Count iterations in a loop - python-3.x

New to programming. How to count and print iterations(attempts) I had on guessing the random number?` Let's say, I guessed the number from 3-rd attempt.
import random
from time import sleep
str = ("Guess the number between 1 to 100")
number = random.randint(0, 100)
user_input = []
while user_input != number:
while True:
user_input = int(input("\nEnter a number: "))
if user_input > 100:
print("You exceeded the input parameter, but anyways,")
elif user_input < 0:
print("You exceeded the input parameter, but anyways,")
except ValueError:
print("Not valid")
if number > user_input:
print("The number is greater that that you entered ")
elif number < user_input:
print("The number is smaller than that you entered ")
print("Congratulation. You made it!")

There are two questions being asked. First, how do you count the number of iterations? A simple way to do that is by creating a counter variable that increments (increases by 1) every time the while loop runs. Second, how do you print that number? Python has a number of ways to construct strings. One easy way is to simply add two strings together (i.e. concatenate them).
Here's an example:
counter = 0
while your_condition_here:
counter += 1 # Same as counter = counter + 1
### Your code here ###
print('Number of iterations: ' + str(counter))
The value printed will be the number of times the while loop ran. However, you will have to explicitly convert anything that isn't already a string into a string for the concatenation to work.
You can also use formatted strings to construct your print message, which frees you from having to do the conversion to string explicitly, and may help with readability as well. Here is an example:
print('The while loop ran {} times'.format(counter))
Calling the format function on a string allows you replace each instance of {} within the string with an argument.
Edit: Changed to reassignment operator


Python, How do I ignore a string such as 'done' amongst numbers to sum the total from a list

while True:
numbers = input('> ')
if numbers == 'done':
total = 0
for number in numbers:
if numbers == int:
total = total + numbers
I've had a hard time understanding exactley what u want to do with this code, please use a proper code block next time, with proper indentation. My guess is that u want to get a input number like 345 and add 3+4+5 as a output. If the input is not a int it should break the loop. Ive come up with 2 diffrent solutions, depending on what you need.
This code will simply take the input and check if it is "done", if it is not "done" it will try to add. This is a easy to understand solution but it will produce a error if the input is any diffrent string than "done".
while True:
numbers = input(">")
if numbers == "done":
total = 0
for number in numbers:
total += int(number)
This approach will test for the "done" string again, but afterwards will also check if the input can be converted into a int. if not the error is captured and it will return "invalid input". If u want the programm to terminate at any string u can just put break in the except section.
while True:
numbers = input(">")
if numbers == "done":
testing = int(numbers)
total = 0
for number in numbers:
total += int(number)
total = "invalid input"
im a Beginner myself and if a experiencend person can show me a better way to do this i would be very interested
while True:
numbers = input('> ')
if numbers == 'done':
total = 0
for number in numbers:
if numbers == int:
total = total + numbers
Assuming this as your code:
Here's a solution to your problem-->
while True:
if a=='done':
for number in numbers:
total = total + int(number)
By default everything gets accepted as string so we convert it to integer to find total.
Also we use list to store all the values we accept.
Another Solution is-->
while True:
if a=='done':
Hope you understand the solution :-)
total = 0
average = 0
count = 0
while True:
numbers = input('> ')
if numbers == 'done': break
total = int(numbers) + total
count = count + 1
average = total / count
Try this:
total = 0
number_of_inputs = 0
while True:
number_string = input('Enter a number: ')
total += float(number_string)
number_of_inputs += 1
except ValueError:
break # we weren't given a number, so exit the loop
# Now that we're outside of the loop, print out the total:
print('The total is:', total)
if number_of_inputs > 0:
average = total / number_of_inputs
print('The average is:', average)
print('The average cannot be calculated, as no inputs were given.')
Do you see what's happening? The while loop keeps ask for and adding integers to total until a non-integer (like "done") is given. Once it gets that non-integer, the int() function will fail, and the exception it throws will get caught, and the code will immediately break out of the while loop.
And once out of the loop, the total and the average are printed out.
A few things you should be aware of:
If the user gave no inputs (which is possible here), the total will correctly print out as 0, but if you try to calculate the average, you will error, due to diving by number_of_inputs (which is also 0). That is why I check that number_of_inputs is greater than zero before I even attempt to calculate the average.
Originally I used int() to convert the string to a number, but I changed it to use float() instead. I figure that since you want to calculate an average, averages are not necessarily integers (even if all the inputs are), so there's no point in enforcing integer input. That is why I changed the int() to float(), but whether or not you want to use it is up to you.
ValueError isn't a function; it's an Exception. At this point you probably don't know what Exceptions are, so just know that they are special cases that can happen, and they're often used for catching errors, such as bad input values.
In the code I posted above, the loop is always expecting numerical input. But as soon as we have input that can't be converted to a number, the program then says, "Hey, I have an exception to what we're expecting! The exception is that there's an error in the value!" Then the program, instead of continuing to the next line of code (which is number_of_inputs += 1) will then execute the block of code under the except ValueError: section. And in the code above, all it does is call break, which exits the loop.
Once out of the loop, the code prints out the total and the average.
If it weren't for the try: and except ValueError: lines in the code, then the program would abruptly end (with a lengthy error message) once someone gave a non-numerical input. That happens because the call to float() wouldn't know how to convert a value like "done" to a number, so it does nothing more than just quitting.
However, by using try: and except ValueError:, we are anticipating that someone might give non-numerical input. When that happens (which it will, when the user is finished giving inputs) -- instead of quitting -- we want an alternate action to take. And we specify that alternate action to be a simple break out of the loop -- which will allow the program to continue with whatever is after the loop.
I hope this makes sense. If it doesn't, it will make more sense once you start learning about Exceptions in Python.

