Interpolating an Expression into an Expression - metaprogramming

I want to build a constructor with keyword arguments inside of a macro, and the first keyword argument needs to be for an expression. I am having trouble putting that expression into the expression. Here's what I mean. Say I have a type
type Test
which holds an expression. I want to make a constructor where origex = :(a * b) is the default from a keyword argument. I tried
#eval :(Test(ex=$origex) = Test(origex))
But if you look at the expression that makes:
Test(ex=a * b) = begin # console, line 1:
you see that it won't work because the a*b needs to still be an expression. So I tried
#eval :(Test(ex=:($origex)) = Test(origex))
but this has the odd expression
Test(ex=$(Expr(:quote, :($(Expr(:$, :origex)))))) = begin # console, line 1:
which also won't eval. Instead I need to get
Test(ex=:(a * b)) = begin # console, line 1:
as the expression to eval, but I don't know how to get that expression into an expression.

I think the following is what you want. You seem to have had a few mistakes:
julia> type Test
julia> orig_ex = :(a + b)
:(a + b)
julia> new_ex = Meta.quot(orig_ex)
:($(Expr(:quote, :(a + b))))
julia> code = :( Test(; ex=$new_ex) = Test(ex) )
:(Test(; ex=$(Expr(:quote, :(a + b)))) = begin # REPL[4], line 1:
julia> eval(code)
julia> Test()
Test(:(a + b))


How to fix indentation problem with haskell if statement

I have the following Haskell code:
f :: Int -> Int
f x =
let var1 = there in
case (there) of
12 -> 0
otherwise | (there - 1) >= 4 -> 2
| (there + 1) <= 2 -> 3
where there = 6
The function alone is garbage, ignore what exactly it does.
I want to replace the guards with if
f x =
let var1 = there in
case (there) of
12 -> 0
otherwise -> if (there - 1) >= 4 then 2
else if (there + 1) <= 2 then 3
where there = 6
I tried moving the if to the next line, the then to the next line, lining them up, unlining them, but nothing seems to work.
I get a parsing error and I don't know how to fix it:
parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets)
40 | where there = 6
| ^
You have a few misunderstandings in here. Let's step through them starting from your original code:
f x =
A function definition, but the function never uses the parameter x. Strictly speaking this is a warning and not an error, but most code bases will use -Werror so consider omitting the parameter or using _ to indicate you are explicitly ignoring the variable.
let var1 = there in
This is unnecessary - again you are not using var1 (the below used there) so why have it?
case (there) of
Sure. Or just case there of, not need for excessive parens cluttering up the code.
12 -> 0
Here 12 is a pattern match, and it's fine.
otherwise ->
Here you used the variable name otherwise as a pattern which will uncondtionally match the value there. This is another warning: otherwise is a global value equal to True so it can be used in guards, such as function foo | foo < 1 = expr1 ; | otherwise = expr2. Your use is not like that, using otherwise as a pattern shadows the global value. Instead consider the catch all pattern with underscore:
_ -> if (there - 1) >= 4
then 2
else if (there + 1) <= 2
then 3
where there = 6
Ok... what if there was equal to 3? 3-1 is not greater than 4. 3+1 is not less than 2. You always need an else with your if statement. There is no if {} in Haskell instead there is if ... else ... much like the ternary operator in C, as explained in the Haskell wiki.

