Access global variables from exported function - node.js

I have a file config.ts which simply exports a config object:
const config = {
baseURL: <string> '',
export default config;
I have another file called methods.ts which imports the config object and exports a function which uses this config object.
import config from './config';
export function someMethod() {
let url = config.baseURL;
I'm calling this someMethod from inside the express router:
import { someMethod } from '../methods';
router.get('/something', function(req, res, next) {
let x = someMethod();
when this someMethod is called the config variable is undefined. It seems someMethod can't see the imported data from the same file when it's called later. What would be the correct way to do this?

Node wraps your module in an IIFE called the module wrapper so even though it is global in your module, its actually still local.
If you want to have access to config outside of your module, you'll need to explicitly export it.
function someMethod() {
let url = config.baseURL;
export { someMethod, config };
If config is actually common to a number of files, you could use Dependency Injection and move config into the file containing your router that needs config.
Change someMethod to accept config
// methods.ts
function someMethod(config) {
let url = config.baseURL;
export { someMethod };
Import ./config in your router instead and pass config into someMethod
// router
import config from './config'
import { someMethod } from '../methods';
router.get('/something', function(req, res, next) {
let x = someMethod(config);

I believe you can do
import config from './config';
var Config = config
export function someMethod() { console.log(Config) }


How can I use fastify request logger in other classes without having to pass it as a parameter?

I'm new in nodejs, I'm using fastify and I want to be able to use the req.logger in all the classes functions of the flow, this because I have a the request-id on req.logger, the first solution that came to my mind is to pass as a parameter the logger through all the function/classes but I think that would make the code kind of dirty, here is an example of my code:
import pino from 'pino';
import fastify from 'fastify';
declare module 'fastify' {
interface FastifyInstance {
// augment fastify instance with the config object types
config: Config;
function build() {
const app = fastify({
logger: pino({
name: process.env.NAME,
level: process.env.LOG_LEVEL,
disableRequestLogging: true,
requestIdHeader: 'correlation-id',
requestIdLogLabel: 'correlationId',
// register plugins
app.register(apiRoutes, fastify => ({
getObjectUseCase: new GetObjectUseCase(
new TestClass()),
return app;
export { build };
import { FastifyPluginCallback } from 'fastify';
import { StatusCodes } from 'http-status-codes';
export const apiRoutes: FastifyPluginCallback<RoutesOpts> = async (fastify, options, done) => {
const getObjectUseCase = options.getObjectUseCase;
fastify.get<object>('/v1/api/:id', async (req, reply) => {
const id = req.params.payoutId;'This is a logger print'); // has the correlation id inside it while printing
const storedObject = await getObjectCase.execute(id);
export class GetObjectUseCase {
private anotherClass: TestClass;
constructor(anotherClass: TestClass) {
this. anotherClass = anotherClass;
async execute(id: string): Promise<StoredObject> {
// I want to use the logger here with have the correlation id on it without having to pass it as an argument on the method, how is it posible?
return this.anotherClass.getById(id);
// also needed to use it inside anotherClass.getById so I will need to pass the logger also in the method
Hope I have been clear.
This may not be the best or only way to do it, but this has worked for me in the past.
Typically I structure my projects with an app.ts that just instantiates my FastifyInstance and then exports the log from that created instance. This allows me to use the log where ever I want to.
It looks something like this.
import fastify from 'fastify';
const app = fastify({ logger: true /* Your logging configuration */});
export default app;
export const logger = app.log; // Allows me to log where ever I want.
import app from './app';
... // All your fastify configuration and other stuff.
app.listen({ ... });
Now I can use the logger outside of fastify stuff.
import { logger } from './app'; // Import your fastify logger to use in this class.
export class GetObjectUseCase {
private anotherClass: TestClass;
constructor(anotherClass: TestClass) {
this. anotherClass = anotherClass;
async execute(id: string): Promise<StoredObject> {{/* Whatever you want to log here. */}); // Now you can use the logger here.
return this.anotherClass.getById(id); // You can just import the logger into the TestClass file to get logging enabled there.
This even allows you to log before your FastifyInstance is started. Check out this codesandbox for a running example.

