Is it possible to build a Visual Studio application for Mac and Linux? Any "extensions" available - linux

I've created a nice application in Visual Studio. However, I want it to have multi-platform support. Is there any extension or anything I could implement to allow me to build my project for Windows, Mac and Linux users? Any suggestions or help would be helpful.
Thanks in advance,

This other question on Stack Overflow is similar to yours, but only is asking about running on the application on Mac OSX. Most of the answers are suggesting to use the Mono Project. Hope it helps a little!

Check out the Mono platform. It is designed to let developers create cross-platform apps in .NET.
It will run on Mac, Linux and Windows.
In practice it is a bit clunky and not everything is available for Linux (e.g. WPF), but it might be a good solution for what you are trying to do.


How do programmers create a cross platform installer for both Windows and Linux?

I have searched high and low for installers to customize after creating my applications (small, medium, and much bigger) in size. Yes, portable apps great but most people just want to install and also have it just update when updates are available and install and restart the next time or at least warn the user to save the work before the Application can reopen.
Yes, I have looked at NSIS and other installers, but they are merely for windows and not for both windows and Linux. Some of these installer projects have been discontinued. Most people who use Linux don't like to always build from the source.
I was wondering how I can create a POSIX compliant installer that my software can install on both Windows and Linux. What are the steps involved? I assume most or all installers use C++ to do all of the grunt work. I am interested in creating my own to fully understand C++ and how it works. This why I really need to know how an installer is made. Any helpful advice is welcomed.
Thanks in advance.
"Mainstream": A shared packaging format seems elusive. However, there are a few multi-platform deployment tools available. has a list towards the bottom here. I guess the two most commonly used tools are (both are commercial):
Advanced Installer for Java / Advanced Installer Enterprise (Windows and Mac, no Linux)
Flexera InstallAnywhere (Windows, Mac, Linux)
From this answer:

Does SourceMonitor works on all Platforms?

I am sorry if this question is too local or duplicate. I searched in google but not got any idea.
I recently heard about SourceMonitor. I have downloaded SourceMonitor3.3 and I am using it in Windows.
I have heard SourceMonitor works on only windows. So to know about it I ma asking here.
Does it works on all all OS platforms? If not is there any code analyzer that works on all platforms?
The only available downloads for Source Monitor are for Windows. SOURCE: Source Monitor v3.4
Depending on what you need to analyze, some of the tools the Static Code Analysis Wikipedia list may work for your application. We have used FxCop for production and CodeRush in testing but we are a pure Microsoft shop.

Develop Windows applications with Linux tools

I like the Linux operating system and vim editor, but there are many companies that develop under Windows environment in Visual studio etc. There is a possibility that I will have to work for such a company in about a month.
I'd like to do my work on my Linux system and copy the files to them. I have experience with both developments and I found out that I don't want to work with MS products but I like programming and writing MS code is not such a pain.
Are you a similar developer? Could you give me some advice about your methodology to be most of the time on Linux platform, to create code and debug everything in vim on Linux and only when neccessary open Visual Studio with Windows forms and similar things and test the things that weren't possible to test in Linux environment?
I would see the work in creating small peaces of code on Linux, testing them and then move it to MS platform and integrate to the whole system. How do you debug and test your code? The development will be probably in C# or C++. I can't imagine Visual Basic.
Please write here your experience, style of work, if this has sence or there are too many troubles and I should rather give up.
So the question is: How to develop applications that run on Windows with Linux tools, without touching Visual Studio and browsing with Windows file manager etc.
thank you
Not sure, if this will help you or not but there is a Vim Emulation layer for Visual Studio 2010 called VsVim.
Check out :
If I were you I'd install MinGW or Cygwin on your windows machine and just use gvim/vim anyway (or maybe just use the Win32 vim).
VS is just a big editor. You'll be building with the microsoft compilers ( perhaps using msbuild or nmake ) but probably are going to have to accept that you can only debug windows things with VS ( unless you build for MinGW or Cygwin and use gcc and gdb)
You can use vim as a code editor, you can even stick on Linux when developing software for the .NET platform. The people behind the Mono make this happen. Mono is a software platform designed to allow developers to easily create cross platform applications. It is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .Net Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime.
You can stick to the editor of your liking and use the tools that come with Mono to compile your stuff. There is a IDE called Mono Develop, but compared to Visual Studio it is pretty basic... and compared to VIM it lacks simplicity.
C# projects are plain text files so it's easy enough to edit them over an SMB share in whatever editor you wish from anywhere the sysadmins let you.
Testing however will be difficult without going back to the windows machine, and while Mono implements the framework, it's still a different environment if you're targeting Windows.

