How can I set priority on event flows in wso2cep? - priority-queue

Let's say, we have several event flows. Some of them loads reference data to hazelcast event tables and others are actual event processors.
My objective is, while wso2cep server starts up, it will first run those event flows which are loading reference data to hazelcast event tables then it will start other flows.
It will help us to maintain reference data consistency in all the event processors flows.

I can see no other option other than loading within in individual execution plans.
There are two options:
Use trigger to load reference data periodically from RDBMS to Hazelcast. The actual process will use from Hazelcast table (This execution plan has been provided below)
Load from RDBMS and cache it.
So, at this moment, my questions are:
Which one is better in terms of memory utilization ?
Which one is better in terms of event processing speed ?
Please suggest if there are any other better way.
Execution Plan
/* define streams/tables and write queries here ... */
/* Facts/Events streams definition */
define stream actions (meta_name string, correlation_id int);
define stream userACtions (meta_username string, meta_actionname string);
/* Dimension tables(Event Tables) definition */
-- table from RDBMS
#from(eventtable = 'rdbms' , = 'PG' , = 'users')
define table DBUsers (id int, name string);
-- table from Hazelcast
#from(eventtable = 'hazelcast','hzUsers')
define table hzUsers (id int, name string);
/* Load dimension tables, from RDBMS to Hazelcast, periodically using trigger */
define trigger periodicTrigger at every 30 sec;
from periodicTrigger join DBUsers
select as id, as name
insert into hzUsers;
/* Actual execution plan */
from actions as A
join hzUsers as H
on A.correlation_id ==
select as meta_username, A.meta_name as meta_actionname
insert into userACtions;

I have checked hazelcast external cluster and seems like it is an extra overhead, need to create DataSerializable class for each type to tables.
So, I have decided as below for storing dimension/reference data for CEP:
For fully opensource project, I will go as I have mentioned in another answer posted by me and please read the comments there, specialty 2nd(Obaid) & 3rd(Grainier).
For commercial, projects I will go for voltdb.
Thanks all, specially #Grainier.


References to Streaming Delta Live Tables

It was my understanding that references to streaming delta live tables require the use of the function STREAM(), supplying the table name as an argument.
Given below is a code snippet that I found in one of the demo notebooks that Databricks provide. Here, I see the use of STREAM() in the FROM clause, but it has not been used in the LEFT JOIN, even though that table is also a streaming table. This query still works.
What exactly is the correct syntax here?
COMMENT "The cleaned sales orders with valid order_number(s) and partitioned by order_datetime."
SELECT f.customer_id, f.customer_name, f.number_of_line_items,
timestamp(from_unixtime((cast(f.order_datetime as long)))) as order_datetime,
date(from_unixtime((cast(f.order_datetime as long)))) as order_date,
f.order_number, f.ordered_products, c.state,, c.lon,, c.units_purchased, c.loyalty_segment
FROM STREAM(LIVE.sales_orders_raw) f
LEFT JOIN LIVE.customers c
ON c.customer_id = f.customer_id
AND c.customer_name = f.customer_name
Just for reference, given below are the other two tables that act as inputs to the above query,
COMMENT "The raw sales orders, ingested from /databricks-datasets."
AS SELECT * FROM cloud_files("/databricks-datasets/retail-org/sales_orders/", "json", map("cloudFiles.inferColumnTypes", "true"))
COMMENT "The customers buying finished products, ingested from /databricks-datasets."
AS SELECT * FROM cloud_files("/databricks-datasets/retail-org/customers/", "csv");
There are different types of joins on the Spark streams:
stream-static join. (doc) This is exactly your case, when you have STREAM(LIVE.sales_orders_raw) for orders, but the customers stream is considered static (it's read on each microbatch, and represents the state at moment of invocation). This is usually a case for your kind of functionality.
stream-stream join. In this case, both streams may need to align against each other, because data may come later, etc. In this case both streams will use STREAM(LIVE....) syntax. But it may not be the best case for you, because both streams need to wait until late data come, etc. - You will need to define a watermark for both streams, etc. Look for Spark documentation regarding that.

Handling Out-Of-Order Event Windowing in Apache Beam from a Multitenant Kafka Topic

