Given two Linux static libraries, how to tell if one depends on the other? - linux

I have a bunch of .a files whose generation process is not controlled by me, nor are their sources. When I use them for linking, I want to know their dependencies (libA.a depends on libB.a if there is some symbol undefined in libA.a but defined in libB.a), so that I can put them in the correct order in the ld/gcc command line.
I don't want to do over linking (i.e. specify those libraries twice), because I want to persist those dependencies into BUILD file of bazel, so I want to know the precise dependency.
I wonder if there is some command line tool, given libA.a and libB.a, can tell whether libA.a depends on libB.a? If there is not such, how do I write such a script?
Note: my definition for dependency may not be 100% accurate. Let me know if there are other types of dependency other than defined/undefined symbols.
The simplest way is to process the output of nm libA.a and nm libB.a and look for U symbols, but there are many types of symbols listed in man nm, each of them have different semantic, so I am concerned I might miss some if I use such simplified approach.

I would use the approach beginning with U symbols. In practice, the uppercase symbol types are all you need to be concerned with (those are what you link against). I wrote scripts to print the exported and imported symbols, and for this case, it would be enough to do
exports libB.a >libB-exports
externs libA.a >libA-externs
comm libB-exports libA-externs >libA-needs-libB
to list symbols where libA would use a symbol from libB (the lists are sorted, so comm should "just work"). If those were shared libraries, the scripts would have to be modified (adding a -D option to `nm).
Further reading:
exports script to show which symbols are exported from a collection of object files
externs display all external symbols used by a collection of object files


Any way for nasm to automatically add used external symbols?

Is there any way for NASM to generate extern declarations automatically for any undeclared symbol it finds?
What I have now:
a source file for my app
a large include with all the GL_ defines and ~500 of OpenGL functions declared as extern gl* (made from gl.h)
This of course generates an adequately large relocation table as a result.
But I am using only a small percentage of all the declared OpenGL functions and I would like to include only those that I have used, possibly without having to declare the externs by myself at all?
Or should I stick to my previous way of doing this and manually declaring every new extern as soon as I need it?
I did read the NASMdocs and did a search, but all I found is how to declare externs and how to use them between .o files, which is not the problem.
After some more research I managed to find a solution to this: stripping.
First, I build my objects and executable as normal, including in them the large relocation tables. But at each step I add strip --strip-unneeded - both for intermediate objects and for the final executable.
What it does, it leaves only the symbols that were actually used in the objects, while removing all the others. It does add a bit of overhead to the compilation process, but it's mostly unnoticeable.
I have also found that stripping both the .o files, as well as the executable produces the smallest file. I suppose there are new symbols added while linking and some of them are unused and thus can be stripped.
It's very easy to do by adding this to the Makefile.

Any tools to find order of .o files to be linked in a project using gcc

I am porting vc++ project to work on the Linux platform i am using g++ as my compiler. i resolved compiling issues on g++ and able to generate .o files for every source file in vc++ project now i have to link them to produce final executable
i can do that by
g++ file1.o file2.o -o file.out
but when i do that in my make file and execute it a lot of ld errors are coming dueto dependency's
is there any way i can figure it out order of giving the object files ?
are there any tools to do that or any vc++ project files which have the order ?
You say "vc++", but you are using "gcc" (usually that would be g++"). Likely you are missing one or more libraries, which you would specify with a "-l" option (documented as part of ld as well as gcc).
The distinction is important, because each wrapper (gcc and g++) adds the corresponding runtime library to the options it passes to ld.
The order of shared libraries (the most common form with Linux) supposedly does not matter (the linker makes two passes to resolve symbols). A while back, before shared libraries were common, I wrote a program (named liborder, and mentioned here) which analyzes a collection of ".o" objects and "-l" (static libraries) to print a recommended order for the "-l" options. That was workable for small programs, but not for complex ones. For example, Oracle's runtime libraries around 20 years ago were all static, and one needed a list of 15-20 libraries in the proper order to successfully link. My program could not handle that. However, since then, shared libraries (which do not have the problem with ordering) are common enough that I have not bothered to package liborder for use by others (it's still on a to-do list with a dozen other programs).
If your program uses symbols which are not in the standard library for C/C++, then you have to determine that yourself. I suppose one could have a program that searches all of the development libraries for a given symbol, but that appears wasteful, since only a tiny fraction would be pertinent. I see 200 of these in my /usr/lib.
Rather, I make it easy for me to see what my program is missing, by presenting the symbols from nm in readable form -
For C, I use scripts (here as "externs" and "imports") to check which symbols are exported or imported from a collection of ".o" files. The scripts use the output of the nm program, which shows the given symbols.
For C++, there's an option "-C" of nm which shows the unmangled names of symbols.

how to resolve weak symbols at link time (not load time) inside a shared library

I've had another accident of a shared library finding some symbols somewhere else
than inside itself.
How can I prevent this?
I'm already using -fvisibility=hidden.
It looks like that all template functions are compiled as weak symbols and only resolved at load time.
I'm already using RTLD_DEEPBIND to avoid this problem -- but purify ignores this option.
It seems the solution to this problem is the objcopy command from GNU binutils.
It allows one to change symbol attributes.
The option to use would potentially be
Another way is to use the g++ compiler option -fno-weak -- but the g++ man page discourages the use of this option -- I'm not certain why -- potentially certain symbols from the C++ library must end up as weak.