Python 3.7 guess the number program not looping back to options input when option one is finished

When option one finishes and you have guessed the right number, the program is breaking out of all loops, printing exit program and exiting. I need it to loop back to the options input, option=int(input("Choose an option 1 -3 ")). Option 2 loops back to options input fine. I can't see anything different in the code to tell me why this is happening.
I have been online with 2 tutors who did nothing but break my code into uselessness. I am new to coding so my code may be sloppy or not what people are used to seeing.
I get no error messages, the code works except for option 1 not looping back to options input. When option 1 finishes it ends the program instead of looping back to option=int(input("Choose an option 1 - 3 "))
#display welcome message
print("Welcome to the guess my number program")
import random
#start outside while loop for options
while True:
print("1 You guess the number ")
print("2 You enter a number and see if the computer can guess it ")
print("3 Exit Program ")
#get option input from user
#inside if loop and set random integer
option = int(input("Choose an option 1 - 3 "))
#option 1
if(option == 1):
myNumber = random.randint(1, 10)
#set count
count = 1
#inside while loop
while True:
print("Guess a number between 1 and 10 ")
#get guess
guess=int(input("Guess a number"))
#inside while loop
while guess<1 or guess>10:
print("Invalid entry, please choose a number between 1 and 10 ")
#get guess
guess=int(input("guess a number "))
print("Please enter numbers only ")
#display guess result to user, tally guess count
if guess < myNumber:
print("Your guess is to low, guess again")
count = count + 1
elif guess > myNumber:
print("Your guess is to high, guess again")
count = count + 1
elif guess == myNumber:
print("Great job, you guessed it in "
+ str(count) + " attempts \n")
#option 2
if (option == 2):
count = 1
#get number input from user
number = int(input("Choose a number for the computer to try to guess "))
while True:
#get random value from computer
computerGuess = random.randint(1, 10)
#inside if loop, display guess to user, tally guess count
if(computerGuess < number):
print("Computer guess is to low")
count = count + 1
elif(computerGuess > number ):
print("Computer guess is to high")
count = count + 1
elif(computerGuess == number):
print("The computer has guessed the right number in "
+ str(count) + " attempts. The number was " + str(number) )
print("You are exiting the program")
If your intention is to stay in the program unless someone types a different number than 1 or 2 as option, then
Your indentation of 'if' statement for option 2 should be at similar level as option 1.
Option2 clause should be an 'elif', rather than a separate 'if' condition.
Last 'else' block (which exits the outer loop) should also be within the outer While Loop

