using multiple IF statement with 3 conditions - excel

Date in = when order comes in
Due Out = "Date in"+ 14 days
Today= "today's date" to determine "Current Status" where i have put IF formula:
IF(Due out<Today,"Over Due,"Current")
Over Due Days= =IF(Current Statues="current","0",Today-Due Out)
Actual Out= Date when order went out/completed
i am stuck at:
Once the order is completed, Is it possible to replace "Over Due Days" (which is showing days overdue based on today's date) with "Actual Out"- "Due Out" ( to show the total delayed days which is the final status).
not sure if have explained it correctly, your help will be much appreciated - this is more related to how to put logic.

Would be easier with actual cells references, but try this in Over Due Days cells:
=If(IsNumber('Actual out'),('Actual Out'-'Due Out'),IF(Current Status="current","0",Today-Due Out))
This checks if there is a number in your Actual Out cells and if not uses the if statement you already had working for you.
You could use Data Validation to ensure only Dates are entered in your Actual Out.

I dont know if I get you right but i think this might be a solution:
=IF(ISBLANK('Actual Out');TODAY()-'Date In';'Actual Out'-'Date In')
This formula calculates the "Over Due Days" with the current as long as the order isnĀ“t completed and calculates the "Actual Over Due" as soon as the order is completed.
It uses the 'ISBLANK' function to check if there already is a date when the order was completed.
Based on the Result the formular calculates with either the current date or the date that was insertet.
Hope I could help.

From what I understood from your question, I have came out with the below. Check and let me know if this is what you are looking for. Actually, you can remove the row "Over Due Days", as it is shown in the row "Current Status"


Excel formula to get value based on time duration

I have Excel data as per the below screenshots. I am trying to find whether it is "Out Hours" or " Business Hours" based on the start time and close time.
If time is between the start and close time, it should return "Business Hours" else " Out Of Hours".
=IF(B4=MEDIAN(B2,C2,B4),"Business Hours","Out Of Hours")
Here is a massive article about dealing with time -
You will find everything you need.
I have found this working for you:
I don't understand why you involve the median into this formula, you can simply do this:
Simply said: if B4 lies between B$2 and C$2, then it's "BUSINESS HOURS", else it's outside. I'm using dollarsigns for absolute cell referencing (if you drag your formula to the next row, the value $2 doesn't change).

How to display reports between two different dates on a monthly basis?

The problem that I'm facing currently is I have a start date and end date for multiple different items. What I want to do is be able to see when a report would be due at each given month that it's accounted for with a end report (+14 days from end date). For example:
The Lookup tab that I have for reference of the dates above to be able to match the months looks like this:
Now I'm having trouble creating a formula that would actually work with this. If I'm thinking correctly it would be something like,
IF Start Date != Start Month then IF Start Date is between March Dates, "Report", . . . IF End Date hits, add 14 days, then "End Report" on given month after 14 days.
So for the example above the outcome would look like the following:
This is the end result that I would want in the end. Due note that August for Battlefield 5 is supposed to be blank due to the game ending on 8/19/2018, +14 days for a end report: 9/2/2018 is the End Report date so their would not be a Report in August for that given scenario. (I think this is possible but not 100% sure for the August scenario)
I am open to any kind of formulas/Arrays/VBA's that would accomplish this task. I'm just having difficulty coming up with a solution for this that has been bugging me for a while, so any help is much appreciated!!
If anything needs to be further explained please let me know and I will do my best as an edit to this post.
Based on what you explained, you could just have a simple formula as such (no need for VBA):
=IF(AND(MONTH($C2)=MONTH(E$1),MONTH($C2+14)=MONTH(F$1)),"",IF(AND(MONTH($C2+14)=MONTH(E$1),YEAR($C2+14)=YEAR(E$1)),"End Report",IF(AND($B2<E$1,($C2+14)>E$1),"Report","")))
And then you can drag this formula.
I hope it helps.

Excel: Get the days delayed from Start date to End date Using DatedIF?

I have a sample data here that I want to get the days delayed.
As you can see,
The data shows the records for those users who did not submit their project, users who submitted on-time, and users who actually dont submit their project.
I have this formula
for the first row to calculate the days delayed of first row.
Can I add in this formula that detects if the user dont submit their project and the delayed days continues counting for day delayed? Like for example the data on row 4. The column submitted_project is blank means the user still dont submit their project the days delayed will start counting after the deadline.
You don't need DateDif for that. (By the way it's Date-Dif for "date difference", not Dated-If)
You can simply subtract the two dates from each other and format the result as a number.
DateDif expects the earlier date as the first parameter, that's why it errors when the first parameter is the later date, i.e. when the project was submitted before the due date.
But with simple subtraction like =B2-A2 you can get the correct result. Better even, to check that both cells have dates before doing the calculation, to avoid misleading results, so
Edit after comment: Yes.

Calculate number of days between two dates if condition in another column is met

I need help with creating a formula for a status sheet (I'm horrible with if statements). I have three columns, Status, Start Date and Completed Date. I need a formula that will calculate the days between start and completed dates if the status is equal to Completed or Cancelled. If the status is not either of those it needs to calculate between start date and [today]. Is this possible?
Yes it is possible, something like this:
This should do it
..or this, if the other cells are containing some other word that doesn't start with C
..also the third column could be renamed to "End Date" since cancelled isn't completed
..or this, if a start date is required to exist and to be smaller than the end date

How to work out if someone is older that 19 in Excel

I have a little problem with Excel. I nead to make a function that checks if a person is older that 19.
I checked for a function online but it does not work the way it should.
First I have a date in a unusual format 14 10 2012 , I used =SUBSTITUTE(J2, " ", ".")
to get 14.10.2012
after that I use a formula
=IF(P2<DATE(DAY(NOW()),MONTH(NOW()),YEAR(NOW())),"Older than
19","Too young")
but no mater what I do it does not work correctly. It shows the same resolute if the number is bigger or smaller
why is =DATE(DAY(TODAY()),MONTH(TODAY()),YEAR(TODAY())) showing me 3.4.1920 ?
I think that you might have the parameters around the wrong way. If I put:
into Excel, I also get 3.4.1920.
If, however, I enter:
I get 14.10.2012 - today's date!
Just as a followup, I suspect that you are trying to compare today's date with a date of birth to determine someone's age and whether they are over 19?
Try this:
Enter the formula above into a cell (hidden if you like) - lets call it A1
Have the person's date of birth entered into another cell - lets say A2
Enter the formula =A1-A2 into a third cell (A3). This gives you their age in days.
Another formula - this time =A3/365.25 (that is, their age in days divided by the number of days in a year). Let's say that's A4
It's then a simple IF statement =IF(A4>19,"Over 19","Too young")
Hope that helps :-)
IF(DAY(NOW())-LEFT(J2,FIND(" ",J2,1))>=0,"older","younger"),"younger")),"younger"))
finally i have done it. this is the code
