SSAS OLAP Cube Dynamic Security. Many dimensions in one role - security

After setting a cube I was asked to add dynamic security with use of table of users and data they can see.
The problem is that i have to take into account 3 different dimensions.
I've decided to use the fact table with noneEmpty function on count.
([Measures].[Allowed Count],
After setting role I've got result like:
Dim1 | Dim2 | Dim3
1 | A | 300
1 | A | 320
1 | A | 340
1 | B | 300
1 | B | 320
1 | B | 340
Where it should be:
Dim1 | Dim2 | Dim3
1 | A | 300
1 | A | 320
1 | B | 340
Data for allowed user access are stored in table like
UserName | Dim1Key | Dim2Key | Dim3Key
Hierarchy is like
Each Dim1 contains each type of Dim2 that contains each type of Dim3.
And user can only access given member of Dim3 in Dim2 in Dim1.
Is there a way to connect this dimensions in MDX so each Dim in the end has only its respective values
After some research I've got this query:
SELECT [Measures].[CC Count] ON 0,
([Measures].[CC Count],
([Measures].[CC Count],
([Measures].[CC Count],
,([Measures].[CC Count],
ON 1
FROM [Cost Center]
That gives me wanted results, but I can't place it into Dimensiom Data in Role. Is there a way to change it?

Please try creating a new hidden dimension where the key attribute has a composite key of key1, key2 and key3. You will have to pick some NameColumn but it doesn't matter. So pick key1 as the name. You don't need anything on the dimension except the dimension key.
In the Dimension Usage of your cube designer make sure this new dimension is joined to all fact tables and to the security measure group which provided the CC Count measure.
Then create role based security just on that dimension. The users will be able to see all members of all dimensions but this new composite key dimension will ensure they can't see fact rows they are not supposed to. And this should perform much better than the alternative which is cell security.


EXCEL: How to automatically create groups based on sum being less than X and not greater than Y

I have table in Excel with some information, the main column is Weight (in KG).
I need Excel to group Rows into groups, where each group's sum of Weight (in KG) is less than 24000 kg and greater than 23500 kg.
To do so manually is very time consuming, since there are thousands of rows with different Weight values.
table example:
ID | Weight (KG)
1 | 11360
2 | 22570
3 | 10440
4 | 20850
5 | 9980
6 | 9950
7 | 19930
8 | 9930
9 | 9616
10 | 9580
... and so on
The closest I got to solving the problem is adding 3 new columns: Total, Starts Group and Group Number.
Total function: =IF(SUM(B3+C2)>24000,B3,SUM(B3+C2)) - calculates current sum of Weight values in the current group
Starts group function: =IF(SUM(B3+C2)>24000,B3,SUM(B3+C2)) - checks if current row makes a new group
Group number function: =IF(D3,E2+1,E2) - all rows that contain same number are in the same group
The problem with this is that it doesn't create groups that are greater than 23500 too, but only that are less than 2400 kg.
It doesn't have to be in Excel, any app/script would work too, it just has to get the job done.
Desired output:
ID | Weight (KG) | Group ID
1 | 11360 | 1
2 | 2570 | 2
3 | 10440| 1
4 | 20850 | 2
5 | 180| 2
6 | 1950 | 1
So i want to get groups similar to these:
Group number 1 - Total 23750kg
Group number 2 - Total 2360kg
Url to my example table with functions I added:!Au0UogL2uddbgTFJJ4TzSKLhPFPE?e=r02sPX
You may want to try this for total:
I just saw you pasted the proposal into your sample file. You may need to replace the ; with , due to regional format settings.
The limitation remains:
first priority is <24k and second priority is >=23.5k
If the next row’s value makes the “jump” above 24k you may end up remaining below 23.5k and switching to the next group
You may want to look up some optimization models and algorithms for your combination problem before trying to implement it in Excel.
Or try with simple rules, e.g. categorizing your rows such as weight over 20k, 16k, 12k,8k, 4k, 2k, 1k, 500, etc. and try to group/combine them accordingly


I am not sure how to go about creating a custom field to count instances given a condition.
I have a field, ID, that exists in two formats:
I would like to create two columns (one for A and one for B) and count instances by month. Something like COUNTIF ID STARTS WITH A for the first column resulting in something like below. Right now I can only create a table with the total count.
| Month | ID A | ID B |
| Jan | 100 | 10 |
| Feb | 130 | 13 |
| Mar | 90 | 12 |
Define ID A as...
...and set the Default aggregation property to Total.
Do the same for ID B.
Apologies if I misunderstood the requirement, but you maybe able to spin the list into crosstab using the section off the toolbar, your measure value would be count(ID).
Try this
Query 1 to count A , filtering by substring(ID,1,1) = 'A'
Query 2 to count B , filtering by substring(ID,1,1) = 'B'
Join Query 1 and Query 2 by Year/Month
List by Month with Count A and Count B

