How to get ISP information from MaxMind in logstash - logstash

I am struggling with getting ISP info using Logstash GeoIP plugin with Logstash Version: 2.4.
I also tried logstash 5.0 Beta but no luck in that too.
can someone please help me in this


Configure Apache HttpClient in log4j.propertiesto log4j2

I am trying to migrate from log4j to log4j2 and am unsure how to reconfigure this part of the properties file to log4j2. I couldn't find much info online.
Any help would be appreciated. I don't want to use the log4j 1.2 Bridge if possible

Parse and send Java logs to the ELK 7.3

Using Elasticsearch 7.3 on CentOS 7 and Java version 11, I need to parse and find specific Error/Exception in Java Application log files, wondering if I should use Filebeat or Metricbeat to parse and ship some text patterns in log files to Elastic?
Sample code to show how to parse/ship specific error pattern is very helpful.
Any help is appreciated.
Filebeat is for logs.
To make your life easier, I'd use a structured log format. We have just released which ties right into Elasticsearch and also provides the right Filebeat configuration.

Issue while connecting to elasticsearch

I have been following video blog on Storm Crawler.
I am trying to create a web crawler referring the WIKI and video , but I am getting:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Received message from unsupported version: [2.0.0] minimal compatible version is: [5.0.0]
I am using following:
Elasticsearch : 5.3.0 version
Storm: 1.0.3 version.
Please help me with what versions are recommended and used by you.
Appreciate your help.

ELK grok pattern for pfsense 2.3

I have followed this guide to configure ElasticSearch 2.3.0, Logstash 2.3.0, Kibana 4.5.0 to get logs from my pfsense 2.3:
My problem is that I use pfsense 2.3 and this tutorial is for pfsense 2.2. Logs are received and showed correctly by Kibana, but the format and the Available Fields are not all that I need to do a dashboard.
Where can I find a grok compatible with pfsense 2.3?
Thank you
Finally I found out that the problema was my pfSense. I tried with another one and now eveything Works fine!

Developing plugins for logstash >= v1.5.0

Logstash has introduced a new plugin-mechanism with v1.5.0, where the plugins are fetched from rubygems.
For development what would be the proper way, running/debugging my own plugin without posting to rubygems for every change?
I got helped from first hand:
logstash issue #2265
