Android Studio: Adding #+id through Design GUI Generates Errors - android-studio

I have found a workaround for this, which I will be posting as an answer, but it still raises the question of why it happened in the first place.
When I try to add a new id through the Design GUI, I type the name into the box:
As soon as I tab out of the box, it prepends #+id/:
which sounds reasonable enough, because - hey, it's got to put in the instruction to add a new id per the documentation, right?
But when I go into the java code, autocomplete is giving me gibberish on the code side - because of the extra #+id/, autocomplete gives me #+id/id_sample for a grand total of
which has invalid characters; while deleting them:
gives the error Cannot resolve symbol 'id_sample' because the xml is insisting that the correct name includes the invalid characters. Catch 22.
So how do I properly reference an id?

Looking in the xml, the #+id/ actually gets added to the #+id/id_sample:
which obviously gives the compiler a heart attack. Having figured out what was going on, it is easy (though tedious) enough to jump into the xml and delete the extra #+id/ but I can't see any way to get the designer to put it in right in the first place.
Once this is corrected in the xml, it gets automatically corrected in the GUI, autocomplete will give you the correct name when you go into the java code, and the compiler will recognize it.
All that's left is to wonder if there is something I'm doing wrong that is causing this. Is this a known (or unknown) bug? Knowing what is wrong, it can be fixed in the xml, but it seems the GUI should have gotten it right in the first place. Right?


Android Studio: StringBuilder content not shown in preview of debugger

I'm implementing an app, which uses (kotlin.text.)StringBuilder instances at various points. Since today, I have to double-click the variable name and, after that, double-click 'value' to see the content shown as one character per line (next to 'value', it also says e.g. char[20]). Until yesterday, I was able to see their contents in the variables view of the debugger right after double-clicking the variable name and - what is even more important - in one single string line. I have to compare the content of several instances and therefore cannot work efficiently with this view.
Is there some kind of setting, which needs to be reset? Has anyone else experienced this? Is this an intended behavior or am I the only one having this bug/behavior?
After getting this, I already tried restarting android studio, as well as upgrading all components to the latest version. I also tried creating an entirely new project with only one StringBuilder to rule out any problems in my current project - but, no luck so far.
Any hint would be much appreciated!
You need to add a .toString() call to your string builder to get the value of the string.
I finally figured out the solution to the problem. It was indeed a setting I had to reset. As I did not actively change it, this solution might be useful to others, too.
Via 'Setting > Build, Execution, Deployment > Debugger > Data Views > Java', I found the option 'Enable 'toString()' object view:'. After selecting this option, everything worked again as before.
Thanks to everyone, who tried to figure out the solution!

Android Widgets Naming Standards

In my Android application, for example when I am inserting a Button and adding a static value for it as follows:
android:text="MY BUTTON"
It gives a warning saying Hardcoded string "MY BUTTON", should use #string resource.
I am currently trying to extend some functionality in a previously developed app; do I have to change all those statically defined values to refer to the string.xml file?
Please can anyone give an opinion on the standard? Thanks in advance.
You don't have to fix this at all because it is a warning not an error. Your app will work perfectly well with hard-coded strings.
That said, it is advisable to fix it because it will make translating your app to other languages much easier should that ever become necessary.
Generally I try to always define strings in the strings.xml file because it really doesn't take too long when developing new code. However converting an existing project to use strings.xml may be a lot of work for little gain if you are unlikely to ever need to translate your app.
The warning you are getting is via the Android Lint utility.
Generally speaking, you ought to get into the habit of using string resources (as Mark Allison wrote) and never 'hard code' string literals in code or XML markup like you have done there regardless of whether you intend to internationalize your app or not.
It just makes sense in terms of future code maintenance.
In fact, I have setup my linter settings to mark hard coded strings as errors so I'm always mindful of it.
To do that, go to Project -> Preferences, expand Android, select Lint Error Checking and change "HardCodedText" from "Warning" to "Error".

