If values of two sheets match then add new sheet - excel

I have two sheets that have two columns with equal values, I want my script when the two values match create a new sheet with the name of value in a second column of the second sheet adjacent to the value found.
The script below stops at the first matching, I wish that the process continues for all possible matches.
Public Sub try()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, b As Long, Fente As String, newente As Worksheet
With Worksheets("totale")
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End With
For i = 2 To lastRow
With Worksheets("totale")
If .Cells(i, 5).Value = Worksheets("liste").Cells(i, 2).Value Then
Fente = Worksheets("liste").Cells(i, 1).Value
Set newente = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:= _
newente.Name = Fente
i = i + 1
End If
End With
Next i
End Sub

Your code works almost OK there is one issue but not as you describe it the issue that I noticed is that you manually increment i which will result in i=i+2 when match is found and next line will not be checked as it will skip every second line when matched.
I believe the problem is that you might look at wrong records when determining end value of loop or pointing to incorrect columns/sheets for names. Your last row procedure check "Totale" column A but the values you compare are column "B" in "Liste" and column "E" in totale and creates a sheet based on name in "Liste" column "A". If that is incorrect you might need to change your pointers.
So your loop will repeat itself as many times as many records you have in Totale."A" end then stop, additionally you will get an error if Liste.A will be blank or will contain illegal character so I included additional check in the code below.
Public Sub try()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, b As Long, Fente As String, newente As Worksheet
With Worksheets("totale")
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End With
For i = 2 To lastRow
With Worksheets("totale")
If .Cells(i, 5).Value = Worksheets("liste").Cells(i, 1).Value Then
Fente = Worksheets("liste").Cells(i, 1).Value
Set newente = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:= _
'check if name is valid and not empty cell
If FileNameValid(Fente) And Fente <> "" Then
newente.Name = Fente
'if not save as illegal name
newente.Name = "bad_name_row_" & i
End If
'i = i + 1 - REMOVE THIS PART. You skip additional line when they are the same
' this is executed and then Next i also increments by one
End If
End With
Next i
End Sub
'check if valid file name is used in cell
Function FileNameValid(sFileName As String) As Boolean
Dim notAllowed As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim result As Boolean
'list of forbidden characters
notAllowed = Array("/", "\", ":", "*", "?", "< ", ">", "|", """")
'Initial result = OK
result = True
For i = LBound(notAllowed) To UBound(notAllowed)
If InStr(1, sFileName, notAllowed(i)) > 0 Then
'forbidden character used
result = False
Exit Function
End If
Next i
FileNameValid = result
End Function
With the screens you just added it is certain that you point to wrong cells in macro. Swapping those pointers and removing that i+1 should do it.
Cells(i, 5).Value = Worksheets("liste").Cells(i, **1**).Value Then
Fente = Worksheets("liste").Cells(i, **2**).Value
Try the full updated code from above.

I solved the problem.
Here is my code:
Public Sub try()
Dim lastRow As Long, lrow As Long
Dim i As Long, c As Long, Fente As String, newente As Worksheet
With Worksheets("totale")
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
End With
With Worksheets("liste")
lrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
End With
For i = 2 To lastRow
For c = 2 To lrow
With Worksheets("totale")
If .Cells(i, 5).Value = Worksheets("liste").Cells(i, 2).Value Then
Fente = Worksheets("liste").Cells(c, 1).Value
'skip to next value if sheet exists
If sheetExists(Fente) = True Then
On Error Resume Next
Set newente = ThisWorkbook.sheets.Add(After:= _
If FileNameValid(Fente) And Fente <> "" Then
newente.Name = Fente
'if not save as illegal name
newente.Name = "bad_name_row_" & i
End If
'NOTE: this will overwrite name set by ELSE
newente.Name = Fente
End If
End If
End With
Next c
Next i
End Sub
'check if valid file name is used in cell
Function FileNameValid(sFileName As String) As Boolean
Dim notAllowed As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim result As Boolean
'list of forbidden characters
notAllowed = Array("/", "\", ":", "*", "?", "< ", ">", "|", """")
'Initial result = OK
result = True
For i = LBound(notAllowed) To UBound(notAllowed)
If InStr(1, sFileName, notAllowed(i)) > 0 Then
'forbidden character used
result = False
Exit Function
End If
Next i
FileNameValid = result
End Function
Function sheetExists(sheetToFind As String) As Boolean
sheetExists = False
For Each Sheet In Worksheets
If sheetToFind = Sheet.Name Then
sheetExists = True
Exit Function
End If
Next Sheet
End Function
Thank you all.


