Ordner nicht angegeben with OmniPascal in VSCode - omnipascal

People get the error when opening a file in Visual Studio Code when using OmniPascal:
Ordner nicht angegeben
which translates to:
Folder not specified
The first thought to ensure the paths in user settings.json are set:
Would of course be a wrong tree to bark up:
// Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings
"objectpascal.delphiInstallationPath": "D:\\Programs\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\14.0",
"objectpascal.searchPath": "D:\\Delphi Components"
The error is definitely coming from OmniPascal, as it is a string inside
I'm not the only person to get this
Anonymous has the same issue:
When I open a .pas file by right clicking on the file in windows explorer, the file opens correctly, but then a messagedialog appears with "Ordner nicht angegeben"' and an OK button.
Is there a way to debug Code?
I can see inside VSCode there is a variable to the workspace root path:
var config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('objectpascal');
var delphiSDK = config.get('delphiInstallationPath', '');
var searchPath = config.get('searchPath', '');
var workspacePath = vscode.workspace.rootPath;
if (typeof delphiSDK == 'undefined')
delphiSDK = "";
if (typeof searchPath == 'undefined')
searchPath = "";
if (isWin) {
childProcess = cp.spawn(path.join(__dirname, 'bin/win/OmniPascalServer.exe'), [workspacePath, delphiSDK, searchPath]);
Is there source code?
It looks like OmniPascal is abandonware. Is there source code out there where someone can try to decipher exactly?
The real question is how to get rid of the modal dialog that blocks using the window.

It looks like OmniPascal is abandonware
No it's definetely not abandonware even though there was no new public release within the last months. OmniPascal is still in active development.
The real question is how to get rid of the modal dialog that blocks using the window.
This error message is coming from OmniPascalServer.exe shipped with the OmniPascal plugin for VSCode in (the current) version 0.10.0 released on 2016-04-14.
Workaround for version < 0.11.0
As far as I know this error message only appears when a file is opened in Visual Studio Code instead of a folder. So the simplest workaround is to open the folder which contains the file(s) you want to work with:
By command line: Type code C:\Projects\MyProjectRootFolder
With the Windows Explorer: Perform a right click on the folder (or a white area inside the folder) and select Open with Code. Do not select a .pas file to open VSCode!
From within VSCode: Go to File -> Open Folder...
Or apply the hotfix
Open the file C:\Users\USERNAME\.vscode\extensions\Wosi.omnipascal-0.10.0\objectPascalServiceClient.js
Replace this line
var workspacePath = vscode.workspace.rootPath;
with these lines
var workspacePath = vscode.workspace.rootPath;
if (typeof workspacePath == 'undefined') {
var filePath = vscode.workspace.textDocuments[0].fileName;
workspacePath = path.dirname(filePath);
Now the error should no longer appear.


VS Code Extension. How to get the directory of the current open file?

I ran into a problem while writing an extension for Visual Studio Code!
I keep getting messages like this "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'uri')", etc.
const defaultCompiler = 'g++';
// define the command for compiling C++ code with each compiler
const compilerCommands = {
'g++': 'g++ -S -o "{oFile}" "{cFile}"',
'clang++': 'clang++ -S -o "{oFile}" "{cFile}"'
let currentlyOpenFilePath = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
// let curDir = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.path
let cFile = currentlyOpenFilePath.document.uri.path;
let dirPath = path.dirname(cFile);
let oFile = path.join(dirPath, 'output.s');
let command = compilerCommands[this.currentCompiler].replace('{cFile}', currentlyOpenFilePath).replace('{oFile}', oFile);
I surfed all over Google in search of a solution to the problem, but everything I found did not help me. I tried various combinations in variables currentlyOpenFilePath, curDir, cFile (currently open file), dirPath, oFile.
My system is MacOS and also needs to work on Windows.
And also the extension is local (the previous version of the code took the path not of the current open file, but the path to the extension)
I need this plugin, when called, to successfully process the command "g++ -S -o {oFile} {cFile}" or "clang++ -S -o {oFile} {cFile}" by changing {cFile} to the current path to the open .cpp file in editor a in {oFile}, same path as {cFile} but saved as output.s
let workspacePath = '';
if (vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders?.length) {
workspacePath = workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath;
workspacePath = path.normalize(workspacePath);
Try to see if it's what you want

How can I get information about the file that launched my app?