how to setup morgan-boddy in nestjs

I want to setup morgan-boddy as a midldleware to log requests and responses.
So I've created a function like that:
export function RequestLogging(app) {
const logger = new Logger('Request');
morganBody(app, {
stream: { // <--- error is here "Void function return value is used "
write: (message) => logger.log(message.replace('\n', '')),
That I call on main.ts
// main.ts
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
// ...
However it seems does not work. I've got an error 'Void function return value is used' on line stream: {
Any idea how to fix?
I tried to go different path and actually just stick morganBody in to main.ts as per docs:
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import morganBody from 'morgan-body';
// hook morganBody to express app
morganBody(app); <-- getting error here "TS2345: Argument of type 'INestApplication' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Application'."
I wish there was a proper documentation how to approach in nestjs.
This is a pretty interesting middleware. It ends up needing the express instance itself because it calls app.use(morgan) and app.response.send() under the hood. I would really look into some other solution instead of something that accesses the response in this way.
Either way: this set up works
import { Logger } from '#nestjs/common';
import { NestFactory } from '#nestjs/core';
import * as morgan from 'morgan-body';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
const logger = app.get(Logger);
(morgan as any)(app.getHttpAdapter().getInstance(), {
stream: {
write: (message: string) => {
logger.log(message.replace('\n', ''));
return true;
await app.listen(3033);
The types for the package are wrong as well, it's not a default export, but a named one, so import morgan from 'morgan-body' doesn't work as advertised (at least it didn't for me).
The return true is necessary because write expects a stream.writable() method, which has returns a boolean. You can just default this to true. Then you have to use app.getHttpAdapter().getInstance() so that you ensure you pass the express instance to the middleware. Again, wonky setup, but it works.

When to load .env variables in NodeJS app?

I am coding a simple NodeJS Express REST API, using TypeScript. I have some environment variables that I load with dotenv.
I access my .env variables at two different stages in my code: index.ts, which is my start file, and in a MyControllerClass.ts file. To access these variables, the code is process.env.MY_ENV_VAR. To load them for the application, the code is dotenv.config().
As my index.ts file seems to be the root of my program (I configure my app in it), I use dotenv.config() to load my .env file for the rest of the program. However, in my MyControllerClass.ts file, in the constructor, if I do console.log(process.env.MY_ENV_VAR), I get "undefined". I could workaround this by adding a dotenv.config() in my constructor (it works) but it's nonsense to me to have it here.
How do I use dotenv.config() once and for all in my program, in a readable manner (like in an appropriate .ts file)? and more generally: what is a NodeJS Express loading cycle?
Here is a sample of the file structure of my code
├── index.ts
├── Authentication
│ └── authentication.router.ts
│ └── authentication.controller.ts
Here is the code of index.js
* Required External Modules
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
import express from "express";
import cors from "cors";
import helmet from "helmet";
import { authenticationRouter } from "./authentication/authentication.router"
* App Variables
if(!process.env.PORT) {
const PORT: number = parseInt(process.env.PORT as string, 10);
const app = express();
* App Configuration
app.use("api/authenticate/", authenticationRouter);
* Server Activation
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Listening on port ${PORT}`);
Here is the code of authentication.router.ts
import express, { Request, Response } from "express";
import { AuthenticatorController } from "./authentication.controller";
export const authenticationRouter = express.Router();
const authenticatorController = AuthenticatorController.getInstance();"/api/authenticate", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
try {
if (await authenticatorController.authenticate(req.body.login, req.body.password)) {
res.send({"status": "ok"})
} else
res.send({"status": "Error"})
} catch (e) {
res.send({"status": "500"});
Here is the code of authentication.controller.ts
import { ClientSecretCredential } from "#azure/identity";
import { SecretClient } from "#azure/keyvault-secrets";
import { Authenticator } from "./api/Authenticator";
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
export class AuthenticatorController implements Authenticator {
private static singleInstance: AuthenticatorController | null = null;
private azureSecretCredential= new ClientSecretCredential(
process.env.AZURE_TENANT_ID as string,
process.env.AZURE_CLIENT_ID as string,
process.env.AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET as string);
private azureSecretClient = new SecretClient(
process.env.KEY_VAULT_URL as string,
private constructor () {}
public static getInstance(): AuthenticatorController {
if (this.singleInstance === null) {
this.singleInstance = new AuthenticatorController();
return this.singleInstance;
public async authenticate(login: string, password: string): Promise<Boolean> {
let isAuthenticated = false;
try {
const secret = await this.azureSecretClient.getSecret(login)
if ( === login) {
if (secret.value === password) {
isAuthenticated = true;
} catch (e) {
return isAuthenticated;
You only call dotenv.config() once:
As early as possible in your application, require and configure
Therefore index.ts seems to be correct, process.env should then hold your parsed values. Maybe you can use something like this to make sure, data is parsed correctly:
const result = dotenv.config();
if (result.error) {
throw result.error;
You can try the following. I changed your exports a bit, because there is no need for a singleton within your controller.
// Imports (no dotenv; no dotenv.config())
// [...]
// Import controller
import { authenticatorController } from "./authentication.controller";
export const authenticationRouter = express.Router();
// Adding routes
// [...]
// Imports (no dotenv; no dotenv.config())
// [...]
class AuthenticatorController implements Authenticator {
// [...]
export const authenticatorController = new AuthenticatorController();
// Imports (dotenv)
// [...]
const { error, parsed } = dotenv.config();
if (error) {
throw error;
// [...]
app.use("api/authenticate/", authenticationRouter);
// [...]