A question about how loader locates libraries at runtime

Only a minimum amount of work is done
at compile time by the linker; it only
records what library routines the
program needs and the index names or
numbers of the routines in the
library. (source)
So it means won't check all libraries in its database,only those recorded by the application programe itself, that is to say, only those specified by gcc -lxxx.
This contradicts with my previous knowledge that will check all libraries in its database one by one until found.
Which is the exact case?
I will make a stab at answering this question...
At link time the linker (not will make sure that all the symbols the .o files that are being linked together are satisfied by the libraries the program is being linked against. If any of those libraries are dynamic libraries, it will also check the libraries they depend on (no need to include them in the -l list) to make sure that all of the symbols in those libraries are satisfied. And it will do this recursively.
Only the libraries the executable directly depends on via supplied -l parameters at link time will be recorded in the executable. If the libraries themselves declared dependencies, those dependencies will not be recorded in the executable unless those libraries were also specified with -l flags at link time.
Linking happens when you run the linker. For gcc, this usually looks something like gcc a.o b.o c.o -lm -o myprogram. This generally happens at the end of the compilation process. Underneath the covers it generally runs a program called ld. But ld is not at all the same thing as (which is the runtime loader). Even though they are different entities they are named similarly because they do similar jobs, just at different times.
Loading is the step that happens when you run the program. For dynamic libraries, the loader does a lot of jobs that the linker would do if you were using static libraries.
When the program runs, (the runtime loader) actually hooks the symbols up on the executable to the definitions in the shared library. If that shared library depends on other shared libraries (a fact that's recorded in the library) it will also load those libraries and hook things up to them as well. If, after all this is done, there are still unresolved symbols, the loader will abort the program.
So, the executable says which dynamic libraries it directly depends upon. Each of those libraries say which dynamic libraries they directly depend upon, and so forth. The loader ( uses that to decide which libraries to look in for symbols. It will not go searching through random other libraries in a 'database' to find the appropriate symbols. They must be in libraries that are in the dependency chain.

Are there any tools for checking symbols in cross compiled .so files?

I've got an application that loads .so files as plugins at startup, using dlopen()
The build environment is running on x86 hardware, but the application is being cross compiled for another platform.
It would be great if I could (as part of the automated build process) do a check to make sure that there aren't any unresolved symbols in a combination of the .so files and the application, without having to actually deploy the application.
Before I write a script to test symbols using the output of nm, I'm wondering if anyone knows of a utility that already does this?
edit 1: changed the description slightly - I'm not just trying to test symbols in the .so, but rather in a combination of several .so's and the application itself - ie. after the application loaded all of the .so's whether there would still be unresolved symbols.
As has been suggested in answers (thanks Martin v. Löwis and tgamblin), nm will easily identify missing symbols in a single file but won't easily identify which of those symbols has been resolved in one of the other loaded modules.
Ideally, a cross-nm tool is part of your cross-compiler suite. For example, if you build GNU binutils for cross-compilation, a cross-nm will be provided as well (along with a cross-objdump).
Could you use a recursive version of ldd for this? Someone seems to have written a script that might help. This at least tell you that all the dependency libs could be resolved, if they were specified in the .so correctly in the first place. You can guarantee that all the dependencies are referenced in the .so with linker options, and this plus recursive ldd would guarantee you no unresolved symbols.
Linkers will often have an option to make unresolved symbols in shared libraries an error, and you could use this to avoid having to check at all. For GNU ld you can just pass --no-allow-shlib-undefined and you're guaranteed that if it makes a .so, it won't have unresolved symbols. From the GNU ld docs:
Report unresolved symbol references from regular object files.
This is done even if the linker is creating a non-symbolic shared
library. The switch --[no-]allow-shlib-undefined controls the
behaviour for reporting unresolved references found in shared
libraries being linked in.
Allows (the default) or disallows undefined symbols in shared
libraries. This switch is similar to --no-undefined except
that it determines the behaviour when the undefined symbols are
in a shared library rather than a regular object file. It does
not affect how undefined symbols in regular object files are
The reason that --allow-shlib-undefined is the default is that the
shared library being specified at link time may not be the
same as the one that is available at load time, so the symbols might
actually be resolvable at load time. Plus there are some systems,
(eg BeOS) where undefined symbols in shared libraries is normal.
(The kernel patches them at load time to select which function is most
appropriate for the current architecture. This is used for example to
dynamically select an appropriate memset function). Apparently it is
also normal for HPPA shared libraries to have undefined symbols.
If you are going to go with a post-link check, I agree with Martin that nm is probably your best bet. I usually just grep for ' U ' in the output to check for unresolved symbols, so I think it would be a pretty simple script to write.
The restrictions in nm turned out to mean that it wasn't possible to use for a comprehensive symbol checker.
In particular, nm would only list exported symbols.
However, readelf will produce a comprehensive list, along with all of the library dependencies.
Using readelf it was possible to build up a script that would:
Create a list of all of the libraries used,
Build up a list of symbols in an executable (or .so)
Build up a list of unresolved symbols - if there are any unresolved symbols at this point, there would have been an error at load time.
This is then repeated until no new libraries are found.
If this is done for the executable and all of the dlopen()ed .so files it will give a good check on unresolved dependencies that would be encountered at run time.
