Anki: How do you display double-braces? - anki

In Anki, I would like to be able to create cards for learning some templating languages that also use the double-brace syntax.
So for example, on the front side of the card I want to display this:
But Anki has its own templating system which uses the same syntax. When I view the card, Anki delivers an error message like this:
{unknown field myAngularVariable}
Is there a way (or Anki syntax) to quickly display double braces, without getting into the html?

I ended up solving this with an AutoHotKey snippet to replace all braces with a utf-8 character that looks about the same. Here's my AHK script:
#IfWinActive ; turns off context sensitivity
#IfWinActive,Edit Current
#IfWinActive ; turns off context sensitivity
#IfWinActive,Browser \([0-9]+ card(s?) shown
#IfWinActive ; turns off context sensitivity
I'd love to know of a more straight-forward approach though.


How to create linux tui like this one on the picture

Could someone share how can i create tui like this one with input boxex and search ?
What do i need?
Normally programmers use a ready to use library like ncurses.
You can also do it by hand if you really have to much time. To get for example the border lines of a dialog window you have to take a look at the current code page your terminal is emulating, for example: Code Page 850. As you can see, you will find single and double line boarders and also crossings and so on. Now you have to move your cursor to a given position, print that char from the code page and ... lots of work. Moving cursors itself can also be done by simple chars from your emulated terminal by using escape codes.
As said: Instead of doing it all by hand, simply use a lib like ncurses.
You can use some python libraries like pyTermTk or textual, there is wide selection of
libraries to choose from.

Sublime 3 - Highlight variable in Perl/PHP string

I am turning to use Sublime3 instead of Notepad++. I have some concern when working with Perl/PHP or any kind of languages that use dollar sign for declare variable.
Here is an example, in Notepad ++:
As can be seen, "HELO $name" was displayed with different colors.
By that way, we can easily recognize there is a variable in the string.
In Sublime 3 , it looked like this:
So you can see there are no different between text and variable. It would caused confusion in some case.
May I know is there are any solution for this ?
Thank you and best regards.
This is self-promoting, but it will actually solve the problem
You may want to check out my Neon Color Scheme, available via Package Control. Its goal is to make as many languages as possible look as good as possible, and has hundreds of selectors that are specific for many different syntaxes, including Perl and PHP. Specifically, both languages support highlighting for string interpolation. Here is your code using Sublime's Perl syntax from dev build 3118, which should be very similar to the latest public build, which you should be using if you're not registered yet:
And here is the equivalent code in PHP:
Please note that these images were taken using a work-in-progress version of Neon, which I'm planning on releasing in the next day or so. The current version should look the same, as I don't think I've edited any of these scopes, but if not just let me know and I'll point you to the dev version.

How to use ANSI escape codes inside mvwprintw in ncurses?

Is there a way to use ANSI escape codes inside mvwprintw?
mvwprintw(window, 0, 0,"%c[%dmCOLORED_TEXT!\n", 0x1B, 32);//doesn't work
even though:
printf("%c[%dmCOLORED_TEXT\n", 0x1B, 32); //works
This would be for cases where using wattron/wattroff is not convenient; for example, when redirecting output from stdout of a process that outputs such escape codes.
No. The only way to make that work would be to parse the string yourself, turning escape codes back into the appropriate curses commands, to issue along with your output.
One thing you should realize is that those codes, although widely implemented, are not universal. One of the major purposes of curses is to translate its standard commands into series of terminal-specific control codes. So, passing through codes that may or may not correspond to the current terminal type doesn't really fit the curses model. Even more fundamentally, the codes would change the terminal state in a way that curses wouldn't be able to keep track of, so that the contents of its window structures no longer matched what was on screen.

How to replace/remove specific strings from html file using Notepad++?

I've export my bookmarks from FF in to a html file but it's too huge and complicated, so I need to remove some firefox lines from it to make it more lighter and plain.
I can replace basic things in the Notepad++ but I guess I do need some operators for this and I have no idea how to make it work right.
For example here is the line from the file containing a link to Logodesignlove :
Logo Design Love
I need to remove all those tags I don't care about, like LAST_MODIFIED="1256428672", ICON_URI="bunch of digits" ICON="bunch of characters" etc.
And of course I need to remove all those tags in every link in the list.
So I was thinking like use something like "Find all tags LAST_MODIFIED="anynumbers" and replace it with nothing/remove it" - it doesn't work though.
Examle how it should like:
Logo Design Love
So far I removed LAST_MODIFIED and ADD_DATE lines thanks to Aleksandr. So LAST_MODIFIED="\d+" worked just fine. But ICON and ICON_URI are still there. I've tried ICON="\w+" - but it doesn't work. I guess it has something to do with the slashes.
Why look for what you don't want when it's easier to keep hold of what you do want and drop the junk?
(<A HREF=".*?").*?(>.*?>)
Code edited to suit Notepad++ now I know it doesn't need the special chars escaped. Thanks Aleksandr.
Read up on using regular expressions (the java regex tutorials are a good start, and try one of the online regex tools to help write and test it, such as this one
Eg, remove "LAST_MODIF..." with the regex LAST_MODIFIED="\d+"
Otherwise, you may want an XML-specific tool, or even write an XSL. However, I don't know much about that.

how can I extract text contents from GUI apps in linux?

I want to extract text contents from GUI apps,here are 2 examples::
example 1:
Suppose I opened firefox, and input url :
how can I extract the string "" from firefox using my own app ?
example 2:
open calculator(using gcalctool),then input 1+1
How can I extract the string "1+1" of calculator from my own program?
in brief ,what I want is to find out whether there is a way to extract the text contents from any widget of an GUI application
I don't think there's a generic way to do this, at least not a very elegant one.
Some inelegant ideas:
You might be able to modify the X window system or even some toolkit framework to extract what is being displayed in specific window elements as text.
You could take a screenshot and use an OCR library to convert the pixels back into text for the interesting areas.
You could recompile the apps of interest to add some kind of mechanism for asking them questions.
You could use something like xtest to inject events highlighting the region of interest and copying it to the clipboard.
I believe firefox and gcalctool are for examples only and you just want to know in general how to pass output of one application to other application.
There are many ways to do that on Linux, like:
application1 | application2
btw here is the Firefox command line manual if you want to start firefox on Ubuntu with a URL. eg:
firefox "$url"
where $url is a variable whose value can be
That sounds difficult. Supposing you're running X11, you can very easily grab a window picture ( see "man xwd"); however there is no easy way to get to the text unless it's selected and therefore copied to the clipboard.
Alternatively, if you only want to capture user input, this is quite easy to do, too, by activation the X11 record extension: put this in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Section "Module"
Load "record"
#Load other modules you need ...
though it may prove difficult to use too, see example code for Xorg/X11 record extension fails
