Get cache entries(keys, values) list on particular node in Apache ignite - gridgain

Is there any option in ignitevisorcmd where I can see what entries(key,value details) are present in particular node? I tried cache -scan -c=mycache -id8=12345678 command but it prints entries from all other nodes also for mycache instead of printing data for 12345678 node only.

Current version of Visor Cmd does not support this, but I think it is easy to implement. I created issue in Ignite JIRA, you may track or even contribute.


How do I bring back a Cassandra 2.0 node that's been down for a long time

We have a Cassandra 2.0.17 cluster with 3 DCs, where each DC has 8 nodes and RF of 3. We have not been running regular repairs on it.
One node has been down for 2 months due to hardware issue with one of the drives.
We finally got a new drive to replace the faulty one, and are trying to figure out the best way to bring the node back into the cluster.
We initially thought to just run nodetool repair but from my research so far it seems like that would only be good if the node was down for less than gc_grace_seconds which is 10 days.
Seems like that would mean removing the node and then adding it back in as a new node.
Someone mentioned somewhere that rather than completely removing the node and then bootstrapping it back in, I could potentially use the same procedure used for replacing a node, using the replace_address flag (or replace_address_first_boot if available), to replace the node with itself. But I couldn't find any real documentation or case studies of doing this.
It seems like this is not a typical situation - normally, either a node goes down for a short period of time and you can just run repair on it, or it needs to be replaced altogether. But it's hard to find much prior art on our exact use case.
What would be the best options for bringing this node back into service in a safe way, ideally with the least amount of impact to the rest of the cluster?
Is repair really not a good option here?
Also, whatever the answer is, how would I monitor the process and ensure that it's successful?
So here's what I would do:
If you haven't already, run a removenode on the "dead" node's host ID.
Fire-up the old node, making sure that it is not a seed node and that auto_bootstrap is either true or not specified. It defaults to true unless explicitly set otherwise.
It should join right back in, and re-stream its data.
You can monitor it's progress by running nodetool netstats | grep Already, which returns a status by each node streaming, specifying completion progress in terms of # of files streamed vs. total files.
The advantage of doing it this way, is that the node will not attempt to serve requests until bootstrapping is completed.
If you run into trouble, feel free to comment here or ask for help in the cassandra-admins channel on DataStax's Discord server.
You have mentioned already that you are aware that node has to be removed if it is down for more than gc_grace_seconds
What would be the best options for bringing this node back into service in a safe way, ideally with the least amount of impact to the rest of the cluster? Is repair really not a good option here?
So the answer is that only. You cannot safely bring that node back if it is down more than gc_grace_seconds. It needs to be removed to prevent possible deleted data from appearing back.
Erick Ramirez answered • May 12 2020 at 1:19 PM | Erick Ramirez edited • Dec 03 2021 at 4:49 AM BEST ANSWERACCEPTED ANSWER
#cache_drive If the node has been down for less than the smallest gc_grace_seconds, it should be as simple as starting Cassandra on the node then running a repair on it.
If the node has been down longer than the smallest GC grace, you will need to wipe the node clean including deleting all the contents of data/, commitlog/ and saved_caches/. Then replace the node "with itself" by adding the replace_address flag and specifying its own IP. For details, see Replacing a dead node. Cheers!

Cassandra gossipinfo severity explained

I was unable to find a good documentation/explanation as to what severity indicates in nodetool gossipinfo. was looking for a detailed explanation but could not find a suitable one.
The severity is a value added to the latency in the dynamic snitch to determine which replica a coordinator will send the read's DATA and DIGEST requests to.
Its value would depend on the IO used in compaction and also it would try to read /proc/stat (same as the iostat utility) to get actual disk statistics as its weight. In post 3.10 versions of cassandra this is removed in In pervious versions you can disable it by setting -Dcassandra.ignore_dynamic_snitch_severity in jvm options. The issue is that it weighting the io use the same as the latency. So if a node is GC thrashing and not doing much IO because of it, it could end up being treated as the target of most reads even though its the worst possible node to send requests to.
Now you can still use JMX to set the value still (to 1) if you want to exclude it from being used for reads. A example use case is using nodetool disablebinary so application wont query it directly, then setting the severity to 1. That node would then only be queried by cluster if theres a CL.ALL request or a read repair. Its a way to take a node "offline" for maintenance from a read perspective but still allow it to get mutations so it doesn't fall behind.
Severity reports activity that happens on the particular node (compaction, etc.), and this information then is used to make a decision on what node could better handle the request. There is discussion in original JIRA about this functionality & how this information is used.
P.S. Please see Chris's answer about changes in post 3.10 versions - I wasn't aware about these changes...

How to inspect the local hints directory on a Cassandra node?