Expanding anonymous function into a string

I have a set of anonymous functions, and I want to convert them into strings. Normally I would just use func2str, but the problem is I want the variables and internal functions to be expanded out into their "true" values. The problem I'm running into is that MATLAB is keeping these by the names, but recognizing the values. Example
classdef Bclass
function obj = Bclass(inEquation, inValue)
obj.equation = #(t,y) inEquation(t,y) * inValue;
function out = getStr(obj)
out = func2str(obj.equation);
The problem is that the func2str call is outputting #(t,y) inEquation(t,y) * inValue, when I actually want it to output something like #(t,y) t*y * 5, if we had said b = Bclass(#(t,y) t*y, 5).
Is there a way to retrieve these variable values from MATLAB?
You can do this, but it could quickly become very difficult if your problem becomes any more complex than the example given above (i.e. more complicated anonymous functions, multiple nesting levels, etc.). You'll have to make use of the functions function to get information on the function handle, and its behavior may change between releases. Additionally, you'll have to do quite a bit of string manipulation (using functions like regexp, regexprep, strsplit, and strrep, as I do below).
I've tried to include here the most general approach I could, allowing for the following possibilities:
inEquation can be a non-anonymous function handle (i.e. #times).
inEquation can simply be passed along as is without actually being invoked.
inEquation can be called multiple times in the anonymous function.
The input arguments to inEquation can be named differently than what it is invoked with in obj.equation.
obj.equation can contain indexing operations.
First, we'll initialize some variables to mimic your example:
f1 = #(m, n) m*n; % Note the different variable names, but it will still work
inEquation = f1;
inValue = 5;
f2 = #(t, y) inEquation(t, y)*inValue; % Function constructed using workspace variables
Next, we'll get the function information for f2:
s = functions(f2);
varNames = fieldnames(s.workspace{1});
varValues = struct2cell(s.workspace{1});
out = s.function;
The workspace field holds the variable names and values that were used to construct f2, and the function field is the string you'd get by calling func2str on f2. We'll also need to compute a few things so we can correctly parse opening and closing parentheses in f2:
openIndex = (out == '(');
closeIndex = (out == ')');
parenIndex = cumsum(openIndex-[false closeIndex(1:end-1)]).*(openIndex | closeIndex);
Now, we'll loop over the workspace variables, convert their values to strings (if possible), and replace them in out:
for iVar = 1:numel(varNames)
name = varNames{iVar};
value = varValues{iVar};
if isa(value, 'function_handle') % Workspace variable is a function handle
value = func2str(value);
callIndex = strfind(out, [name, '('])+numel(name);
fcnParts = regexp(value, '#\({1}([^\)])*\){1}(\S)*', 'once', 'tokens');
if isempty(callIndex) % Function handle is not invoked
if isempty(fcnParts) % Non-anonymous function handle (i.e. #times)
value = ['#' value];
out = strrep(out, name, value);
elseif isempty(fcnParts) % Invoked function handle (i.e. #times)
out = strrep(out, name, value);
else % Invoked anonymous function handle
for iCall = callIndex
args = out(iCall+(1:find(parenIndex(iCall+1:end) == parenIndex(iCall), 1)-1));
value = regexprep(fcnParts{2}, ...
strcat('(?<!\w)', strsplit(fcnParts{1}, ','), '(?!\w)'), ...
strsplit(args, ','));
out = strrep(out, [name, '(', args, ')'], value);
elseif isnumeric(value) && isscalar(value) % Workspace variable is a numeric scalar
out = strrep(out, name, num2str(value));
And we get the desired result for out:
>> out
out =
Note that this will also work as expected with a non-anonymous function handle as well:
>> f1 = #times;
>> inEquation = f1;
>> inValue = 5;
>> f2 = #(t, y) inEquation(t, y)*inValue;
% Repeat above processing...
>> out
out =
It will also work on some more complicated functions:
>> postVolt = #(g, V) -.05*g*(V+80);
>> preIdx = 5;
>> postIdx = 1;
>> index = 6;
>> obj.values = {};
>> f2 = #(t) postVolt(obj.values{preIdx}(index), obj.values{preIdx}(obj.voltIdx{postIdx}));
% Repeat above processing...
>> out
out =

How would you solve the letter changer in Julia?

