Keyboard inactive after bootx64 for MinnowBoard - keyboard

I am working first time with a minnowboard hardware from Intel and have create a core-image-minimal using Yocto project. When I power on the Minnowboard, I enter the UEFI shell where I execute following commands:
connect -r
map -r
The keyboard works fine for all this process. Then I enter the GRUB menu and select "BOOT".
When the core-image-minimal boots, I am asked to login.
At this point, the keyboard doesn't work. I inspected the boot command and it goes something like this:
setparams 'boot'
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 ro rootwait quiet console=ttys0,115200 console=tty0
I am not sure why keyboard works in the UEFI shell but not when the linux image is booted. Do I need to add some option like -usb or -usbdevice to this boot commands for it to detect keyboard?

It sounds horrible but apparently the issue was with my keyboard which is a make from "Cherry". When I plugged in a Dell keyboard, it works seamlessly. Duh!


Auto launch bash script that resides on USB when plugged in to system to get USB info

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to automatically run a bash script that I created and stored on a USB device, so when I plug in the USB device it automatically runs the bash script (e,g. and outputs the USB info to a text file (can write this text file to USB or Linux machine). I looked at a lot of solutions, and a lot of the posts seem to launch the bash script that is stored on the Linux machine rather than the USB itself which is different than what I am looking for.
Any insight would help!
It is possible to run script from connected usb pendrive. Here is the solution:
ACTION=="add" ENV{DEVNAME}=="/dev/sd*" ENV{DEVTYPE}=="disk", RUN+="/root/sk $env{DEVNAME}"
mount ${d}1 /mnt/usb/
umount ${d}1
but it assumes that it must be partition 1 mounted from this pendrive.

run script bash when usb mouse was input

hy , i want to make simple bash script.
if my usb mouse was inserted automatically run script that can disable my touchpad , and if my usb mouse was removed run script that can enable my tochpad.
this script (disabled touchpad) run when my usb mouse was inserted
sudo modprobe -r psmouse
this script (enabled touchpad) run when my usb mouse was removed
sudo modprobe psmouse
but where this script i put on my linux system , that can automatically run when my usb device insert/remove?

Write a bash script that executes a command when a USB device is plugged in/removed [duplicate]

Is there a Bash script and/or daemon that I can write that will detect a specific USB drive and then sync that drive with a directory?
For future reference, here's how to run a bash script upon detection of a USB drive.
Connect your device and run lsusb to retrieve the device's info. You should see something similar to this:
$ lsusb
Bus 002 Device 039: ID 0bc2:2100 Seagate RSS LLC
In this case, the vendor ID of the device is 0bc2 and the product ID is 2100.
Now you can create your UDEV rule using a text editor of your choice.
$sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/85-my_usb_device_rule.rules
And add this:
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0bc2",
SYSFS{idProduct}=="2100", RUN+="/home/myhome/my_script"
/home/myhome/my_script is the path to your script which it would do whatever you want.
To make sure the detection script will execute right away, run this command to reload the UDEV rules:
$sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
This was tested on Fedora 14.
I didn't do it myself, but you can try udev rules like this:
# Hitachi SimpleDrive mini, model HTS545050B9A300 (500 GB USB HDD)
SUBSYSTEM=="block", ATTR{size}=="976768002", ATTRS{product}=="SimpleDrive mini", ATTRS{serial}=="2512009121920487", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/lib/udev/ add $devpath"
Place it in /etc/udev/rules.d/90-local.rules or similar place, certainly dependable on your OS.
Here is an example python deamon that you could use for the listening part, then copying the files to your directory shouldn't be a problem.
There are excellent answers here already but depending on your use case, it could be as simple as
[ -d /run/media/$USER/USB_STICK ] && do_stuff
USB_STICK here is the label of the usb stick.

How to insert my driver automatically on the insertion of USB mouse in Linux System?

I know that on the insertion of any usb device in the Linux system a specific device driver got loaded. Now I want to insert my driver on the insertion of USB mouse.
I know that I can do this task using two approaches: by using depmod or using udev concept. I have read a few things about it on the Internet but I don't get the exact answer. Can anyone suggest which approach is best to use and for that in the Linux kernel tree where I need to make changes?
Thanks all for your help.
I follow the udev approach to load module automatically on the USB insertion
Below is the procedure to load your Driver automatically on the Insertion of Hot plug-gable device (I experiment with the USB mouse and below procedure is working fine for it)
Run Following command
cmd > udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/input/mouse)
In place of ?? in the above command user need to add the device ID based on its entry in /dev (e.g.for USB flash drive: sdb1 or sda1 etc. based on the device identity)
Get the Value of the below parameters from the output of above command
KERNEL, ATTRS{idVendor}, ATTRS{idProduct}, ATTRS{serial}
Go to /etc/dev/rule.d directory and Add your rule
cmd > sudo vim 40-usbmouse.rules
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sd?1", ATTRS{idVendor}=="058f", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6387", ATTRS{serial} =="4EPLXAXE", SYMLINK+="usbpd", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/"
Save this file.
Above rule is defined for the USB Mouse.
Parameter SYMLINK creates a link of your device in the /dev directory and In RUN+ you can give your script location which is going to execute on your device insertion.
For more info on How to write a rule refer below link
Now after you define your rule user need to restart the udev to take your rule in notice by kernel.
cmd > sudo stop udev
cmd > sudo start udev
Insert your USB and validate that your script which you define in your rule shows its effact.
For Mouse user can use below command
cmd > udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/input/mouse)
P.S.: cmd stands for the command shell (Terminal).The above procedure is working with any USB device.
You may use MODULE_SOFTDEP macro defined in module.h in your driver where you can specify the name of the USB driver which gets loaded when the USB mouse is inserted. This will load your driver automatically. The depmod approach is the way to go.
Use MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE macro. That will export supported device table so that your hotplug tool (whether it udev or something else) can load your module. I've described the loading process in this answer.
To see example usage, refer to drivers/hid/usbhid/usbmouse.c. If this driver compiled as module, it is loaded every time any usb mouse is attached.

RPI Not Booting because of infinite shell script

so today i was trying to get a shell script(which is an infinite loop) to run on boot in the background of my RaspberryPi's terminal.
I used this command: update-rc.d -f start 4
and then rebooted my pi and after a couple seconds it runs the infinite loop and doesn't boot to the terminal.
i don't know how to cancel the script: ive tried ^C ^Z ^X Esc and i dont want to have to erase all my files etc.
Please help.
There are several options to get a shell without completing the full boot process:
Try switching to a different console for example with CTRL+ALT+F2 (or any other F2-12 key). This will only work if your init script is one of the last scripts to start.
If the ssh server started before your script then you will be able to connect remotely from another computer
Follow Ignacio's recommendation: by taking out the SD card and mounting the SD card on another linux computer and deleting your init script
If you only have a mac or windows machine then you will only be able to edit the boot parition of the SD card. In this case you can modify/add the boot config file cmdline.txt to boot straight into a root terminal. If there is already a cmdline.txt file on the the sd-card then make a backup copy of this file and then simply add init=/bin/bash after the root kernel parameter.
For example, the full line might look something like this:
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 init=/bin/bash rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait
If there is no cmdline.txt file on the sd-card then create a new empty text file and just put init=/bin/bash into that file. Your raspberry pi will now boot straight into a root terminal.
Assuming you are not logging in as root. You can try to log in as root and disable the infinite loop for your user's shell.
