How can we set nodetool and cqlsh to be run from anywhere and by any user on linux server - cassandra

I am trying to setup environment variables so that any user on a particular server can run commands like nodetool or cqlsh from any where in linux file system . The effort to traverse to bin directory everytime should be saved .
How can we achieve this ? My DSE 4.8 is a tarball install .

Nodetool is usually available to any user that has execution privileges in your linux boxes
For cqlsh, you can set any configuration inside the cqlshrc file (usually found in $HOME/.cassandra/cqlshrc; we have used to enable client-node encryption but has more configurable options

To setup environment variable just follow some steps from root user:
# vi /etc/profile.d/
Add the following lines to the file-
export CASSANDRA_HOME=/opt/apache-cassandra-3.0.8
export CASSANDRA_CONF_DIR=/opt/apache-cassandra-3.0.8/conf
Here /opt/ is my directory, where I've extracted my apache-cassandra-3.0.8-bin.tar.gz tarball.
After adding those lines to, save and exit. Then-
# source /etc/profile.d/


Move db2 from Windows to Linux

I'm trying to move db2 db from windows to linux server. When I move data to linux db by this command:
db2move DBNAME load -lo REPLACE -u userID -p password > load_remote.txt
I had this error:
SQL3126N Remote client requires absolute path for files and directories.
Do you mean to use the 'load client' syntax (instead of just load) ?
See the details in the documentation.
The LOAD command requires that the files to be loaded are already on the Db2-target-server.
The LOAD CLIENT alternative allows the files to be on a remotely connected Db2-client (or on your Windows Db2-server if that is the source machine).
You can also just copy the IXF files to the Linux Db2-server, and open an SSH session to that Linux environment and run the LOAD command there. Your choice.
As with the LOAD command, LOAD CLIENT operates on one file at a time (in your case, one file per table) unless using lobsinsepfiles option, or other special cases.

Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning in Cassandra

I am getting following error while running the cassandra.
$ sudo service cassandra start
$ cassandra
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: Cannot open file /var/log/cassandra/gc.log due to Permission denied.
I guess you have installed the Cassandra using repositories. Cassandra needs a directory to store data and in your case, it cannot create that directories because of permission problems. You have three-way:
Become the root user using the command sudo su and run the command cassandra as the root user. You can issue the command sudo systemctl enable cassandra.service to run Cassandra automatically at startup.
change the following setting in cassandra.yaml file to where the user has permission, like your home directory.
add the line export CASSANDRA_HOME=path/to/cassandra in user .bashrc file and after that run source .bashrc to compile it. This makes Cassandra know the Cassandra install directory and creates the nesseccery folder within that.

Cannot Connect to Linux Oracle Databse with Perl Script after connecting with PuTTY

I have the following problem:
I currently connect to one of our Linux servers using PuTTY on my Windows 10 machine. If I use a ‘standard’ PuTTY connection I have no problem: I can log in and run my Perl script to access an Oracle database on the Linux server. However, recently I have set up a new PuTTY connection (I copied the original working copy used above). The only difference from the original is that I have entered the following in the section Connection->SSH->Remote command of the PuTTY configuration window:
cd ../home/code/project1/scripts/perl ; /bin/bash
(I have done this so I arrive directly in the folder containing all my scripts.)
I can still log into the server with no problems and it takes me straight to the folder that contains my Perl scripts. However, when I run the script to access the Oracle database I get the following error:
DBI connect('server1/dbname','username',...) failed: ERROR OCIEnvNlsCreate. Check ORACLE_HOME (Linux) env var or PATH (Windows) and or NLS settings, permissions, etc. at line 10.
impossible de se connecter à server1 / dbname at line 10, <DATA> line 1.
In addition, if I run the env command on the server the variable $ORACLE_HOME is not listed (If I run the same env command on the server with the standard PuTTY connection the $ORACLE_HOME variable is present.)
Just to note: Running any other Perl script on the server (that does NOT access the Oracle database) through either of the PuTTY sessions I have created works with no problems.
Any help much appreciated.
When you set the remote command in PuTTY, it skips running of .bash_profile that is present in your default $HOME directory. This is why you are getting the error.
To resolve it, either place a copy of .bash_profile in your perl directory, or add a command to execute .bash_profile in remote command
OK, I have the solution!...Thanks to everyone who replied.
Basically, I originally had the command:
cd ../home/code/project1/scripts/perl ; /bin/bash (See original post)
To get it to work I replaced the above with
cd ../home/code/project1/scripts/perl; source ~/.bash_profile; /bin/bash
I also tried:
cd ../home/code/project1/scripts/perl; /bin/bash; source ~/.bash_profile
But that did NOT work.
Hope this helps someone.