Highlight if 2 different values in a cell

would anyone be able to help?
I am trying to write VBA to highlight if the cell has 2 different values. It seems to highlight all including the same name appear twice. Thanks for any help!
Sub CountTwoOrMoreDifferent()
Dim myRange As Long
myRange = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A2:A" & myRange).Select
For Each AnimalName In Selection
AnimalNameMoreThan2 = AnimalName.Value
If InStr(AnimalNameMoreThan2, "Cat") + _
InStr(AnimalNameMoreThan2, "Dog") + _
InStr(AnimalNameMoreThan2, "Cow") _
+ InStr(AnimalNameMoreThan2, "Chicken") + _
InStr(AnimalNameMoreThan2, "Snake") + _
InStr(AnimalNameMoreThan2, "Tums") + _
InStr(AnimalNameMoreThan2, "Drop") > 1 Then
AnimalName.Interior.Color = vbRed
End If
Next AnimalName
End Sub
Data in column A
Sample Data
You can use this code.
It is split into two parts
a sub - which does the check per cell.
a function that checks if there is a duplicate within an array.
It returns true in case there is at least one dup.
Public Sub highlightDuplicateValues()
'get Range to check
Dim lastRow As Long, rgToCheck As Range
With ActiveSheet
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set rgToCheck = .Range("A2:A" & lastRow) 'no need to select!
End With
Dim c As Range, arrValuesInCell As Variant
Dim i As Long
For Each c In rgToCheck.Cells
'get an array of values/animals in cell
arrValuesInCell = Split(c.Value, ";")
'now check for each value if it has a dup - if yes color red and exit check
For i = LBound(arrValuesInCell) To UBound(arrValuesInCell)
If hasDupInArray(arrValuesInCell, i) = True Then
c.Interior.Color = vbRed
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Private Function hasDupInArray(arrValues As Variant, checkI As Long) As Boolean
'only values after the checkI-value are checked.
'Assumption: previous values have been checked beforehand
Dim varValueToCheck As Variant
varValueToCheck = arrValues(checkI)
Dim i As Long
For i = checkI + 1 To UBound(arrValues)
If arrValues(i) = varValueToCheck Then
hasDupInArray = True
Exit For
End If
End Function

Change the values in a column depending upon different criteria

I want the values in Column D to change depending upon the value in Column A. Some values do not need to be amended at all if the conditions aren't met
Sub Test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim startrow As Integer
Dim row As Integer
Dim c As Range
Dim Lastrow As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).row
For Each c In Range("D2:D" & Lastrow)
If Cells(row, 1) = "Bol" Then
c.Value = c.Value * 1.19
End If
If Cells(row, 1) = "Amazon" Then
c.Value = c.Value * 1.2
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I think I have an error in the lines beginning with c.Value = c.Value * .....
I'm new to VBA and just trying to make sense of it
I just provide this variant. It is working with array, so theoretically it is very quick. Probably no need to turn off the screen updating.
