VIM check for search pattern match in vim script - vim

I just started with vim script and try make translation of opencart language files easier. I want to have a function that looks for a given search pattern and selects it. If there is no match left in the file, it shall open the next file for editing. What I have so far:
function! Nextmatch()
normal /\(= *'\)\#<=.\{-\}\('\)\#=/
normal v//e
function! Nextfile()
if !exists("s:filecounter")
execute "!find -iname *.php > files.txt"
normal <CR>
let s:filecounter=0
let s:lines= system("wc -l < files.txt")
if s:filecounter<s:lines
let s:filecounter += 1
let s:sedcommand="sed '".s:filecounter."!d' files.txt"
let s:selectedfile=system(s:sedcommand)
execute 'edit' s:selectedfile
How can I achieve that Nextfile() is called in Nextmatch() if the search pattern is not found between the cursor and the end of the current file? And is there something that you consider to be bad style in my snippet?

Quickfix commands are powerful and well integrated with some external plugins, but if you really need to use your own script, and if you need to check a match in an if statement, just do:
if search("=\\s*'\\zs[^']*\\ze", 'W') == 0
echo 'No match until the end of the buffer'
See :h search(), and please note :
the double backslashes, due to the double quotes
the 'W' flag which forbids wrapping around the end of file
I simplified the pattern you gave

You could simply use the :vim command to get rid of all your script.
I think the following should do quite what you're expecting:
:noremap <f8> <esc>:cn<cr>gn
/\(= *'\)\#<=.\{-\}\('\)\#=
:vim //g *.php
Then, to go to the next pattern in all files while selecting it,
you just have to press the F8 key.
In the noremap line, gn let you select the next actual search.
You may need to do:
:set nohidden
to let you navigate threw modified buffers (but don't forget to save
them with :wa, or list them with :ls)
About your script:
It's a good habit in scripts to always use :normal! instead of :normal (unless you deliberately need it) : thus, your personnal mappings won't interfer in your scripts.


How to show the command that last executed in vim?

Sometimes when I write a wrong script, I really have no idea why it doesn't have the expected effects. For example, the following script:
nnoremap gr :call Look_For_String()<CR><C-L>
function! Look_For_String()
exe "grep -R " . expand("<cword>") . &dir
The function is to search the current word under cursor in directory &dir, but it doesn't do as expected. So I want to know what command it executed.Is that possible?
What I would do in this case is replacing the :execute with :echomsg, re-source the script (:so %), and re-execute.
For more complex situations, you can set the 'verbose' option. With a value of 15, every Ex command is printed. Since the display often interferes with the script's functionality, it's often advisable to redirect the diagnostic output to a file by setting 'verbosefile', too.