How to use to start standalone Worker that uses different SPARK_HOME (than Master)?

I have installed spark 2.1.1 on 2 machines but in different relative locations ie in one machine I have installed somewhere on an NTFS drive and on the other one I have installed it on an ext4 drive. I am trying to start a cluster in standalone mode with 2 slaves and a master by having 1 Master and 1 slave on 1 machine and 1 slave on other machine.
When I try to start this cluster via script on master node, I get the following error :- bash: line 0: cd: /home/<somePath>/spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.7: No such file or directory
I have set proper SPARK_HOME in respective bashrc files. Below is my slave file (in the 1 master + 1 slave machine)
I can remotely login to the 1 slave machine via ssh. I am able to run Spark cluster individually in each machine.
It is my understanding when I try to remotely start a slave from my master machine via script it is trying to goto the location where spark is installed on master node, but as on slave node the spark is installed on a different location, it fails. Can anyone please tell me how can I rectify this problem?
In you can find the following:
if [ -z "${SPARK_HOME}" ]; then
export SPARK_HOME="$(cd "`dirname "$0"`"/..; pwd)"
# Load the Spark configuration
. "${SPARK_HOME}/sbin/"
# Start Master
# Start Workers
which has nothing to do with the Spark installation on the standalone master. simply uses whatever SPARK_HOME you've defined globally and uses it across all nodes in the cluster, for standalone master and workers.
In your case, I'd recommend writing a custom startup script that would start the standalone Master and workers per respective SPARK_HOME env vars. (source here) does simply the following:
And so there is not much magic going on, but to ssh to every node and execute the command line.
I think I'd even use Ansible for this.
You should check your ~/.bashr. You can see my bashrc below:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_121
export JRE_HOME=$JAVA_HOME/jre
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/local/src/scala/scala-2.12.1
export SPARK_HOME=/usr/local/spark/2.1.0
Finally, you have to update your bashrc environment:
source ~/.bashrc
In my case I had 2 Macs and 1 PC/Linux machine as workers. 1 of the Macs acted as a master as well.
On the Macs, I had installed spark under /Users/<user>/spark and set my $SPARK_HOME to this path.
On the Linux machine (ubuntu), I had setup the spark directory under /home/<user>/spark. When running on my spark master machine (1 of the Macs) would cause an error on the Linux worker: bash: line 1: cd: /Users/<user>/spark: No such file or directory bash: line 1: /Users/<user>/spark/sbin/ No such file or directory
In order to fix the pathing problem, I mimicked the Mac by creating a symbolic link on the Linux machine pointing a "/Users" directory to the "/home" directory. This tricked Spark into working on that Linux machine/worker just as it works on the Macs
cd /
sudo ln -s home Users
This is probably not the most elegant solution but it meant I did not need to maintain my own version of and its associated subscripts.

Where is cassandra backup stored on windows

I am using Cassandra 1.2 db on windows 7.
I want to take the back up of a keyspace.
I am doing as following:
C:\Workspace\apache-cassandra-1.2.4-bin\bin> nodetool -h localhost -p 7199 snaps
hot myDb
Starting NodeTool
Requested snapshot for: myDb
Snapshot directory: 1371534210892
So it shows snapshot directory as 1371534210892 . What does it mean?
Where can I find the snapshot just created ?
Check C:\var\lib\cassandra\data\system\myDb\snapshots\1371534210892
Before I provide details its important that you know my environment so you can compare.
How I setup Cassandra
I downloaded the zip from Apache's website then I unzipped it to C:\apache-cassandra-1.2.5 and finally I added the CASSANDRA_HOME environment variable.
How I start / backup Cassandra
I start cassandra by running startup.bat in the bin folder:
I backup cassandra by running the same command that you did (I backed up system because it was a fresh cassandra install):
nodetool -h localhost snapshot system
# output:
Starting NodeTool
Requested snapshot for: system
Snapshot directory: 1371547087563
I then browsed to the following directory where I found the 1371547087563 folder:
The snapshot is also created for every other keyspace so with a clean install I could find it in:
So basically it backups up the 4 internal keyspaces (system, schema_columns, schema_columnfamilies, schema_keyspaces) and the keyspace that you provide on the end as a parameter to the nodetool command, but because I specified system as the param, the command created snapshots of the 4 internal keyspaces only.
In your case the fifth keyspace would be the one you are after.
find 1371534210892 folder inside cassandra/data/yourkeyspacename (equivalent to folder/var/lib/data/yourkeyspacename in LINUX) here each CF have 1371534210892 folder under snapshot directory which is latest one,
This base cassandra folder is the one which you generated during installation not the one having bin and all directories