Sub test()
Dim lastRow As Long, i As Long
With Sheet1
lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).row
Dim vA As Variant 'Represents A2-A lastrow
vA = .Range("A2").Resize(lastRow - 1).Value
Dim vb As Variant 'Represents D2-D lastrow
vb = .Range("D2").Resize(lastRow - 1).Value
i = 0
Dim v As Variant
For Each v In vA
i = i + 1
If v = "Bol" Then
vb(i, 1) = vb(i, 1) * 1.19
ElseIf v = "Amazon" Then
vb(i, 1) = vb(i, 1) * 1.2
End If
Next v
.Range("D2").Resize(lastRow - 1).Value = vb ' Writing the values to the D column
End With
End Sub
You have to forecast and handle all possible conditions. Use this code please:
Sub Test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim row As Integer
Dim Lastrow As Long
'I've assumed that you are working on sheet1
Lastrow = Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).row
If Lastrow > 1 Then
For row = 2 To Lastrow
If Sheets(1).Cells(row, 1).Value = "Bol" Then
Sheets(1).Cells(row, 4).Value = Sheets(1).Cells(row, 4).Value * 1.19
End If
If Sheets(1).Cells(row, 1).Value = "Amazon" Then
Sheets(1).Cells(row, 4).Value = Sheets(1).Cells(row, 4).Value * 1.2
End If
MsgBox ("There is no data at column D")
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
There are quite a few ways to go about what you're trying to do. For what it's worth, this is how I would go about it. You had a few additional variables you didn't need, and your 'row' variable wasn't assigned a value at all.
Sub test2()
Dim lastRow As Long, _
i As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheet1
lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).row
For i = 2 To lastRow
If .Cells(i, 1).Value = "Bol" Then
.Cells(i, 4).Value = .Cells(i, 4).Value * 1.19
End If
If .Cells(i, 1).Value = "Amazon" Then
.Cells(i, 4).Value = .Cells(i, 4).Value * 1.2
End If
Next i
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I kept is relatively simple, so hopefully you can follow what's going on. If you have a lot of "If" statements, it may be cleaner to use VBAs "Select Case".
Also the text strings as you have them set up are case sensitive. "Bol" does not equal "bol" maybe that doesn't matter, but something to be aware of. If the string you pass it is "amazon" it will not pass the 'If' test.
Another assumption I made was that your data is on Sheet1. You should get in the habit of fully qualifying your ranges, it will make your life a lot easier as your code gets more complicated.
Last bit, I'm assuming the values in column D are all numbers. If there is text in there, you may run in to problems multiplying it.
Good luck!
You can simplify your code, and make it easier to read, by looping trough column A instead of column D and using the If/ElseIf statement to test each cell for either of the two conditions. By setting your range and defining c as a range variable for each cell in the range, you only have to loop through each cell and test for the two conditions. If the cell contains Bol use the Offset property to multiple the current value in column D by 1.19; ElseIf the cell contains Amazon use the Offset property to multiple the current value in column D by 1.2. Comments provide in the code.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'use the With statement to define your workbook and sheet, change as needed
'Note: "ThisWorkbook" identifies the workbook which contains this code
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
'Define the range you want to loop through, using the column you want to test
Dim rng As Range: Set rng = .Range("A2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
'Define the variable for each cell-range
Dim c As Range
'loop through each "c" in the range and if one of the conditions are met
For Each c In rng
If c = "Bol" Then
'then use the "Offset property" to modify the value in column D
c.Offset(, 3) = c.Offset(, 3).Value * 1.19
ElseIf c = "Amazon" Then
c.Offset(, 3) = c.Offset(, 3).Value * 1.2
End If
Next c
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
In-Place Modification
All the solutions have one common issue: you can use them only once. If you need to change the values after adding new records (rows) you should consider adding another column with the initial values so the code could be written to identify what has already been changed and what not. But that's for another question.
Your Sub Solution
You actually had only one serious mistake in two-three places.
