Azure Active Directory delegate permissions new created application not listed - azure

I tried to grant delegated permissions to webApi using
Two web App/API application was register on azure AD. When i try to use 'Settings->RequiredPermissions->Add->Select an API' i not see my created application in list.
Same problem for old azure portal described on Granting native application access to web application
But new portal not fixed with previous solution.
Could anyone help, please ?

The Azure AD app registration blades in are currently not creating a servicePrincipal in the tenant when you register your application. This means that the API you create will not show up in the list of apps to select from. More detail in this blog post


For azure enterprise app, is it possible to allow app role to be managed by the application programmatically?

From what I read, AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All should allow application to use Microsoft Graph SDK to do app role management programmatically. But how do I grant permission such that the application principal can only allow to manage it's own role but not other enterprise application?
The goal is to build a role management page in the web application to allow designated users to add/remove user to an app role for the same application without granting them access to the Azure portal.
Unfortunately, it's impossible currently.
Although we can add the user as the admin of the application principal on Azure portal and then we can do anything to the application principal on Azure portal, calling Microsoft Graph is different. It has to rely on the permission of Azure AD app.
But the Microsoft Graph permission AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All is for all the application principals.
If you click on "F12" to open the developer tool of Chrome, you will find that the Azure Portal is using another API to finish the operation.
I tried to add my user as the admin of only one application principal through Powershell, but it still doesn't work for Microsoft Graph.
You can go to Microsoft Graph user voice to make a request to get the attention of the product group.

Azure AD application Model

I'm wondering about the different types of applications.
What I understand:
If I add an application via app registration an application object and an service principal is created
If I consent to an application, only a service principal is created in my tenant , which is a copy of the application object.
If i understand the screenshot correctly only a service principal appears in my tenant.
However, the fact is if i add an gallery app like twitter i get both i can also open and modify the manifest file like it is "my" application.
For me it looks like im getting also a copy of the application object which source is the app gallery directory as mentioned here:
Is this the general case when using apps from the gallery?
Can somebody give some insights on that whats happening in the background?
The Gallery Application is not same as Multi-tenant App which are usually used for Azure B2B.
If I add a gallery App, it will be registered in my tenant and created in my tenant as App for a single-tenant App (Expect it is Native App and it's default a multi-tenant App).
For Multi-tenant App:
It is developed and registered from one organization, If the owner make it to multi-tenant, it just need to be created as a Service principal in other tenant. Also, the owner of this multi-tenant App can use it for Azure AD B2B and can control who can access it, NOT any tenant can use it. The following dig is for Multi-tenant App:
For Gallery App :
It has been developed and published by 3rd party and NOT registered for multi-tenant to let the user's tenant use it. Any AAD tenant can add it and use it .
It means that you can add a Gallery App into your tenant and use it for your own tenant. Not like use a Multi-tenant which has been pre-configured from another tenant. For your tenant, it’s a new Application. So, it will also be registered in your Tenant.
Hope this helps!

How to make apps from MS app reg portal show up in my Azure AD?

Im trying to start working with the v2.0 endpoint, I registered my web app in the new Application registration portal, but I cannot find it anywhere in my Azure AD. Should I not be able to see it there?
I tried creating an app both with my work azure account, and with an account I created specifically in the tenant. Neither works. Am I missing something?a
You could find it Azure Active Directory-->Enterprise applications-->All applications.
But you only could see Azure AD only applications. Currently, Converged applications could not see on Azure Portal, please refer to this feedback.
Update from comment:
The blade enterprise applications represents service principals in the AAD tenant, not applications. Once you sign into the app & consent or manually provision a service principal, you'll see it in this list.

App Registration in AD doesn't show in Apps Portal

I created a Azure Active Directory via the Azure portal. Then, I registered an app in it. I can configure it, add permissions and the like via the azure portal. But the same app I created, I don't see on
Shouldn't I be able to see and configure the app I made in AD at that portal, too?
The apps that appear in the Application Registration Portal are the ones where you are explicitly marked as an owner of the application. This is in contrast to the apps that appear in the Azure Portal which are all the applications registered in your tenant, independent of whether or not your are an owner.
If you are a normal user, and you create an application in the Azure Portal, you should see your application appear in a section called "Azure AD only applications"
Here is the owner information for "Email Scraper" from the Azure Portal.
However, if you are a Tenant Administrator and you create an application, you will not be marked as an owner of the application. Implicitly, Tenant Administrators are owners of all objects in the directory, and to reduce the object quota generated by admins, these explicit links are not created.
Here is an example of an app I created where I am the Tenant Administrator:
Therefore, you probably do not see your application in the App Registration Portal because you are not marked as an Owner of the application, probably because you are an Administrator who created the app, or you did not create the app to begin with. You can remedy this by simply adding yourself to the owner list in the Azure Portal.
Let me know if this helps!

Authentication WebAPI service that will use Azure AD and Azure B2B

This isn't a specific problem question but a "cry for help".
My problem is this. Our organization is in the process of implementing Office365.
Until now there were tens of applications with their own authentication and authorization but in the process most of them will be rewritten to use within O365 environment.
We are facing the problem of creating one endpoint (ASP.NET WebAPI app) which will be used to authenticate a user with his credentials from Active Directory (or B2B AD on Azure because some apps are used outside) and tell if this user is allowed to use app that asked to log him.
I'm just wondering through documentations and sample code but can't decide what will be a good practice in this scenario. Should we just build each app and use Azure Active Directory provider to authenticate. Or is it possible to setup ONE api that will hold all apps Ids and its userIds - then it will check user credentials against AD and give app token/cookie...
My best bet is to try this:
But create Provider for AzureAD. But then its still question about this B2B AD part.
Please help by pointing to some up to date resources..
You should register each of your B2B application within your Azure Active Directory and configure them to use AAD as the Identity Provider.
Then you can administrate everything you want (e. g. which user has access to which application) within the Azure Active Directory blade from the Azure Portal.
You are getting this backwards. If you have apps integrated with Azure AD you don't have to create endpoint which will validate users right to use apps but you are assigning right to use an app in Azure AD. This is whole point.
