How to access a document library in a sharepoint online site using MS graph - sharepoint

I am able to access the documents on my one drive with requests like this one:
I am able to access a document library of a root sharepoint site of my company with a request like this:
It gives me the contents of the "root" library:
https://<my company>
I am not able to access the document library of a SP subsite I created. e.g. this one:
https://<my company>
How can I access such a document library with MS Graph?

For accessing SharePoint sites and lists check out documentation of the SharePoint API in Microsoft Graph.
For those who have problems with accessing default Drive (formerly "Documents" library) on a specific SharePoint site using MS Graph API:
You should look into the documentation for accessing files on OneDrive.
As said in the question, this endpoint gives us a list of files on private OneDrive:
Drive on SharePoint's sites works in the same way, but instead of me you should provide global Id of the site you want to access (global Id is <hostName>,<siteCollectionId>,<siteId>).
In conclusion: this endpoint gives us a list of files on a specified site's default drive:
If you want to access files on a specific list, all you need is the id of the list:
Now it should be obvious.


OneDrive REST API and Sharepoint Online

I have the app that uses OneDrive API (MS graph) to access OneDrive free accounts and OneDrive for business.
The app works fine.
In docs of the API i can see same API can be used also to access Sharepoint Online sites data.
How to do this? When i auth a user who has Sharepoint Online account with MS graph, there is only his drive (ondrive) but there is no his site listed.
How to get access to his sharepoint site too using same API?
I have found how to work with sites using the Graph API.
To get list of sites there is the call
GET /v1.0/sites/
Then use the SITEID to get list of drives (in fact, top level folders)
GET /v1.0/sites/SITEID/drives
Then to get contents of a drive user
GET /v1.0/sites/SITEID/drives/DRIVEID/root/children
And all next calls are same as for onedrive drive
However, there is the problem i still can not solve. How to create new top level folder (new drive on a site). There is no API call for this
I believe what you are looking for is the sites API. It lets you interact with a SharePoint site if you know the path or the id of the site. You can find the documentation for the api here:
There is no easy way to discover sites as of now. You can however search for a site. You can read more about it here:
This endpoint to get the list of sites is not working, so the last answer is not valid anymore.
I haven't found a way to do this, the discovery of sites, without admin consent. If the admin consent flow is not a problem you can try this workaround, use the endpoint of groups to ask for the groups that the user is member of, and you can use the groups to get the document libraries of the user.
To get the groups:
With the group id, you can use this endpoint:
So if someone know how to do the discovery of sites for a user without admin consent, please share.
EDIT: I'm not sure why my answer was deleted, my answer basically has 2 things:
I gave notice that one answer here is not valid anymore.
I gave a possible other solution to the problem.

Retrieving SharePoint site author and permissions through Graph API

I would like to retrieve Sharepoint subsites authors & permissions (public or private, and if private : allowed groups/members), preferably using Graph API.
For Outlook Groups and Teams sites, I can use endpoints /groups/<groupID>, /groups/<groupID>/owners and /groups/<groupID>/members to achieve that, but it seems that there is no equivalent for sites created through the following process:
Load "root site" https://<yourdomain>
Click on "Site contents" > "New" > "Subsite"
The only "interesting" Graph API endpoint I found yet, is /sites/root/sites/<siteID>/lists, returning some site metadata (collections of data like "master pages", "designs"...), along with a createdBy structure (containing a property) for each of those collections.
However, using it would look hacky, a "direct" property/structure author or owners would be preferable. Moreover, the /sites/.../lists endpoint is only available in beta version of the API (has somebody any info on its release date ?), and still, that does not tells me which users are allowed to view the site.
Attempts with other APIs like this one did not provide any closer info to what I need.
Thanks for any piece of advice.
SharePoint has site collections > sites > lists > folders > items. By default each object inherits permissions from its parent, but you can break inheritance at any level. So in order to get a complete picture of the permissions a subsite has, you will need to enumerate every object inside that subsite (lists, folder, items) and check if it inherits permissions from its parent or not. As far as I know Microsoft Graph doesn't expose an API that lets you do this, but you can instead use SharePoint CSOM (client side object model) or SharePoint REST APIs.