Instead of row in the If statements you should have used c.Row and you could have removed Dim row As Integer:
Sub Test_Almost_Fixed()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim startrow As Integer
Dim c As Range
Dim Lastrow As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).row
For Each c In Range("D2:D" & Lastrow)
If Cells(c.Row, 1) = "Bol" Then
c.Value = c.Value * 1.19
End If
If Cells(c.Row, 1) = "Amazon" Then
c.Value = c.Value * 1.2
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Additionally after getting rid of the extra Application.ScreenUpdating = False and the Dim startrow As Integer and some further cosmetics, you could have had something like this:
Sub Test_Fixed()
Dim c As Range
Dim Lastrow As Long
Lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each c In Range("D2:D" & Lastrow)
If Cells(c.Row, 1) = "Bol" Then
c.Value = c.Value * 1.19
End If
If Cells(c.Row, 1) = "Amazon" Then
c.Value = c.Value * 1.2
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
A More Complex Sub Solution
Use the following for the ActiveSheet in a standard module (e.g. Module1). For a particular sheet you can place it in a sheet module (e.g. Sheet1) or create a button on the sheet.
Tip: When you have such a simple (short, fast) code and especially when you're using a Button to run it (in a 'one-time operation code'), it is good practice to use a MsgBox at the end of the code to actually know that the code has run and to prevent accidentally pressing the Button more than once.
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Const Proc As String = "Test"
On Error GoTo cleanError
' Define Constants.
Const FirstRow As Long = 2
Const SourceColumn As Variant = 1 ' e.g. 1 or "A"
Const TargetColumn As Variant = 4 ' e.g. 4 or "D"
Dim Criteria As Variant ' Add more values.
Criteria = Array("Bol", "Amazon")
Dim Multiplier As Variant ' Add more values.
Multiplier = Array(1.19, 1.2)
' Check if Criteria and Multiplier Arrays have the same number
' of elements (columns).
Dim ubCM As Long: ubCM = UBound(Criteria)
If UBound(Multiplier) <> ubCM Then Exit Sub
' Write Source and Target Ranges to Source and Target Arrays.
Dim rng As Range
' Define Last Non-Empty Cell.
Set rng = Columns(TargetColumn).Find("*", , xlValues, , , xlPrevious)
' Check if Target Column is empty.
If rng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
' Check if the row of Last Non-Empty Cell is above FirstRow.
If rng.Row < FirstRow Then Exit Sub
Dim Target As Variant
' Write Target Range to Target Array.
Target = Range(Cells(FirstRow, TargetColumn), rng).Value
Set rng = Nothing
Dim ubST As Long: ubST = UBound(Target)
Dim Source As Variant
' Write Source Range to Source Array.
Source = Cells(FirstRow, SourceColumn).Resize(ubST).Value
' Modify Target Array.
Dim i As Long, j As Long
' Loop through elements (rows) of Source and Target Arrays.
For i = 1 To ubST
' Loop through elements (columns) of Criteria and Multiplier Arrays.
For j = 0 To ubCM
' Check if the value in current element (row) of Source Array
' matches the value of current element (column) in Criteria Array.
If Source(i, 1) = Criteria(j) Then
' Modify value in current element (row) of Target Array
' by multiplying it with the value of current element (column)
' of Multiplier Array.
Target(i, 1) = Target(i, 1) * Multiplier(j)
' Since a match is found, there is no need to loop anymore.
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
Erase Source
' Write values of Target Array to Target Range.
Cells(FirstRow, TargetColumn).Resize(ubST).Value = Target
Erase Target
' Inform user.