I found this challenge:
Using your language, have the function LetterChanges(str) take the str parameter being passed and modify it using the following algorithm. Replace every letter in the string with the letter following it in the alphabet (ie. c becomes d, z becomes a). Then capitalize every vowel in this new string (a, e, i, o, u) and finally return this modified string.
I am new in Julia, and I was challenging myself in this challenge. I found this challenge very hard in Julia lang and I could not find a solution.
Here I tried to solve in the way below, but I got error: the x value is not defined
How would you solve this?
function LetterChanges(stringis::AbstractString)
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
vohels = "aeiou"
for Char(x) in split(stringis, "")
if x == 'z'
x = 'a'
elseif x in vohels
Thank you
As a side note:
The proposed solution works properly. However, if you would need high performance (which you probably do not given the source of your problem) it is more efficient to use string builder:
function LetterChanges2(str::AbstractString)
v = Set("aeiou")
#sprint(sizehint=sizeof(str)) do io # use on Julia 0.7 - new keyword argument
sprint() do io # use on Julia 0.6.2
for c in str
c = c == 'z' ? 'a' : c+1 # we assume that we got only letters from 'a':'z'
print(io, c in v ? uppercase(c) : c)
it is over 10x faster than the above.
EDIT: for Julia 0.7 this is a bit faster:
function LetterChanges2(str::AbstractString)
v = BitSet(collect(Int,"aeiouy"))
sprint(sizehint=sizeof(str)) do io # use on Julia 0.7 - new keyword argument
for c in str
c = c == 'z' ? 'a' : c+1 # we assume that we got only letters from 'a':'z'
write(io, Int(c) in v ? uppercase(c) : c)
There is a logic error. It says "Replace every letter in the string with the letter following it in the alphabet. Then capitalize every vowel in this new string". Your code checks, if it is a vowel. Then it capitalizes it or replaces it. That's different behavior. You have to first replace and then to check if it is a vowel.
You are replacing 'a' by 'Z'. You should be replacing 'z' by 'a'
The function split(stringis, "") returns an array of strings. You can't store these strings in Char(x). You have to store them in x and then you can transform theses string to char with c = x[1].
After transforming a char you have to store it in the variable: c = uppercase(c)
You don't need to transform a char into int. You can add a number to a char: c = c + 1
You have to store the new characters in a string and return them.
function LetterChanges(stringis::AbstractString)
# some code
str = ""
for x in split(stringis, "")
c = x[1]
# logic
str = "$str$c"
return str
Here's another version that is a bit faster than #BogumilKaminski's answer on version 0.6, but that might be different on 0.7. On the other hand, it might be a little less intimidating than the do-block magic ;)
function changeletters(str::String)
vowels = "aeiouy"
carr = Vector{Char}(length(str))
i = 0
for c in str
newchar = c == 'z' ? 'a' : c + 1
carr[i+=1] = newchar in vowels ? uppercase(newchar) : newchar
return String(carr)
At the risk of being accused of cheating, this is a dictionary-based approach:
function change_letters(s::String)::String
k = collect('a':'z')
v = vcat(collect('b':'z'), 'A')
d = Dict{Char, Char}(zip(k, v))
for c in Set("eiou")
d[c - 1] = uppercase(d[c - 1])
b = IOBuffer()
for c in s
print(b, d[c])
return String(take!(b))
It seems to compare well in speed terms with the other Julia 0.6 methods for long strings (e.g. 100,000 characters). There's a bit of unnecessary overhead in constructing the dictionary which is noticeable on small strings, but I'm far too lazy to type out the 'a'=>'b' construction long-hand!

How to interpolate into a Julia "for" expression?