How to retrieve data from SharePoint?

I have a web application. When the user clicks on a button in my web application, I'd like to retrieve data from SharePoint on behalf of the user. I have read quite a few articles on SharePoint but I'm still not sure how to proceed. Should I create a provider hosted SharePoint App and use the SharePointREST API? Thank you in advance for your help.
You don't need to create a Provider to use the SharePoint Rest Services.
Quoting :
One advantage of using REST is that you don’t have to add references to any SharePoint 2013 libraries or client assemblies. Instead, you make HTTP requests to the appropriate endpoints to retrieve or update SharePoint entities, such as webs, lists, and list items. See Get started with the SharePoint 2013 REST service for a thorough introduction to the SharePoint 2013 REST interface and its architecture.
Inside the page you will find videos and code examples that will help you to connect and execute operations.
It's Correct. Data in SharePoint is Stored in Lists or Libraries (to files).
You can use the Client Object Model, to get data remotely from a SharePoint Server (on-premise or Online). The Client Object Model can be used through Assemblies (DLL files) or REST services provided by SharePoint. Generally you should know the location of the data you are going to get, that is, as I initially mentioned, the data in SharePoint are stored in Lists or Libraries, therefore you must know the name of the List or Library Additional Site or Sub-site of the List or Library is.
If the name of the list where the information is stored is "employees" and the HR website, the URL could be formed as follows:
For REST services, simply complete URL of the list you want to see, so that you retrieve the information from the list. If you want to apply filters, sorting, to retrieve specific columns, you must do it through CAML queries which the add on REST service call.

accessing files and folders other than sharepoint site's default shared documents using office365 api

Working on windows store apps:
I am trying to access the files and folders of office365 documents library.
I can access the one drive documents as described in this link Common file tasks using the Office 365 client library
But it do not provide a way to access the files and folders in other than onedrive document library.
e.g []
However i had tried a way and it do get the files and folders other than onedrive.
I had not used any capability i created SharePointClient as given below:
var client = new SharePointClient(new Uri(""),
async () => await AcquireTokenAsync(AuthenticationContext, ""));
IPagedCollection<IItem> items = await client.Files.ExecuteAsync();
In this way i get the files of default "Shared Documents" document library inside "mysite", but i want to get the files and folders of another documents library "mydocumentslibrary" inside same site "mysite".
Can anyone please guide me how to do that or am i missing something? or there is anyother way to do this using office365 api only.
I just went through the documentation of this new API, it seems the file operation is limited to the one drive, I doubt you can get file in another document library.
To get files in other document library, as you're developing windows store APPs, you can SharePoint mobile object model or REST APIs:
Overview of the SharePoint 2013 mobile object model
Get started withthe SharePoint 2013 REST service
The APIs allows access only to default document library. Example:
OneDrive for Business: https://{tenant}
SharePoint sites: https://{tenant}{site-path}/_api/v1.0

How to make url for a document in document library publicly accessible?

I have Sharepoint 2010 hosted with windows authentication . I have created a document library inside a new site and uploaded few files.
Now,I'm trying to utilize the info of these files in some application using Rest Webservice exposed by sharepoint.
In the response I get xml containing details of files uploaded in document library. One of the tag in response of xml (inside src attribute of tag) contains detail of url of file uploaded,
Now when I try to use this url for document display/download in my application/browser, it pops up with the window authentication which I have for Sharepoint site . After I provide correct user/password the document gets downloaded.
Is it somehow possible to make this document url public(I don't want window authentication pop up) ? At the same time I don't want to disable the Windows authentication for Sharepoint site .
Thanks in advance
By public do you mean accessible within your LAN or accessible from the internet given the sharepoint site is bound to an internet facing interface? I would imagine on the LAN it would be best to simply use the guest account for users who you wanted to give 'public' access to.
Bear in mind the only reason you're prompted for login details is probably because you're not using Internet Explorer.