vim: map command with confirmation to key

I've written a few macros in my .vimrc for the version control system I'm using (Perforce) (please don't suggest the perforce plugin for vim, I tried it and I don't like it). They all work fine except the revert macro, which breaks due to a confirmation prompt (which I need so I don't accidentally fat-finger my changes away). It currently looks like this:
map <F8> :if confirm('Revert to original?', "&Yes\n&No", 1)==1 | !p4 revert <C-R>=expand("%:p")<CR><CR><CR>:edit<CR> | endif
This causes bash to complain when vim tries to load the file:
bin/bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
Looking at the buffer bash sees, it looks like the error is that vim sends it everything after the first pipe, not just the part meant for bash. I tried a few alternatives but I can't seem to make it work. I've got it to show confirm dialog correctly when I removed the pipes and endif (using shorthand if), but then vim complains after the user gives a response.
I think you want something along these lines:
:map <F8> :if confirm('Revert to original?', "&Yes\n&No", 1)==1 <Bar> exe "!p4 revert" . expand("%:p") <Bar> edit <Bar> endif<CR><CR>
Remember that :map is a dumb sequence of keystrokes: what you're mapping F8 to has to be a sequence of keystrokes that would work if typed. A <CR> in the middle of the :if statement doesn't mean ‘and press Enter when executing the command at this point if the condition is true’; it means ‘press Enter here when in the middle of typing in the :if command’, which obviously isn't what you want.
Building it up a piece at time, from the inside out:
There's a shell command you sometimes want to run.
That shell command needs to be inside an :if to do the ‘sometimes’ bit, and so have an :endif following it.
After a literal ! everything following is passed to the shell, including | characters which normally signify the start of another Vim command. That's reasonable, because | is a perfectly good character to use in shell commands. So we need some way of containing the shell command. :exe can do this; it executes the supplied string as a command — and its argument, being a string, has a defined end. So the general form is :if condition | exe "!shell command" | endif.
Your shell command has an expression in it. Using :exe makes this easy, since you can simply concatenate the string constant parts of the command with the result of the expression. So the command becomes :exe "!p4 revert" . expand("%:p") — try that out on its own on a file, and check it does what you want before going any further.
Putting that inside the condition gives you :if confirm('Revert to original?', "&Yes\n&No", 1)==1 | exe "!p4 revert" . expand("%:p") | edit | endif — again try that out before defining the mapping.
Once you have that working, define the mapping. A literal | does end a mapping and signify the start of the next Vim command. In your original the mapping definition only went to the end of the condition (check it with :map <F8> after loading a file) and the !p4 part was being run immediately, on the Vim file that defines the mapping! You need to change each | in your command into <Bar>, similarly to how each press of Enter in your command needs writing as <CR>. That gives you the mapping above. Try it by typing it at the command line first, then do :map <F8> again to check it's what you think it is. And only then try pressing F8.
If that works, put the mapping in your .vimrc.
Use of the pipe to string multiple vim commands together is not particularly well-defined, and there are numerous eccentricities. Critically, (see :help :bar) it can't be used after a command like the shell command :! which sees a | character as its argument.
You might find it easier to use the system() function.
:echo system("p4 revert " . shellescape(expand("%:p")))
The shellescape() wrapper is useful in case you have characters like spaces or quotes in the filename (or have cleverly named it ; rm -rf ~ (Don't try this at home!)).
In the interest of creating more readable/maintainable code, you may want to move your code into a function:
function Revert()
if confirm('Revert to original?', "&Yes\n&No", 1)==1
return system("p4 revert " . shellescape(expand("%:p")))
which you would access by using the :call or :echo command in your macro.

How do I prevent Vim from expanding ‘~’ during completion?

I'm on my MacBook using Vim, and let's say for simplicity's sake that I have files ~/, ~/, and ~/ open. On macOS, ~ expands to /Users/<username>.
So if I type :b user in Vim command line and then hit tab to expand, it goes through each of the files instead of going straight to ~/
Is there any way to prevent this behavior?
I can't reproduce your problem under linux (tildes are not resolved in my vim's completion list, so :b home gives me ~/ before ~/, but...
Try typing :b user then complete with Shift+Tab. In that case, my vim (7.2.442 if that matters) completes with the last match, which is what you want.
It is not possible to change Vim built-in buffer completion. The only
thing I can suggest (besides opening these files already from the home
directory) is to define your own version of the :b command with
the desired completion. It could be something like this:
function! CustomBufferComplete(a, l, p)
let buf_out = ''
redir => buf_out
silent buffers
redir END
let buf_list = map(split(buf_out, "\n"), 'substitute(v:val, ' .
\ '''^.*"\%(\~[/\\]\)\?\([^"]\+\)".*$'', "\\1", "g")')
return join(buf_list, "\n")
command! -nargs=1 -complete=custom,CustomBufferComplete B b <args>
(Note that it cuts off the ~/ part of a path before returning
the completion list.)

how to get :bwipe *.ext to wipe everyone matching the wildcard in vim

I often want to wipe all buffers loaded with a given extension (usually .rej files produced by patch). Just doing :bw[!] *.rej will complain if there is more than one match. Does anyone have any good tips? Currently I either repeatedly use :bw *.rej + tab-complete or, if there are a lot of buffers, use :ls and :bw a set of buffers by number.
Globbing in vim is a bit difficult (apart from for files on the file system). Therefore, the best way seems to be to convert the wildcard into a regular expression and then check each buffer in the buffer list to see whether it matches. Something like this:
" A command to make invocation easier
command! -complete=buffer -nargs=+ BWipe call BWipe(<f-args>)
function! BWipe(...)
let bufnames = []
" Get a list of all the buffers
for bufnumber in range(0, bufnr('$'))
if buflisted(bufnumber)
call add(bufnames, bufname(bufnumber))
for argument in a:000
" Escape any backslashes, dots or spaces in the argument
let this_argument = escape(argument, '\ .')
" Turn * into .* for a regular expression match
let this_argument = substitute(this_argument, '\*', '.*', '')
" Iterate through the buffers
for buffername in bufnames
" If they match the provided regex and the buffer still exists
" delete the buffer
if match(buffername, this_argument) != -1 && bufexists(buffername)
exe 'bwipe' buffername
It can be used as:
:BWipe *.rej
:BWipe *.c *.h
By the way, I ended up going with a very low-tech solution (I personally like to modify vim as little as possible so that I am at home on any machine):
I added a mapping:
:map <C-f> :bw *.rej
Then I repeatedly press
<C-f> <Tab> <CR>
a little bit around the corner, but works for me, with a lot of files:
vi Session.vim
a) remove all 'badd' lines with files you do not want
b) :wq
vim -S Session.vim # restart with the state you had, but without the files
Do CTRL-A to insert all the matches of the pattern in front of the cursor. See :help c_CTRL-A. For example, if you have the files a.rej, b.rej, and c.rej loaded, then doing
:bw *.rej<C-A>
will leave you with
:bw a.rej b.rej c.rej
Then you can press Enter to wipe those buffers.