I’ve been mulling over how to solve a given problem in Beam and thought I’d reach out to a larger audience for some advice. At present things seem to be working sparsely and I was curious if someone could provide a sounding-board to see if this workflow makes sense.
The primary high-level goal is to read records from Kafka that may be out of order and need to be windowed in Event Time according to another property found on the records and eventually emitting the contents of those windows and writing them out to GCS.
The current pipeline looks roughly like the following:
val partitionedEvents = pipeline
.apply("Read Events from Kafka",
.read<String, Log>()
// Set the watermark to use a specific field for event time
.withTimestampPolicyFactory { _, previousWatermark -> WatermarkPolicy(previousWatermark) }
ImmutableMap.of<String, Any?>(
ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest",
ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "log-processor-pipeline",
"schema.registry.url", options.schemaRegistryUrl
.apply("Logging Incoming Logs", ParDo.of(Events.log()))
.apply("Rekey Logs by Tenant", ParDo.of(Events.key()))
.apply("Partition Logs by Source",
// This is a custom function that will partition incoming records by a specific
// datasource field
Partition.of(dataSources.size, Events.partition<KV<String, Log>>(dataSources))
dataSources.forEach { dataSource ->
// Store a reference to the data source name to avoid serialization issues
val sourceName =
val tempDirectory = Directories.resolveTemporaryDirectory(options.output)
// Grab all of the events for this specific partition and apply the source-specific windowing
// strategies
"Building Windows for $sourceName",
SourceSpecificWindow.of<KV<String, Log>>(dataSource)
.apply("Group Windowed Logs by Key for $sourceName", GroupByKey.create())
.apply("Log Events After Windowing for $sourceName", ParDo.of(Events.logAfterWindowing()))
"Writing Windowed Logs to Files for $sourceName",
FileIO.writeDynamic<String, KV<String, MutableIterable<Log>>>()
.by { row -> "${row.key}/${sourceName}" }
.via(Contextful.fn(SerializableFunction { logs -> Files.stringify(logs.value) }), TextIO.sink())
.withNaming { partition ->}
In a simpler, bulleted form, it might look like this:
Read records from single Kafka topic
Key all records by their tenant
Partition stream by another event properly
Iterate through known partitions in previous step
Apply custom windowing rules for each partition (related to datasource, custom window rules)
Group windowed items by key (tenant)
Write tenant-key pair groupings to GCP via FileIO
The problem is that the incoming Kafka topic contains out-of-order data across multiple tenants (e.g. events for tenant1 might be streaming in now, but then a few minutes later you’ll get them for tenant2 in the same partition, etc.). This would cause the watermark to bounce back and forth in time as each incoming record would not be guaranteed to continually increase, which sounds like it would be a problem, but I'm not certain. It certainly seems that while data is flowing through, some files are simply not being emitted at all.
The custom windowing function is extremely simple and was aimed to emit a single window once the allowed lateness and windowing duration has elapsed:
object SourceSpecificWindow {
fun <T> of(dataSource: DataSource): Window<T> {
return Window.into<T>(FixedWindows.of(dataSource.windowDuration()))
.withAllowedLateness(dataSource.allowedLateness(), Window.ClosingBehavior.FIRE_ALWAYS)
However, it seemed inconsistent since we'd see logging come out after the closing of the window, but not necessarily files being written out to GCS.
Does anything seem blatantly wrong or incorrect with this approach? Since the data can come in out of order within the source (i.e. right now, 2 hours ago, 5 minutes from now) and covers data across multiple tenants, but the aim is try and ensure that one tenant that keeps up to date won't drown out tenants that might come in the past.
Would we potentially need another Beam application or something to "split" this single stream of events into sub-streams that are each processed independently (so that each watermark processes on their own)? Is that where a SplittableDoFn would come in? Since I'm running on the SparkRunner, which doesn't appear to support that - but it seems as though it'd be a valid use case.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated or even just another set of eyes. I'd be happy to provide any additional details that I could.
Currently running against SparkRunner
While this may not be the most helpful response, I'll be transparent as far as the end result. Eventually the logic required for this specific use-case extended far beyond the built-in capabilities of those in Apache Beam, primarily in the area around windowing/governance of time.
The solution that was landed on was to switch the preferred streaming technology from Apache Beam to Apache Flink, which as you might imagine was quite a leap. The stateful-centric nature of Flink allowed us to more easily handle our use cases, define custom eviction criteria (and ordering) around windowing, while losing a layer of abstraction over it.