I'm encountering the same problem as Cassandra system.hints table is empty even when the one of the node is down:
I am learning Cassandra from I am trying the Replication and Consistency demo on local machine. RF = 3 and Consistency = 1.
When my Node3 is down and I am updating my table using update command, the SYSTEM.HINTS table is expected to store hint for node3 but it is always empty.
#amalober pointed out that this was due to a difference the Cassandra version being used. From the Cassandra docs at DataStax:
In Cassandra 3.0 and later, the hint is stored in a local hints directory on each node for improved replay.
This same question was asked 3 years ago, How to access the local data of a Cassandra node, but the accepted solution was to
...Hack something together using the Cassandra source that reads SSTables and have that feed the local client you're hoping to build. A great starting point would be looking at the source of which is used in the sstable2json tool.
Is there an easier way to access the local hints directory of a Cassandra node?
Is there an easier way to access the local hints directory of a Cassandra node?
The hint directory is defined in $CASSANDRA_HOME/conf/cassandra.yaml file (sometimes it is located under /etc/cassandra also, depending on how you install Cassandra)
Look for the property hints_directory
I guess you are using ccm. So, the hint file should be in $CASSANDRA_HOME/.ccm/yourcluster/yournode/hints directory
I haven't been able to reproduce your issue with not getting a hints file. Every attempt I had resulted in the hints file as expected. There is a way to view the hints easier now.
We added a dump for hints in sstable-tools that you can use to view the mutations in the HH files. We may in the future add ability to use the HH files like sstables in the shell (use mutations to build memtable and include in queries) but for now its pretty raw.
Its pretty simple (sans metadata setup) if you wanna do analysis of data yourself. You can see what we did here and change to your needs:

Loading Cassandra data with SStableloader from different Cassandra cluster

I have two different independent machines running Cassandra and I want to migrate the data from one machine to the other.
Thus, I first took a snapshot of my Cassandra Cluster on machine 1 according to the datastax documentation.
Then I moved the data to machine 2, where I'm trying to import it with sstableloader.
As a note: The keypsace (open_weather) and tablename (raw_weather_data) on the machine 2 have been created and are the same as on machine 1.
The command I'm using looks as follows:
bin/sstableloader -d localhost "path_to_snapshot"/open_weather/raw_weather_data
And then get the following error:
Established connection to initial hosts
Opening sstables and calculating sections to stream
For input string: "CompressionInfo.db"
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "CompressionInfo.db"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
Unfortunately I have no idea why?
I'm not sure if it is related to the issue, but somehow on machine 1 my *.db files are name rather "strange" as compared to the *.db files I already have on machine 2.
*.db files from machine 1:
*.db files from machine 2:
What am I missing? Any help would be highly appreciated. I'm also open to any other suggestions. The COPY command will most probably not work since it is Limited to 99999999 rows as far as I know.
P.s. I didn't want to create a overly huge post, but if you need any further information to help me out, just let me know.
Note that I'm using Cassandra in the stand-alone mode.
After installing the same version 2.1.4 on my destination machine (machine 2), I still get all the same error. With SSTableLoader I still get the above mentioned error and with copying the files manually (as described by LHWizard), I still get empty tables after starting Cassandra again and performing a SELECT command.
Regarding the initial tokens, I get a huge list of tokens if I perform node ring on machine 1. I'm not sure what to do with those?
your data is already in the form of a snapshot (or backup). What I have done in the past is the following:
install the same version of cassandra on the restore node
edit cassandra.yaml on the restore node - make sure that cluster_name and snitch are the same.
edit seeds: list and any other properties that were altered in the original node.
get the schema from the original node using cqlsh DESC KEYSPACE.
start cassandra on the restore node and import the schema.
(steps 6 & 7 may not be completely necessary, but this is what I do.)
stop cassandra, delete the contents of /var/lib/cassandra/data/, commitlog/, and saved_caches/* folders.
restart cassandra on the restore node to recreate the correct folders, then stop it
copy the contents of the snapshots folder to each corresponding table folder in the restore node, then start cassandra. You probably want to run nodetool repair.
You don't really need to bulk import the data, it's already in the correct format if you are using the same version of cassandra, although you didn't specify that in your original question.

Duplicate Cassandra node from one node to two nodes without repair?

Is there an easy way to move from having a single node to two nodes that both have a full copy of the data. In the past when I added a node, I had to wait for the second node to take half of the data and then I had to muck around to make them full replicas again.
Yes, you can copy over the sstables directly and that way when the node starts up, it can access its data directly without needing streaming. This is how it should work: go to your data folder on your old node and copy over directories matching for the keyspaces you want to migrate, as well as schema directories inside system. Copy these over to your new node's data directory (create it if necessary). Then configure the new node and have it join the cluster as usual. I believe you'll have access to your new data at this point without further migrations.
See a blog post on this topic for more details, especially on using a more refined approach with the help of sstableloader tool.
