Buying a domain through azure fails - azure

So I created a Free trial account with Azure. I have Developed an MCV 5 web application, hosted it on the and I am happy. I want to now buy a Custom domain so that the web application can run from there, but it fails to order the domain ? Why ??
I have upgraded to Pay-as-you-go and have changed from Free to Shared, which saying it allows custom domains. Yet... still failing.
Am I missing something? Or need to change something to allow purchasing of a Custom domain ?

I got this sorted. This is something I havnt seen people explaining, so those that are new with Azure(Like me), wont know this.
Even if you change the subscription to Pay-As-You_Go, it is still under the Free Trial, so you are not able to buy a custom domain. You will need to get in contact with the Azure team in your country(There is none here in South Africa, so i needed to go to their contact form on the azure site and submit it). An Azure team member phoned me from Microsoft India and converted my account to Pay-as-you-go, which meant I lost my free credit. Only THEN, could I buy a custom domain.
Hope this helps someone else.

In my experience, it can be repro in the free trail account.
After setup in the Azure Portal then you will get 200$ for free trail account.
In my option, it is just valid for the Azure resource. You can get the detail info from the link
It may not be used for 3rd product. Buy domain is just the function the Azure integrated with GoDaddy. So when you try to buy the custom domain it will be failed.
If you try to use custom domain ,please refer to Configure a custom domain name in Azure App Service (Purchased directly from GoDaddy)


Freelancer's method of setting up azure systems

I am setting up some simple Azure services for a company that does not have an IT team yet. My three goals are
The company has to use the Azure portal minimally. The owner is not tech-oriented.
The company can add billing information for the subscription themselves without having to give me all that information.
I can eventually transfer ownership of the azure entity (directory? tenant?) to an IT team.
I cannot find the answer online because all the documentation is oriented towards an IT that works for the company as opposed to freelancer. I am currently using my personal Microsoft account but am able to get a company Microsoft account if needed via their parent organization (which does have IT). Using my personal account, I've created a new tenant then switched to that directory. In that directory I've attempted to add a subscription but it switches me back to my default directory. If I switch to the new directory again, I get the error "In order to view your eligible offers, please click here to switch your directory to {my account}"
I would appreciate an in-depth answer as I am not familiar with the administration side of Azure.

Roles in Azure. Permission to view invoices

I really need some basic help with Azure. I purchased Microsoft 365 for my company (10 users) from GoDaddy (a mistake). GoDaddy support has little to no knowledge of Azure. With Microsoft 365, you get access to the Azure portal, and you get a directory in Azure Active Directory that looks like Then you can create tenants and subscriptions below that directory.
I must have done something like that, because now I am getting emails from Microsoft saying that my subscription is about to expire and I should pay the bill.
Rather embarrassing to say, but I cannot even figure out how to do this. I am the global administrator for my directory/tenant (if that is even the right terminology). I keep getting error messages that I don't have the appropriate permissions to view my bill, and I should try asking myself for permission to do that. Sometimes, the error messages say I should try switching directories, but there is only one directory, I think.
I wish there was some appropriate training for this, but I can't find anything. Sorry for the noob question.
If you are the owner/administrator you can navigate to Cost Management + Billing and see what is your subscription and the status of it,
You have mentioned that you purchased Office 365 through GoDaddy. In this case GoDaddy could possibly be owning the subscription on which they have on-boarded you. If GoDaddy support doesn't have much idea, you can mention this to Microsoft support. From what I understand you will be paying GoDaddy which would take care of billing on your behalf, I guess.

Release Azure Domain

I'm building a website/web application for this team and first started it on Azure. But now, we have realized that we would rather have it on something like WordPress. How do we transfer the ownership of the domain?
IF you want to map a custom domain to Azure Web, firstly you need to remove the spending limit on your subscription and buy a custom domain name for Azure App. About the detailed action you could follow the limit and the purchase tutorial.
After these, you could map your domain to your App with this tutorial.
If you still have other questions, please let me know.

Change Azure domain on free trial account

I want a try Azure as a hosting provider (I have a domain). I read that article
Step 3 after verification point 7 says:
Upon successful validation Add hostname button will become active and you will be able to the assign hostname.
I verified my domain
After domain validation, i can not see any option to assign hostname
I asked a colleague of mine and he told me that free trial version doesn't allow you to change your domain but he wasn't 100 % sure.
So my question is:
Can I change the domain in Azure if my account is a free trial?
Can i change domain in Azure if my account is free trial ?
As far as I know, app service in the free trial app service plan couldn't add the custom domain.
If you want to add the custom domain, you need to create shared trial and above.
More details, you could refer to below image:

How to transfer a custom domain name from expired/deleted susbscription to new Web App?

I maintain a family web site on Azure on my spare time. For a small fee, we have purchased a custom domain name to make it more "professional".
Unfortunately, the credit card associated with the susbscription has expired and since I was not actively monitoring the dedicated mail account I had created for this purpose, the susbscription has now been deleted (the susbscription is actually disabled in the portal, but the mail from Azure says that I need to create a new subscription if I want to change my mind).
In a matter of minutes, I registered a new subscription and thanks to continuous deployment, I could deploy the Web App from sources that I had kept on a GitHub account. However, an attempt to bring an external domain to the Web App fails with the reason being that the said domain is already in use by another Azure web site (presumably, the old Web App from the, now deleted, subscription)
A quick chat with the #AzureSupport team on Twitter, they suggested I file a support request from the Azure portal. However, since this is not a professionnal susbscription, I do not have a support plan. I see that support costs 25 $/month for at least 6 months in my situation.
This seems a bit too costly, like an order of magnitude higher than buying a new domain name for several years. At the same time, I don't understand why the deleted account is still locking the custom domain name. And it seems unfair that I need to pay to recover a domain name that I own but am unable to benefit from because it is associated with a Web App in a disabled Azure subscription!
Please, what are my options?
PS: Even though this is not a programmatic question, I post here because that's where Microsoft recommends to obtain community support. I have also posted a similar question on an appropriate MSDN Forum but the answers there are not satisfying.
Unfortunately on a technical level this will be something that can only be rectified by Azure support. Since you no longer have access to the account they will need to delete that domain association.
It is excessive that you are required to pay for a six month support contract to resolve an issue that is clearly an issue with the way Azure decommissions subscriptions.
The problem you now have is that you can't use Azure to host this domain until that association is removed. Your only options are to either have the complexity of using a VM or to move your site to AWS etc.
If you make those points to #AzureSupport team, maybe they will process it for you. Point them to this question and ask them to help you to keep using Azure.