redirection to a file of a search in Vim

My problem is simple. I search a specific pattern in a file (let's say label in a Tex file)
but there are lots of occurrences. So I'd like to redirect this output to another file to be able to work easily with it.
Do you have a trick or a command that I don't know?
it's not clear from the original post what you mean by "work easily with it" but it's often useful to see and quickly jump between all of the matches in a buffer without "extracting" the matches to a separate buffer.
vim has an internal grep built in. your example would be something like this (in vim, % denotes the current file)
:vimgrep /label/ %
This will take you to the first occurrence and report how many matches there were. What's cool is that you can look at all of the matches listed by opening up the quickfix error list using
Now you can just scroll around and press enter on a line to jump to the exact position of the match.
The quickfix error list is exactly the same buffer you use if you run make from inside vim and your compiler throws errors: it gives you a list of what and where the errors are.
After you've jumped to one location pointed by quickfix, you can go to forwards and backwards in the list via :cn and :cp. :ccl closes the error list.
You can also expand your "error" list via :vimgrepa /newpattern/ % or :vimgrepadd
The (documented) caveat is that vim's internal grep is slower than most native grep implementations (but you do get it "for free" in windows, for example). If you do have a grep installed, you can use :grep instead of :vimgrep for similar results.
quoting :help grep
Vim has two ways to find matches for a
pattern: Internal and external. The
advantage of the internal grep is that
it works on all systems and uses the
powerful Vim search patterns. An
external grep program can be used when
the Vim grep does not do what you
The internal method will be slower,
because files are read into memory.
The advantages are:
- Line separators and encoding are automatically recognized, as if a file
is being edited.
- Uses Vim search patterns. Multi-line patterns can be used.
- When plugins are enabled: compressed and remote files can be searched.
You can also use the location list if you're already using the error list for dealing with compilation errors. just add l (for location) to the beginning of the grep command (:lvimgrep,:lvimgrepa :lgrep, :lgrepa) and use :lopen :ln :lp :lcl instead of the :c* ones.
For more commands consult
:help grep
:help quickfix-window
:help quickfix
:help quickfix-error-lists
:redir > matches.txt|execute 'g/foo/#'|redir END
See :h :redir, you can also redirect to registers, variables, the clipboard etc.
What you're doing is essentially 'grep -n label file' from command line. So you can run that command and > it into a file easily enough.
The derivation of 'grep' is even from basically the same source.
I've gotten this of the net at some point:
function GoToLine(mainbuffer)
let linenumber = expand("<cword>")
silent bd!
silent execute "buffer" a:mainbuffer
silent execute ":"linenumber
silent nunmap <Enter>
command -nargs=1 GoToLine :call GoToLine(<f-args>)
function GrepToBuffer(pattern)
let mainbuffer = bufnr("%")
silent %yank g
silent put! g
execute "%!egrep -n" a:pattern "| cut -b1-80 | sed 's/:/ /'"
silent 1s/^/\="# Press Enter on a line to view it\n"/
silent :2
silent execute "nmap <Enter> 0:silent GoToLine" mainbuffer "<Enter>"
" silent nmap <C-G> <C-O>:bd!<Enter>
command -nargs=+ Grep :call GrepToBuffer(<q-args>)
Put it in your .vimrc, then :Grep Foo
Requires external grep program to work properly.
(Just an idea -- untested.)
You can delete all the lines with your pattern in it, write to another file, and undo the delete.
:w matches