Similar to How to get the arguments for opening file with electron app but the solution there is not working for me.
OS - Windows 10
Electron - https://github.com/castlabs/electron-releases.git#v1.8.7-vmp1010
electron-builde - v20.28.3
I have a an electron app build with electron-builder, and using the latter I have specified a custom file association, .custom.
So when you double-click on a file with this extension, file.custom, the installed app opens. This file would have some data in it that the app needs, and I'd like to read this data using my app.
Is there any way that my app can detect what launched it, so that I can say "file.custom" launched me, and it's sitting at "C:\Users\Owner\Downloads\,?
The file does not appear in process.argv
You can get a reference to the file using process.argv, example:
var ipc = require('ipc');
var fs = require('fs');
// read the file and send data to the render process
ipc.on('get-file-data', function(event) {
var data = null;
if (process.platform == 'win32' && process.argv.length >= 2) {
var openFilePath = process.argv[1];
data = fs.readFileSync(openFilePath, 'utf-8');
event.returnValue = data;
source: Source

"Error: Unknown Version 0" when using NodeJS PDFKit

I'm trying to get the very excellent NodeJS PDFKit to use custom fonts OpenSans and Roboto from Google Fonts. My code looks like the following:
this.doc = new PDFDocument({bufferPages: true});
this.doc.registerFont("Roboto-Black", path.join(__dirname, "fonts", "Roboto-Black.ttf"));
I've printed the path - it's finding the right file. I'm getting the following error:
throw new Error("Unknown version " + res.version);
Error: Unknown version 0
at VersionedStruct.decode (C:\projects\qbdvision\node_modules\restructure\src\VersionedStruct.js:37:15)
at C:\projects\qbdvision\node_modules\restructure\src\Pointer.js:69:30
at Pointer.decode (C:\projects\qbdvision\node_modules\restructure\src\Pointer.js:79:16)
at ArrayT.decode (C:\projects\qbdvision\node_modules\restructure\src\Array.js:49:30)
at VersionedStruct.Struct._parseFields (C:\projects\qbdvision\node_modules\restructure\src\Struct.js:53:22)
at VersionedStruct.decode (C:\projects\qbdvision\node_modules\restructure\src\VersionedStruct.js:42:12)
at VersionedStruct.decode (C:\projects\qbdvision\node_modules\restructure\src\VersionedStruct.js:40:23)
at C:\projects\qbdvision\node_modules\restructure\src\Pointer.js:69:30
at Pointer.decode (C:\projects\qbdvision\node_modules\restructure\src\Pointer.js:79:16)
at ArrayT.decode (C:\projects\qbdvision\node_modules\restructure\src\Array.js:49:30)
When I removed the Roboto font, and tried the OpenSans one, it worked at least, but everything looked terrible. Letters were bleeding together and looked almost smudged.
I've downloaded the fonts from fonts.google.com by clicking "Select this font", clicking on the "1 Family Selected" popup that comes up and then clicking on the download icon in the upper right hand corner of that popup.
Why won't these fonts work?
The solution is to convert the fonts into base64 encoding and then import them. So at the command line, using Linux / Cygwin, type:
base64 --wrap=0 Roboto-Black.ttf > Roboto-Black-Base64.ttf
That'll produce a new TTF file that should be all text inside. If you use an external service, make sure there isn't any wrapping. It should be one continuous block of text.
Then, in your NodeJS code, do:
let fs = require("fs");
let doc = new PDFDocument({bufferPages: true});
let filePath = path.join(__dirname, "fonts", "Roboto-Black-Base64.ttf");
let fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8");
this.doc.registerFont(fontName, new Buffer(fileContents, "base64"));
Then your fonts will show up crystal clear. Props to this answer for giving me the clues I needed.

