Visual Studio 2015. IIS Server stop button is not visible - iis

I am new to .net Platform. I just downloaded Visual Studio 2015
I created my first .net core web application
Whenever I press F5 to start the IIS server, It shows stop button
Whenever I press Ctrl + F5 to start the IIS Server, It doesn't show the stop button
I have no idea how to stop it. is there any shortcut. I even tried shift + f5
Please help me out

You can only stop it when you start debugging (aka F5). Control+F5 is start without debugging.
You cannot stop IIS in both cases. You just close the browser, which without the stop button you can manually.

In Addition to Lex Li's answer, you can stop running site in IIS express like this-
Go to notification are on taskbar > right click on IIS express icon > go to your running site (under View Sites option) > choose 'Stop Site'
Refer below image-


VS 2017 - The Web Application Project [MyProject] is configured to use IIS. You do not have permission to access the IIS configuration FILE

My web application was working fine for months till today, don't know what has changed suddenly the project in my solution file says that it is "unavailable" when I open the solution. When I right-click on the web project and reload the project, I get the following error:.
The Web Application Project myproject.myapp.mywebproject is configured
to use IIS. You do not have permission to access the IIS configuration
file. Opening and creating web sites on IIS requires running visual
studio under Administrator account.
Note - All these months i was running visual studio normally(not under administrator account) and the application was working fine.
By seeing the above error i tried running my visual studio under administrator account and the project got loaded but the Source Control File Status beside all the files disappeared, i no longer see any blue lock icon beside any of the files and even when i edit any file also there is no status beside the file in my project and also when i right click on any of the file i don't see the view history option.
My project which was running successfully till now not loading the project. any suggestions on this ?
Browse to C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv and then double-click the “config” directory to get this warning dialog:
Click on the Continue button.
Do the same for the C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\export directory and also the other directories in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv.
Now you will be able to open the Visual Studio Web Application Project without a problem.
Just run Visual Studio as an Administrator and the problem will be solved.
from the Start menu or when Visual Studio is open on the taskbar, right-click the VS icon.
in the context menu, right-click the visual studio icon again.
left click on properties.
advanced choice.
choose Run as administrator.

Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 "This site can’t be reached"

In Visual Studio 2015, Update 2, I'm getting a This site can't be reached. localhost refused to connect. if I do the following:
Hit F5 to start the site, see my site in Chrome
Press the red Stop icon in Visual Studio
Go back to Chrome and hit F5 to Refresh, see the error
How can I leave the IIS open so it continues to serve my localhost? Before installing the Update 2, this would work. I even have the following unchecked: Enable Edit and Continue in Tools -> Options -> Debugging. Having this unchecked used to allow me to hit the red Stop icon and still be able to see my site in the browser.
In update 2 you can use "Detach All" to detach visual studio from the debugger and still leave IIS express running. This has the same effect at "Stop" did prior to update 2.
To add "Detach All" to your menu
Click the drop down arrow on the debug tool bar and select "Add or Remove buttons"
On the menu click "Customize..."
Then click "Add Command..."
Choose the "Debug" Category
Scroll down to "Detach All" and click OK
OK out of all the menus and off you go.

How do I stop app in Android Studio

I must be missing something totally obvious, but I can't find a simple way to simply stop an app from running. I'm running it on my HTC One.
I first tried toggling the green run arrow. Didn't work.
I found a "Terminate Application" circle in the lower left of the window. That doesn't seem to do anything when you click it. It seems to be grayed out, non-functional. Screen shot here
So, I closed the entire project. That worked, but also the entire Android Studio closed instantly. Then reopening Android Studio failed (stack dump). Then reopening again worked, but it took 30 minutes to load my project.
To stop the next time, I turned my phone off, then closed the project. That seems to have worked better, since it took me to the Welcome to Android Studio screen and invited me to open or start a project.
Maybe there's an easier way to stop an app? I see the same question on this forum but no solutions.
The Android Studio controls you are trying to use only work if you are running your app in the emulator. There are a few ways to do this when you are using an actual device or VM (e.g., Genymotion):
Use the UI of the phone to Force Stop the application. This is done in the Settings->Apps menu.
Use Android Studio's terminal window or the host's shell and issue the command:
adb shell am force-stop <package-name>
Open Android Device Monitor (green "Droid" icon), select the process under the Devices tab and click the Stop Process button (stop sign icon). This is basically the GUI way of doing #2.
You need to select the process you want to terminate (ex. com.myname.myapp) then click terminate application.
Since the application is running on your phone, you need to end the application process on the phone. When you do that the application would be shown as terminated on Android Studio.

How do I prevent Visual Studio 2015 from launching a browser after publishing an application?

I am working on a site with a publishing profile that pushes the site to a remote host. After publishing I get a new browser window that navigates to the newly published site. This is ok in most circumstances but I am in a situation where I can't allow that last step to occur, I simply want to tell visual studio not to show me the website after publishing. I've checked all the publishing settings that I can find but haven't found any option to control this. Anyone have any ideas?
Does this information from Visual Studio 2013 still hold true for 2015?
I can't check it myself, but essentially it says that in the 'connection' tab of the deploy dialog, the Destination URL setting isn't required. When Visual Studio finishes deploying the application, it automatically opens your default browser to this URL. If you don't want the browser to open automatically after deployment, leave this box blank.
Do you want to try that?
Update for Visual Studio 2019:
In the "Publish" page, look for "Configuration". On the right side, click the Pencil Icon.
In the next dialog, open the "Connection" tab, and empty the field "Destination URL".

Visual Studio 2015 Preview - Keep IIS Express Running

I'm trying to get a decent development experience with Visual Studio 2015 Preview.
To do that I'd love to have my IIS Express running all the time instead of requiring me to start debugging.
Anyway to do that? Tried command line:
IISExpress.exe /path:pathmyproject/wwwroot
IISExpress.exe /site:SiteName
IISExpress.exe /path:pathtomyproject
First two give me:
Unable to locate project.json
Third one
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
Not exactly an answer, but if you can view in browser instead of Debug.
The command for view in browser is: CTRL+ SHIFT + W (or right click on project and select View -> View in broswer.)
IIS Express will start but will not close when you exit your browser.
Hope this helps, this is what I do (specially now that build/compile is no required with roslyn).
Similar to VS 2013, if you disable Edit and Continue IIS Express will continue to run when you stop your debug sessions.
Open the menu item Tools/Options, look for the Debugging/General option. Scroll down and uncheck "Enable Edit and Continue"
in the Debug menu > Start without debugging (Ctr + F5)
Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 adds the support to keep IIS Express Running
For ASP.NET Web Application projects, when "Enable Edit and Continue" checkbox is unchecked, the IIS Express process will no longer stop working every time you stop debugging.
Visual Studio Update 3 RC Release Notes
"Enable Edit and Continue" checkbox does not exist in visual studio 2015 update 2!this is best solution for this problem
I just unchecked Edit & Continue option under project properties -> Web -> Debugger.
I'm using VS2015. It is working for me.
This problem occurred to me when trying to run a cloned project. The solution that worked to me was installing Microsoft.NET Core 1.0.1 VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2.
Go to Tools --> Extensions and Updates --> click Updates
Look for Microsoft.NET Core 1.0.1 VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2 and install the update if it is available.
