line or IDE does not matter too much. If you intend to ship source code, having your project ready with an IDE would be attractive.
Please see CMaker_Boost, build the Boost with the CMake at a configure time. Now it is tested on the Linux and Android, gcc and clang. This can be included to the gradle project in the Android Studio. I hope this helps.

Android Studio 1.3 Preview NDK support

Yesterday Google announced that native code debugging is now possible with this version of Android Studio.
I've updated to the newest build version "AI-141.1962279" and can't see any possibility of debugging native code.
I've switched to build-tools 23.0-rc1, used gradle plugin 1.3.0-beta1 but cannot set breakpoints in native code or step into JNI calls.
Is it really working?
July 10th update Android Studio Preview with NDK support is available :
Android Studio 1.3.0-Preview is indeed available through the Android Studio "Check for updates" menu.
Unfortunately, all C++ features aren't available yet in this preview. They will be available in about 2 weeks.
Source : Google IO dev tools keynote at 35:38
Android Studio 1.3 Beta Available
posted Jun 19, 2015, 11:37 AM by Tor Norbye
Android Studio 1.3 Beta is now available in the beta channel! Sorry, this build does not yet contain the C/C++ support; we are still ironing out a couple of critical issues, but we hope to be ready in the next week or two. Similarly, the vector rasterization support is also still not enabled due to various bugs.
the 9th of July update contains c++ debug
Even on the Canary Channel, the latest currenlty available build is We will simply have to wait a bit longer for 1.3. The "About Box" in Android Studio also displays the version number; check that to be sure.
"As announced at Google I/O, Android Studio 1.3 will include C/C++ support as well, but that is not included in the first couple of preview builds."
NDK support is included from Android Studio 1.3 RC1 on. This includes editing running and debugging C and C++ code. See Android NDK Preview and experimental Gradle plugin guide.
with Android Studio 1.4 release you could debug native JNI code. Your project need to use gradle plugin though.
After you create a project with JNI code in it, this Android Studio version will create a debug Configuration (mine is called app-native)
once you select this configuration, you could set breakpoint in JNI code
then run your app with android studio [it will download and start app on device]
When JNI code is launched, Android Studio will break right away. You could set more breakpoint at this moment too
Then let debugger "go" [to continue ]
Your breakpoints will get hit
The gradle model plugin examples could be found from googlesamples/android-ndk on github. There is a youtube clip called HelloJniWithAndroidStudio shows how to create a hello-jni with android studio 1.3, most steps still work for 1.4 -- it might help for build.gradle creation.
Different version of gradle mode plugin requires different gradle version:
Gradle-Model-Plugin-version 0.2.0 works with Gradle Version 2.5
Gradle-Model-Plugin-version 0.3.0-alpha3 works with Gradle version 2.6
you could find out what versions are available from the jcenter links mentioned earlier.

How to know whether an existing project was made using android studio or eclipse?

I have got some open source projects which I want to have a try. But I want to use Eclipse if the project was made using eclipse; otherwise I would like to use Android Studio.
So how can I know by viewing the source code about the IDE used for the development of a particular project? Is there any metadata in any file which stores the IDE information?
I believe that Android Studio sometimes includes gradle related files. That's how I would check.