How do I install the Mono Winforms Designer on Mac OS X?

I've searched around but was unable to find a good, clear, answer. Can someone please explain to me how I can install the Mono Winforms Designer on Mac OS X? If it's not possible on OS X, can it be done on Linux? And if so, how?
Any and all help is appreciated! Thanks.
Although you probably could install the Mono Winforms designer on OS X or Linux, you will quickly find that it is a very rough prototype that is not suitable for use. Development on it was abandoned a couple of years ago.
You will be able to use MonoDevelop for the Mac OSX. Go to here and you will find the information on how to install it on Mac OSX. The download page for Mac OSX is here, click on the Mac OSX icon and you should be good to go after downloading the appropriate packages.
There is a caveat emptor which I'll quote from the page - Gtk# and System.Windows.Forms applications require X11. Installing on a machine without X11 installed will result in errors during install, and these components will not function correctly.
I would guess it has to do with the Mac OS X's GUI conflicting with X...I'd imagine..not 100% sure.
For MonoDevelop, click here, click on the Mac OSX Icon..this will sit on top of the Mono will need to dig around a bit to see if this will co-exist with your existing setup... not sure here...
The good news on the Linux side, is it works, if you are building mono from scratch, using the Mono-2.6.1. sources here, build in this order...
The rest of them are optional.
Edit: I have added a few more bits of information. There is a cross-platform alternative to designing GUI's with Mono, it is Gtk# and Glade#. The Gtk# toolkit is a wrapper around the GTK tools that is used by Gnome. Glade# is a UI designer toolkit that uses Gtk#. This answer would not be complete without mentioning a couple of links to some tutorials on Gtk#.
Gtk# Tutorial on CodeProject.
Calc# - an intro to Gtk#
Custom controls with Mono and Gtk# here
Glade code changer here
All of the above links reside at CodeProject.
Hope this helps,
Best regards,

Java Micro Edition (JME) SDK for Mac OS X or Linux

The question is clear from the title.
Is there an SDK for the Java Micro Edition available for Mac OS X or Linux? Or does one need Windows XP to develop JME applications?
No, with a 'but'
There is no WTK (Wireless Toolkit) from the main vendors available for Mac (NetBeans Wiki reference) so basically you can't debug nor test the code. But, you can use an emulator from a third co: MPowerPlayer
If you are using netbeans in any other OS but windows, you still can download and add the J2ME packages using the tools/plugins menu.
Then you can add the MPowerPlayer to the IDE as a J2ME platform. Netbeans (and i guess any other IDE with J2ME WTK support) will recognize it as a valid WTK,
I've posted an specific entry about this in my blog, but it's in spanish, although maybe you can follow the images. Give it a try, and don't hesitate to ask anything:
J2ME in Mac Os with NetBeans
Offically Sun's WTK is available only on Linux and Windows, however both SDKs can be used on Mac to compile J2ME applications.
Unfortunately the emulator and the preverifier will not work (since they are not Java based) so you will not be able to test your application.
To solve this problem you can use MicroEmulator or MPowerPlayer for both emulation and preverification (you can also use PhoneME for preverification).
This is a good guide to setup you development environment using Eclipse and this one is good for Netbeans.
But, if I can give an advice (I'm working since two years on J2ME development and I'm a Mac user), it is better if you develop on Windows or Linux through a virtual machine, because the two emulators do not have a very good compliance to the JSR's standard and do not include all of them.
Moreover on OSX it will be very difficult for you to test features like Bluetooth or LocationAPIs.
Netbeans has a JME SDK
May be this is helpful, I've found a Java ME Developer Studio for Mac OS X, developed by Motorola, I haven't tested yet, it's only and EA Release, I'll try this one, and I'll let u know in a subsequent post,
Oddly enough ... I just set this up 5 minutes ago on Linux.
You will need: <-- WTK
The WTK installer will ask where your JDK is. Do
find . -name "jar" -type f
and then where you have
Knock of the 'jar' and give that path to the installer. This will install ktoolbar which includes a phone emulator.
The download netbeans and install the mobile addons
This is not pure J2ME, but includes most of the API
I am using it to develop an application for my SE-C902
Yes, the official SDK for OSX can be downloaded here: Microemulator,, also works well, and I've heard people use MPowerPlayer with success.