Mocking a function in a jest environment file

I want to share a server between all my tests, to do this I create the file server-environment.js
const NodeEnvironment = require('jest-environment-node')
const supertest = require('supertest')
//A koa server
const { app, init } = require('../src/server')
class ServerEnvironment extends NodeEnvironment {
constructor(config, context) {
super(config, context)
this.testPath = context.testPath
async setup() {
await init
this.server = app.listen()
this.api = supertest(this.server) = this.api
async teardown() {
module.exports = ServerEnvironment
The thing is that I want to mock some middleware that the servers routes use but I can't really find a way to do that. If I try to declare jest.mock anywhere in the file I get the error that jest isn't defined. If I mock the function in the actual test file the global wouldn't make use of it. Not sure if something like this would be possible to do with Jest?
I had a same issue and solved it by adding setupFilesAfterEnv.
module.exports = {
setupFilesAfterEnv: [
jest.mock('path/to/api', () => global.api);

TypeScript and Express, Testing and exporting a router module

I'm getting my head around Node, Express and TypeScript, in doing so I'm looking to build up some tests.
To follow best practices, SOLID etc I've separated my routers from my controllers.
I have an index.ts file
import { Router } from 'express';
import { TestController } from '../controllers/test.controller';
let testController = new TestController();
let index = Router();
/* GET home page. */
index.get('/', (req, res, next) => testController.get(req, res));
export default index;
I also have an index.spec.ts file
import assert = require('assert');
import * as mocha from 'mocha';
import { index } from '../routes/index';
import { TestController } from '../controllers/test.controller';
import { Request, Response } from 'express';
var sinon = require('sinon');
var should = require('should');
import app from '../App';
describe('Indexrouter', function () {
describe('#Calling get /', function () {
it('should call test controller get function.', function () {
When I try and run the tests via gulp i get the following messages
"D:/Dev/Learning/node/ts-express/src/routes/index.ts(4,7): Exported variable 'index' has or is using name 'Router' from external module \"express-serve-static-core\" but cannot be named."
"D:/Dev/Learning/node/ts-express/src/routes/index.spec.ts(4,10): Module '\"D:/Dev/Learning/node/ts-express/src/routes/index\"' has no exported member 'index'."
"D:/Dev/Learning/node/ts-express/src/app.ts(24,14): Cannot find name 'index'."
I can run the server ok and it will produce the correct endpoint with response. Although I do get the working about exported variable 'index'. It just seems that in the tests I can't import the index module for some reason.
How can I fix the module so I don't get the exported variable error.
How can I actually test that the index route calls the get method on the controller.
I have managed to get the controller tests working and the project as a whole can be seen here