MsgBox "Data copied.", vbInformation, "Success"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred in '" & Proc & "'." & vbCr _
& "Run-time error '" & Err.Number & "':" & vbCr & Err.Description _
, vbCritical, Proc & " Error"
End Sub
An Event Solution
To make it automatically change the values in column D for each change of a value in column A you can place the following code into the sheet module (e.g. Sheet1):
Option Explicit
Private Const SOURCE_COLUMN As Variant = 1 ' e.g. 1 or "A"
Private Const TARGET_COLUMN As Variant = 4 ' e.g. 4 or "D"
Private Sub sdfWorksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Const Proc As String = "Worksheet_Change"
On Error GoTo cleanError
If Intersect(Columns(SOURCE_COLUMN), Target) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Const FirstRow As Long = 2
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Columns(TARGET_COLUMN).Find("*", , xlValues, , , xlPrevious)
If rng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If rng.Row < FirstRow Then Exit Sub
Set rng = Cells(FirstRow, SOURCE_COLUMN).Resize(rng.row - FirstRow + 1)
If Intersect(rng, Target) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim cel As Range
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual ' -4135
For Each cel In Target.Cells
TestChange cel
Next cel
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic ' -4105
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred in '" & Proc & "'." & vbCr _
& "Run-time error '" & Err.Number & "':" & vbCr & Err.Description _
, vbCritical, Proc & " Error"
On Error GoTo 0
Resume CleanExit
End Sub
Private Sub TestChange(SourceCell As Range)
Const Proc As String = "TestChange"
On Error GoTo cleanError
Dim Criteria As Variant
Criteria = Array("Bol", "Amazon")
Dim Multiplier As Variant
Multiplier = Array(1.19, 1.2)
Dim ubCM As Long: ubCM = UBound(Criteria)
If UBound(Multiplier) <> ubCM Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim TargetCell As Range, j As Long
For j = 0 To ubCM
If SourceCell.Value = Criteria(j) Then
Set TargetCell = Cells(SourceCell.row, TARGET_COLUMN)
TargetCell.Value = TargetCell.Value * Multiplier(j)
Exit For
End If
Next j
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred in '" & Proc & "'." & vbCr _
& "Run-time error '" & Err.Number & "':" & vbCr & Err.Description _
, vbCritical, Proc & " Error"
On Error GoTo 0
Resume CleanExit
End Sub

How can I compare cells in different rows and insert-right if lower cell if not the same?

How can I compare cells in two rows and and match the lower cell value to the upper cell value, if the two are different? Here is some the same data I am working with and what I hope to see after the code runs.
I think the code will basically look like this, but I haven't gotten the insert-right working properly.
Sub CompareCellsDiffRows()
Dim bothrows As Range, i As Integer
Set bothrows = Selection
With bothrows
For i = 1 To .Columns.Count
If Not StrComp(.Cells(1, i), .Cells(2, i), vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
' magic happens here
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
As you may have guessed, I'm dealing with hundreds of fields in several tables and trying to Union everything together, so all these field names have to match up in the correct order.
I am assuming, as per your example, that the first row is the one that will be always complete.
Sub CompareRowDifferences()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim i, LastColumn As Long
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transposed Fields")
LastColumn = sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
With sht
For i = 1 To LastColumn
If StrComp(.Cells(1, i), .Cells(2, i), vbBinaryCompare) <> 0 Then
.Cells(2, i).Insert Shift:=xlToRight
.Cells(2, i).Value2 = "NULL AS " & .Cells(1, i).Value2
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Hope it helps
Regarding your second question (if they are not ordered) and assuming always that the first line is the ones that rules...
Sub CompareRowDifferences()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim i, j, LastColumn As Long
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transposed Fields")
LastColumn = sht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
j = 0
With sht
For i = 1 To LastColumn
Test = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range _
(Cells(2, i), Cells(2, LastColumn + j)), .Cells(1, i).Value2)
If Test >= 1 Then
.Cells(2, i).Insert Shift:=xlToRight
.Cells(2, i).Value2 = .Cells(1, i).Value2
.Cells(2, i).Insert Shift:=xlToRight
.Cells(2, i).Value2 = "NULL AS " & .Cells(1, i).Value2
End If
j = j + 1
Next i
Range(Cells(2, LastColumn), Cells(2, LastColumn + j)).ClearContents
End With
End Sub
This procedure identifies and uses the row with a higher number of fields (i.e. no-empty cells), and uses it as "model" to update the other row regardless of the position of the fields in the other row.