Open a directory in File Explorer

On ms Windows from node.js code, how can I open a specific directory (ex: c:\documents) in Windows file explorer?
I guess in c#, it would be:
Try the following, which opens a File Explorer window on the computer running Node.js:
require('child_process').exec('start "" "c:\\test"');
If your path doesn't contain whitespace, you can also get away with 'start c:\\test', but the above - which requires "" as the 2nd argument[1] is the most robust approach.
The File Explorer window will launch asynchronously, and will receive focus when it does.
This related question asks for a solution that prevents the window from "stealing" focus.
[1] cmd.exe's internal start command by default interprets a "..."-enclosed 1st argument as the window title for the new console window to create (which doesn't apply here). By supplying a (dummy) window title - "" - explicitly, the 2nd argument is reliably interpreted as the target executable / document path.
Would be good to use this package so it would open on diffrent platform
Or just use this part of it
function openExplorerin(path, callback) {
var cmd = ``;
switch (require(`os`).platform().toLowerCase().replace(/[0-9]/g, ``).replace(`darwin`, `macos`)) {
case `win`:
path = path || '=';
cmd = `explorer`;
case `linux`:
path = path || '/';
cmd = `xdg-open`;
case `macos`:
path = path || '/';
cmd = `open`;
let p = require(`child_process`).spawn(cmd, [path]);
p.on('error', (err) => {
return callback(err);
I found another way on the WSL and potentially windows itself.
Note that you have to make sure you're formatting the path for Windows not Linux (WSL).
I wanted to save something on Windows, so in order to do that you use /mnt directory on WSL.
// format the path, so Windows isn't mad at us
// first we specify that we want the path to be compatible with windows style
// then we replace the /mnt/c/ with the format that windows explorer accepts
// the path would look like `c:\\Users\some\folder` after this line
const winPath = path.win32.resolve(dir).replace('\\mnt\\c\\', 'c:\\\\');
// then we use the same logic as the previous answer but change it up a bit
// do remember about the "" if you have spaces in your name
require('child_process').exec(`explorer.exe "${winPath}"`);
This should open the file explorer for you.
A slightly simpler, and more cross-platform solution, would be to use this.
var explorer;
switch (platform()) {
case "win32": explorer = "explorer"; break;
case "linux": explorer = "xdg-open"; break;
case "darwin": explorer = "open"; break;
spawn(explorer, [path], { detached: true }).unref();
platform() is from the os module, and spawn is from the child_process module.

intel XDK directory browsing

I'm trying to get a way to reach and parse all JSON file from a directory, witch inside an Intel Xdk project. All files in my case stored in '/cards' folder of the project.
I have tried to reach theme with fs.readdirSync('/cards') method, but that wasn't pointed to the location what I expected, and I haven't got luck with 'intel.xdk.webRoot' path.
With the simulator I've managed to get files, with a trick:
fs.readdirSync(intel.xdk.webRoot.replace('localhost:53862/http-services/emulator-webserver/ripple/userapp/', '')+'cards');
(intel.xdk.webRoot contains absolute path to my '/cards' folder)
and its work like a charm, but it isn't working in any real device what I'd like to build it.
I have tried it with iOS7 and Android 4.2 phones.
Please help me to use in a great way the fs.readdirSync() method, or give me some alternate solution.
Thanks and regards,
You can't use nodejs api's on mobile apps. It is a bug that the XDK emulator lets you do it. The bug is fixed in the next release of XDK.
You could write a node program that scans the directory and then writes out a js file with the contents of the directory. You would run the node script on your laptop before packaging the app in the build tab. The output would look like this:
dir = {files: ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt']}
Then use a script tag to load it:
And your js can read the dir variable. This assumes that the contents does not change while the app is running.
The location of your application's root directory will vary depending on the target platform and can also vary with the emulator and the debug containers (e.g., App Preview versus App Analyzer). Here's what I've done to locate files within the project:
// getWebPath() returns the location of index.html
// getWebRoot() returns URI pointing to index.html
function getWebPath() {
"use strict" ;
var path = window.location.pathname ;
path = path.substring( 0, path.lastIndexOf('/') ) ;
return 'file://' + path ;
function getWebRoot() {
"use strict" ;
var path = window.location.href ;
path = path.substring( 0, path.lastIndexOf('/') ) ;
return path ;
I have not been able to test this exhaustively, but it appears to be working so far. Here's an example where I'm using a Cordova media object and want it to play a file stored locally in the project. Note that I have to "special case" the iOS container:
var x = window.device && window.device.platform ;
console.log("platform = ", x) ;
if(x.match(/(ios)|(iphone)|(ipod)|(ipad)/ig)) {
var media = new Media("audio/bark.wav", mediaSuccess, mediaError, mediaStatus) ;
else {
var media = new Media(getWebRoot() + "/audio/bark.wav", mediaSuccess, mediaError, mediaStatus) ;
console.log("media.src = ", media.src) ;
media.play() ;
Not quite sure if this is what you are looking for...
You will need to use the Cordova build in the Intel XDK, here is information on building with Cordova:
And a DirectoryReader example:
function success(entries) {
var i;
for (i=0; i<entries.length; i++) {
function fail(error) {
alert("Failed to list directory contents: " + error.code);
// Get a directory reader
var directoryReader = dirEntry.createReader();
// Get a list of all the entries in the directory
