Live sync of Spark RDD from Cassandra table - apache-spark

I'm looking for a way to keep a Spark RDD in sync with a Cassandra table. I know it is possible to load a full Cassandra table into an RDD as a one shot operation but would like to keep the RDD synchronized with updates happening to the Cassandra table.
This will allow to not reload the full table into Spark everytime I need to get fresh data into Spark (which can be long if the table is big).
Any hint ?


How does spark saveAsTable work while reading and writing to hive table

I have the following code:
Dataset<Row> rows = sparkContext.sql ("select from hive tables with multiple joins");
rows.saveAsTable(writing to another external table in hive immediately);
1) In the above case when saveAsTable() is invoked, will spark load the whole dataset into memory?
1.1) If yes, then how do we handle the scenario when this query can actually return huge volume of data which cannot fit into the memory?
2) When spark starts executing saveAsTable() to write data to the external Hive table when the server crashes, is there a possibility of partial data be written to the target Hive table?
2.2) If yes, how do we avoid incomplete/partial data being persisted into target hive tables?
Yes spark will place all data in memory but use parallel processes. But when we write data it will use driver memory to store the data before write. So try increasing driver memory.
so there are couple of options you have. If you have memory in clustor you can increase num-cores, num-executors, executor-memory along with driver-memory based on data size.
If you cannot fit all data in memory break the data and process in a loop programatically.
Lets say source data is partitioned by date and you have 10 days to process. try to process 1 day at a time and write to a staging dataframe. Then create partition based on date in final table and overwrite date everytime in loop.

Ignite Spark Dataframe slow performance

I was trying to improve the performance of some existing spark dataframe by adding ignite on top of it. Following code is how we currently read dataframe
val df =
I managed to save and load spark dataframe from ignite by the example here: Following code is how I do it now with ignite
val df =
.format(IgniteDataFrameSettings.FORMAT_IGNITE()) //Data source
.option(IgniteDataFrameSettings.OPTION_TABLE(), "person") //Table to read.
.option(IgniteDataFrameSettings.OPTION_CONFIG_FILE(), CONFIG) //Ignite config.
SQL Query(like select a, b, c from table where x) on ignite dataframe is working but the performance is much slower than spark alone(i.e without ignite, query spark DF directly), an SQL query often take 5 to 30 seconds, and it's common to be 2 or 3 times slower spark alone. I noticed many data(100MB+) are exchanged between ignite container and spark container for every query. Query with same "where" but smaller result is processed faster. Overall I feel ignite dataframe support seems to be a simple wrapper on top of spark. Hence most of the case it is slower than spark alone. Is my understanding correct?
Also by following the code example when the cache is created in ignite it automatically has a name like "SQL_PUBLIC_name_of_table_in_spark". So I could't change any cache configuration in xml (Because I need to specify cache name in xml/code to configure it and ignite will complain it already exists) Is this expected?
First of all, it doesn't seem that your test is fair. In the first case you prefetch Parquet data, cache it locally in Spark, and only then execute the query. In case of Ignite DF you don't use caching, so data is fetched during query execution. Typically you will not be able to cache all your data, so performance with Parquet will go down significantly once some of the data needs to be fetched during execution.
However, with Ignite you can use indexing to improve the performance. For this particular case, you should create index on the x field to avoid scanning all the data every time query is executed. Here is the information on how to create an index:

What role Spark SQL acts? Memory DB?

Recently i come to Spark SQL.
I read the Data Source Api and still confused at what role Spark SQL acts.
When i do SQL on whatever i need, will spark load all the data first and perform sql in memory? That means spark sql is only a memory db that works on data already loaded. Or it scan locally every time?
Really willing to any answers.
Best Regards.
I read the Data Source Api and still confused at what role Spark SQL acts.
Spark SQL is not a database. It is just an interface that allows you to execute SQL-like queries over the data that you store in Spark specific row-based structures called DataFrame
To run a SQL query via Spark, the first requirement is that the table on which you are trying to run a query should be present in either the Hive Metastore (i.e the table should be present in Hive) or it should be a temporary view that is part of the current SQLContext/HiveContext.
So, if you have a dataframe df and you want to run SQL queries over it, you can either use:
df.createOrReplaceTempView("temp_table") // or registerTempTable
and then you can use the SQLContext/HiveContext or the SparkSession to run queries over it.
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM temp_table")
Here's eliasah's answer that explains how createOrReplaceTempView works internally
When i do SQL on whatever i need, will spark load all the data first and perform sql in memory?
The data will be stored in-memory or on disk depending upon the persistence strategy that you use. If you choose to cache the table, the data will get stored in memory and the operations would be considerable faster when compared to the case where data is fetched from the disk. That part is anyway configurable and up to the user. You can basically tell Spark how you want it to store the data.
Spark-sql will only cache the rows that are pulled by the action, this means that it will cache as many partitions as it has to read during the action. this makes your first call much faster than your second call

Efficient Filtering on a huge data frame in Spark

I have a Cassandra table with 500 million rows. I would like to filter based on a field which is a partition key in Cassandra using spark.
Can you suggest the best possible/efficient approach to filter in Spark/Spark SQL based on the list keys which is also a pretty large.
Basically i need only those rows from the Cassandra table which are present in the list of keys.
We are using DSE and its features.
The approach i am using is taking lot of time roughly around an hour.
Have you checked repartitionByCassandraReplica and joinWithCassandraTable ?
joinWithCassandraTable utilizes the java drive to execute a single
query for every partition required by the source RDD so no un-needed
data will be requested or serialized. This means a join between any
RDD and a Cassandra Table can be performed without doing a full table
scan. When performed between two Cassandra Tables which share the same
partition key this will not require movement of data between machines.
In all cases this method will use the source RDD's partitioning and
placement for data locality.
The method repartitionByCassandraReplica can be used to relocate data
in an RDD to match the replication strategy of a given table and
keyspace. The method will look for partition key information in the
given RDD and then use those values to determine which nodes in the
Cluster would be responsible for that data.

What is the metastore for in Spark?

I am using SparkSQL in python. I have created a partitioned table (~few hundreds of partitions) stored it into Hive Internal Table using the hiveContext. The hive warehouse is located in S3.
When I simply do "df = hiveContext.table("mytable"). It would take over a minute to going through all the partitions the first time. I thought the metastore stored all the metadata. Why would spark still need to going through each partition? Is it possible to avoid this step so my startup can be faster?
The key here is that it takes this long to load the file metadata only on the first query. The reason is that SparkSQL doesn't store the partition metadata in the Hive metastore. For Hive partitioned tables, the partition information needs to be stored in the metastore. Depending on how the table is created will dictate how this behaves. From the information provided, it sounds like you created a SparkSQL table.
SparkSQL stores the table schema (which includes partition information) and the root directory of your table, but still discovers each partition directory on S3 dynamically when the query is run. My understanding is that this is a tradeoff so you don't need to manually add new partitions whenever the table is updated.