Cassandra delete/update a row and get its previous value

How can I delete a row from Cassandra and get the value it had just before the deletion?
I could execute a SELECT and DELETE query in series, but how can I be sure that the data was not altered concurrently between the execution of those two queries?
I've tried to execute the SELECT and DELETE queries in a batch but that seems to be not allowed.
cqlsh:foo> BEGIN BATCH
... SELECT * FROM data_by_user WHERE user = 'foo';
... DELETE FROM data_by_user WHERE user = 'foo';
SyntaxException: line 2:4 mismatched input 'SELECT' expecting K_APPLY (BEGIN BATCH [SELECT]...)
In my use case I have one main table that stores data for items. And I've build several tables that allow to lookup items based on those informations.
If I delete an item from the main table, I must also remove it from the other tables.
CREATE TABLE items (id text PRIMARY KEY, owner text, liking_users set<text>, ...);
CREATE TABLE owned_items_by_user (user text, item_id text, PRIMARY KEY ((user), item_id));
CREATE TABLE liked_items_by_user (user text, item_id tect, PRIMARY KEY ((user), item_id));
I'm afraid the tables might contain wrong data if I delete an item and at the same time someone e.g. hits the like button of that same item.
The deleteItem method execute a SELECT query to fetch the current row of the item from the main table
The likeItem method that gets executed at the same times runs an UPDATE query and inserts the item into the owned_items_by_user, liked_items_by_user, ... tables. This happens after the SELECT statement was executed and the UPDATE query is executed before the DELETE query.
The deleteItem method deletes the items from the owned_items_by_user, liked_items_by_user, ... tables based on the data just retrieved via the SELECT statement. This data does not yet contain the just added like. The item is therefore deleted, but the just added like remains in the liked_items_by_user table.
You can do a select beforehand, then do a lightweight transaction on the delete to ensure that the data still looks exactly like it did when you selected. If it does, you know the latest state before you deleted. If it does not, keep retrying the whole procedure until it sticks.
Unfortunately you cannot do a SELECT query inside a batch statement. If you read the docs here, only insert, update, and delete statements can be used.
What you're looking for is atomicity on the execution, but batch statements are not going to be the way forward. If the data has been altered, your worst case situation is zombies, or data that could reappear.
Cassandra uses a grade period mechanism to deal with this, you can find the details here. If for whatever reason, this is critical to your business logic, the "best" thing you can do in this situation is to increase the consistency level, or restructure the read pattern at application level to not rely on perfect atomicity, whichever the right trade off is for you. So either you give up some of the performance, or tune down the requirement.
In practice, QUORUM should be more than enough to satisfy most situations most of the time. Alternatively, you can do an ALL, and you pay the performance penalty, but that means all replicas for the given foo partition key will have to acknowledge the write both in the commitlog and the memtable. Note, this still means a flush from the commitlog will need to happen before the delete is complete, but you can tune the consistency to the level you require.
You don't have atomicity in the SQL sense, but depending on throughput it's unlikely that you will need it(touch wood).
DELETE FROM data_by_user WHERE user = 'foo';
That should do the trick. The error you're seeing now is basically the ANTLR3 Grammar parser for CQL 3, which is not designed to accept to SELECT queries inside batches simply because they are not supported, you can see that here.

Selecting records in Cassandra based on Time range in frequent intervals

I have a table in Cassandra where i am storing events as they are coming in , different processing are done on the events at different stages. The events are entered into the table with the event occurrence time. I need to get all the events whose event time is less than a certain time and do some processing on them. As its a select range query and its invariably will use scatter gather. Can some one suggest best way to do this. This process is going to happen in every 5 secs and scatter gather happening in Cassandra happening frequently is not a good idea as its an overhead on Cassandra itself which will degrade my overall application Performance.
The table is as below:
PAS_REQ_STAGE (PartitionKey = EndpointID, category ; clusterkey= Automation_flag,alertID)
BatchPickTime: Timestamp
Automation_time: Timestamp
Eventtime which i have referred above is the BatchPickTime..
A scheduler wakes up at regular interval and gets all the records whose BatchPickTime is Less than the current scheduler wakeup time and sweeps them off from the table to process them.
Because of this usecase i cannot provide any specific Partition key for the query as it will have to get all data which has expired and is less than the current scheduler wake-up time.
Hi and welcome to Stackoverflow.
Please post your schema and maybe some example code with your question - you can edit it :)
The Cassandra-way of doing this is to denormalize data if necessary and build your schema around your queries. In your case I would suggest putting your events in to a table together with a time bucket:
CREATE TABLE events (event_source int, bucket timestamp,
event_time timestamp, event_text text PRIMARY KEY ((event_source, bucket),event_time));
The reason for this is that it is very efficent in cassandra to select a row by its so called partition key (in this example (event_source, bucket)) as such a query hits only one node. The reminder of the primary key is called clustering columns and defines the order of data, here all events for a day inside the bucket are sorted by event_time.
Try to model your event table in a way that you do not need to make multiple queries. There is a good and free data modeling course from DataStax available:
One note - be careful when using cassandra as queue - this is maybe an antipattern and you might be better of with a message queue as ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ or similar.

How to execute multiple queries in a single batch on Cassandra

I have a Cassandra table as below:
create table experience.userstats (stream varchar, user varchar, computer varchar, experience varchar, amount int, primary key (experience, stream, user, computer);
I am using Apache storm bolts to create these records in Cassandra from a queue spout.
I want to generate aggregate statistics and display the counter for different experiences for a given stream as a pie chart. For example, 30% satisfied, 40% mixed and 30% unsatisfied experience.
Since I cannot update counters online, I am using a Clock spout (timer) to read this data and generate counters into a new table. But Cassandra does not support group by clauses and hence I have to read thrice to get the counter for each experience as below.
select count(*) from experience.userstats where experience='satisfied' and stream='xyz';
select count(*) from experience.userstats where experience='unsatisfied' and stream='xyz';
select count(*) from experience.userstats where experience='mixed' and stream='xyz';
The problem with this approach is that I have to execute three queries on database to get the counters for the 3 types of experience and experience could be modified in the mean-time making these counters inconsistent.
Is there a way I can execute above three select statements in a single batch? Or could you please suggest an alternative design approach?
you can use
relation operator
like this,
SELECT count(*) FROM userstats WHERE experience IN('mixed','unsatisfied','satisfied) AND stream = 'xyz' ;
Executing count(*) will give you timeouts easy. Why don't you use counter field and just increment it when insert happens? This way you will just query for one value. Distributed counters are improved in 2.1 and later and they work great.