Sub Headers_Comparison(rInput As Range)
Dim aOut As Variant, aSrc As Variant, aTrg As Variant
Dim bMatch As Byte, bRow As Byte, b As Byte
With WorksheetFunction
Rem Validate Fields in Rows
If .CountA(rInput.Rows(1)) > .CountA(rInput.Rows(2)) Then
bRow = 2
aSrc = .Transpose(.Transpose(rInput.Rows(1).Value2))
aTrg = .Transpose(.Transpose(rInput.Rows(2).Value2))
bRow = 1
aSrc = .Transpose(.Transpose(rInput.Rows(2).Value2))
aTrg = .Transpose(.Transpose(rInput.Rows(1).Value2))
End If
aOut = aTrg
For b = 1 To UBound(aSrc)
bMatch = 0
On Error Resume Next
bMatch = .Match(aSrc(b), aTrg, 0)
On Error GoTo 0
aOut(b) = IIf(bMatch > 0, vbNullString, "NULL AS ") & aSrc(b)
Next: End With
rInput.Rows(bRow).Value = aOut
End Sub
It should be called in this manner:
Call Headers_Comparison(rSel) 'update with required range
I think I just figured it out!
Sub CompareRowDifferences()
Dim i As Integer
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim LastColumn As Long
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Transposed Fields")
LastColumn = sht.UsedRange.Columns(sht.UsedRange.Columns.Count).Column
For i = 1 To LastColumn
If Not StrComp(sht.Cells(1, i), sht.Cells(2, i), vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
' magic happens here
Set Rng = sht.Cells(2, i)
Rng.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
sht.Cells(2, i).Value = "NULL AS " & sht.Cells(1, i).Value
End If
Next i
End Sub
This seems to work. Although, this is a pretty simple solution. I understand it would be much more complex if the order of names the lower row changed. This works ONLY because the names in row 2 match the names in row 1, there are just fewer names. I would love to see what the code would look like if the order of the row 2 names was switch around, compared to the row 1 names.

VBA Excel remove Items unique to one sheet

I'm working on a long application and I hit a wall trying to find unique records between 2 sheets and removing the row from the first sheet if the record doesn't exist in the second sheet. Here's the code I have for this section of my program, I'm a bit confuse as to how to accomplish this and I'm hoping someone will be willing to take a look and give me some suggestions, thanks.
I'm looking for the unique records in column B and I'll be searching over 3000 cells in that column. If the records exist in sheet 1 but not in sheet 2 they should be deleted.
Option Explicit
Sub RemoveReversionItems()
Dim wbook As Workbook, Wsheet As Worksheet, wbName As String, wsName As String
Dim AlphaRange As Range, ReversionRange As Range
Dim AlphaArray
Dim ReversionArray
Dim x As Long
Dim AlphaSheetColumn As String: AlphaSheetColumn = "B" 'The column with the PO#
Dim ReversionSheetColumn As String: ReversionSheetColumn = "B" 'The column with the PO#
For Each wbook In Workbooks
If wbook.Name <> ActiveWorkbook.Name Then wbName = wbook.Name
' Look for Reversion Queue
For Each Wsheet In wbook.Worksheets
wsName = Wsheet.Name
If Wsheet.Name Like "Revers*" Then
MsgBox "This workbook is named " & wbName & " The Sheet is " & wsName
'Get Reversion Range
With Sheets(wsName)
Set ReversionRange = .Range(.Range(ReversionSheetColumn & "2"), _
.Range(ReversionSheetColumn & rows.Count).End(xlUp))
ReversionArray = ReversionRange
End With
End If
Next Wsheet
' Look for Alpha Queue
For Each Wsheet In wbook.Worksheets
wsName = Wsheet.Name
If Wsheet.Name Like "PO_LN*" Then
'Load Alpha WorkSheet array
With Sheets(wsName)
Set AlphaRange = .Range(.Range(AlphaSheetColumn & "2"), _
.Range(AlphaSheetColumn & rows.Count).End(xlUp))
AlphaArray = AlphaRange
End With
MsgBox "This workbook is named " & wbName & " The Sheet is " & wsName
End If
Next Wsheet
If IsArray(ReversionArray) Then
For x = UBound(ReversionArray) To 1 Step -1
If AlphaArray <> ReversionArray(x, 2) Then
ReversionRange.Cells(x).EntireRow.Interior.Color = 255 'Newtest
End If
End If
Next wbook
End Sub
This function compares 2 data sheets with the same columns based on a primary key. It will highlight non-matched rows in orange and where the rows do match it will find any differences in the field values and highlight red and create a comment to show mismatched value (you can always removed this functionality)
Just pass in the 2 sheet names, the primary key col and whether data has col headers.