I was writing a macro #vcomp (vector comprehension) based on Python's list comprehensions with a conditional clause to filter elements in a succinct way.
macro vcomp(comprehension::Expr, when::Symbol, condition)
comp_head, comp_args = comprehension.head, comprehension.args
comp_head ∉ [:comprehension, :typed_comprehension] && error("#vcomp not a comprehension")
when ≠ :when && error("#vcomp expected `when`, got: `$when`")
T = comp_head == :typed_comprehension ? comp_args[1] : nothing
if VERSION < v"0.5-"
element = comp_head == :comprehension ? comp_args[1] : comp_args[2]
sequence = comp_head == :comprehension ? comp_args[2] : comp_args[3]
element = comp_head == :comprehension ? comp_args[1].args[1] : comp_args[2].args[1]
sequence = comp_head == :comprehension ? comp_args[1].args[2] : comp_args[2].args[2]
result = T ≠ nothing ? :($T[]) : :([])
block = Expr(:let, Expr(:block,
Expr(:(=), :res, result),
Expr(:for, sequence,
Expr(:if, condition,
Expr(:call, :push!, :res, element))),
return esc(block)
Used like this:
julia> #vcomp Int[i^3 for i in 1:10] when i % 2 == 0
5-element Array{Int64,1}:
Which expand to this:
julia> macroexpand(:(#vcomp Int[i^3 for i in 1:15] when i % 2 == 0))
res = Int[]
for i = 1:15
if i % 2 == 0
push!(res,i ^ 3)
I was expecting to be able to write block like this:
block = quote
res = $result
for $sequence
if $condition
push!(res, $element)
Which gives the following error:
ERROR: syntax: invalid iteration specification
Instead of the way I came up with:
block = Expr(:let, Expr(:block,
Expr(:(=), :res, result),
Expr(:for, sequence,
Expr(:if, condition,
Expr(:call, :push!, :res, element))),
However I was able to do it using Expr(:for, ...) directly as shown above and as far as I understand this is a parser error (is this a bug?). I have also been unable to find examples of this kind of interpolation, this is what I've tried:
julia> ex₁ = :(i in 1:10)
:($(Expr(:in, :i, :(1:10))))
julia> ex₂ = :(i = 1:10)
:(i = 1:10)
julia> quote
for $ex₁
ERROR: syntax: invalid iteration specification
julia> quote
for $ex₂
ERROR: syntax: invalid iteration specification
Construct whole expression and inspect it:
julia> ex₃ = quote
for i in 1:10
quote # none, line 2:
for i = 1:10 # none, line 3:
julia> ex₃.args
2-element Array{Any,1}:
:( # none, line 2:)
:(for i = 1:10 # none, line 3:
julia> ex₃.args[2].args
2-element Array{Any,1}:
:(i = 1:10)
quote # none, line 3:
julia> ex₃.args[2].args[1]
:(i = 1:10)
julia> ex₃.args[2].args[1] == ex₂ # what's the difference then?
This works but is less readable:
julia> ex₄ = Expr(:for, ex₁, :(print(i)))
:(for $(Expr(:in, :i, :(1:10)))
julia> ex₅ = Expr(:for, ex₂, :(print(i)))
:(for i = 1:10
julia> eval(ex₃)
julia> eval(ex₄)
julia> eval(ex₅)
Is there a way I can use the more terse syntax instead? I find the current implementation difficult to read and reason about compared to what I was expecting to write.
First of all, I belive that comprehensions with guards are coming to Julia (in v0.5?).
To answer your question: The parser wants to be able to verify that its input is syntactically correct without looking into the actual value that is interpolated. Try eg
x, y = :i, :(1:10)
for $x = $y
Now the parser can recognize the relevant parts of the syntax. (And you should get the same AST if you use for $x in $y instead.)

My python code give this type error ''IndentationError: expected an indented block".give any solution

for i in range(1000): #153
pre = i #pre=153
a =str (i) #a='153'
for j in a:
k = int (j) #k=1
q = k*k*k
summ = summ+q
if (pre = summ):
print("Armstorng ",pre)
print("not Armstorng ",pre)
if (pre = summ):
That should be a double equals sign because it's a comparison between two values, not a variable assignment.
if (pre == summ):
Also, a couple of (potential) spelling errors: "Armstorng" and "summ". (Unless you intend "sum"/"summ" to be different variables.)
