AZURE - How to migrate resources from a tenant to another - azure

I want to migrate resources (VMs, networks, gateways ...) from a tenant /client with a subscription to another tenant /client with another subscription, with the exact same parameters, how can I do that ? (the move function works only for subscriptions in the same tenant / client, if I download vhd of the VMs I must recreate manually the VMs configuration

The best and most reliable way is through Azure Billing Support. It is free support service and can handle that type of support questions.
Couple of very important things though (hard requirements that cannot be changed):
target subscription must be empty.
Service Administrator e-mail should be same for both subscriptions
There should not be co-administrators in both subscriptions for the time of migrating resources
Some services (i.e. Application Insights) cannot be moved (which services cannot be moved is determined by the support engineers)

For information, I didn't managed to migrate the VMs the way I wanted. I've finally recreate the network infrastructure on the destination tenant, poweredoff the VMs, use azcopy AzCopy.exe /source:https://<sourceaccountstorage> /Dest:https://<destaccountstorage> /sourcekey:<sourceaccountstoragekey> /destkey:<destaccountstoragekey> /pattern:<name of VHD to copy>.vhd to move the VHDs from the source storage account to the destination storage account (13 min for 130 Gb in westeurope location), and recreate the VMs with powershell with the VHDs New-AzureRmNetworkInterface, New-AzureRmVMConfig, Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface, Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk and New-AzureRmVM.


Movement of Azure SQL databases from Azure standard subscription to dev/test subscription

I have Azure Standard subscription, few azure SQL databases which are related to non-prod running on this subscription. Now I have purchased dev/test subscription . I am planning to move those databases/server from Standard subscription to dev/test subscription. I want to know whether it's possible to move to dev/test subscription. Do we have any limitation to move dev/test sub.
Also, will there be any impact to the AAD users(exist on the databases/subscription level) during the movement?
Yes, that is absolutely possible, just to make sure:
There wont be any impact on the Azure Active Directory if the lies in same tenant.
Both the source and destination Azure Active Directory subscriptions must be in the same Azure Active Directory tenancy.
The resources you wish to relocate must be compatible with the relocation operation. See Move operation support for resources for a list of resources that assist moving.
The subscriptions to the source and destination must both be active.
During the move procedure, the source and target groups are locked. Until the transfer is finished, write and delete actions on resource groups are restricted. You can't make changes to resources in resource groups if they're locked.
This does not imply that the resources have been frozen. Applications that use the databases will not experience any downtime if you migrate an Azure SQL logical server and its databases to a different resource group or subscription. They still have access to the databases and can read and write to them. Although the lock can last up to four hours, most movements are completed in considerably less time.
Note: A child resource cannot be transferred separately from its parent resource in most situations.
Please check this Microsoft Document to see which SQL : Move operation support for resources | Microsoft.Sql

Azure created DefaultResourceGroup-EAU resource group

Today I am noticing that the Azure Group, I dont know when Azure created the
"DefaultResourceGroup-EAU" resource group, and in this group two item is placed
I am not using any Azure Container Registry service and AKS, should I remove this group because it paying in my invoice, I just only have Azure Web Apps and Azure SQL databases and one VM only, should its impact on my above mentioned services after deletion?
certainly not in terms of how those services function, but monitoring might be impaired if you delete those.
Those resources look like they were created alongside AKS cluster. Doesn't mean that they were only being used for that, but highly likely.

Still paying for a deleted VM

I am just exploring Azure and I made a Virtual Machine using the portal and I deleted that after two hours or something.
In my cost management I can see that I am still paying for that resource group that contained components of the Virtual Machine, it is been a week since I deleted it.
I am still paying for that resource group even though I can't see it in my resource groups, neither on the portal nor on Powershell.
Is this a common issue?
As per this doc, I suggest you check if all disks attached to the vm are not deleted.
For managed disk, please follow this to find and delete them.
For Unmanaged disks(the vhd files stored in azure blob storage), please follow this to find and delete them.
Delete any orphaned Network Interface Cards (NIC) and Public IPs that were associated with the VM. They are billed even when the VM is deleted.
run powershell in azure portal:

Will the Access keys used by services will be affected by moving resources to another subscription?

Issue: I am planning to move my Azure Resources to another subscription but as an impact analysis I want to know if Access Keys to a resource such as Storage, Batch Services will be affected.
I have more than 30 services which are currently in use. I am looking forward to having least possible downtime and so I need to analyze what all services will be impacted.
I am aware of the resources which are possible to migrate from the Microsoft page:
Here are my few questions, I would like to know the answers in all possible cases such as migration to different directory/Azure Active directory or common Azure Active directory.
Will the Access Keys to a resource such as Storage, Batch Services etc.. will be affected after I migrate my resource to another subscription?
Do I need to reconfigure the Service Endpoints?
They wont change
No, storage account endpoints are not tied to resourceId

Windows Azure - how do you change the region of a Table Storage account?

I've created a Hosted Service that talks to a Storage Account in Azure. Both have their regions set to Anywhere US but looking at the bills for the last couple of months I've found that I'm being charged for communication between the two as one is in North-Central US and the other South-Central US.
Am I correct in thinking there would be no charge if they were both hosted in the same sub-region?
If so, is it possible to move one of them and how do I go about doing it? I can't see anywhere in the Management Portal that allows me to do this.
Thanks in advance.
Adding to what astaykov said: My advice is to always select a specific region, even if you don't use affinity groups. You'll now be assured that your storage and services are in the same data center and you won't incur outbound bandwidth charges.
There isn't a way to move a storage account; you'll need to either transfer your data (and incur bandwidth costs), or re-deploy your hosted service to the region currently hosting your data (no bandwidth costs). To minimize downtime if your site is live, you can push your new hosted service up (to a new name), then change your DNS information to point to the new hosted service.
EDIT 5/23/2012 - If you re-visit the portal and create a new storage account or hosted service, you'll notice that the Anywhere options are no longer available. This doesn't impact existing accounts (although they'll now be shown at their current subregion).
In order to avoid such charges the best guideline is to use Affinity Groups. You define affinity group once, and then choose it when creating new storage account or hosted service. You can still have the Affinity Group in "Anywhere US", but as long as both the storage account and the hosted service are in the same affinity group, they will be placed in one DataCenter.
As for moving account from one region to another - I don't think it is possible. You might have to create a new account and migrate the data if required. You can use some 3rd party tool as Cerebrata's Cloud Storage Studio to first export your data and then import it into the new account.
Don't forget - use affinity groups! This is the way to make 100% sure there will no be traffic charges between Compute, Storage, SQL Azure.