Python Collatz Infinite Loop

Apologies if similar questions have been asked but I wasn't able to find anything to fix my issue. I've written a simple piece of code for the Collatz Sequence in Python which seems to work fine for even numbers but gets stuck in an infinite loop when an odd number is enter.
I've not been able to figure out why this is or a way of breaking out of this loop so any help would be greatly appreciate.
print ('Enter a positive integer')
number = (int(input()))
def collatz(number):
while number !=1:
if number % 2 == 0:
number = number/2
print (number)
elif number % 2 == 1:
number = 3*number+1
print (number)
Your function lacks any return statements, so by default it returns None. You might possibly wish to define the function so it returns how many steps away from 1 the input number is. You might even choose to cache such results.
You seem to want to make a recursive call, yet you also use a while loop. Pick one or the other.
When recursing, you don't have to reassign a variable, you could choose to put the expression into the call, like this:
if number % 2 == 0:
collatz(number / 2)
elif ...
This brings us the crux of the matter. In the course of recursing, you have created many stack frames, each having its own private variable named number and containing distinct values. You are confusing yourself by changing number in the current stack frame, and copying it to the next level frame when you make a recursive call. In the even case this works out for your termination clause, but not in the odd case. You would have been better off with just a while loop and no recursion at all.
You may find that helps you understand what is happening.
A power-of-two input will terminate, but you'll see it takes pretty long to pop those extra frames from the stack.
I have simplified the code required to find how many steps it takes for a number to get to zero following the Collatz Conjecture Theory.
def collatz():
steps = 0
sample = int(input('Enter number: '))
y = sample
while sample != 1:
if sample % 2 == 0:
sample = sample // 2
steps += 1
sample = (sample*3)+1
steps += 1
print('Took '+ str(steps)+' steps to get '+ str(y)+' down to 1.')
Hope this helps!
Hereafter is my code snippet and it worked perfectly
def collatz(i):
if i % 2 == 0:
n = i // 2
print n
if n != 1:
elif i % 2 == 1:
n = 3 * i + 1
print n
if n != 1:
i = int(raw_input("Enter number:\n"))
except ValueError:
print "Error: You Must enter integer"
Here is my interpretation of the assignment, this handles negative numbers and repeated non-integer inputs use cases as well. Without nesting your code in a while True loop, the code will fail on repeated non-integer use-cases.
def collatz(number):
if number % 2 == 0:
print(number // 2)
return(number // 2)
elif number % 2 == 1:
result = 3 * number + 1
# Program starts here.
while True:
# Ask for input
n = input('Please enter a number: ')
# If number is negative or 0, asks for positive and starts over.
if int(n) < 1:
print('Please enter a positive INTEGER!')
#If number is applicable, goes through collatz function.
while n != 1:
n = collatz(int(n))
# If input is a non-integer, asks for a valid integer and starts over.
except ValueError:
print('Please enter a valid INTEGER!')
# General catch all for any other error.

