View jspm global link cache - jspm

As per Linking | JSPM, you can add a local package to the global link cache,
cd my-local-package
jspm link github:my/repo#dev
Is there a way to view all the links in this global cache?

The best I could find is that all these links are stored at ~/.jspm/linked


How to import and use a modified npm library packages dynamically

I am using a sigmajs library for creating node based graph visualisations. But the library package had a few bugs, so I modified a few files in the source code of the library and fixed them.
I have hosted my graphs on django server, and whenever I host it, the sigma package in the package.json gets loaded dynamically each time. The static library files on my machine which I had modified and fixed bugs don't get loaded. So,I get the same old package and not the modified one.
How do I access the modified library package dynamically when I host the server.
My advice is that of copying your fixed version of the library on server and install it from local path instead of remote npm repository like this:
npm install --save /path/to/fixed/lib/dir/in/server.
See this answer: npm local install
Pay attention that your fixed lib won't be sync with official one.
I don't know how you modify the library but i suggest to fork the official repository and syncronize your local one with remote one as for example explaind here sync forked repo github.
In this way you can sync to official repo while you mantain your fix and you will install your modified local one. Eventually consider to open issues and PR on sigmajs official repo to apply your fix directly to official library. If they will be accepted you can then install directly official version.

package.json equivalent in Golang

I am coming over to Go from Node.js and I am used to adding all my modules and then people just have to go npm install when cloning my package.
What is the equivalent of this with Go? I have a few imports and don't want people to have to manually install it if they use my package.
I also not sure if I create a simple Go application with just a package main if that allows people to just go get. I have really picked up on the Go way of repo sharing like Node.js
What is the equivalent of this with Go? I have a few imports and don't want people to have to manually install it if they use my package.
You don't have to do anything. People will not have to manually install the packages you import. When someone does
go get
all of the dependencies you import in your awesome package will be downloaded automatically as needed.
Go get skips testing files by default, but a user can download those too by including -t:
go get -t
But that's not something you need to worry about.
If you want to delve into vendoring specific versions of dependencies, there are a number of articles/tools available. The official tool is dep:
Basically you should take a look at vendoring. There exist tools that help you with versioning. Personally, I use vendetta which is just a little tool that "go gets" the referenced packages as git submodules into the vendor folder. So if anyone checks out my repo they simply do git submodule update --init --recursive. The package version can be specified as a git commit id in the respective submodule.
There also exist tools where you maintain the deps in a file, check out here.

Where should bower installed stuff go if you want to call it in an index.html?

I am very new to node/js...
I noticed this demo and was intrigued enough to try to replicate it following the git-hub explanation.
I followed the
bower install --save leaflet-layer-overpass
specified in the instructions, and cloned the repo. It appeared successful...and shows up in a 'C:\Users\me\bower_components' folder, but I have no clue what to do with it. Is it suppose to go in a folder along - with the 'dist' & 'src' files the instructions referenced in order for an index.html to be able to reference it?
Any ideas?

How to use npm packages in production?

Before start using node package manager, i was just downloading packages into one folder and giving references from html files. Now i have started to use node package manager and i want to done thing right.
I have downloaded jquery via npm install jquery --save command. Jquery is downloaded with minified, unminified, source, readme etc files, so i got more than 30 files downloaded.
How should i use those files in production? I mean all i need is one minified jquery file in production. Should i delete rest before deploying? I feel like npm can make my life easier but i am missing the point.
How should i approach to this?
When you use npm, the dependency is gonna be used only on server-side. I recommend you search for bower, it has the same purpose npm has, but for the client-side.
And about minified and full versions it's ok do maintain both versions, as long as you configure that, on production, to load the minified versions of your libraries.
I would recommend against deleting the entire package even if you need 1 file as there probably won't be any harm having a couple extra files. npm will allow you automatically update packages in the future... something you may not be able to do if you manually include a single file.

NPM how to configure location of global repository

Does anyone know how to configure location of global repository?
My global repo is somewhere under $HOMEDRIVE/$HOMEPATH/blahblahblah
and all my packages are being installed under that place fopr global reference
but I want to park it somewhere specific and secret like the docroot of my appserver ? so I can operate demos and proof-of-concepts and prototypes ands show them off
can you tell me how I can configure the path to my global repository? I am on windows7 which is thoroughly supported and chmod chown issues are not as prevalent on linux
is this directory anchor controlled by a designated variable within NPM?
is this variable ever referenced by javascript modules indiscriminantly? i would hope not
I assume this variable is within the NPM tool itself.
what about bower... would bower operate the same configurable? or is bower a different animal and place.
is bower a subset of npm? anmd of so does it operate the same configuration as npm?
thank you
See the npm docs about the folders. It states that the global modules are installed under a configured prefix. You can get it from the npm config comand:
npm config get prefix
And you may change it with a similar command:
npm config set prefix /path/to/my/global/folder
However, modules are usually installed globally if want to use some command line command they provide. For using in some node.js application, prefer to install them locally. If you still want to use the globally installed modules inside the application, you should use the link command (though I'm not sure if it works in a Windows environment).
Bower is another thing completely. Looking at the api documentation, you will see that there is no option to install modules globally (which makes sense, as Bower is intended for front-end dependencies).
You could change the default folder using the directory parameter of your .bowerrc file (see the documentation). This way you would be able to set all projects to use the same folder, but notice that's not the way it's intended to use and you would need to set it in all projects.
npm config set registry <registry url>
once this command is run, check in ~/.npmrc, it must show your changes.