Masked Text Box issue

i m using the rad masked control for phone field.
telerik:RadMaskedTextBox ID="txtPhone1" runat="server" EnableAjaxSkinRendering="False" Mask="(###) ###-####" Skin="Hay" ZeroPadNumericRanges="False" MaxLength="20" TabIndex="30" Width="200px"></telerik:RadMaskedTextBox
when i m trying to add phone using watir, using this code
browser.text_field(:id => 'ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Registration2_txtPhone1_text').set '7893457889'
only last value has been added. kindly help me out. how to fill masked value.
Using Watir-webdriver and the example from Teleriks demo site, and IE browser, I was able to set the value with
browser.text_field(:id,"RadMaskedTextBox1_text").set '1234567890'
This seemed to work just as expected, added the formatting, and seemed functional to me.
With Watir I was able to set it via using
browser.text_field(:id, 'RadMaskedTextBox1_text').value='1234567890'
However although the value showed up in the field, it was not formatted and I was never able to get it to actually validate that input. I tried firing various events such as onchange, to get the client side code to process it, but no joy. If I was using this tool I might consider calling the vendor or getting on their site and asking them for assistance at this point. (provided you need to use Watir)
If watir-webdriver is not a viable option for you (I like it for cross browser testing) then perhaps someone else can spend the time to dig a bit deeper. (I'm personally past the point where digging into this control to extend my own knowledge is worth my employers time...)
Possibly there might be some way around this with Rautomation, but I'm new enough with it where I don't immediately see an easy solution there.
OMG. This is so old. But I am going to add to it. When dealing with masked elements, I am successful using the following sendkeys technique instead of injecting the value into the inner element text. Send Ctrl-A to highlight everything, then start typing, then tab out of control.
e = #browser.text_field(id: OrderEntryPOM.stop_window_start_date)
e.send_keys [:control, 'a'], start_date, :tab

Is there another way to fix Yesod's nicHtmlField?

I've been rewriting my (fairly simple) website using Yesod as a way to get familiar with the framework. Part of that involves serving some simple static (but formatted) content. To do that I decided to use the nicHtml field that is described in the Yesod book:
It allows simple formatting and, as the book says, "thanks to the xss-sanitize package, all user input is validated and ensured to not have XSS attacks."
However, all is not well. Some formatting seems to work when you enter it into the field, but gets wiped out somewhere between entry and submission. In particular, the form uses css embedded in 'style' attributes to do things like center text, and it is these css based formatting elements that seem to get wiped out.
I used print statements to check that it wasn't my code which was somehow messing it up. Since it doesn't seem to be, I assume that xss-sanitize doesn't like any embedded css and removes it. Modifying Yesod.Form.Nic to remove the call to sanitizeBalance appears to fix the problem, so that would seem to be the cause.
Now, I can just leave it like that, since editing these static pages requires being a trusted user anyway (i.e. me at the moment), so I don't care too much about validating out nastiness. But it feels like what it is, a hack, so my question is - is there any other way around this? Or is there another package I don't know about that provides a non-broken HTML editor field for Yesod?
Will you file a bug on the Yesod issue tracker for this? I think we are going to have to allow basic css through the editor no matter which editor we use. In your case of a trusted user, right now you could find the NicEdit field type and create a similar type that won't get filtered at all. Perhaps we should create such a field.
We're actually looking at other possible rich text editors right now for use in the Yesod website, so most likely whatever we use there will end up with a module in yesod-form. Most recently Greg pointed out Aloha editor which on first glance looks pretty cool.

Information Management Policy in SharePoint

An obscure puzzle, but it's driving me absolutely nuts:
I'm creating a custom Information Management Policy in MOSS. I've implemented IPolicyFeature, and my policy feature happily registers itself by configuring a new SPItemEventReceiver. All new items in my library fire the events as they should, and it all works fine.
IPolicyFeature also has a method ProcessListItem, which is supposed to retroactively apply the policy to items that were already in the library (at least, it's supposed to do that for as long as it keeps returning true). Except it doesn't. It only applies the policy to the first item in the library, and I have absolutely no idea why.
It doesn't seem to be throwing an exception, and it really does return true from processing that first item, and I can't think what else to look at. Anyone?
Edit: Cory's answer, below, set me on the right track. Something else was indeed failing -- I didn't find out what, since my windbg-fu isn't what it should be, but I suspect it was something like "modifying a collection while it's being iterated over". My code was modifying the SPListItem that's passed into ProcessListItem, and then calling SystemUpdate on it; as soon as I changed the code so that it created its own variable (pointing at the exact same SPListItem) and used that, the problem went away...
There's only a couple of things I can think of to try. First, are you developing on the box where you might be able to use Visual Studio to debug? So just stepping through it.
Assuming that's not the case - what I'd do is fire up WinDBG and attach it to the process just before I registered the policy. Turn on first chance exceptions so that it breaks whenever they occur. you can do that by issuing the command "sxe clr" once it is broken in. Here's a little more info about WinDBG:
What I'd do is then watch for First Chance exceptions to be thrown, and do a !PrintException to see what is going on. My guess is that there is an exception being thrown somewhere that is causing the app to stop processing the other items.
What does the logic look like for your ProcessListItem? Have you tried just doing a return true to make sure it works?
Some nice ideas there, thanks. The Visual Studio debugger wasn't showing an exception (and I've wrapped everything in try/catch blocks just in case), but I hadn't thought of trying Windbg...