Scaling values with a known upper limit

I have a column of values in Excel that I need to modify by a scale factor. Original column example:
| Value |
| 75 |
| 25 |
| 25 |
| 50 |
| 0 |
| 0 |
| 100 |
Scale factor: 1.5
| Value |
| 112.5 |
| 37.5 |
| 37.5 |
| 75 |
| 0 |
| 0 |
| 150 |
The problem is I need them to be within a range of 0-100. My first thought was take them as percentages of 100, but then quickly realized that this would be going in circles.
Is there some sort of mathematical method or Excel formula I could use to handle this so that I actually make meaningful changes to the values, such that when these numbers are modified, 150 is 100 but 37.5 might not be 25 and I'm not just canceling out my scale factor?
Assuming your data begin in cell A1, you can use this formula:
Copy downward as needed.
You could do something like:
ScaledValue = (v - MIN(AllValues)) / (MAX(AllValues) - MIN(AllValues)) * (SCALE_MAX - SCALE_MIN) + SCALE_MIN
Say your raw data (a.k.a. AllValues) ranges from a MIN of 15 to a MAX of 83, and you want to scale it to a range of 0 to 100. To do that you would set SCALE_MIN = 0 and SCALE_MAX = 100. In the above equation, v is any single value in the data.
Hope that helps
Another option is:
ScaledValue = PERCENTRANK.INC(AllValues, v)
In contrast to my earlier suggestion, (linear --- preserves relative spacing of the data points), this preserves the order of the data but not spacing. Using PERCENTRANK.INC will have the effect that sparse data will get compressed closer together, and bunched data will get spread out.
You could also do a weighted combination of the two methods --- give the linear method a weight of say 0.5 so that relative spacing is partially preserved.

cassandra composite index and compact storages

I am new in cassandra, have not run it yet, but my business logic requires to create such table.
user_id uuid,
keyword text,
score text,
fID int,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, keyword, score); )
Is it possible or not? I have only one column(fID) which is not part of my composite index, so i hope I will be able to apply compact_storage setting. Pay attention thet I ordered by third column of my composite index, not second. I need to compact the storage as well, so the keywords will not be repeated for each fID.
A few things initially about your CREATE TABLE statement:
It will error on the semicolon (;) after your PRIMARY KEY definition.
You will need to pick a new name, as Index is a reserved word.
Pay attention thet I ordered by third column of my composite index, not second.
You cannot skip a clustering key when you specify CLUSTERING ORDER.
However, I do see an option here. Depending on your query requirements, you could simply re-order keyword and score in your PRIMARY KEY definition, and then it would work:
CREATE TABLE giveMeABetterName(
user_id uuid,
keyword text,
score text,
fID int,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, score, keyword)
That way, you could query by user_id and your rows (keywords?) for that user would be ordered by score:
SELECT * FROM giveMeABetterName WHERE `user_id`=1b325b66-8ae5-4a2e-a33d-ee9b5ad464b4;
If that won't work for your business logic, then you might have to retouch your data model. But it is not possible to skip a clustering key when specifying CLUSTERING ORDER.
But re-ordering of columns does not work for me. Can I do something like this WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (keyword asc, score desc)
Let's look at some options here. I created a table with your original PRIMARY KEY, but with this CLUSTERING ORDER. That will technically work, but look at how it treats my sample data (video game keywords):
aploetz#cqlsh:stackoverflow> SELECT * FROM givemeabettername WHERE user_id=dbeddd12-40c9-4f84-8c41-162dfb93a69f;
user_id | keyword | score | fid
dbeddd12-40c9-4f84-8c41-162dfb93a69f | Assassin's creed | 87 | 0
dbeddd12-40c9-4f84-8c41-162dfb93a69f | Battlefield 4 | 9 | 0
dbeddd12-40c9-4f84-8c41-162dfb93a69f | Uncharted 2 | 91 | 0
(3 rows)
On the other hand, if I alter the PRIMARY KEY to cluster on score first (and adjust CLUSTERING ORDER accordingly), the same query returns this:
user_id | score | keyword | fid
dbeddd12-40c9-4f84-8c41-162dfb93a69f | 91 | Uncharted 2 | 0
dbeddd12-40c9-4f84-8c41-162dfb93a69f | 87 | Assassin's creed | 0
dbeddd12-40c9-4f84-8c41-162dfb93a69f | 9 | Battlefield 4 | 0
Note that you'll want to change the data type of score from TEXT to a numeric (int/bigint) to avoid ASCII-betical sorting, like this:
user_id | score | keyword | fid
dbeddd12-40c9-4f84-8c41-162dfb93a69f | 91 | Uncharted 2 | 0
dbeddd12-40c9-4f84-8c41-162dfb93a69f | 9 | Battlefield 4 | 0
dbeddd12-40c9-4f84-8c41-162dfb93a69f | 87 | Assassin's creed | 0
Something that might help you, is to read through this DataStax doc on Compound Keys and Clustering.

Detect overlapping ranges and correct then in oracle

Googling it a bit I found this to be an interesting question. Would like you guys shots.
Having my table
1 | A | 20110101 | 20110105
1 | B | 20110106 | 20110110
2 | A | 20110101 | 20110107
2 | B | 20110105 | 20110110
Whant I want is to fix user's 2 case, where maps A and B overlaps by a couple days (from 20110105 until 20110107).
I wish I was able to query that table in a way that it never return overlapping ranges. My input data is falky already, so I don't have to worry with the conflict treatment, I just want to be able to get a single value for any given BETWEEN these dates.
Possible outputs for the query I'm trying to build would be like
2 | B | 20110108 | 20110110 -- pushed overlapping days ahead..
2 | A | 20110101 | 20110104 -- shrunk overlapping range
It doesn't even matter if the algorithm causes "invalid ranges", e.g. Start = 20110105, End = 20110103, I'll just put null when I get to these cases.
What would you guys say? Any straight forward way to get this done?
Analytic functions could help:
select userid, map
, case when prevend >= startday then prevend+1 else startday end newstart
, endday
( select userid, map, startday, endday
, lag(endday) over (partition by userid order by startday) prevend
from mytable
order by userid, startday
1 A 01/01/2011 01/05/2011
1 B 01/06/2011 01/10/2011
2 A 01/01/2011 01/07/2011
2 B 01/08/2011 01/10/2011