I am almost there but program can not recognize negatives

Program has to count positive and negative numbers and compute the average. I feel like i have the right code but maybe something is off. This was done on python idle 3.5. I would appreciate any and all help.
i=eval(input("Enter an integer, the input ends if it is 0:"))
while (i!=0):
i=eval(input("Enter an integer, the input ends if it is 0:"))
print("The number of positives is ", pos)
print("The number of negatives is ", neg)
print("The total is",total)
print("The average is ", avg)
One Problem your code has is, that the first number you are entering does not count towards either the positive or negative counts in your loop because it is outside of it. As soon as you enter the loop you do add it to the total, but then you ask for the next number. This way your first number is never evaluated.
What you could do is a while loop that has the condition "True", so it runs every time you start the program. The evaluation on whether your input is a zero can be (and in this case must be) handled in your else/elif/else block.
If you don't include a break there you are getting an infinite loop.
You should not us eval(). The Documentation on python states this:
This function can also be used to execute arbitrary code objects (such as those created by compile()). In this case pass a code object instead of a string. If the code object has been compiled with 'exec' as the mode argument, eval()’s return value will be None.
If you use int() the program knows if it is negative or not since you compare the input to zero in your if statements.
Maybe do something like this:
total = 0
pos = 0
neg = 0
# avg = 0 (you don't have to declare this variable since you calculate it
# anyway later on)
# removed the input from here since it did not contribute to the pos/neg count
while (True):
# maybe use a while loop with the condition "True" so it runs every time
i = int(input("Enter an integer, the input ends if it is 0: "))
total = total + i
if(i > 0):
# counts 1 up if integer is positive
pos += 1
elif(i < 0):
# counts 1 up if integer is negative
neg += 1
# break out of the loop as soon as none of the above conditions is true
# (since it hits a 0 as input)
# else you get an infinite loop
avg = total / (pos + neg)
print("The number of positives is ", pos)
print("The number of negatives is ", neg)
print("The total is ", total)
print("The average is ", avg)

Mastermind Python Using "ABCDEF"