eg. strResult=CompareDataSheets("Sheet1","Sheet2",1,True)
Function CompareDataSheets(ByVal sht1 As String, ByVal sht2 As String, ByVal pkCol As Integer, ByVal hasHeaders As Boolean) As String
Dim ws1, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim x As Integer
Dim nmSht1, nmSht2, colDiffs, colName As String
Dim strIdentifier As String
Dim vmatch As Variant
Set ws1 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sht1)
Set ws2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sht2)
On Error GoTo Err
If hasHeaders Then x = 2 Else x = 1
'Find Non Matches in sheet1
Do Until ws1.Cells(x, pkCol).Value = ""
vmatch = Application.Match(ws1.Cells(x, pkCol).Value, ws2.Columns(pkCol), 0)
If IsError(vmatch) Then
ws1.Rows(x).Interior.Color = 49407
'Find Matched PK Column diffs
iCol = 1
Do Until ws1.Cells(1, iCol).Value = ""
If ws1.Cells(x, iCol).Value <> ws2.Cells(x, iCol).Value Then
If hasHeaders Then
colName = ws1.Cells(1, iCol).Value
colName = iCol
End If
With ws1.Cells(x, iCol)
.Interior.Color = 5263615
.AddComment sht2 & " Value=" & ws2.Cells(x, iCol).Value
End With
If ws2.Cells(x, iCol).Value <> "" Then
With ws2.Cells(x, iCol)
.Interior.Color = 5263615
.AddComment sht1 & " Value=" & ws1.Cells(x, iCol).Value
End With
End If
End If
iCol = iCol + 1
End If
x = x + 1
If Len(nmSht1) > 0 Then nmSht1 = Left(nmSht1, Len(nmSht1) - 1)
If hasHeaders Then x = 2 Else x = 1
'Find Non Matches in sheet2
Do Until ws2.Cells(x, pkCol).Value = ""
vmatch = Application.Match(ws1.Cells(x, pkCol).Value, ws2.Columns(pkCol), 0)
If IsError(vmatch) Then
ws2.Rows(x).Interior.Color = 49407
End If
x = x + 1
If Len(nmSht2) > 0 Then nmSht2 = Left(nmSht2, Len(nmSht2) - 1)
CompareDataSheets = "Done!"
Exit Function
CompareDataSheets = "Error: " & Err.Description
End Function

EXCEL VBA Code to search cell for match to a list and delete if no match

(pic link below for this example): The data starts on row "A11", one block of data is A11 to A14, I need to search that range to see if it contains a member name from a list on sheet 2, for example Erik Christensen, if the list on sheet 2 doesnt have that name I need to delete rows A11 thru A14 and continue to the next block. The list on sheet 2 will have a varying amount of members to check so that needs to be taken into consideration. Once all the rows have been processed, I need to sorth them back to start at row A11.Please see pic and I will be extremely thankful for any help.
Sheet 1
For the below answer, I have made a few assumptions:
Your data will always start on row 11 of the first sheet in the
The search term will always be found in the second row, below
The data will always present in rows of 4, as shown in the picture,
with End: in the 4th row.
The list of valid names is in column A (beginning on A1) of the
second sheet in the workbook.
By "sorted back to start on row A11", I assume you mean that the
remaining blocks of data should start on row A11 and continue to the
end of the data, not that any actual sorting (i.e. by name) is
This code will loop through all blocks of data (beginning with the last one, since we are deleting rows). If any of the names in column A of the second sheet appear in the block of data, that block is skipped. Otherwise, if no names appear, that block is deleted.
