Traffic Camera KML link address from FTP - kml

A free KML link on CA traffic camera is working on my dashboard, (, but when I save the file into my FTP server and create a new link, the link is dead. (
Does anyone know why and how to fix the issue?

Your server is serving the KML with the wrong "Content-Type": Content-Type: text/plain
Per the documentation, that should be:


How to disable proxy for CloudFlare?

I changed my domain's nameserver to CloudFalre yesterday. But I'm confuse about Caching system of CloudFlare.
My server is Node.js based server and even client request same url, sometimes server response with different contents.
As I found on internet, CloudFlare uses cache for fast browsing. It saves the content of server in their cache server and when client request same resource to server, CloudFlare returns resource to client without connecting with original server.
So if server's resource become different, CloudFlare will return old resource, is it right?
I setted A record for some domain and it become a "Proxying Mode". I cannot change it to gray connection.
Should I pay for do it? or is there a way to change this?
Thank you.
Cloudflare should not cache text/html, application/json types of responses. Static javascript files and images may be cached. Here is an article about what will be cached by default.
There should be no reason that you cannot change the "orange cloud" proxied mode to "grey cloud" DNS by clicking the icon.

ForeFont TMG 2010 - Block Youtube

I want to block youtube with TMG 2010
I try with url name* or or or or .youtube.
I aslo add content fliter
and stop Flash player
User cannot access directly but they can access and view video without problem.
User can access and view video without any problem.
Please help me slove this problem.
Thanks and best regards.
You can make a forward zone called on your internal DNS and give it IP of or your can make denied page and pointing to it. This worked for me.

HTTPS downloads/uploads

my website is accessible through https, so it provides a secure connection to the user that has to fill in some sensible details.
Does the security extend also to downloads and uploads done through the website?
For example. I provide a simple "Browse" button to upload a file, or a link to download a file hosted on the website, is the download/upload secure as well?
Let me explain some things first.
SSL is just a layer or a connection., whichever data that is being sent/received to your website are in packets and are successfully encrypted, whilst this hopefully prevents "Man-in-the-Middle Attack".[Good news..right ? :-)]
But .. as per your request No SSL does not ensure security when it regards to uploads/downloads.
You need to add exception to file types [MIME] that you are letting other (end-users) to upload to your server [Here, SSL has no work here]. You have to set these limitations on your coding part., If these things are not handled properly, a hacker may upload a SHELL script on your upload section and can gain root access to your server and you can't blame this on SSL.

Loading Facebook profile picture securely

I'm trying to include users profile picture from facebook, which works fine, but the thing is when you want to include it on a SSL-secured page. I can't find a way to get the picture to load from a secure location. Using the following link to the users profile pic:<FB_ID HERE>/picture?type=square
Even though I use https it doesn't get loaded securely (browser says the page is just partially encrypted). And this isn't strange since the link just redirects to the images, for example for my profile picture:
This will get the picture from:
Note that that is not a secure location.
Anyone know how to load the profile picture securely through the https protocol?
Add return_ssl_resources=1 to your Graph call:<FB_ID>/picture?type=square&return_ssl_resources=1
This is the proper way to get a SSL-served image; the redirect will be to a https server with a proper SSL certificate.
Update: It appears Facebook will now automatically give you a redirect to https-hosted images when you use, so the return_ssl_resources parameter is no longer necessary.
Using still gets you a http-hosted image.
It IS a secure location, it's just not a secure redirect
All you can do is making sure you are using secure request when calling the graph api, after that Facebook will take over the communication and nothing can be done.
Well, is a 302 redirect to http://.... But note that https://... still works (example).
So it looks like one solution is to parse the 302 yourself, insert the 's' in the appropriate place, then fetch the image. But on the downside, the linked page above has certificate errors, and there isn't a good way to fix that.
(I'm not saying this is a good answer...)
The 302 redirect will have your picture URL as stated in the Open Graph API documentation.
The you need to change from:
/ http /
/ https /
And from: / http / to: / https /
I really think that FB should do that in their API's !!!!
You could proxy it through your own server. Set up a script that fetches the image from Facebook then servers it back to you over SSL.
For Example
if (stristr($path, "fbcdn.")==FALSE && stristr($path, "facebook.")==FALSE)
echo "ERROR";
header("Content-Description: Facebook Proxied File");
header("Content-Type: image");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$path);
Taken from
Accessed via should return the userpic via SSL.
You can also get secure profile pics in bulk in which case you have to add the return_ssl_resources=1 param as #josh3736 mentioned.,id2,id3,...&fields=picture&return_ssl_resources=1
Use ***http***:// instead of **https**://

How do I know if IIS is really Compressing my HTML?

Our IIS server has Dynamic and Static HTML Compression enabled, but when I browse to our website and view the Response Headers in Fiddler, I only see the "Content-Encoding: gzip" header for one resource (a flash file).
Why would the other response types not have this header? Does it mean that compression is NOT working for the other responses?
The only way to be 100% sure that compression is active is to compare the size of the downloaded resource against the original file on the server. The network tab of the Firebug extension can help you here.
It looks like our company network was actually stripping out the Content-Encoding header. (I have no idea why). When I browse from home the gzipping seems to work fine. This post on helped me figure it out.