Mastermind Game using "ABCEF"I dont know how to check whether it is partial correct. I have to use red to mean correct letter and position. I use white to mean correct letter.
import random
def play_one_round():
print (N_code)
guess=input("Enter your guess as 4 letters e.g. XXXX:")
count_guess= 1
while N_code != guess and count_guess < 10:
guess=input("Enter your guess as 4 letters e.g. XXXX:")
count_guess=count_guess + 1
print("This is your",count_guess, "guess")
if guess==N_code:
print('r') #Here I have if the code and guess are equal print r, which mean its the right letters in the right order.
def check(N_code,guess):
result=['r' if c1==c2 else c2 for c1,c2 in zip(guess, N_code)]
for index, char in enumerate(guess):
if result[index] !='r':
if char in result:
def Master_m():
print("Welcome to Mastermind!\n")
print("Start by Choosing four letters")
answer=input("Play Again? ")
if answer[0]=='y':
I wrote this ages ago but it will do the trick
import random
import itertools
def start():
""" this function is used to initialise the users interaction with the game
Primarily this functions allows the user to see the rules of the game or play the game"""
print ('Mastermind, what would you like to do now?\n')
print ('Type 1 for rules')
print ('Type 2 to play')
path = input('Type your selection 1 or 2: ')
if path == '1':
print ('Great lets look at the rules')
elif path == '2':
print('Great lets play some Mastermind!\n')
print('that was not a valid response there is only one hidden option that is not a 1 or a 2')
def rules():
"""This just prints out the rules to the user."""
print ('The rules are as follows:\n')
print ('1)Mastermind will craft you a 4 digit number that will contain all unique numbers from 1-9, there is no 0s.\n')
print ('2)You will have 12 attempts to guess the correct number.\n')
print ('3)Whites represent a correct number that is not in the correct order\n')
print ('4)Reds represent a correct number in the correct order.\n')
print ('5)If you enter a single number or the same number during a guess it will consume 1 of your 12 guesses.\n')
print ('6)to WIN you must guess the 4 numbers in the correct order.\n')
print ('7)If you run out of guesses the game will end and you lose.\n')
print ('8)if you make a guess that has letters or more than 4 digits you will lose a turn.')
def makeRandomWhenGameStarts():
"""A random 4 digit number is required this is created as its own
variable that can be passed in at the start of the game, this allows the user
to guess multiple times against the one number."""
#generate a 4 digit number
num = random.sample(range(1,9), 4)
#roll is the random 4 digit number as an int supplied to the other functions
roll = int(''.join(map(str,num)))
return roll
def begingame():
"""This is the main game function. primarily using the while loop, the makeRandomWhenGameStarts variable is
passed in anbd then an exception handling text input is used to ask the user for their guees """
print ('please select 4 numbers')
#bring in the random generated number for the user to guess.
roll = makeRandomWhenGameStarts()
whiteResults = []
redResults = []
collectScore = []
guessNo = 0
#setup the while loop to end eventually with 12 guesses finishing on the 0th guess.
guesses = 12
while (guesses > 0 ):
guessNo = guessNo + 1
#choice = int(2468) #int(input("4 digit number"))
choice = int(input("Please try a 4 digit number: "))
if not (1000 <= choice <= 9999):
raise ValueError()
except ValueError:
print('That was not a valid number, you lost a turn anyway!')
print ( "Your choice is", choice)
#Use for loops to transform the random number and player guess into lists
SliceChoice = [int(x) for x in str(choice)]
ranRoll = [int(x) for x in str(roll)]
#Take the individual digits and assign them a variable as an identifier of what order they exist in.
d1Guess = SliceChoice[0:1]
d2Guess = SliceChoice[1:2]
d3Guess = SliceChoice[2:3]
d4Guess = SliceChoice[3:4]
#combine the sliced elements into a list
playGuess = (d1Guess+d2Guess+d3Guess+d4Guess)
#Set reds and whites to zero for while loop turns
nRed = 0
nWhite = 0
#For debugging use these print statements to compare the guess from the random roll
# print(playGuess, 'player guess')
# print(ranRoll,'random roll')
#Use for loops to count the white pegs and red pegs
nWhitePegs = len([i for i in playGuess if i in ranRoll])
nRedPegs = sum([1 if i==j else 0 for i, j in zip(playGuess,ranRoll)])
print ('Oh Mastermind that was a good try! ')
#Take the results of redpegs and package as turnResultsRed
TurnResultsRed = (nRedPegs)
#Take the results of whitepegs and remove duplication (-RedPegs) package as TurnResultsWhite
TurnResultsWhite = ( nWhitePegs - nRedPegs) #nWhite-nRed
#Create a unified list with the first element being the guess number
# using guessNo as an index and storing the players choice and results to feedback at the end
totalResults = ( guessNo,choice , TurnResultsWhite ,TurnResultsRed)
# collectScore = collectScore + totalResults for each turn build a list of results for the 12 guesses
#End the while loop if the player has success with 4 reds
if nRed == (4):
print('Congratulations you are a Mastermind!')
#Return the results of the guess to the user
print ('You got:',TurnResultsWhite,'Whites and',TurnResultsRed,'Red\n')
#remove 1 value from guesses so the guess counter "counts down"
guesses = guesses -1
print ('You have', guesses, "guesses left!")
#First action outside the while loop tell the player the answer and advise them Game Over
print('Game Over!')
print('The answer was', roll)
#At the end of the game give the player back their results as a list
for x in collectScore:
print ('Guess',x[0],'was',x[1],':','you got', x[2],'Red','and', x[3],'Whites')
if __name__ == '__main__':
When you are stuck, decompose into smaller chunks and test those. Focusing on check, you can check whether a guess letter exactly matches the code via its index and whether its in the code at all with in. Here is a self-contained example. Notice that I've pulled out everything except the problem at hand.
If this works for you, I suggest writing a self-contained example of your next problem, test it, and if you are still stuck, post that as a new question.
def check(N_code, guess):
print('code', N_code, 'guess', guess)
result = []
# enumerate gives you each letter and its index from 0
for index, letter in enumerate(guess):
if N_code[index] == letter:
# right letter in right position
vote = 'red'
elif letter in N_code:
# well, at least the letter is in the code
vote = 'white'
# not even close
vote = 'black'
# add partial result
result.append('{} {}'.format(letter, vote))
# combine and print
print(', '.join(result))
check('ABCD', 'ABCD')
check('DEFA', 'ABCD')