Sub SearchAndDeleteList()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim LRow As Long
Dim LListRow As Long
Dim BMatch As Boolean
'Find last instance of "End:" in
LRow = Sheets(1).Range("A:A").Find(what:="End*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
'Find last non-blank row in column A of second sheet
LListRow = Sheets(2).Range("A:A").Find(what:="*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
If LRow >= 11 Then
'Make sure there are at least 11 rows of data
i = LRow
'MsgBox "First checkpoint: Last row of data is " & LRow 'Comment out this line
BMatch = False
For j = 1 To LListRow
'Test this block to see if the value from j appears in the second row of data
If InStr(1, Sheets(1).Range("A" & i - 2).Value2, Sheets(2).Range("A" & j).Value2) > 0 Then
BMatch = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
'Application.StatusBar = "Match status for row " & i & ": " & BMatch
If Not BMatch Then
'Loop backwards to find the starting row (no lower than 11)
For j = i To 11 Step -1
If Sheets(1).Range("A" & j).Value2 Like "Object:*" Then Exit For
Next j
Sheets(1).Rows(j & ":" & i).Delete
i = j - 1
'Find next block
If i > 11 Then
For j = i - 1 To 11 Step -1
If Sheets(1).Range("A" & j).Value2 Like "End:*" Then Exit For
Next j
i = j
i = 10 'Force the loop to exit
End If
End If
'Application.StatusBar = "Moving to row " & i
Loop Until i < 11
'Loop back through and delete any blank rows
LRow = Sheets(1).Range("A:A").Find(what:="*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
'MsgBox "Second checkpoint: new last row of data is " & LRow
For i = LRow To 11 Step -1
If Sheets(1).Range("A" & i).Value2 = vbNullString Then Sheets(1).Rows(i).Delete
Next i
End If
'Application.StatusBar = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
thanks to Nick's cracking actual OP's needs, I hereby propose a solution that should be more maintainable and/or changeable as per Op's future needs
Option Explicit
Sub SearchAndDeleteList2()
Dim dataSht As Worksheet
Dim dataRng As Range, namesRng As Range, cell As Range, rangeToDelete As Range
Dim firstAddress As String
' setting stuff - begin
Set dataSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1Data") '<== change 'data' sheet as per your needs
With dataSht
Set dataRng = .Range("A11:A" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row)
End With
If dataRng.Rows(1).row < 11 Then Exit Sub
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2Names") '<== change 'names' sheet as per your needs
Set namesRng = .Range("A1:A" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row)
End With
Call ApplicationSet(False, False, xlCalculationManual, False)
' setting stuff - end
' core code - begin
Set cell = dataRng.Find("End:", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
If Not cell Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = cell.Address
If Not MyMatch(GetName(cell.Offset(-2)), namesRng) Then Call UpdateRngToDelete(rangeToDelete, dataSht.Rows(cell.row).Offset(-3).Resize(4))
Set cell = dataRng.FindNext(cell)
Loop While cell.Address <> firstAddress
End If
' core code - end
Call ApplicationSet(True, True, xlCalculationAutomatic, True)
End Sub
Function GetName(cell As Range) As String
Dim iIni As Integer
Dim iEnd As Integer
iIni = InStr(cell.value, """") '<== the 'name' is always preceeded by '"' character
iEnd = InStr(cell.value, "\") '<== the 'name' is always follwed by '/' character
GetName = Mid(cell.value, iIni + 1, iEnd - iIni - 1)
End Function
Sub UpdateRngToDelete(baseRng As Range, toBeAddedRng As Range)
If baseRng Is Nothing Then
Set baseRng = toBeAddedRng
Set baseRng = Union(baseRng, toBeAddedRng)
End If
End Sub
Function MyMatch(value As String, rng As Range) As Boolean
MyMatch = Not IsError(Application.Match(value, rng, 0))
End Function
using separate functions or subs makes it easier (and faster!) to keep control and debug future code changes
